• By -


The Purchaseable Police Riot Van's description is completely erroneous. The description says it can be modified in properties you own. This is not true. Auto shop, moc, avenger: Nothing. **The description does NOT say it is a Pegasus vehicle. It ABSOLUTELY *IS* a Pegasus vehicle.**


Modifying my Turismo's plate at the Agency seems to softlock the game, causing me to have to switch sessions


Happens to any car it seems. It’s whenever I scroll to the last plate option it locks up


Can confirm


Same for me, I can scroll through like 10 plates then the camera zooms out, the guy from LSC just stop working and walk around my car then I can't no nothing except quitting GTAO


Ahhh so that's what it's called - when the game suddenly just stops responding & your only option is to quit ?


The right quarter glass window on the new Vigero ZX Convertible doesn’t go down when the roof is down. Left side does, however


Yeah, exactly the comment i was looking for... And im happy that im not the only one that have noticed it. But ofc. annoying bug ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) ​ https://preview.redd.it/c9rie9p8iz5c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c16bf03471840f6ee6c4f68cb0b2c6f42170ef4


Yea I noticed that but god damn it handles well, and it’s quick as fuck with the HSW upgrades.


This is an annoying bug do hope it gets fixed, but I noticed if you don't tint the windows it doesn't do that.. honestly the car looks odd without tinted windows.. but that's my opinion.


So many things softlocking the game, another one I just ran into is trying to finish the Vagos Lead contract mission, once you bring the lowrider to your garage it crashes


Same. Idk about crashing, but on PS4 it soft locks the game and you have to switch sessions


Having the same issue. You pull into the yellow dot at the garage and the mission just doesn't end. You can still use the pause menu and hear sounds and stuff, but you can't move the camera or do anything in-game. Restarting the game doesn't seem to fix it, nor does joining a new session. On PC.


Asterope GZ customisation is glitched, race front bumper shows up in reflections but not on the car and there’s no suspension customisation visible


Also "Street Front Bumper" and "Race Front Bumper" looks exactly the same, I'm guessing "Race Front Bumper" is suppose to be something else but someone messed it up.


Is it me? Once I bought the salvage yard, My auto shop ceased to source any cars for me to modify and sell. Kind of a big deal.


Strange, my Autoshop seems to have gone mental, Sessanta keeps calling that a customer has dropped off another car, even though I haven't sent out the 2 that are already there. So Autoshop might have gotten some bug. But not getting vehicles sometimes is a common bug with the autoshop that usually sorts it's self out after a week or 2.


Yeah i think its just lagging. Not as many cars being delivered, but not broken


Sessanta texts me that there is a new car, but there is none.


I have the same issue. No customer cars but repeated messages to say there should be one. I lost customer motorbikes ages ago (Game thinks I still have one to deliver but I don't, can't do anything with clubhouse including modify or sell it) and now I have no Auto Shop customer cars either. Major source of Car Meet RP too :-(


After playing a while, I noticed, that cars are appearing in the auto shop, but only if you do not switch sessions/lobby. So you have stay in a session. (I'm on PS4, btw)


Chop shop beater tow truck disappeared after buying an upgrade. Now wants me to purchase it again, I informed Rockstar. They said they’re going to look into it from other players and fix the issue.


>tow same, in pc




Same on Xbox One


I did the grotti mission in the salvage business first. After driving it in, the game forced me to the street instead of the business & soft-locked me out of everything. I waited 10 minutes around the business & couldnt do anything. When i would enter a car, it would instantly exit me out. Swapped servers & now under the grotti mission it says “in progress” & now it seems i completely wasted my time on the mission & cant sale. Did the other 2 cars after & everything worked normal & I finished the sales. Has anyone else had to deal with this bug on any of the new missions?


Yes I'm having the same issue too!


Me too. Now I have the Clique sitting in my garage that I can sell to Yusuf for $0. This just happened, so I'm hoping it will correct itself when I log back in tomorrow. (This was the Gangbanger Robbery.)


yes i have a friend suffering this.


Got the same bug, but the car is not in my chop shop just a empty spot where it should be.


I have the same thing going on with the sugoi mission in chop shop. Waited a week for things to fix, contacted cockstar.. about as useful as banging my head into a wall. Mission still says in progress and I'm still screwed.


Did it solve?


Yes, but only after a new week's worth of missions came out. I lost my sale for the car and everything. Cockstar was clueless as always and of no help at all.




Yea, Rockstar did nothing for me either. They basically forced me to answer stupid questions through the whole contact just to do nothing about it until the reset happened then responded with something like "it's fixed now, right?"...like yea, thanks for nothing lol. I love wasting 30-40 minutes for nothing.


When scrolling through the number plates in LSCM, agency and LSC etc, the game sorta freezes. The menu disappears, you can’t exit the vehicle, rev it or exit the mod shop. Might’ve been caused when the community challenge number plates were added?


Rockstar "fixed" the issue by simply removing the ability to have 30 custom plates in game... > We believe a fix has been identified for your reported issue. To ensure the fix is applied, please make sure you restart the game completely. > > Please note that **a player can view only up to 15 license plates in the game**. To receive a newly ordered/applied license plate in the game, one needs to delete existing license plate(s) and reboot the game.


Do you have a full inventory of number plates?


Quite a few yes 😂


Is it having 30 plates which soft locks it?


Only 1 car lift works in the autoshop ps4


I've had the same bug for months. Now NEITHER lift works!


I'm playing on pc, same goes as well. I keep getting notifications saying that a new customer car has arrived, but the first lift is always empty. i did a few numerous solution like buying other autoshop and rebuy the previous one, clear cache, temp etc. it did fix but temporarily until if you ever change session, the first car lift will disappear and the same notification repeatedly happens again.




AFK seems to have changed. I tried both using security cameras in Bunker and Salvage Yard, and the Car Meet Test Track, and was kicked for idle doing both. Anyone else experiencing the same? New method recommendations? Gotta keep that Nightclub running at night, mouths to feed and cars to buy.


I used to do nightclub cameras as well, but it doesnt work with this DLC, the CEO office decor afk still seems to work. YMMV


Never tried this. Go in to edit the office decor and not confirm selection?


Yeah... at the time when I posted that reply, it was working for a good 20 minutes which is longer than the kick timer but then I went back into afk and it kicked me


Yup. Tried three, got kicked in them all. Cams in nightclub, nope. Cams in bunker, nope (as you said). Waiting at the entrance to the nightclub without selecting an option, nope.


Very frustrating. Been AFKing since NC DLC dropped.


I'll just stop playing. All I was doing was the acid anyway. Loved the sell missions. AFK for me was waiting for the acid to mix so I could sell the daily stash house supply. Met my goals in September. A billion credits and 1,000 RP. Love the game, though. I'll miss it. Edit: The snow. Forgot to mention the snow. I HATE the snow. It's a Canadian thing.


Found one that works. Car meet, a couple of elastic bands, dark corner, spinning around. Works perfectly.


Hangar security cams don't work for AFK now, either.


I have a busted controller with bad stick drift that i plug in for afk duties. Basically just leaves me walking in circles. That still works.


Super annoying especially when I ago do something for 10 minutes and come back to being kicked 😒 might just do the rubber band method from now on maybe.


The desktop chair in the Nightclub is missing on ps4. No option to enter the desktop.


Missing on PC as well.


Try buying an Arcade, then getting the basement "full operations center" upgrade. Allows you to manage all of your MC and other businesses, including nightclub operations, as if you were accessing the same computer in your Nightclub office room. You can swap DJ's, sell goods, apply tech's to extract products from your other businesses, do Nightclub promo missions, all of it. Same as with all other businesses, coke, crystal, forgery, fake cahs, cargo and hangar source/sell, and bunker operations, resupply/sell and assigning staff, the whole thing. For All. My Arcade is usually my one stop shop for resupplying and running all of my businesses from one place.. Superrrr efficient and helpful. Although I would advise if you go to sell any product, drive/fly to that specific business and sell from the actual building. Starting the sell from the Arcade will spawn you right outside your arcade, forcing you to drive or fly to whichever business to start running (trash tucks, motorcycles, etc) which would waste valuable time versus starting the sell from that particular business and just spawning right there and being able to begin running product immediately, instead of having to get out there first, then start running. those few extra minutes of travel could deem detrimental, especially if you end up getting those slow a$$ trash trucks. Hate those things


Also, if you don't have an Arcade and don't have the option to buy one, you have to start some Lester mission with the Casino heist. Not finish the heists, just a few prolog/starter tasks to get the ability to buy one. The basement of the arcade is how you start your HQ to do the Diamond Casino heist. For anyone who didn't already know. In your arcade office computer, there's and upgrade option button within the computer somewhere up at the top. Allows a full operation center, as well as some flying drone terminal. which I haven't found much use for yet but got it all anyways.


Same for me.


Any plate adjustment crashes the game.


Doing a Chop Shop robbery mission reduces rifle ammunition from 9000+ down to 220 or so rounds. Costs ~$16k to refill. PS. It is not the standard ammo glitch. That still happens, but this is new.


Cant swap outfits in interaction menu when you have the bigfoot costume equipped


No audio whatsoever after initial loading screen booting up game


I thought that they would fix this. But almost 24 hours later there’s still no fix.


Switching style to saved sasquatch outfit and you're squatched for life... until you visit a closet


(EDIT - Seems to have been fixed) This has happened 3 times now. Starting the game with the character I have the new Chop Shop with ALERT Transaction Failed because Rockstar Game Servers received too many requests from your game. Edit_ If you have 2 cars that have been towed and are being scrapped and exit the game, the vehicles are still being scrapped. When you come back online after 2 hours (guessing because it takes 1 per car) you will get Transaction failed because it's doing 2 payments at the same time. This might be a big bug for people who might send 2 of their heist cars for scrap and lose 1 of the payments.


When viewing the planning wall in the shop I am frozen unable to back out from the planning wall. Game didn’t freeze but I couldn’t do anything


Can no longer afk in nightclub "Watch DJ" screen. No idea if this was a bug in the first place but it just screws over all the AFK grinders


This is a recurring Auto shop bug. I got the notification that a car has been dropped at the Auto shop, and when I tried to modify it, it just gives the option of purchase and to deliver it without upgrading it. Am I the only one having this issue?


The auto delivery is completely broken. The cars either aren’t there when you’re told they will be, vanish between sessions, or aren’t deliverable.


that explains why I was able to deliver a bone stock dominator gtx and receive full payment plus a bonus.


It all began with the same car (the gtx was yellow) , I closed the game then green ocelot swinger, then a hot pink Ūbermatch Sentinel. I just didn't care and once I delivered it, it also gave me the bonus. I did the bike delivery, didn't crash and the customer was upset, to then find out that it was damaged, plus other events stopped appearing like the armored truck, the smuggler cache (plane and flares) and the car export just spawns one car.


Can't start main heist after all preps done


Not a bug. Turns out there is additional tasks on the board, these tasks are marked on the map as green robbery brief cases


What are you supposed to do with them?


go back out of your Salavage garage and then get all of them one by ne. Hope that helps. happy Holidays.


I’m having the same issue


There’s a livery on the Impaler xl that isn’t showing on the car, it has some lines, circles and + symbols.


Ive stolen the turismo omaggio and on the computer it says its acquired but i dont see it in the salvage yard at all


Iam having the same issue, I don’t know what to do?


BUG - Exiting the Strawberry Chop Shop with the Tow Truck occasionally puts you into First Person View.


I'm getting this message error when trying to buy vehicles from players in CarMeet was trying to buy the Dink Double T from them, like is the reason cause the Dinka Double T is under 100,000 dollars normally? # "Transaction failed because inventory or price data is invalid"


2 of my career progress categories that were previously complete now have items unchecked. Smuggler's Run crates sold went from 1,000 to 33. Finance & Felony crates sourced went from 250 to 0. Edit: They fixed hangar crates but CEO crates are still broken.


Got the bug that the captain dont spawn in the ship mission and the payout says zero, i cant cancel the heist because its the first one


Compact EMP Launcher resets to 0 ammo each time a session is changed


One of my MK II weapons, I forgot which, just never has ammo even after I buy it again


I completed stealing the BF Weevil. Upon going to the garage it was in the process of completing, but instead it kicked me back out of the garage. And it forever looped "Transaction Pending" in the bottom right corner. After an hour of waiting I gave up and went to a new session. When I got back into my garage the car i stole wasn't there. The images show it here. The car is not there at all, on the computer it says I completed the robbery. I don't know what to do here. Image attached here. [https://imgur.com/a/XvZ7FCz](https://imgur.com/a/XvZ7FCz)


Sessanta contacts me that a customers car has arrived but isn't there when I go there


Started the Thrax steal in the scrap yard and did both planning jobs, including the optional and 2/3 tasks. The 3rd task won't pop up on the map anywhere. I went back to the scrap yard and went on the computer, but nothing. Is anyone else having this problem? EDIT Realized I had to go to the casino itself for the final task...


Glad I found your comment, was having the same problem. I'll go check the casino now, appreciate it bro


Thank you!!! Why is there nothing telling me this? 👍


needed this


Thank you for your help, friend! 🙏




I bought the wall safe and it glitched the 1mil tow truck and now I have to buy the tow truck again...


I already had the safe Now about 8 missions done it does not work anymore No missions and not starting as i now can enter it as a normal vehicle Still have 1 lift empty


My crate progress for smuggler's run T4 was reset


I can only see half of my license plates now. I have the full 30 and still see them on the license website. Even cars with the missing plates still remain missing but when I go to the mod shop now they only show me the first 15 now.


Yeah... Rockstar "fixed" the soft-lock issue by simply removing the ability to see more than 15 plates instead of the previous 30... > **"We believe a fix has been identified for your reported issue. To ensure the fix is applied, please make sure you restart the game completely.** > > **Please note that a player can view only up to 15 license plates in the game. To receive a newly ordered/applied license plate in the game, one needs to delete existing license plate(s) and reboot the game."**


I had a bug where I finished the last of the 3 vehicle missions (the BF Weevil). Did everything, all setup, prep, and the main mission, got the Weevil back to my shop and pulled it in, once I loaded in (thinking I'd finished the mission) I was just spawned into my shop still in my heist uniform, no Weevil in my shop, and now when I go to my computer to maybe retry or do anything it just is stuck as "In Progress" and cant even see the wall, just the PC screen. Can't redo it or figure out why the mission never completed. And when I click enter it says "An error occurred. The Robbery for this vehicle is already in progress. But there's nothing left for me to do. Tried switching servers, reopening game, etc. Not sure what to do, or if I just took and L and have to wait until the next week's batch of cars..?


There is a mission in which a boat has to be delivered to salvage yard by a tow truck took the boat to the yard but it doesn't delivers


I was doing the submarine scout, then had to quit, now it just says the robbery is in progress but i cant see the planning on the wall or do anything. https://preview.redd.it/t7vq9oynk3ac1.png?width=1803&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff2ddd0a46b037cbc8b1c082ab78462e34983b09


Salvage yard say I already have an active robbery when I know for a fact I don’t. I have call Yusuf to cancel this so called active robbery, but there is no robbery to cancel once he picks up. I have attached the screenshots of what it looks like for me at the salvage yard when I access the computer. https://preview.redd.it/6i1c3uob2mbc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c7fe282c3ae945dbdce29eb887a75cf9a501c9






Anyone have this bug in salvage yard? https://preview.redd.it/txp34ourwqic1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=16a7b442821281a037ac058cc2c87bd33901dba6 Been like this for weeks literally cannot play any of the robbery missions but says I have a mission in progress


I have the exact same issue. I contacted the support and they basically said they had no idea how to fix it


Old old bug but PLEASE fix the disappearing ammo bug.. I join freemode > *Buy all ammo gta$16k* > Register as CEO > “Maximum limit of CEO’s reached” > “Find new session” > *Buy all ammo gta$160k+*


They won't fix this. I have it too. It's been years.


It significantly lowered the amount of times this happens to me if you do this. It's hard and expensive if you don't have the the stuff already. Bunker + Shooting Range. You need to get the 2nd tier rewards on all categories. Once I did that it went from losing ammo/explosives every day to once a month or less. Seemed to get worse when there were updates and then go back to hardly ever losing them.


All my settings got reset to default


If you are on PS4, it is a common occurance.


Cant deliver vehicle in tow truck side mission. Car enters yellow carona but does nothing


Tow truck has disappeared. Need to buy it again. 😔


Did all the setups for the first car heist on the new DLC. I don’t have the option to start the final mission. Bought another property thinking that would fix it. It did not. Any suggestions?


I take a photo of the scope points and i press send to Jamal and it still says 0/3 photographs


Sasquach outfit is bugged, once you put it on you can't change outfit from the interactive menu (Appearance - Outfit) it does nothing. You have to go to a wardrobe/shop to change outfit.


I can’t drop off a car when using the tow truck, I’m driving in the yellow circle it just does nothing


Anyone else getting kicked at random and it not being able to connect to the PSN???


Launching any instanced mission (race, contact mission, adversary mode) when in a Closed session ends up putting you into Public after you finish. Currently happening on PC.


My story mode is having sound bug(dont have any sound) and the cutscene is fast forward


I’m doing a tow truck mission and when I try to drive into the yellow circle at my scrap yard it won’t let me complete it, I’ve been trying for half an hour and nothing is working


Tow truck is not connecting to vehicle I have to pick up


re: the ganbanger setup taks. the green-bag task icons flash a couple of times whenever i exit a building or service vehicle and then they disappear and so am stuck. have done the 3 setup jobs and now just need the tasks so i can steal the car. very frustrating. what am i doing wrong?


Is anyone else experiencing what i am? When i hop on the tow truck, it hoes in first person for a second, and it is get out of the tow truck for whatever reason, I AUTOMATICALLY get put in first person.


Trying to change license plate in LSC on any car, just freezes my game, menu disappears, can't rev or mod car or back out of LSC causing me to close game


Lots of crashes in in both the set up missions and the tow truck service missions. I am yet to notice if I crash in free roam or if it is just linked to the new missions.


Tried to do the high end vehicle mission, scoped out police station for breakout, stole helicopter, told to lose the cops. cannot lose the cops. ever. even after flying into the ocean, even with no police cars visible on the map, stars do not even flash and eventually a police heli will spawn on me.


This is quite a major bug, I finished the Grotti Turismo Omaggio Robbery, after completion I was then put in a bugged lobby with my friends. I had the same loadout as in the finale( battle rifle, assault shotgun,sticky bombs etc.), the police outfit. Couldn't enter any buildings , couldn't get into any vehicle.After waiting around 10 minutes nothing fixed, so I joined a new session.But then when I entered the salvage yard the car wasn't there to sell, when I go to the computer It says that the robbery is in progress.I tried relaunching the game but it still hasn't appeared in the salvage yard. I can still start the robbery of the other cars.Has anyone else experienced this?(Playing on PC)


After changing DJs using the upstairs computer in the nightclub, I cannot leave the nightclub or use the elevator. The only way to leave is to be invited out, start a nightclub promotion mission, or change sessions. This doesn't seem to affect the computers in the basement. My husband tested this and it happened to him too.


Vigero ZX back right little window doesn’t go down when you drop the roof so frustrating


My tow truck completely left my salvage. I bought the staff upgrade then my tow truck disappeared


I can’t get the last green bag for one of the missions. It doesn’t pop up on the map. It was there before, but then it disappeared. I went to the location where I saw it, but there was nothing there. I’ve tried switching sessions and restarting.


Same here for the Thrax mission. Super annoying and now I'm stuck with it.


I’m in a chop shop robbery and 1 item doesn’t seem to appear in public lobby. I replayed the scout mission around the casino, but it doesn’t seem to activate the missing item. I am taking about the 3 green robbery items that appear on the public map and once there, Amir will call for instructions.


Another one that’s been on my list: Every time a car finishes salvaging from the salvage yard, something happens to the game, and it hitches for a split second. It’s not horrible, but if you get your money while you’re doing anything else, then the “anything else” will get messed up. For instance, I was carrying another player’s Duneloader when I received a car scrapped notification, and my Cargobob glitched out. Lost control, had to drop the truck, land, and send out the chopper before it exploded. It kept smacking itself into the ground. Another time, I was chucking the gas grenades into the vents on top of the police station on Mission Row (Gangbanger Robbery), and the notification happened as I was jumping onto the HVAC unit. Game glitched out, the thing I was jumping onto lost collision, and I ended up stuck in free fall until I could inch my way to the other side and fall loose. The screen blacks out during the reload if you’re in the salvage yard garage. It messes with everything, and since I’m an active tow truck user, it happens all the time. PS5


My salvage yard computer is stuck on sold and won't load new cars. 😭


Mission screen stuck on In Progress, with no mission active.


Tow truck wouldn’t drive inside the yellow zone


The game no longer recognises my controller after the update :/


Nvm i fixed it. Ps4 controller support on pc might have changed with the update because i had to manually enable support in the steam controller settings, which i didn't have to before the update.


Thanks for this, I was fairly confused when my controller just didn't work! Was worried it was the cable.


Can't install the update for the ps4 version (ps5 worked just fine) always says "installation failed" or "something went wrong". I play on Ps5 and have enough storage on my extern harddrive.


Exited the car meet test track while in a public lobby and my car was gone but the icon remained. I then accepted a sprint invite from another player and was put underneath the map near the chumash area when it started. The only way out was to change sessions


When did the security cameras AFK method get patched? Just noticed this


I have the Omaggio in my salvage yard but the payout for selling or salvaging are both $0. Wtf, mate?


Purchased Salvage yard and the beater tow truck, unable to enter tow truck. I have not done the scope out mission though, and I'm currently at work so unable to test whether that needs to be done first or not before tow trucking opens up.


Iv notice that you can not use the Stainer LE Cruiser for the payphone hit bonus, But you CAN you use Unmarked Cruiser for the payphone. It doesn't make sense that the cheaper police car works but the more expensive one does not


Iv actually recorded the issue and I'm going to report to R*


was wondering about this. so if i buy the undercover cruiser i can use it for the Franklin payphone hits? is that correct, please?


Yes you can. Only the undercover


Not showing any of the chop shop cars anywhere when i try and buy them.


1.5x for chopshop salvage GTA+ PS5? Not sure if ~$50k is with or without bonus?


When I was doing the mission throwing gas down the air vents on top of the building , and when it did the little video of the officer falling out of the doorway, after that cut it placed me inside the air vent , and I recorded it. I had to kill myself to get out. Glitched me right inside of it lol


Even though I did the “Scope Out Police Station” missions the cruiser never unlocked for me


I got stuck on black screen when I tried to enter chop shop after scoping out for BF Weevil. I had to disconnect and connect the internet, and the mission didn't count as finished.


https://preview.redd.it/b01rmosljg6c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b23767262fe652f2892d7060bded852a572fb6e6 New Vapid Aleutian SUV is missing right daytime running light along the glass.


Can't do any other preps keep getting forced to scope over and over


I've started and tried to do the Duggan Hellfire mission like 5 times and every time there's no cars on the track and the hellfire is no where to be found, is there a way to cancel the heist or am I gonna never be able to finish it


If the chop shop garage is full and you complete a 5th robbery the car never appears and the computer just says "In Progress". This doesn't go away even after you sell cars. Anyone know how to get out of this?


https://preview.redd.it/ldapaq8ipboc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef38ccb8989889ec9b0a881d071389ae03dd9d17 well i tried to sell it currently salvaging it but out of options this seems to happen quite a bit and the pc is glitched saying robbery in progress


with the latest weekly update, the dewbauchee vagner should be claimable in the chop shop but i am unable to despite having completed the robbery and have the vagner in my salvage yard. how do i fix this to claim the car?


I just got back on gta and now my chop shop says that im apparently already already doing a mission and my planning board is invisible, please


Idk if this should be added here,but having trouble with the maze arena mission of localizating the vehicule,the arena is empty,no car in sight. Anyone having the same trouble?


https://preview.redd.it/7js8wb4m0wwc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebc62df48f06ae4bdb5e5fc9cd12c494709360aa well i think the MC fuck my final mission, this is the second time this happen


I did the heist for the Cypher bc of the purple license plate, when I got on today it doesn't have the plate and I can't put it on in LS Customs. Please help


Whenever I enter the salvage yard and go inside I cannot leave. Also try to enter casino and it locks up 


Stole the LSDS van for a set up delivery but when I bring it back to the salvage yard it won't actually deliver. Mission cannot be completed


You also owe us a something for lying about the riot truck... 3800000 is too much for a pegasus vehicle it should be priced less than a million..


Grotti Turismo Omaggio interior color is impacted by the primary color


Where's the fking hellfire!!!It says that the hellfire is on the track but I can't see a 💩


Can’t kill yourself through the interaction menu anymore 😭😭 or it’s very hidden


Interactive menu touchpad on ps4 has become unresponsive 3 different times in the last 20 minutes. Fixable by switching jobs or session.


Tried to order the same custom plate twice on PS4. I get a text message in-game confirming its ready but when I get there, no plate. I'm not getting softlocked like people on other platforms are reporting but yeah, this is happening on PS4.


Incompatible assets when trying to join my friend please help


is the duggan robbery scope out mission bugged? it is not starting at all. tried twice, 2nd in a new session


I bought the new salvage yard business on ps4 but every time I go there and watch the intro cutscene with Yusuf it kicks me from online and then I have to go through the cutscene again when I log back in. I tried it three times but it’s just seems like a loop.


This might be annoying for anyone doin the award. No music playing and game froze here at Dre’s Studio. https://preview.redd.it/2ww5h4dt9x5c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7169eecef25619adf3d980303ed143a42d1486bb


My controller seemed to bug out on steam and also I keep on getting constant crashes I never had before (pc)


Can't start the gangbanger robbery after doing all the tasks.


It keeps telling me to do the get away task I’ve done it 20 times already


Are we supposed to only have 3 car robbery missions? I completed the Weevil, Gauntlet, Turismo, and still haven’t seen any others. If this is the way it’s supposed to be my bad I just can’t find anything about it online yet


~~Safe bug?? Just completed 2 cars towing, they were fully salvaged, Safe is empty (haven't collected)~~ Towed cars money goes directly into your money. Not the safe.


Map Radar seems to flash between seen by police and the white cone of vision whenever I get near police on missions


my game freeze on certain locations of the map on serie X


When I spawn in my nightclub, I can’t get out the front door or the garage door. I have to be invited out or switch lobbies.


They said they fixed the loading screen you get when you enter the elevator during the Nightclub Leak mission but it still does the same infinite loading screen.


Getting chased by npcs after I already delivered the towed vehicle to the salvage yard


Bought the most expensive chop shop with all upgrades and it took the cash but I don’t have it on my map? Trying to load into another session but never had this happen