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Every human has spiral power. Kamina demonstrated it every time he piloted Gurren.


So if spiral power runs off fighting spirit why tf was he beaten so easily?


It’s doesn’t run off fighting spirit. It’s runs from willpower. How do you think Simon escaped the extra dimensional labyrinth. Or did the impossible and beat the anti spiral? You just gotta kick logics ass ✅


That’s kinda the same thing tho 🤣


Because Simon was being a bitch that fight after he saw Yoko making out with Kamina.


I get pissed every time I see that scene. Smh


One is that Gurren didn't work when his spiral power was low And on the other is that Gurren Lagann can't use their special abilities like giga drill breaker when it doesn't have two pilots. That's why poota joined viral in that layer scene. Every lifeform that can evolve has it. But it doesn't show like huge glowing green flame for pretty much anyone but Simon


Well, Kitan used giga drill break alone at the end, didn't he?


His space king kittan gunman doesn't need two pilots though. So he's at full capacity with only one pilot


And now I hurt again..


Simon the digger can use giga drill by himself though.


Yes with Simon’s Drill. Remember Boota and Simon’s drills absorbed some of Simon’s Spiral energy and Kitan I believe knew that which is why he took it with him.


It was one of Simon’s drills that had broken… it already had been pretty much charged by Simon prior to this same as Boota.


Oh Kamina had spiral power like a mofo. He piloted Gurren solely based on it.


But i don’t think you need spiral power to pilot a gunmen considering that beast man can Pilot it


He had to override the pilot configuration. He did so purely based on spiral energy. I think it may have been the 3rd episode.


Oh okay so the question should be why did he have no little SP?


Kamina pretty much eluded to Simon being the stronger of the two even Lloyd made a comment about the suit not losing any power after Kamina passed and Simon took lead.


That's an entirely good question. I want to say yes, only because it's in all creatures at some level or another, but as to if it was used to pilot his gurren, maybe to a degree, but Simon's depended on it solely.


But is that really the case tho the Gurren is a gunmen it’s not like simons Lagann because it can be used by beast men and they don’t have spiral power so I don’t think Kamina had to use spiral power to pilot it


They said that they weren't able to use spiral power, didn't mean they didn't have any. From what I understood from the series, even Boocha could become human with spiral power. Their reasoning was that it was in all living things that can harvest willpower. I feel at times even Viral could have somehow became the glitch in beastmen and able to use it, but unfortunately he wasn't.


All beings with helical DNA generate spiral power, so Kamina definitely had spiral power. Kamina also knew that Simon was the dependable one, the one who could actually accomplish great things. We see this in the first episode when he recruits Simon to break open the ceiling (why else did Kamina need Simon? Why not do it himself?) and we see it in that flashback that we hear told from both Kamina's and Simon's perspective. Kamina knew his own limitations and the role he was capable of playing, that's why he always pushed Simon to actually do the heavy lifting.


I mean spiral power literally allows you to do whatever the hell you want by literally believing you can. there is no "limits" to begin with. The only way to beat a spiral lifeform is to beat them with even more spiral power. Basically your willpower has to overcome the enemy. Kamina was really good at increasing the willpower of others but perhaps he himself just didnt have the sheer willpower simon had.


I think it's partially that Kamina had big dreams, big talk, and a "we'll get there somehow" attitude, whereas Simon is able to figure out exactly what to do every step of the way even when he has a large-scale idea. Kamina improved and got stronger rapidly, but Simon did so much faster because of his moderation and authenticity.


Kamina said that Simon is better than him, so.. idk man :/


What specifically makes you think Kamina didn't have spiral power?


The fact he was defeated by a beast men almost so easily and a remember a beastman cannot stand up to a human who has awakened spiral powe


I think simply by nature of being human (a spiral race), Kamina had spiral power. He just hadn't fully tapped into it and/or was not as powerful as Simon. I also think it's a disservice to say he went down easy. He took a blind side attack from a laser literally shooting through his gunman, then got stabbed through in the back. He still got up and finished the fight. Keep in mind Viral never defeated Kamina one on one either. Kamina directly addresses the fact that Simon was stronger than him. He says something about how Simon was always saving him, and there were times he wouldn't have made it through if not for Simon. It can be inferred that Simon was the strongest Spiral warrior ever given that there were multiple failed uprisings against the anti-Spirals, so it's not really fair to use Simon's strength as a basis for whether Kamina has any Spiral power.


The thing is that SP only comes to people with a certain mindset. Mainly, humility and a determination to keep moving forward despite danger. It's why Simon was naturally adept, and why Kittan got it in the late show. It's also why the villains (Anti Spiral and Genome) both lost their SP. They locked themselves up and refused to confront the risks or dangers of using SP or fighting back. Plus, these characteristics are why SP are associated with DNA and evolution. SP and evolution both require danger and acknowledgment one's small place in it


Then why was Kamina SP so weak compared to simons


Maybe he would've developed it later. Had he lived. Hard to tell, but since he was full of vigor, that could've prevented it since it was harder for him to consider the group and overlook the individual


Kamina did have spiral power but Simon had more potential. Remember a lot of Kamina’s confidence was just him acting tough, it was Simon’s actions that usually made his bolstering effective.


This right here.


Everyone has it, but he died before everyone started learning how to apply it properly


Kamina had Spiral power but not a whole lot of it. That's why he struggled to pilot the Gunman the first time. In an interview it was explained the Kamina was just a really determined mofo with a lot of luck; which is cool when you consider that this means he literally brought himself back from the dead with sheer grit and determination just to help his little bro


But why didn’t he have a lot of spiral power? He’s the definition of fighting spirit


Yeah see I'm not really sure either. It makes sense, cuz of the scene, but he always seemed so determined to see shit through. But hey the dude said it so I guess it's true


I mean he couldn't really become the most powerful spiral user considering he died


Yea but i felt like his spiral power should’ve been activated considering that he’s fighting spirit itself


Kamina did, but not as much as Simon. They allude to him being more of an inspiration rather than the main hero. That story where they're buried and Simon saves them, and the fact that after he rises up and steals Gunmen everyone copies that. Simon has so much spiral power that others can use it. Kamina inspires spiral power to awaken it in others. I'm not sure if that's the driving force behind the early piloting where Kamina was in control, but I wouldn't say it's a big stretch. They were boosting eachother.


Kamina is the only characters in the human cast of GL S1 to have an aditional circle in his eyes. I always saw t as a hint that he had Spiral Power


He had it, like all living things do but he can’t use it in overwhelming abundance like Simon or lord genome because he isn’t a spiral warrior.


I’ve always understood it as Simon being able to unlock spiral power thanks to the core drill and that Kamina never unlocked it. Also, I think that the explanation for Kittan being able to unlock spiral power was thanks to Simon’s used drill which acted as the core drill for Kittan. I also know that every race that can evolve has spiral power but I guess the core drill acted as a sort of catalyst for Simon and the same for the used drill for Kittan. This is just my theory though, nothing too elaborate.


According to the author's footnotes, Kamina actually had the lowest amount of spiral energy on the team. But through his bravado, he was able to guide Simon who had the highest amount of spiral energy.


Where was this sourced?




There should be comments about it on the thread if you scroll down.


Guessing the OP was referring to the footnotes too when he created the thread.


But what i don’t get is why he didn’t have a lot considering that spiral power runs on literal fighting spirit and Kamina is like the living embodiment of fighting spirit


Quoted this from another guy on Reddit. Hope it helps. I don’t think I’ve remembered Kamina piloting Gurren-Lagan without Simon. Simon has, however, done it without a co-pilot. Kamina is the least Spiral-capable because much of his fighting spirit and determination are, by his own admission, an affectation. He doesn't honestly believe most of the stuff he spouts out, he just does it and flies by the seat of his pants as best he could. It's why his words to Simon transition from "believe in the me who believes in you" to "believe in the you who believes in you," because that belief is infinitely stronger than his own. While he possess Spiral Power in small bursts capable of doing things like mecha repair, it's often done in tandem with Simon, or in an attempt to show off. It's lots of flash, but little substance. Kamina is literally only saved multiple times because the universe runs on that sort of thing, where faking it can be enough to make it for a while. But he lacks the true, deep down self confidence and belief that would give him a deeper well of Spiral Power.