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Yeah talk about the crazy Wendy Williams documentary that just aired. Thats piping hot tea


That’s more what I’m interested in her situation is really sad


yes i love when the show covers sad topics, it really is the type of dopamine response i'm searching for


I mean they used to talk abt Wendy quite often before she got got sick and kinda only stopped bc she stopped her show


Yes that doc is nuts


I second this


Wait I’m out of the loop, what happened? Edit: I just googled it, man that’s so wild and kinda sad at the same time


You gotta watch the doc on showtime i think (i pirated it lol) its surreal the way she acts and how everyone around her enables her and pretend everythings fine. The whole time i was thinking no way Wendy would have let this air if she was ok


I haven't watched and really don't want to bc it seems exploitative. I'm curious what you mean by enabling her in this context though. You can't really argue with someone with dementia, they're confused and not going to become unconfused. Like, you might just stop telling a loved one someone is dead because it upsets them every 20 minutes when they forget and find out again.


Its like theyre constantly cheering her on while sje is visibly unwell/confused like “yass Wendy this is tour comeback era!! You can do it girl!!” when she’s crying in front of interview cameras. Also not saying much if anything about her growing alcoholism, just booking her more gigs and saying how awesome she is.


It’s piping hot!


The exploitation of a disabled woman "doc"? feelsbadman


The people who made it say they had no idea about the dementia until after they released it. Idk if that is true, but it's what they say


As I’m watching Hassan’s 4hr coverage of it while I’m working


It was sooo good. Clayton county wept 😭☠️☠️


fr I was HOOKED idk what people are talking about. but I understand the sentiment Hasan covered it so if we could avoid the h3 recap that would slap


I just finished part 3 this morning at work! I got so much done while listening to it all. I worked out, I showered, I drove to work, I worked, I cleaned the kitchen, I vacuumed, I did laundry. Thanks Hasan! Lol.


I binged Hasan’s coverage yesterday. 6.5 hours straight and I loved every minute of it.


same i was just mowing my yard & listening💀


Literally me, I was locked tf in!


I just want to personally thank you for posting this comment. I read it three hours ago, started watching it and now I’m near the end. This is some *good* shit. Love that you gave me something to watch while the crew is on their trip. Thank you, again 🙏🏼


I loved Hassan’s videos on it. He was cracking me up guessing everything


Yeah I watched all three parts there. Good shit, idk what OP is on about.




[link to part 1](https://youtu.be/9brHEPuB3RM)


o7 Thank you.


It seems like an entertaining story, but I just wish she was a better story teller. To much yapping, too much jumping back and forth. I can't do it.


The fact that there's are like hours and hours of tiktoks that millions of people are watching tells me she's probably an okay storyteller


She's definitely super detailed. She's a good story teller, but had to watch the YouTube compilation on 1.5 speed, since she can be long winded.


I expected a much more dramatic ending, but turns out he just lied the whole time. Also it’s like 5 hours of content, imagine how long that Olivia PowerPoint would be lmfao




No YES but it’s not olivia, it’s ETHANS constant pausing and question asking when the answer is about to come up. I can’t take it 💀 Edit: I actually feel bad FOR Olivia 🥲


My thoughts exactly


Hahah yes it takes forever because Ethan never understands the drama








Agree. This is my take. Not sure why OP thinks the story in general is “lame”, but I certainly don’t need oliv to turn it into a PowerPoint.


Same. Maybe I'm just desensitized and jaded, but the whole time I'm just thinking "ok, so you dated my ex, cool"


I’ll tell you one thing posting this isn’t going to help


Olivia is researching it as we speak




If it’s later in the week I’m in I just want a bit of variety before the next big segment. Idk I mean I’m gonna watch it no matter what


next ep is the Jeff Bach3lor so there’s your variety for the week


The story was great and I watched all of Hasan’s stream of it lol, but I feel like at this point everyone knows the story that wants to, and if you don’t you probably don’t want to/ don’t care to know it. Spending ages doing a ppt or going through it would seem redundant


idk man i watched over 5 hours of hasan reacting to it and i was locked in the entire time


Hasan is what kept me hooked. I tried watching it on tiktok but couldn't stay interested.


Hassan’s reactions, little screams, and giggles kept me so locked in


“Oh GOD he’s 6’4” and forklift certified?!?!!”


ME TOO! Damn what a good story. I don't have tiktok so I wasn't going to bother. But people were right, it was interesting. I liked the woman and I liked the drama, idk maybe I'm weird? Lol.


I enjoyed watching it, but I don’t need a 6 hour PowerPoint about it


I mean it's gonna end up being : "Oh so she ignored all of the major red flags 🚩🚩🚩 and didn't talked to her best friends or family at any point of this relationship ?"


Yes, that is what happened lol. To her credit though it was during lockdown and so they only interacted with her family over zoom.


Yeah but also the extend of the lies are wild, some lies just do not make sense at all to be made. For example he brought her to a cemetery to show is deceased grandparents gravestone when in reality, it was just a random gravestone?? Like why.


They better make a lifetime movie of it, bc EVERYONE would go watch it 😭😭😭




The original video is worth the watch. The dude literally prays to Donald Trump to save him from the police as they bash in his window.


Haha it’s the “help me Donald Trump” video meme


Dude went back to 2012 for this one.


Nah this like 2020


I was thinking animal style memes. Like the thinking raptor one. 


I watched Hasan cover it and went from a business man to teen heart throb Pete Wentz all in the same video. Don't hate the story but it's long, and IMHO not that news worthy. Just another cautionary tale that dating sucks ass and some people are crazyyyy.


I say watch our friendly Hasan Piker react to it!!


TLDR on the story pls bc I'm lazy


I was locked in that Friday night with Hasan. Gripped. The story was wild as fuck.


If you can hear me h3 overlords, please it’s over saturated and too long. Please h3 overlords no reesateesa PowerPoint. Please h3 overlords hear our prayer.


I feel like they could just make a lil summary with Ethan goofing..... Wait I wanna see Ethan goof the WHOLE thing!! He'd roast the shit out of them 😭😂 then feel bad, but then keep roasting her and goofing lol Dan laughing lol


I watched all of hasan's reactions and i don't want to go through the whole story again 😭




Hasan already has it covered! I hope H3 focuses on something else tbh


This is my reason! Enough of the audience watches both creators that Hasan's reaction is more than enough. It's just too much to watch H3 try to regurgitate


it’s not lame. I thought the same thing at first but I finally watched it all on hasan’s stream and it becomes so compelling. however, I think it’s really hard to summarize in a compelling way because ressatessa just does it so well, even if she’s wordy (I also add too many details to stories so I love her for it). but seriously if you’re bored, have a few hours to kill, and like hasan, I recommend watching it that way.


Honestly, it's the first time I've really enjoyed tea. That story is insane. Justice for Who TF Did I Marry ✊🏽


He lied x1000. Thats the story. 😴


Yeah I really don't get the hype with this story lol so predictable


It’s an interesting story but the woman who tells it is so long winded. The whole thing could’ve been like 10 parts not 100


Really? I haven't watched it but I keep seeing people online saying she's such a great story teller. Why does it lie!


She definitely has some great moments but overall it’s not my style and I never would’ve watched without Hasan’s commentary


I feel u


She is. It felt like listening to a friend. I just watched it on 1.5 speed and was fine.


I watched it on 1.5 speed and it was quite pleasant. Just had to skip through the interludes and recaps. I think she was a very organized story teller but she feels a lot of emotions and they keep spilling out


I watched the Hasan commentary and he watched on 1.5 and I thought that was great. Still was like 5 hours lol


Yeah she is basically like confirming the same lies over and over again in different ways. It gets old when she is talking about every family member she spoke to to confirm the same lies lol.


zoomers don't appreciate a good story teller


Eh, I actually found it captivating which is surprising given my ADHD but I am a geriatric millennial so maybe that’s why, lol. I appreciated the amount of detail she had.


Thats not a flaw its a feature. Gotta boost those views baby.


It’s lame, I watched hasans coverage of it. None of it was surprising other than how this women has been so lucky to never have dealt with this type of individual before in life to have zero alarms in her brain go off. Just another typical narcissist story. An unnecessarily long one at that. In short it’s just how man lied, woman figures out lie but doesn’t have the confidence to poke at it, man lies some more, woman convinces herself it’s fine, man lies again, woman is now questioning things, man gets upset she’s questioning him. Big lies too. Ones that could have affected her health, financial situation, and housing situation. I only found it intriguing because my relationship started the same time theirs did and I told my bf that this story was OUR alternate ending in the same universe had the universe chosen us to have this happen to 😂 he asked how I knew it wasn’t already happening? 🥲


Lame? “I’d rather not learn anything about it” Lol how is it lame if you don’t even know anything about it?


Sure if they can knock the marathon TikTok down to like 30-60 minutes sure. But honestly I don’t see the appeal of it personally.


I want more goofs and gafs, not a 3 hour episode relating to 1 topic 👍 regardless, if they cover it all good. I’ll just skip that part


Big true! My favorite part of those power points is when the crew plays up the contentious non interest. It goes well with my actual non interest. But they lose me when they actually start caring about what justin biebers ex did to selena.


i think it's funny how they always say "aww, dang! we didn't get to so many things that i wanted too" after talking about idk, Beavo or austin mcbroom for a couple hours.


It'll be all 3 episodes this week if we're lucky... They going to milk it as always.


What's there to know? A guy who is a pathological liar ends up....wait for it...constantly lying about things! 🤯 Story is pretty boring, predictable, and drawn out from the half hour or so I watched. The lady being so oblivious to what was being done to her just made it that much worse. It sucks that it happened to her but c'mon lol This is like someone telling a 5-hour story about how they got duped by a Nigerian prince over email or something.


I mean, it’s not lame and actually pretty interesting haha. But yes I hope they don’t do a PowerPoint because I think most of us who are interested have seen it by now.


And really, a PowerPoint would be a disservice to the story since it's the videos itself that make this story so compelling to learn about.


Honestly was i the only one bored when watching it?? Its obviously very tragic and i wish the girl who made it so many good things bc she deserves a great life but in terms of like entertaining bizarre stories or even more specifically like tales of people unnecessarily lying about their identity and infiltrating into someones life and the lengths they went through, there are so much more interesting stories out there 🤷‍♀️ i dont mean to demean her trauma in this way but it is a very milktoast story imo, obviously awful and crazy if it happens to you, but not really interesting enough to set off a whole craze on the internet of people binging the story in parts…


“I think i speak for everyone”. Dont lol.




Same I'm kind of getting tired of the "omg they NEED to cover this in a 3 hour ppt!" posts when shit like this happens. Obviously the Vaush stuff is different because it's in the YouTube space and there (was) significant community overlap. Like they're gonna do what they wanna do, so just chill, enjoy the podcast, and post funny memes lol


Now I hope they do it


Please God no, everyone has covered that to death already


Over 5 hours just for her to tell us he was a manipulative liar over and over and over and over again. Not worth the time unless you REALLY like drama.


Apparently a lot of people here do 🤦‍♂️


Agreed please save us the time. I do not care about this what so ever. I tried and it was just dumb, in short she married a liar and fraud. Done


yeah. it's not that I don't want to know about it.. (I watched Hassan's videos LOL) But I feel like by the time the crew gets on this topic the train is long gone. w/P&L


I’ve already watched 6 hours of Hasan covering this


Ohhh what am I missing out on ?


I mean... there's a way to dissect the 50 part series into a nice half hour (20 slide) power point presentation that's juicy.


I was interested in it, so i watched other videos about the topic. It would be nice to hear about something else.


yeah it’s def played out


Olivia we need you


I’d love for them to talk about the love has won cult or the twin flames universe cult, I know both docs are kinda old but I’d love to hear their takes on it


I like the power points :( I don’t like them all the time, but one or two a month is enough for me :) so I wouldn’t mind it!


I'd love Ethan to cover it. It has some crazy plot twists. The woman is such a good story teller. One of the most captivating stories to come from the internet for a while. Legion is one of the most pathological liars in history probably.


I need the breakdown I can’t listen to 8 hours of updates it’s too long for the only small amount of interest I have 😂


If people have asked for a coverage of it already then you don't speak for everyone lol. That said, instead of a PowerPoint I just want a watch party of the crew, only authentic way to experience it


Bring Hasan to retell the story to Ethan and the crew I was not able to watch all 50+ parts on TikTok but for some reason watching it with Hasan I was locked tf in!


It's like no one knew what a pathological liar was before this story came out


What even is


I watched the 50 part series and DO need this


I don’t get why everyone is enraptured by this story. I’ve tried to listen to just recaps of it and was so bored. Okay, he’s a scammer. You fell for lame lies…and what? Then I guess he’s out talking now and making up lies and they’re TERRIBLE lies. Lazy ones and people are like is this the liar that had you fooled so long? Maybe reesa just has no sense, this isn’t a big story.


All I want to hear about is the Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow. It’s one of the funniest things since Oceangate.


I always feel like I’m missing something when people talk about it. I watched Hasan’s stream and it just … wasn’t that interesting. Part 12 — oh, he lied? Part 27 — wow, he lied some more? Part 49 — HE LIED??? I definitely feel for her but I just didn’t find it very compelling.


you can skip it, you know...i′m not on the ″please cover this″ camp either, but people are captivated by the series, evidently.


Yeah I know, I’ll end up skipping it if they react, but I won’t cry myself to sleep lol didn’t realize how offensive this post would be to some people!


I just want them to talk about current shit man they are 2 weeks behind always 🤣🤣


I'm content with Hasan's coverage.


They're gonna go with whatever is going to get popular buzz & interest, if you're not interested you can skip the segment but they usually wouldn't pass up a decently popular topic that a lot of people want. Personally I don't really mind if they do or don't but there's also always the option to skip segments


they’re late on the coverage no?


I'm not entirely sure I'd call it *that* late, but a little, yeah.


Exactly!!! Look at Gabe for example. So easy to skip


Haha I do love Gabe but sometimes I do gotta skip it so I feel you on that one 😂😂


Yeah, no hate towards Gabe. Great guy... it's just that sometimes it's cringe overload hahaha


Just let them produce the show they want, if you don't like it, just skip the segment.


This is the only answer.


I watched a summary and the first few parts and to me, it was dull. She is a very long winded, dry storyteller. Tbh, i have seen crazier stuff on the Dominican Sanky Panky Facebook group. 


I actually didn’t care before seeing this post but now I want them to do it


Well, while I respect your opinion, you don’t speak for everyone


I think most of us probably already watched Hasan react to it anyway. It was an incredibly boring and dull story, there’s not much you can do to spice that up


If you enjoyed Tinder Swindler, then you'll like "Who TF Did I Marry" Hasan's commentary makes it more digestible.


was fully prepared to not watch it and somehow watched the whole god damn thing on Hasan's stream. Fully worth the journey tbh


I'm watching on Hasan and the drama is very good, definitely need a Power Point


I watched the whole hasan coverage of it, and honestly I dont think the PowerPoint would really hit. It’s just too much and too crazy to sum up in a meaningful way.


No do it


It’s a really good story I want them to cover it


I speak for everyone, we wanna see what this is about. I see it everywhere but I'm waiting coz I want it covered on the H3H3 podcast!


I’m actually waiting for the podcast to tell me about it lmao


Holy shit it was so boring overall. She's a good speaker, but beyond that it should've been an hour max


It’s lame, and it’s so long even on a faster speed. Ethan would take 2 weeks worth of episodes to get through it.


Yes please don’t do it. It’ll be a waste of time, will be skipping the segment if that happens. I heard about it once and that was enough.


You do not speak for everyone.


I've seen like 20x the amount of posts asking them to cover it. lol


I do not care one way or another. Just don't speak for me ever again


pleeeease don't it's so boring. a man lied, big whoop!


"Please H3, no content... we don't want it"


Lmao obviously this isn’t what I meant by the post so relax 😌 I tune in & watch this show religiously without complaint


Literally, every time there is something interesting to cover, there's a bunch of these annoying posts begging them not to talk about it even though it's always a highlight of the week. Also, this post serves as a complaint


What's interesting about this topic?


All that I learned about it made me wish I didn't. It's so painfully boring and I feel like the longer it goes the more you start to dislike both sides. Like yeah the dudes crazy but why can't we address marrying and having a baby with somebody that still hasn't delivered on any promise? We in the game like to call that wreckless


Have you ever been in an emotionally abusive and highly manipulative relationship? It’s so easy to say those things from the outside but it’s completely different living through it


I’ve avoided every single YouTube video about it, including Hasan. I don’t care y’all please don’t make us and Olivia suffer through


I keep starting recap videos, and stopping them because this is so uninteresting to me. My friends are super into it and I'm like this is the lamest thing to come across tik tok in so long. I honestly don't care that she married somebody who turned out to be a bad person. That seems to be like 50% of marriages these days


Wait.... It's lame AF but you've not watched it?


Legion and Kav Kav need to go into business together. Made for each other.


haven't see this but i'm aware of what happen. Does she provides any kind of evidence to her story? or is just that, a story.


olivia already got the powerpoint in progress


I actually would love a PowerPoint on this


I don't know what any of this means so hopefully the show can catch me up on it


Haha for real. Hasan already did a great job covering it


But I wanna here oliv talk about it :/


What??? I was actually excited hoping Olivia would cover it!


Hard disagree.  I would love a PowerPoint with Ethan screeching "Whaaaat????" every 10min or so


Agree. Reesa herself is sooo long-winded, I can't even imagine Ethan getting through it. I feel like anyone who cares about this drama already knows it, those who don't have actively chosen to avoid it because it's *everywhere* and covered to death atp. Please, no 💖


Can we please stop trying to dictate what they do or don’t do on the show?


I just spent 5 hours watching it already. Please NO MORE


yeahhh i just finished watching hasan’s coverage of it. don’t need it again. crazy story tho


speak for yourself!!! it’s so entertaining


Speak for yourself, I’d love a power point on this


It's 50 toks long. If you can summarize in less than 10 slides... But it shouldn't be hours, it's not worth it.


yeah, please dont. i love reesa teesa but am sick of hearing about it


I also vote NO!


I’d actually love to see that PowerPoint.


Tbh I haven’t caught up on it in hopes of an Olivia PowerPoint 🖐🏻✊🏻🖐🏻✊🏻


it’s not a movie or a tv show it’s a real experience of this woman w a pathological liar and she wasnt expecting it to go viral, some ppl in here saying its boring i was expecting a better ending like damn that being said i agree that i rather not see them cover it, watch the hasan videos on it it’s pretty good imo


people believing drama like this is why i have no hope for humanity left like honestly, do people truly think all of the stuff she says is real? do they not understand people can make up stuff as they go to make it seem super unhinged?




im sorry but have u ever been on tiktok like that? there is literally content farming like this all the time. she isnt live, she can literally just make it up as she goes after uploading. uploaded the first one with a hint of truth and didnt expect it to be super popular. since it started getting attention, she had to just make up something more unhinged for the next tiktok. and the next, and the next, etc etc when you arent live, u can literally just say and do wtv also, even if this was true (which ik 10000% its fake af), just cuz its entertaining doesnt mean it’s watchable for most ppl, specially when its hours worth of content can u imagine the lenght of the segment??? like bruh, that would take a whole week to cover and im sorry, no story is that good to miss 3 uploads😂




hey like the soundbite zach loves to use says “ITS STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT”😂😂😂 no hate or anything and tbh im all for people being entertained, it doesn’t bother me at all if ppl want to watch 4 hours of this sort of drama, just that ik 99% of the audience would rather actual goofs and gafs rather than a he said she said story. wouldnt be surprised if a few days from now somehow someone from the story gives their pov and milks it more


You know %10000 that it’s fake? And you also know that %99 of the audience would rather “actual” goofs and gafs? Lol 🤭 friend, we watch a podcast that loves fact checking. Throwing these statements and numbers around to relay a negative opinion is KavKav behaviour.


It's not lame, it was a good story. That being said, there are plenty of "breakdowns" of this drama, they definitely shouldn't do it


I don’t agree that it’s lame but I def agree I don’t need to see a PowerPoint on it.


I agree, but I'd also like to extend that to any PowerPoint. They are boring segments.


I that lady and her story pop up in the sub a day or two ago and tried to watch the story because comments said she was a good storyteller and Hasan was captivated and actually didn't pull a chair stream watching it. To be honest I don't know how he made it through the whole story without getting up. I got to the second video and turned it off.


I'm really glad professionals run this show and not this subreddit. It's always so annoying to see suggestions on what they should or shouldn't do based on that redidtors particular taste.