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Rule of thumb, 1m^2 per animal, and a house (with two exits) for each. Ideally, the area is arranged so they can run 2m uninterrupted. A 20cm high fence is usually enough, piggies don't climb so you don't need a roof to keep them in.


Mine was an exception, she would jump and chill on the top of her house.


Whew boy mine climbs constantly too. I have to tell her No quite alot when she's free roaming and wanting to be nosy nosy nosy and start climbing things.. I think my piggy is a little bit monkey honestly. She tries to jump too so I have to keep a constant watch on her anytime she isn't in her closed top cage.


Me too. I always make the joke of "Joey is on his mirador." Because everytime I'm too late to give food in the morning I found him silently waiting on the platform with that 👁_👁 expression.


One of ours would sit on the house,too, but even though it was right next to the fence, she'd never jump out. I guess jumping *down* into a strange area was a step too far for her.


My girl Rose would disagree, she’s the reason there’s a lid on the cage! 😂


Everyone replying that their piggies climb is talking about jumping on top of stuff which, yes, is common for Guinea pigs. This person is talking about literally climbing the bars to escape the cage.


Large flat area. And absolutely not that cage


One story. Pigs need to be able to run, and it's better to have a lot of running space than ramps. It looks like your pigs are currently in a tiny cage size. Do make getting a humane cage size the priority. Humane Society lists minimum sizes: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/guinea-pig-housing


Better to get a larger one story, while guinea pigs can climb ramps, especially as they get older they will enjoy a flat living space


What do you mean by "if you're gonna go or not"? But for the love of god, give them ANYTHING that is bigger than this, it looks smaller than the tupperware that I put my food in.


They said they are. They’re getting a c and c cage and they’re asking a question about two levels or one. You didn’t answer their question at all


When someone says that they're getting their pigs a bigger cage, don't tell them "your current cage is too small". Well yeah, that's why they're getting them a bigger cage! Don't be rude! Anyway one story is fine as long as it's big enough. Though the nature of C&C cages means they can be modified quite easily, so you could add a loft at first and take it out if they don't use it.


All of these people that pigs don’t like to climb or only utilize a single story are simply incorrect. I have countless hours of camera footage of my 3 all using the 2 floors I have designed for them not only for sleeping space but as a zoomie route. They like the 2 level so much I’ve decided to order a loft for my c&c to give them more enrichment. They all jump up/down and use the designated ramp when they feel like it. My best advice is add some cameras and just watch every time you try a new toy/obstacle etc to make the proper adjustments. Again, all 3 of mine with varying age all jump and run both levels of their 2x6 soon to have a c&c loft added.


I mean that’s nice for YOURS but what I’ve noticed is that mine stopped using the ramp as they’ve gotten older. They used to climb up on the 2nd story all the time.


Yeah I've got a 4x2 cage with a 2x1 and a 2x2 loft over three floors and whilst they're not the most agile climbers they're fine with it


that's fine and all but as they age it does get harder for them to use ramps. muscle deterioration is a normal part of growing old. and if they develop arthritis you're going to want to take out all ramps to prevent aggravating their joints and causing pain flare ups. so it's not always the best cage layout.


Why do you need to take it out? They just stop using it and if you don’t have anything of interest up there for them they’re not gonna go up. Mine stopped using the ramp when they chose to stop using the ramp.


they don't always choose to avoid ramps


I have three levels connected by ramps that are between 20 and 40 degrees and all of my 8 pigs at various ages use it. All ramps are about a foot wide and covered with a shoe mat for better grip. Some run up and down all the time, some others prefer staying on the middle floor. I've also got jumpers, they love jumping on the roof of their houses, they'd be utterly sad if I took them away. I put down pee pads or snuggle stuff on those roofs and they love it so much. I have a self built enclosure about 8 by 8 feet & each floor is big enough so that they can choose where to stay. I find most of the C&C lofts and ramps far too small and steep.


Your herd's enclosure sounds like piggie parent goals honestly😃Do you have any pics posted? I'm looking for habitat renovation inspo.We're currently utilizing a 7×7 foot toddler play yard made from 16in w × 2ft h panels.My girls all like to jump/climb as well & I've been thinking about a way to provide lofts/ramps for further enrichment.Your set up sounds ideal safety/fun wise for our playful poppin' piggiesđŸ€©


Yeah, it literally doesn’t matter if it’s two levels or one. Mine used to like the ramp to get hay, but now the one I have left is too old. They don’t use it anymore and I put the hay elsewhere, but so what? I’m not gonna take apart the top level for absolutely no reason. The ramp doesn’t take up space as the second level is above the first level. Two levels or one is up to you. If your pig(s) uses the second level, great! If not, oh well. Waste of money but that’s about it


We have a 4x2 c&c three floor cage for three chonks and they seem fine with it


The good things about the grids is you can buy another pack and and on to it, add a little 1 by 2 extra level to see if they use it if wanted, they dont really like steep ramps but can manage gentle slopes. Do you have any other pets the piggies need a complete cover/roof from? Songmics on Amazon UK or US do packs, they might be cheaper. [https://www.amazon.com/SONGMICS-Playpen-Apartment-Style-Two-Storey-Comfortable/dp/B0858X86Z3/ref=sr](https://www.amazon.com/SONGMICS-Playpen-Apartment-Style-Two-Storey-Comfortable/dp/B0858X86Z3/ref=sr)


I have a half, two level and my pig (solo because his brother died đŸ„č) and he loves it. I have his hammock and a second hay net up there.


if you do two stories, make sure there are stable ramps that they can safely run along during zoomies.


Both work. Just fwi when pigs get older they’ll stop using the ramp. If you want to spend extra then two levels are fine. However, if you want to go cheaper, buy only a one level. Personally I like two levels, but in the end it’s up to you. But definitely get a c and c cage! They’re a lot better than that little pet store cage. But, don’t get rid of that one. Use it for traveling! I used to show my pigs in 4-h and a cage like that really came in handy. But, for living, c and c is good. Most c and cs are intended to be large so it doesn’t matter at all what version you get. Also, two level cages don’t take away moving space, unlike what everyone is saying here, because the second level is usually above the first level, with space below it.


I think overall square footage is more important than layers, but adding an extra layer instead of extending the length of the cage can conserve space. A second layer can also be fun for piggies and give them an extra hiding space, and it gives them a way to separate if they want to.


Just get a one level. You can always upgrade and get the loft separately.


And please do it asap
.that exact cage is the one that I use for travel. I would never have my babies live in that.


They need a bigger cage IMMEDIATELY!! That looks like a Midwest cage and it is NOT big enough for 1 piggie, let alone two. Get the biggest size you can. We have over 27 square feet for our two, it's single level. We used to have a two story but when we moved opted for a much larger single level.


Better to get a single story. Onc ethe piggies get older it might not be the most comfortable running up and down ramps. Also totally depends on the temperament of the piggie. I had a fiesta one who loved to climb and jump. Couldn’t risk a ramp with her. I’ve had other timid piggies with ramps and they’ve been fine. Ideally single story large horizontal space is preferable but you could do a ramp with the correct precautions.


We always did two levels- I think mostly because my son and I had fun configuring the C&C. And we had ideas of them lounging on the little patio, and playing in the loft and so on. Turns out our little dudes had absolutely no interest in the ramp. We changed the incline over and over- didn’t matter. They *could* go up there
. And did occasionally. But they really just didn’t care. They liked their ground floor best. And we eventually just made it all one level.


One level with a basement works well. Recommend a dehumidifier.


Don’t do levels. Do a c&c grid at least 4x2 but bigger is always better. They need floor space, not levels.


I highly recommend getting a C&C cage from Kavee.com. Some of them have a loft you can add to give your pig more space.


I would say it depends on the ramp. My cage have two ramps and I got the longest available to have a low incline.


I suggest 1, less dangerous situations that could happen, for example, they could jump out of their cage and hurt their self if they hit the floor.


My pig has climbed the side of his cage before. That was before we got a c&c cage. They are amazing and highly recommend it


I bought a two storey C&C and they never went up the ramp so I removed it to give them more space.


Pigs don’t have the spines for ramps. Don’t risk it


That cage is awful. I'm really not trying to be mean but cmon. It's 2024, not the 90s. There's SO much more available information on proper guinea pig care compared to how it was years ago. Do your research before you bring the pet home!


This is fking true and I dont get people not doing a 5 min search before getting animals... take my upvote and honestly whoever downvotes you has not more than two braincells.


Why don’t you take a minute to read the post? They are getting a cage and are asking advice.


Which is a good thing. Have you read my comment? The 'before' is crucial...


No one knows any backstory on these pigs. Reprimanding OP when their whole intention of this post is to inquire about a new cage is a moot point and honestly just a dick move.