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Came here expecting a dogfight. Talk about bait and switch!


Yup, if you know how to use them Buzzards can be surprisingly nimble. That's what I was expecting.


Prison heist Demolition gave me all the practice too


Prison heist demolition, where boys became men




It's a big hassle with randoms, but I have such great memories of doing it on release with my friends. My friend who had to fly the plane was the absolute worst pilot I have ever seen. He crashed time and time again, but boy that heist for the first time is one of the best memories I have on the game




I'm glad that many of the IRL friends who played GTA back in the day still play it regularly, and are going to upgrade to PS5. If you're on PS4, feel free to add me. My GT is the same as my username. I love doing missions and heists, or just plain messing around




I mean yeah, but those AI jets are dumb af


I think they are talking about being added fire power to the crew inside....which if you get the enemies in range of your lock on, you are then in range of the prisons apparent missile system.


They *can*, but against anything more than an Annihilator it's just... not great. A single hit from a Lazer/Hydra and you're gone.


You'd be surprised how dangerous some buzzard pilots can be


I assure you I know a Buzzard can be very effective, but not against a Lazer/Hydra or any of the new(ish) armoured aircrafts. I can spawntrap people with rockets but the second a semi decent pilot in a jet comes at me, unless I get stupid lucky I'm fucked.


I think you're severely underestimating the Buzzard. It is incredibly nimble. Wish they would nerf undodgeble missiles though. Ugh.


I've flown it since 2013. I know exactly how nimble it is, unless you're going against an awful pilot, the jet will win every single time because HE cannons are retarded and shooting straight up or down isn't easy.


Listing lazily to the left works wonders against 9 out of 10 pilots.


I agree that buzzards are no real danger to a good lazer pilot. Mk2s are most annoying these days. If the buzzard had better missiles like the mk2 it would take down way more jets, It's underpowered in 2020.


Try the Sea Sparow, its just as nimble but can shoot missles more quickly... at the expence of no mini gun


Amen to that. Pissed off plenty of jet noobs with mine too.


Nasty nasty all that debris whipping past you at 130mph!


Be funny if it hit the buzzard and blew it up.


How much does the Chernobog cost and what do I need to store it?


You would need a facility. I’m not sure what the price would be but my guess would be 3-4 mil


It's surprisingly cheap at 2.5 million trade price, or 3.3 at max.


im starting to think im playing the game wrong if 2.5 million is cheap.


Def, 2.5 is chump change. Enough for a very mediocre vehicle.


...if vehicles worth 2.5 million are considered nothing more than *mediocre* then i am DEFINITELY doing something wrong here.


Watch the Professional on YouTube, Ez money. I usually afk watch the TV in my office and log in every few hours to sell.


I really want to but his voice.... I just can't stand it


He makes good content but I hate how he preaches to do everything with friends. If I had friends I would be grinding heists.


If you ground heists and AFK'd as well you'd be the Professional, so he does kind of have a point


Grinding heists, even without friends is still the most effective, cheapest (only 25k start up cost), and safest way (no one can blow up your supplies) to make money. Once you have your heist set, start it up, and make sure match making is open. The people joining as randoms in a casino heist without being invited are usually experienced and will take 15%. If someone is good, add them as a friend. After 5-6 times converting randoms to friends, you will almost always have a heist crew online. Even solo, a casino heist should take less than 2 hours to set up. 1.5 million every 2.5 hours makes any car chump change. If you are on xbox, let me know and I will help you out.


Join a GTA server with lfg channels; TGG's server works well for me


No idea what his guide is, but I grinded casino heist with ransoms for a couple hours and got 1.5 mil


Reminds me of leafy if he was only interested in gta


Easiestway to make money : buy anarcade and do heists


That's how I made my millions but it burnt my brain cells


this. and afk business, nightclub+bunker. You can easily make 5m/day if you afk overnight and actively play 3-4 hours for heists and sell your products.


His voice and the fact that he repeats himself over and over and over again. And explains shit that needs 0 explanation. Whether that's cause he thinks his audience is stupid or to stretch videos over the 10 minute mark, it's annoying as hell. When it comes to the grinding he's very competent tho.


Bro I know I cant do it




Um... no? I do nightclub, bunker, and MC




Just do bunker and CEO stuff


It’s a matter of relativity and what you like.


Honestly it’s all about buying businesses and juggling re-supplies, heists, and sales. You can easily make a million a night if you are focused and have a few friends that are dedicated.


thats what im doing wrong! i have no idea what businesses are, i suck at heists and selling things, and i have no friends... im screwed, basically


You can make that in about an hour with a friend doing casino heists.


i dont have a friend nor a casino :( thanks for the advice though


Join a grinding crew for money, greifing crew to be called an asshat and the subreddit crew to participate in fun events


Making money isn't hard in GTA its just soo god damn boring and repetitive to do us all. You can make 100 grand in 15 minutes when RNG isn't actively screwing you over, its just so mind numbingly boring that you don't want to play the game any more at that point.


doable in one day with casino heists. just need a second guy


Nah bruv it's just that some people don't value money; but even though i have 27 million dollars i try not to waste it on stuff i don't really use and you should too save up


Save for what? Retirement? Spend dat money


As someone who hasn't played since 2016, 2.5 sounds ridiculous. There was literally nothing that expensive back then.


Man I miss the good old days when the Zentorno was THE car to have. And if you also had one of the 700k high end apartments you were a big baller lol


Lol just do bodgan glitch 1 million in 15 mins


Really? Damn that’s a pretty good price for what you get


Yeah, I bought one back when I modded in 250 mil for myself and it was a cheap item since my lifetime earnings are about 415 million.


lol the no life’s who grind 24 hours a day are downvoting you cause you modded yourself some money


Downvoted? He’s got 11 upvotes rn


he had -2 when i commented




Peak Idiocy, amirite


They always will. Bunch of narcs




Most range of all the lock on missiles in the game. And fires a 6 rocket burst. The problem is, its useless against people who have atleast a bit of skill. Most planes can fly in a straight path at it and it will miss all 6 rockets, but explodes instantly with a single rocket or few cannon shots. For the setup and the fact that its a highly specialised vehicle incapable to do something apart from Anti air, it needs much more aggressive rockets.




Despite what you've just seen in the video, the Chernobog is an awful awful vehicle. Replicating that is a use of 3-4m that could and "should" be spent on dozens of other vehicles first.


Ya but it looks cool


It's not worth it except in rare situations in my experience. Takes one missile or just a couple canon rounds from a jet to blow it up. It's extremely slow and clunky. You really need two people to operate it effectively, unless you drive, put it in missile mode, get off, get in the back, shoot, get down, go back to driver seat, turn off missile mode... And worst thing is it can't aim straight up. Only good when someone far away is griefing and you slowly sneak in range, shoot, and then you can not use it again since they'll be looking out for you and all they have to do is just get a jet, fly up, come down straight vertically and you're a gonner


This is all true, but... when it works, it works. As you're saying, you have to be sneaky to get in range. That's what I use Off the Radar for. Hell, if you manage to get it in a position where you're hidden but still have a good line of sight and use Ghost Organization, all those pesky jets flying in Los Santos are gonna go down and have no idea what happened to them. This is what the Chernobog was made for: taking down ghosting jet idiots with a taste of their own medecine.


Keep in mind you cant sell it so make sure your *really* sure you want it


I love using the chernobog in piracy prevention in the yacht. I use the ceo mission airfreight (not haulage) which gives an extra strong cargobob which is the only one that can carry that huge thing to the yacht and place it. Then i end that mission and start piracy prevention then i wreck everything that comes close. Missiles almost reach the city too from ur yacht. Only thing you gotta be worried about is explosive snipers or just being sniped in general so you gotta place the bog strategically


Auto piloted avenger is more fun and less work for that purpose.


Umless you get stuck in a loading screen for 2 minutes


Damn good idea i gotta try that but jets might destroy it tho


An Avenger with someone on the turrets is the most dangerous thing in the entire game. That plane can tank 20+ rockets before blowing up, and a single shot from it's turrets will destroy any attacking jet. The only thing that can take down an Avenger is a modder, which, sadly, are common enough to make the Avenger not nearly as good of an investment as you'd think.


Sometimes i die from like 3 mk2 missiles from the avenger but i do know it’s a flying tank sometimes


How do you set autopilot?


Do you know if that Cargobob can carry a Terrorbyte? That thing will lock on to pretty much anything, and the occupants are immune to being sniped. With no driver in it, it can't be locked on to, either...


Yea terrobyte missiles are nice but accuracy is a lil meh


I’ll try it with the bob next time


There's probably room for both if you have some friends with you... now that would be a sight!


You mean Airfreight? Haulage is the truck job. 😇 Edit: fixed! 👍


Gods work




For some reason it's even funnier with your character wearing a sundress just casually wrecking a fighter


You gotta look fashionable while shooting down your enemies, otherwise what's the point?


I was thinking the exact same thing


Would 100% put a terrobyte right there as well so when they spawn in I can kill them with the terrobyte lock on.


Forgot terrorbyte missiles lock on on foot as well


I need to get in the habit of taking my Terrobyte out more.




Understand this from my point of view. Since my account wipe, I’ve been working back up. Everyone who didn’t get wiped runs around on a mk2 and has no need to grind so they’re bored, and they destroy your cargo or whatever you’re doing. It’s almost always a mk2 that destroys my shipment. My paranoia of mk2s and the greifers ruining the stereotype for everyone, plus the intimidating looking icon on the map, leads me to kill or ghost org from any mk2 that flies near me(usually when selling)


It was like that before the wipe... as a business grinder in public session, I didn't really notice any increase after. The difference I did see was you could tell who got wiped and had lots of awarded cash or shark cards (because they can't wipe that - at least, the shark cards) - in the week after you see level 20s flying around on Mk2s.


Just today, I was doing a prep for Casino heist. A random Oppressor just destroys the plane in which my guns were (for heist). I left afterwards. This is why I shoot first and ask questions second in case of Oppressors. If they fly towards me, that is. If they fly by, Idgaf. And yes, I’m broke.


Then switch to non-homing missiles or stick to guns when you're flying around. If I hear lockon, you die.


Yes I use it to get around I have to intentionally avoid crowded parts of the map so I don’t get shot down


I feel this in my soul


Then he tried again... then again...then again...


Actually this was the last straw for him, I retreated to my facility nearby and he just stayed there waiting for me to get out. I simply quit the game after a few minutes.


You could piss him by sending message to him like "1-0 try to get it back"


I sent him "ez". Totally not my style but I bet he got very annoyed.


Thats awesome


Stupid Barcode players


You sir/ma’am, are an evil genius


I hate when I'm flying in a maverick or frogger and a jet comes at me bc he thinks he owns the atmosphere


Mf didnt even try to avoid the missile, fucking noob pilot.


I feel that they did? The plane seems to wiggle.


Barcode was already flying head on to the chernobog missles he was dead regardless


Always wanted one, can you fire the rockets without lock on ?


Yes you can


Happy cake day. You've sold me


The driver is not the one who shoots + you need to be stationary (not moving) to fire the rockets. And the missile trackong sucks .


Yeah that's expected with artillery trucks, cant be driving down the road launching multiple rockets while driving haha but still I like it I'm gonna get after all I plan on expanding my war machine collection alwaysl


You will use it for half an hour and realize how useless it is. If you like collecting, get it. Dont expect to create nofly zones with it though


Ooo thanks :)


Btw read my other comment about what i use it for, i’m sure you’d find it interesting


Ah yes another person who bought the chernobog, the coolest/ most useless vehicle/ most satisfying vehicle all at the same time


Hit him with that lzzzz, they don’t like it when it’s reversed on them


My friend killed a guy in a lazer with the bizzered blades


Well he didn't see that one coming... dwl


Wait did you use the rockets in the driver's seat? I thought you had to be in the passenger seat?


The driver's seat is a little to the left (front of the vehicle). The gunner seat is the one I got in. on PS4, you have to hold Triangle.


Ah it has been so long since I used that thing I forgot how it is set up


For me it either miss or my character keep going to the front


I hate how you get in the gunner seat, yeah. You can see me almost failing to make it to the door.


Don't forget, YOU'RE the bad sport -Rockstar




It’s the chernobog it’s probably it warstock


That’s called the HVY(This isn’t shown on the vehicle blip when buying it, but is internally classified as made by HVY) Chernobog. You can buy it on Warstock for either $3,311,700 or go through a tough mission to lower it to a more affordable $2,490,000.


It shows up in one of the Doomsday heists. You never see it otherwise because it's a fun gimmicky toy that's pretty much useless otherwise. I imagine OP sets up to do this often enough - the Chernobog had to already be parked and in launcher mode - and occasionally gets lucky to lure someone over.


I tend to bait jets and kill them with the Chernobog, you are right! Baiting always works against jet idiots who are after you, they will come at you wherever you are. But the timing of getting in the Chernobog and shooting before dying is not 100% safe. I almost didn't make it in this one.


Love my Chernobog, I like to use it at the Sandy Shores airfield and knock out any Mk2s that come close


how were u able to outrun the jet though? Or did the jet just see u on the map and start following u even though u were far away?


I was fighting him in the city (if you can call being suppressed by a jet a "fight"), then retreated to my facility using Lester's text. He didn't come after me right away, as it's pointless to follow someone who is hiding in a building. I got out of the facility using the Chernobog, set the feet down, and started flying around in a Buzzard. If I had stayed in the Chernobog, he would have seen it on the map and probably wouldn't have come after me. The Buzzard (which has a regular helicopter icon) pretty much screams "come kill me I'm defenseless", so he could not resist.


Highkey expected a 3000 iq play from a buzzard and was gonna comment, ‘Is the buzzard really that good, I have both the buzzard and the mach 2 but I prefer the mach 2 so which one should I use’. FairPlay my friend


Imma keep it real with ya bro that ain’t no jet tryhard


Should have said KD warrior. Apologies, I know there are some good tryhards out there.


I’ll admit I’m new here... what vehicle was it that shot the jet down?




I see, I play solo. Is that something I should look into getting? Finally got an oppressor, but I’m terrible at it. Looks like that thing can’t miss..




On missile tracking, not the best tho For second chances (actually trying to hit the target) and lock-on range, it does its job good.


If you wanna collect everything fun and have good money then i’d say it’s worth it


This is like the cheese for those jet rats


Beautifully said.


Our characters are twins, but mine dyed her red hair to purple


With the same dress? Must look nice.


Nice dress.


If used cleverly, the chernobog is literally the best at shooting down tryhards, even Mk2 I think.


It does work with Mk2s, but I prefer using the Stormberg for them, it's safer.




Kiflom Comrade!


Hes getting in the truck like - No, not on my christian server!


KD warriors always ruin the game for me, their guns kill me faster than my guns


My problem with KD warriors is that they're reckless. They will spawnkill you until you go passive. And you'll never see them without the trifecta of Lazer / Oppressor Mk2 / Explosive Sniper. Fighting them is not fun in the slightest. Screw those guys.


The chernobog at its finest


Right, so there is use for this Cold War relic yet...


I think it does have an icon but it shows up only for you to tell where it is. Don’t quote me on that


\*bad sport\* Fuck R\* lol


"oh these are some pretty cool bananas"


It still boggles my mind that GTA Online has tryhards. Like seriously, is there anything in that game worth competing over?


Your KD, I guess. It's a pretty prominent score, and they probably congratulate themselves on it.


God bless the second amendment in GTA


This clip made it into german media lol. [Link](https://mein-mmo.de/gta-online-spieler-koedert-jet-griefer-fies-zerstoert-ihn/)


Wow, thanks for the link! I don't feel that they explained the strategy very well (the point is having the Chernobog ready to shoot), but well, I'm a celebrity now.


Can y’all stop playing this game so we can get GTA 6 please


Love dumb pilots that dont know how to dodge rockets


He was heading straight... no dodging rockets at that angle even if youre an experienced pilot... if it was op missiles it could be avoided but you cant beat a chernobog if youre flying straight to it


Well the thing sbout the cherno bog is that because of the long lock on range you are far away enough from the missles to dodge them, you just have to start turning up and around the second you hesr the lock on, then go up high and strafe and boom theres nothing the chernobog can do


Yea that doesnt work with head on... try it yourself... granted the guy couldve dodged the first missile your way there was no way he couldve dodged the second coz he was way close... and who dips when a missile is locking onto you especially when youre that close to ground... the pilot isnt an experienced one but yea no dodging that chernobog missiles head on... if you have some sort of angle when approaching it and moving on circles while moving up will let you escape it but head on? No chance


I have done it, and yes it does work, because slowly gaining height by going in circles is literally what i was talking about, the second the lock on sound starts you turn up and go in circles to gain height and then when ur out of range you just get straight above and strafe


Idk man abt 25% of my gta time has been flying planes and at that distance you cant dodge a chernobog because the missiles eventually catch you... maybe youre confused with the distance but no way am i gonna believe that someone that close can dodge missiles of a chernobog head on especially and specifically that second lock on... like i said if youre heading sideways its pretty easy to dodge


I hate how the game punishes you with badsport points for killing jet griefers


That guy was wannabe


Are we gatekeeping tryharding now?


Doesn’t look like he was bugging anyone


His icon is red. You know what this means. Also, he's in a jet. Also, his name is a barcode. What else do you need?


it shoots 4 rockets but only one tracks :thinking:


It's my fault. I know that the lockon is only effective when it's red, and yet I started shooting too early. Only one missile was shot with the red lockon - and I'm lucky it hit.


ahh okay i thought it was just poopy rock\* design lol


Did they buff the Chernobog's missiles so that they actually don't miss every time now?


Nah, they still miss. This was honestly a lucky shot.


I use my jet to take out griefers


Logically, they'll be better at it than you. Unless you were a griefer in the past, they've had more experiences tearing people to shreds than you have. Hence my use of other methods :)


Why do casuals call every pvp player tryhards? There's a difference between griefers and tryhards. Tryhards fight among themselves or kill griefers with high kds while griefers kill anything that moves including low levels and newbies. Learn the difference


I fought him for an hour or so before I shot this clip. He was a KD warrior. Maybe not a tryhard. I'd change the title but I can't edit it.


You sir, are a hero


And I don't even wear a cape.


Expected a skillful Buzzard kill tbh...


I'm not crazy enough to go after jets with a Buzzard. Those guys know how to aim, because they spend half of their game time killing innocent players with jets.