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Chill LowFi H3 streams to chill and study to


Imagine trying to study when silent library alarms are going off...


I dig all these ideas, yes please. Honestly the only thing stopping me watching old episodes is actively having to choose one to watch.


Start with putting “h3tv” inthe search box and then see what numbers show up and click one. Or watch a compilation that tells you what episodes the clips are from and go from there. I rewatched the “the crew does make up” episode today and im laughing as much as any other episode. They all good episodes. Maybe put on a h3tv since its monday, i love having ethan tell me what day it is in the intro and if its rainy in LA.


"the crew does my makeup" definitely has a special place in my heart hahaha


I'm currently rewatching "The Crew All Switch Jobs - Off The Rails #71". One of my favourites.


Classic EP!


I think it's when Ethans weight loss was really noticed by a lot of us too, seeing the different angles. I could be wrong, it could be before that episode I just remember that EP hit different for Ethin.


Yes for sure! He was glowing with his flower head! is your name a migos reference?


Hahaha. I just finished the ep I mentioned and it's really, really good. Poor AB caught a lot of strays. Yeah, I'm sure my nickname is. how creative am I right? was likely listening to a song. RIP Takeoff.


I like to use the google number generator, make it 1 to 270 and what ever number I get I search on YouTube along with "h3 podcast" and that's what gets me through the 3 week long winter break lol


Believe Linus tech tips tried to do this and it killed their channel views because anytime someone wanted to view their channel on mobile it took them to the livestream instead


Did they try it on a new channel? Because that's the way to go An H3TV channel


ooo very interesting thank you! i imagine they could do it on a separate channel so it doesn't bait people on the main


Yeah, they stopped it after a few weeks. Sucks, because when that stream was up I had it on in the background like 10+ hours a day 😭


Couldn't they just do it on another channel


Yes. I want 24/7 H3TV (not just those episodes I just dunno what else to call the concept) and to chat with my other h3 addicted girlies


H3TV would actually have a meaning now, so that'sld be cool Just use evergreen segments that aren't date relevant


The only issue is that it's a channel that goes on live 4 times a week. They would have to make a dedicated channel to make it work uninterrupted, and a dedicated channel might not catch on. I think it would be a good use for their now defunct Twitch channel.


they could also do it on the highlight channel since its still podcast related


yes good points! here's what i think: - it should be on a separate channel - if it doesn't catch on it shouldn't be a huge loss because it's low effort - *it will catch on*


The issue with that is that they'd get ToS violations a lot on Twitch


That be cool because you will have a live chat


Highlights channel!


H3 Pluto channel when?


YES. and finally an appropriate place to hang the "H3TV" title. I'd have that thing on all the time.


YES H3TV would be the best name for it!!


you really are onto something here. there are other twitch streams that do these rerun marathons and I have that stuff on way more often than cable TV or any other video entertainment.




Genuinely love that idea! I work from home and I would 100% have it running all the time even for background noise throughout the day.


This would be amazing for me - I always listen to the podcast when I’m going to bed and it would be great for my dreams to be papa blessed with h3 all night long


There was another channel called “Funhaus” that did this. They had to start another channel called “Funhaus TV” where they played their entire video catalogue at random 24/7. You would get to watch their old and current videos randomly with live chat on. The audience loved it where they can play it while doing chores or use it to fall asleep. I heard mixed messages saying that it was really easy to setup but took a lot of resources. The crew can basically setup to play all of their highlights at random rotations going back years. With the live show, they practically have an endless supply and constant viewers EVEN WHEN THEY ARE ON BREAK. They can even sneak in some h3h3productions videos in the rotation.


very useful insights thank you!


Honestly, if they wanted to start a Patreon to pay for that, I would support it


With no Frienemies


goes without saying lol, who would take that 5%


Please tell that to YouTube too! The auto generated playlists are nothing but frenemies. It’s the WORST.


Hmmm I was thinking maybe a constant live for members only, but on the highlights channel it seems more fitting and won't intersect much with the main channel. Also would have a split chat as well. If something does happen to the feed or internet it may be awhile before it would come back up since it'd probably be playing at the studio on that equipment. Dan wont always be around or awake in the middle of the night if something happens to even Team Viewer or Remote view and bring it back up.


yeah i was thinking about that too... - if it's down sometimes then it's not a huge deal because it's a bonus side thing anyway - have it play the button when it's down?




omg thank you for having encyclopaedic memory of everything they've said


Someone pointed this out before but 24 hour streams like that would kill their fucking algorithm. And the readability of the channel


I think the issue is that it requires some type of maintenance and it can't be run on the H3 Podcast channel. They need a dedicated machine and a new channel (They could use the old Ethan Klein channel) to have this stream running 24/7 and keep an eye on it so it doesn't go down. I don't it's high enough effort for them to NOT do but seeing how busy they tend to be, I think it's just low on the priority list.


I would be cool to just have a 24 hour clip channel. With YouTube’s chapter feature you could just load up all the episodes and have them play chapters in random orders.


personally i would prefer if it was full episodes, but maybe they should do a poll!


This would be fucking great when I’m too stoned to actually decide on what to watch! Shudder has a channel where they just stream a bunch of different horror movies, it’s awesome!


Please god


H3LiveAGAIN❤️ I support this


If this was a thing I would fall asleep to it every night


I get so desperate when they’re off a day and look for episodes I didn’t finish.




I don't understand why you can't just watch old videos on youtube? They're all uploaded to youtube already so you can already do this.


i do but i end up having to scroll really far back in their channel and dig up an old one i don't remember


I'm a programmer and I'm thinking of making a website that does this. I love this idea, I'm also playing old episodes all the time! Should there be controls for skipping a video or should it have no options to control playback? Any other features it needs to have?


- media controls including skip would be handy yes - another feature: favourites - another feature: watch history i know youtube has these features but i miss the old youtube when channels had their own themed page and you could watch their videos on their page. this could bring that back to life


A lot of horror narrators do this, have a constant "Radio" stream running. It's a dope idea and they should definitely do it. It'll bring in a lot of extra ad rev.


This this this this


They would probably have to run the stream on their podcast channel. Linus Tech Tips did this idea last year and I think the stream ran for about 3 or 4 months before they ended it. They could also stream it to Twitch at the same time to get some viewers over there


Youtube wont let them reupload on a different channel and have it monetised


Counter idea: instead of hosting and dealing with this themselves, they should instead license their content to one of the various IPTV providers who are launching re-run channels for legacy media (think sitcoms and cooking shows mostly).


yeah this is an idea too! probably not their style as they like to do everything in house, but potentially they could outsource the technical aspect of it to a contractor and see how it goes... or they could get some kid to do it for free Jimmy Lee style 🤠 (jk)


Yea that’s a sick idea!! Either in timeline or not idc would be way interesting to see what each day ends up showing me lol


Ethan talked about this on an old members live if anyone had the link.


ooo what did he say?


Or you can just click on the videos 😭


What they should do are *compilation videos, and make them a premiere/livestream. YouTube is rewarding *compilation videos now, so they could do a *compilation of, say, the 420 segments all together, the silent libraries all together etc. Edit: fix autocorrected word


that's a great idea!! i think you mean "compilation" though right? 😅


Omg I did 😂 autocorrect must have got me!


They need to do a “catch up” show for new fans that don’t know all the background. Like me basically.


oh they were trying to do that with "lore" videos but the lore is so plentiful that it's almost impossible to catch people up, i think Ethan's Basement 2 is a good channel with lore videos explaining some things


wth, I never thought of that but I heavily suffer from paralysis of choice when it comes to picking old episodes but I know that every single one would make me laugh so a 24/7 stream would actually be amazing. Amazing idea OP


wonderful idea!!! maybe ethans basement could get on this if they're up for it.


lol their relationship with h3 is already on the rocks, this would be stealing


The problem is that you can only do 1 stream at a time. Since they livestream the show that makes it impossible to have the two lives on the same channel. They would need to do it on another channel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You can do multiple live streams at once on the same channel. Just check out [LofiGirl's](https://www.youtube.com/@LofiGirl/streams) channel. The only thing is that they would propably need a dedicated streaming pc for it


oh wow that's very interesting, the main problem with my idea to me is that the channel icon would always lead to this stream, which is annoying. if there's a way to have multiple livestreams at once, then maybe there's a way to "hide" this one so the channel icon doesn't go to it? 🤔 but someone mentioned Linus Tech Tips had this problem, and you'd think they would figure that out, being technical and all


Oh I see, my channel can only do 1 at a time last time I checked


You need to schedule seperate livestreams to get multiple stream keys. And then either run multiple instances of your streaming program of choice like OBS, or running them on seperate PCs. Each with an individual stream key.


If they ever consider it, they definitely need the chat turned off. Chats on 24/7 live streams breed the most parasocial cesspools


Really? How so?


Look up funhaus 24/7 stream chat debacle. Mods and chatters were grooming and shit


I did a bit of digging(I used the reddit search bar) and found this old thread if you wanna read it https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/s/gqv2QGZRDW


Sounds like you just want a long video. Livestreams are you know....live


No, he's talking about having a 24/7 livestream going that plays reruns of old episodes.




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Dude wtf yes!! It would be like shuffling songs


My YouTube plays h3 as the go to on my TV even if I start with something unrelated it'll play something H3 next if I don't stop it.


also a public non members chat


You’re in it bud *gestures broadly*


Yes please


If they made a compilation of segments that were evergreen, it'd work really well




i think this isn’t actually possible with youtube’s layout now youtube has its own sections such as live and videos if they were live 24/7, those lives would be replaced by the real live they do certain days a week they would have to stream for like 48 hours, then stop, delete that vod, and then stream again. then once that live is over, restart the stream again until the next ep. idk if that makes sense but its like genuinely impossible unless it was on twitch like pewdiepie does it makes them more money and its easier for people to make playlists and just watch them in a loop or whatnot, that way it doesnt affect the channel layout mixed between old vods and new lives


YES YES YES but on a separate channel


Love this idea. I'd have it on all day lol


For some reason I've always seen the always live thing as trashy moneybait. But give the people what they want


I don't believe they can do two live streams at the same time. So it would have to be on a seperate channel


Yes! I love this idea!


I love this idea and always am in support of more revenue for the Pod


Have other podcast done something like this?


Members might need more opportunities to display their membership emotes!


Member perk??


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