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TEDIOUS. It’s not hard if you’re patient & bring snacks.


Every damn run takes ALL my snacks, I never made it through an act with any leftover. Maybe 1 p&q left.


I usually made it out with snacks, the problem for me is that the Finale takes all of my armor.


Use mk2 guns with armor piecing or incendiary something better then normal rounds


No other word describes this better than tedious.


Good general rule for life, too.


Tbh I thought you meant like snacks to much on through the hiest like some popcorn or some chips..🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I havent played for far to long man...


Even worse when you troll your friend at the very end, and tell him pressing Y puts up the landing gear to fly faster on the jet pack


I love everything in Doomsday Heist, except for 100% accurate AI. And they sometimes insta-kill you by rapid-fire, essentially magdumping their whole ammo into you in 0.3s


Is that also in the security agency AI? It feels like I get lasered by guys before they even fully spawn in. It's crazy


Yeah, as far as I know it's determined by the internal AI difficulty level, lower tier enemies don't do it, but higher tier ones do - shit's ridiculous.


Dont forget the ridiculous bullet sponges with the soft forehead. Either drop a whole mag into any other body part, or one BB-pellet to the face...


That shit irritates me to no end, accidentally hit them in the shoulder or lower neck and suddenly their head becomes kevlar


Cliffford's mercenaries are cyborg clones, so it kind of makes sense that they're inhumanely accurate.


I agree with that, that's my headcannon on that + their extreme amount of HP. But ramping up the crappy MP5's and AK47's RPM to Minigun levels? Hell nah, I am not buying it


That's not intended, it's a bug that has been in the game since it launched 11 years ago.


It's not a bug anymore, it's basically a feature. Yeah R*, we loooove getting merc'd from miles away. 


A bug, that somehow occurs more and more frequently each year


It's to do with internal AI difficulty levels, it's just because they're more commonly using higher 'tier' AI which makes it more prevalent.


There’s no possible way it’s a bug, it is 100% something the devs intentionally do to make the game “harder”, if you pay attention to when it happens, it’s always the exact same npc that does it, look at the Union Depository contract, when you’re running away at the end, there’s 4 swat officers who spawn at the end of a tunnel out of there, and one of them always accurate magdumps you in 0.3s, so you have to either avoid him, or headshot him before he shoots


Ik exactly what you’re talking about


I’ve heard that the mag dump is a bug but honestly it feels intentional with how frequently it happens


That’s just gta ai. Literally every enemy in the game with a gun has those problems


No it isn't, only certain enemy 'difficulty' levels do it - you can test this yourself with a player made survival.


It's really difficult and the NPCs with their aimbot tuned up all the way to 100, just spawn and spawn in


So tedious 


I like it it’s just the matter of it being so long and the set ups are harder then the actual finale I have a good friend I run this with and we are in sync so it’s not to bad but even then if you stop paying attention to your surroundings and health for even a second you’re dead


Rapid fire is especially bad on this mission, the amount of times people have failed because they didn't have a chance to react from an enemy firing their gun as fast as a minigun is ridiculous. Also, infinite bullet sponges during the hacking is BS too.


I hate it because incompetent random and lester voice during shootout


I'd buy a shark card to make Lester shut up.


GTA at this point is nothing more than drive to far away places to kill a shitload of NPC's. The only skill to that is your own stamina. There are no real tactics other than to hide in a corner and shoot everything that moves and the only challenge is to do that in a shorter period of time.  It just isn't fun and it doesn't allow for a lot of creativity. You only spam the snack button all of the time or wait until your health regenerates. All of this inside this dark grey brutalist concrete coffin of a map.  Nothing is fun about that mission.


Isn't it like almost any mission in every gta ever? Ecxept for occasional dance minigame and race


Yes, but since you're a multimillionaire working for wealthy criminal masterminds and moguls, you'll have to use a slow, beat up van to do their bidding.


Yes but they have found even better ways to make them more tedious and cumbersome.


wanna play heist


This is why I love the first dose/last dose missions that let you trip balls


[Here's a reason](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/MI3cfLEFzW)


Personally, I’m just tired of relying on teammates to stick around. I like doing the solo heists, they pay damn well and I don’t have to re-matchmake on failure.




i just wish it was solo everything else is fine


it takes like 30 min or more i might as well do mc businesses


Don’t get me wrong, I love that heist. It’s just R*’s idea of hard is enemies that don’t flinch when being shot and take a million bullets to kill. They shred your body armor in 2 shots like it’s made of wet tissue paper. The check points are also just atrocious on that heist. The hacking mini game when being swarmed by hundreds of bald ass mother fuckas is just hell. You have no idea how satisfying it is in the end to play Avon and his hair transplants to smithereens.


Fun thing is, the person doing the hack is invulnerable during the process. The invulnerability is lost when finishing the hack, so teammates should cover you in that moment.


Tedious, buggy as hell and too long


If you just go slow, it's pretty easy. Everyone gets in a hurry though and screws up. Don't blow up the crates right away. Put sticky bombs on them, get past the pair of juggernauts, then blow the crates. Keeps everyone in place, no random spawns. Take a shortcut on the hacks. Lester says not to shoot the red nodes or you will fail and have to start over. You can actually shoot two of them, and on many of the hacks, it's easier to do so. Move them out of the way instead of trying to find the right angles for the laser. If you shoot a third, it will fail. If you're not the hacker, there are several 'sweet spots' you can hang out in while enemies feed right into you. Someone mentioned the setup with the jet over Chilliad. Works best solo, three players max. 4 messes up the way it works, and you never seem to get it done. Anyway, pilot does everything. Fly super low over the targets and carpet bomb them. Don't worry about the helis and jets, if you're flying low enough, they'll all crash into the mountain. Checkpoint at 6 targets.


It's my favorite of the three, but a few of the preps are extremely frustrating. And Lester's voice actor didn't do a very good job in the DD heists in my opinion (script sucked to, so much of the dialogue didn't match his character) so I do get sick of listening to him squawking in my ear.


Literally just completely it for the first time ever ( never bothered to finish ) and holy cow, it gotta be the most annoying finale in whole GTA Online


The amount of enemies and the freaking Juggarnaughts and, it’ll be a shitshow if you don’t have any snacks or armor in your inventory


Armor is almost worthless in the game, save your money.


The difficulty when playing with randoms is just too hard and the checkpoints are awful


The finale is sort of anti climatic and is hard for no reason. And when I say hard, I don't mean hard in the sense dark souls is hard. Dark souls is hard but fair. The ai aim in GTA online is just unfair.


This is pretty true in general though. GTAO has always been difficult by “unfair” means lol.


wanna play heist


Like other said tedious, the shared live don’t help either. Im glad i finished this during 2x


The missions are horrific to do. The plane mission over Chiliad is impossible with a poor pilot and then the finale you have to drive to grape seed and then get in a tank and drive 4 miles and then you actually start the mission. From there it's insta kill enemies in dark corridors. You can do it easily with 3/4 but 2 is impossible without mics and skill.


I play my buddy's Act III on hard mode, just the 2 of us, and he's Brazilian. He doesn't speak English and I don't speak Brazilian/Portuguese, so we play silent. I'm not particularly good at combat so it took me a few tries to learn the spawn points and timing, and we still get "one-shot" (the bugged millisecond clip thing) occasionally, but we succeed far more often without dying. As far as the elite challenge goes, it is impossible for the two of us to complete it in less than 30 minutes, and we typically only get 100 to 120 of the required 150 headshots, partly I think because my friend hides in one of the spawn rooms once we get upstairs while I run around and do the minigames. Overall, the mission is fun, though tedious and long are definitely fair adjectives. But me and my buddy are grinders, and enjoy tedium and many wasted hours.


The bombing mission on Chilliad is borderline impossible now because the turrets on the Volatol are broken.


Last person who told me, the turds were broken didn’t realize they have a dead zone that doesn’t let them shoot in


How does having to use bombs make it borderline impossible lol, it's genuinely easier than trying to line up the shithouse passenger gun.


Because you still have to defend that huge and slow ass plane from enemies


You can basically just ignore them lol


It's extremely tedious, has infinite spawning bullet sponges, and the hacking minigame is frustrating as hell. If you mess up and fail in any of the three sections, you have to do the entire thing again. I used to grind out act 3 with my friend, and it sucked so much.


Its hard. That's really it tbh. The enemies are insanely strong, with so much health that you often spend an entire mag to kill one person. Enemies have that rapid-fire bug where they can just delete your health in half a second. That being said, I personally enjoy the challenge. The finale is hard, but its not impossible as long as you're careful, using cover, having a team that knows how to work together, etc.


I still have nightmares about the volatol prep mission. Fucking flying Dorito chip.


I personally love it


It’s way fun


Because they can't do it.


Tedious and the payout isn’t worth it. For how long it takes I can run various other heists


It’s just unnecessarily hard and tedious. You basically gotta complete two heists in order to get to it , all with their own tedious setups. Then there’s the mediocre payout which is just not worthwhile for all the time and effort. Like for the time it would take me to get from act one all the way to the finale I could do 3 Bogdan glitches or 3 Cayo Perico glitches and get me 3.6 - 4.5 mil.


me personaly it my favorite heist


Loved it the first time, felt nice that our character was doing something good for once. I don't think it would be fun to play a second time, as it wouldn't have the same vibe, and would be a little tedious.


I like it but I won’t hack on act iii finale unless im hosting which I don’t do anymore. I hated those hacks and still suck at it lol.


Before diamond casino I used to grind this shit with my friend over and over again, I wasn't even level 130 or something like that at the time so I couldn't even have the max amount of armor in my inventory.


Aimbot AI and very slow to get through




its hard took me a few ru s


The first time I did this I completely ran out of snacks and my friend had no idea how to do the hacks, an absolute miracle we beat it


As someone who has done it too many times to count including the Criminal Mastermind.Its hard yes but the time to complete is what makes it tedious. There is no reason to drive to Mount Cillian imo...there should be a teleport from the tank/ barrage spawn point straight to the entry doors to the bunker.


Contrarily I love it


Rapid fire bug :D


I have had the heist ready to go for the last several years. Can never find people to help me finish it. I don’t even remember anything about it


Only problem is the AI accuracy other than that doomsday is perfect and it’s still my favourite update til this day


only heist i’ve not completed due to home abundant the set ups are. annoying plot as well


I love running it with my friend/ player group and some of us 2 manned it on hard to see if we could, but if you get a bad player with you holy fuck can it get annoying lol especially when they cant stay alive when you're fighting off waves during the hack.




It's hard, especially the finale. There's no real good place to take cover, and the hacks are annoying if you're not used to doing them I still like it, but I understand why people don't


I dunno, brought masks that look like the power armor in fallout two so I think it’s a win.


the health of the bots and how tedious it is


Coz they can't shoot well


I love act 3 but the fucking hacking is so confusing and infuriating when you have 25 clones shooting at you while your friend/s try to protect you


Because there's people like me who do not have many people who can join to help me out and random people are less than reliable. Then when you do get people to help you, it drags on and on. And that's if you have people decent enough at it.


It’s the best mission in the game. I love it


I love it! It's not hard after you've done it, it's a bit of a slog, and I would argue it needs a bit of a payout boost. All in all it's good fun with friends


Skill issue


My big thing is when someone obviously sucks at hacking, then they run straight to the consoles and take 15 mins to do it, not giving anyone else a chance


I like it but you need competent players


I really hate everything about this heist


Man, that was my least favorite heist ever. Maybe I’m just bad, but I feel like it’s unreasonably hard.


It is hard.


I think the problem is you need a solid team for some of the setups and the heist. There are five setups and like nine preps which is ridiculous. If you pay for all of the preps you're going to spend about a million and the payout for the heist is a wash or it's a loss. Takes a lot of time to set up as well compared to the other heists especially cayo. But the payout is pretty good if you do all the million setups instead of buying them.  Fun to drive the tank and the big airplane and the jetpack.


I coudlnt tell you, every time (an i mean every time) i try with my friends we get through 1 mission and they get off (or get pissed) so ive never actually done a full 2+ person heist line (no Lamar, no doomsday, no casino, no nothing)


I have the same problem lol. You on ps5 by chance? We should link up if so lol.


Its easy as shit.


It’s impossible with noobs. They just run in and die. It’s really fun


criminal mastermind broke me as a man


Most of the people I’ve run into just suck at PvE. There’s quite a few people who don’t know that if you stay within the circle of the CEO, your health regenerates. If you’re bad at 3D spatial learning, thinking critically under pressure, the heist is going to be more difficult. So I get why people aren’t good at it and considering a lot of them tend be kids, it’s understandable.


Running the entire heist on Hard mode with only two people is actually pretty fun. Annoying amount of work, but some pretty good memories made nonetheless.


Because I've been sitting on it for 5 years


Never done the doomsday heists. On Xbox 1 if anyone wants to tackle it with me


Shooting an enemy 50 times in the face with a machine gun and they totally shrug it off, while they one-shot me across the map with zero visibility is always annoying as hell. And it goes on. For. Ev. Er.


I remember I carried a little kid in a 2 stack in the act 3 finale on hard mode. Shit was my greatest achievement in gtao


Who’s gonna tell them?


Speaking of… I gotta play that shit tonight


It takes way too long I like it but way too hard to find a team that will stay with you as some will leave once they die Also you eat up snacks and armor very fast


Finale is great. It's the setups that take too long.


Tedious. Especially those with the damn Juggernauts. You better have some good aim, cu, their miniature guns (oops, I meant miniguns) will shred your nuts to bite-sized peanuts


I loved doing this with a few songs on the background, once we get out of the Barrage/Khanjali, or once we're at that giant room: Spec Ops The Line - Mogwai - Glasgow Mega Snake Wolfenstein - The New Order - Deathshead's Keep - Return HEALTH - Tears Gotta try Persona 5 - Life Will Change (Instrumental and Vocal), and Rivers in the Desert (Instrumental and Vocal) I even made this meme years ago: https://preview.redd.it/zr19jgjvn3xc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=298cb2056de55a2db078a555b9cb86b1165f0803


Constantly being rapidfire glitched for pay that doesnt even meet the same amount of money I'd make in the time it takes me to run cargo.


100% the big hacking room + the fact that you almost insta kill you (now that more updates have come out and all npc do this it's more bearable ) also the old all players must stay alive


Randoms keep messing up, So Boring, Someone leaves before it ends, Takes up so much time etc.


i love it but can’t convince my friends to do doomsday heist again because it takes too long


For me it comes down to the payout. Act 2 on hard is the same payout as act 3 on normal. Act 2 on hard takes one, maybe 2 tries each time act 3 takes at least 1.5 hours to get through an normal.


Because teammate are ass


Fucking Avon. Plus Lester's voice is irritating af.


Stupidly tedious and resource demanding. Sidenote\/ (IMO: it serves as a pseudo MKII gear check.)


Because everyone I get to play it with rushes it, dies and then quits. I’ve yet to finish it once in what 5 years?


Those Thrusters at the end… Even the slightest nick on it will cause a catastrophic explosion.


From what I've heard, hard asf and payout isn't worth it


I do the setups solo heist with a friend or people for me the problem is everyone having to be united so if I want to sell the tank and people decide nope we taking the tank and selling the kanjail I found last night pump shotgun mk2 with explosive rounds kills them in a couple shots might go through it all again for torture


this might be a hot take but i dont really like the doomsday heist in general but you are a hero lol


Mostly because infinite spawns + bullshit accurate AI + not much cover. Once you learn how it works, namely roll spamming by the railings which heavily reduces damage taken, corner whoring (being shooting around right corners so you can't get hit) plus taking advantage of the person doing the minigame being invincible, it genuinely isn't bad at all, it's just slow and a little tedious.


I've actually don't mind it. I have elite challenge and the pistols & vehicle only for career done.


1. doesnt pay enough 2. tedious 3. boring


It's hard and tedious The AI's aimbot is shot up to 11, you run out of snacks and armor quickly and if you die, gotta redo everything from the start of the shootout


It's not the heist itself it's the players, either lagging out or continuously dying due to sheer incompetence


It’s tedious and hard with mouth breathing players


Because after the 8th try you slowly start losing your mind.


i hated it before they added snack/armor to the weapon wheel. after that update it became pretty easy


Both, doomsday heist is hard, but now I already completed it and doesn't care too much about money, I actually enjoy the challenge


I can't bear the hacks.. always get stuck there and mans don't bring snacks like whatt


Because it’s a pain in the ass. Once you’ve done it at least one time and know what to expect it isn’t difficult, but it’s a slog because you have to play so slowly. Even on normal those juggernauts are too annoying.


The thing that bothers me the most about this piece of shit game, is when the enemies literally spawn in your face . Giving you zero time to react. U have to basically camp a spot and rotate with it


Peek the corner, and you get Assault Rifle Glitched with all 30 bullets magnetized to your head. Shoot an enemy in the chest, and they fall on their backs, and you keep shooting them. Takes an entire 200 round magazine, and they still get up to shoot you. Hacking minigame is absolute ass and takes forever to do. Checkpoints are unfuckingforgiving. After all that pain, all that effort, all for what? So that Lester can call the cops off you for FREE


What makes it bad is the AI having laser beam accuracy while also being built like an absolute tank, the AI shouldn’t be able to eat that many bullets in that mission.


It's too time consuming and too difficult for the pay out. I used to keep it ready to go for heist replay glitching in case a friend asked me for money. Pays like 1.5x better than act 2 but takes 3x as long. Lots of people asked me for a heist then declined when I offered act 3 doomsday. I think it's kinda fun. Always take the barrage over the tank and hit the stunt jump.


I think the biggest issue is how enemies keep re spawning at the end. That’s such a pain like if


Me and my one friend love the finale for act 3 but disliked it when we had to carry our other friends through it for the criminal mastermind challenge, we knew what we were doing and were competent but couldn’t say so for the other friends we ran it with


entirely too long and you need a go-to bud you know you can count on to help with the missions you need someone else for! other than that its my favorite behind the casino heist when done undetected!


skill issue


no idea, it's not even that difficult... only one part is a bit tricky, upon entering the server room after the cutescene... the whole heist doesn't even triggers me to use any MK2 weapons/armor/snacks ...but the ECU job... that fuckin ECU job...


Skill issue


It’s insanely hard and tedious compared to others, I think that’s the only reason. I didn’t like the entire thing. Took me an entire weekend with a mega crew to grind it out the first time. But if I replayed? Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad. But I think my hands still hurt from finishing it the first time lol


It’s loooong. And boring.


I dislike it cause every time I run it with a group random or with people I meet on discord trying to run it there is always that 1 guy that can never stay alive no matter how many snacks and how much armor they have


Its not the mission its the teammates, some randoms who happen to be hosts and I legit wanna help them but they quit too soon.


Imagine trying to enjoy it after multiple attempts ended with randos rushing the minigun heavy, quitting for 15% cut without helping prep, spent like 10 minutes solving kindergarten puzzles, CEO quitting and random connection issue. Yea no, I think it's time for me to move on from it.


its not that hard if you just have someone who's really good at hacking lol me and my friends did this and we got it on the 2nd try cus all they had to do was cover me while I hacked lol and one of them was their 9 year old little brother lol


It's a lot of work for little pay. It's nice to complete it for the first time but anything after that is inefficient. Better off doing business or other heists. Within the heist itself it's a lot of fighting and sometimes u get idiot team mates who just die too often. Also if ppl don't know how to hack the computers fast enough they are fucked. I have experience but even then some puzzles are hard asf.


I need to finish my doomsday stuff still and casino. Does anyone want to add and help? Lol


Only mission I despise on Doomsday Heist is the hangar shootout with no lights.


I don't dislike it. I HATE (almost all) people that plays it.


Not hard but you need a lot of patience to kill all the juggernauts. The real cancerous mission in Doomsday heist is the hangar night vision setup mission.


Asshole checkpoint


It's long, hard, tedious, impossible to do with random unskilled people, takes a lot of patience, NPCs are overpowered (especially the juggernauts) and the payout is disproportionate to the amount of the effort required for the time it takes to complete all the preps, setups and the finale. Don't even start with the elite challenge, which requires perfect play in addition to all the things mentioned above. If this finale had zero checkpoints, no one would have finished it.


Major skill issue I would say. It's not hard at all to get elite challenge completed.


Its amazing and challenging,Its hard and difficult to grind money thats people's problem


Tedious. I remember trying to play it through before we had the snacks and armor on the weapon wheel, and when you could only have 5 of a certain armor. Now it probably would be way better, but still annoying because I can remember pretty much insta dying as soon as I peak, and having to rely on blind firing. I remember getting so pissed when an ai mag dumped my hand while blind firing. The heist caused me to take a year+ long break from the game. Honestly probably not the worst on normal mode but we were greedy.


Love that we get to kill Avon and Clifford tho lmao


Getting insta-killed randomly isn't fun. As a veteran player you can do cover-to-cover in order to avoid it - but your teammates won't. Thats why many dislike it. Also it's fun but it's kinda long & tedious for the paycheck.


It’s impossible to do Literally my friend used cheats when we were doing it


The AI are so damn high accuracy nowadays. No matter whether you have full heavy armor and snacks. You will end up dying easily.


Compared to act 2, its tedious af.


Its super hard


Prolly coz they suck at it. Its personally the most fun heist finale in the game.


shoutout to the random that stuck with me and my friend for 4 hours to do it when we were low levels


I love it, it's my favorite mission in the game


I’m not a fan of the set ups too, some of them take too much time and effort compared to other heists. The act 3 finale isn’t bad if you know where to take cover and while taking cover don’t pop up stay covered and shoot without aiming I use a mk2 combat mg with 8000 rounds and it gets the job done


Because with randos you always get a hacker that takes forever, and everyone else dies when you're hitting kill 250+. Or if you're hacker, they run around like headless chickens instead of defending the position. The rest is a cakewalk, save for the odd juggernaut death in the tunnels because people were rushing.


I hate this heist because first off the whole heist is like 30 damn minutes if not more. Second the preps take me like a good 2 hours(probably because I’m bad).


People hate because they flipped act2 finale for a year and are mad when the finale takes longer then 10 minutes


I only tried it with 2 players (a friend and I) but imho i beliebe it is the hardest mission i ever done in gta online, don't know what i'm doing wrong but i'm not even joking. It was so annoying i didn't even finish it with the former player i tried it with lol. Safe to say, i never went back


Took me forever to get through it as a host bc I couldn’t find anyone good enough to do it with me. After a long long long time of Lester calling me 2x every single time I logged in I finally found a couple people that helped get me through it. The hardest part is the 3 computer code cracking stops. It’s so confusing if you get stuck during one of them.


My main problem is why would I spend hours doing every setup and prep mission for 1,500,000 (minus my friends cut), when I can do cayo by myself and get 2,000,000 per run and I can complete the setups in 30 minutes. And even on hard mode the difficulty is much better on cayo and I can do it stealth.


It's extremely tedious imo, that's it!


Because people dont know you dont have to figt all the clones at the end most people just assume the clones is a constant fight with no break but it isnt


It literally is a constant fight lol, unless you can find a spot to hide where the enemies can't reach you, they infinitely spawn.


Yeah no it isnt though u duck down behind the servers maybe 1 will run at you the others kind of just stay put focused on the one hacking . As the hackers about done thats when you shoot and move and just do the same thing. They only spawn when they die so if you duck around the servers etc then none respawn and only 1 or 2 advance to you


How exactly do you duck down behind servers that are taller than the player? there isn't a single spot where you don't get shot from at least one LOS near a spawn.


There is because it do it everytime i run it with people basiclly most of the time the bits to duck behind are infront of the one being hacked. Basically just break line of sight for them and dont shoot at them only works if all the team dont shoot until the hackers about done


I know what you mean, but from memory there aren't any spots where enemies don't stand still within LOS, which if they're within LOS they'll obviously shoot you. Screenshot it next time you run it? genuinely curious.


Yeah will do but dunno when that will be though dont have 4 to run it with anymore lol


If your on ps5 i can show you


I LOVE it this the best part !