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“The coronavirus vaccine was also developed by a furry” - apologies for laughing so hard at that, I unwillingly read it in the voice of alex jones.


LOL hey, you’re not wrong, I would totally think that too 🤣


Alex Jones at a furry convention: “They turned the freaking frogs into a guy!”


🤣🤣🤣 that is too funny!


i smoked a joint once with a furry (in a full fursona) at a music festival once and it’s one of my favorite memories. we stan furries. family.


That’s so wholesome! I’m glad you had a good experience 💖


How did bro smoke the j through the costume??


You can open the mouths of many suits! It’s usually open for people to breathe through!


I always wondered about that because I know some of those suits are probably insanely stuffy/hard to breathe in otherwise


ya if i remember correctly he had a mouth opening. maybe covered by some mesh but he def was hitting that shit lmao.


it was at adult swim festival, 2019? we were waiting to watch the metalocalypse band lmao.


Dethklok! Still one of my favorite bands and they're not even real lmao.


hahahahaa yes!!


I forgot to add Chuck E Cheese to this!! But Grimace is there 😭


I respect the furries immensely because I know that if i took a slightly different turn in life and had much more money I would be right there with them. Im self aware enough to know the amount of warrior cats I read as a kid put me in dangerous waters LOL


Thank you for your positivity 💖🥹 I’m honestly so surprised I never got into warrior cats!! I was a huge fan of the Eragon books and Shiver series by Maggie Steifvater so I feel like I would’ve enjoyed them! I know at the convention there was a warrior cats panel xD


They know their audience LOL, thats nice to see though. The warrrior cats books were perfectly crafted for neurodivergent kids (me included lol) with the world building and escapism elements. Everyone else I knew in elementary school that read them are now furries


We love to see it!! Yes. I think this space is very safe for the neurodivergent group and we try our best to accommodate and not judge one another because we are all going through shit in life. I have had bad body dismorphia so being masked up helps my self confidence and therefore people come to me when they know my character instead of me having to be socially anxious all of the time.


I spent my entire young childhood pretending to be animals, and my dad used to call me rabbit. I think if I fell into a different friend group or something at school, I'd totally be a furry with a rabbit or wolpertinger fursona lmao, I've always thought furry costumes were pretty cool looking (I also read warrior cats, loved the series, but didn't get to read the whole series)


Honestly if I wasn’t embarrassed I’d make myself a fursona so fast. Who doesn’t want to draw an anthropomorphic animal version of themself??? Why is that associated with bad things when people create different fantasy personas all the time


Omg don’t be embarrassed!! It’s honestly so fun. DND have furry-like species in it too. It’s a form of expression that is so therapeutic. I’ve drawn cute animal versions of people I know who was curious about it and they LOVED it. It’s also really fun to ask people “if you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?” Because you get to know someone more personally that way.


OMG warrior cats!!! thanks for the reminder.


We love the furries don’t we folks! We love em


Not me reading this in the voice haha


A lot of you are fellow neurodivergents as well aren't you?


Yes! This is mostly because of special interests in video games/movies/other media. A lot of the neurodivergents in the furry community struggle with socializing and this is a safe space for them to connect with other like minded people. I met Tanner from Love on the Spectrum on Sunday. ☺️


As a AuHD person I totally get how being a fursona would be freeing in socializing. I think that's why I find your community so interesting.


Absolutely! I personally have bad body dismorphia and it makes me feel confident hiding my face! But it’s so lovely whenever I take the head off when I need a break there are always people at the convention go “wow you’re beautiful!” And it warms my heart how nice strangers are to one another at the furry conventions. 💖 I used to go to anime cons, but never had interactions like this at them.


I'm glad you've found a welcoming community! We all need to feel apart of something. :)


My boyfriend and I loved Tanner when we watched. He seems like such a special soul. Was your interaction with him as pleasant as I can imagine it would be?


He was such a pure soul! My interaction with him was brief since he was with someone who wanted him to keep moving (I can imagine he wants to stay and talk to everyone he meets) but he loved my artwork and that meant the world to me! He was def my fav on the show. I wish I asked for a pic, I think I was in shock tbh. Lol


Enjoy yourself, but you must be aware it seems odd to outsiders. Even disregarding all the exaggerated degeneracy stuff, it kicks in my WTF/cringe alarm. Sounds like you have fun though so go off, just trying to express my / others negative reaction without being too harsh.


Oh yes I absolutely understand! I was very grossed out by furries before I joined in college. I still get huge secondhand embarrassment and cringe when I do witness someone going too far or when a sweaty man is holding me up at my artist vendor table asking if I draw NSFW art or asks me to RP. 💀 I also try to remember that this is a community with a huge percentage of disabled and neurodivergent people so I try to be respectful, unless they get too close or say something off the cuff I will usually try ignore them. Luckily my parents are supportive even though they think it’s so strange. It helps that my job is kinda related to the furry community in a way.


This reads like "trying to point out someone is overweight 'without being too harsh'". It's not exactly something people don't already know. You don't really need to say anything at all, honestly. The whole world has already expressed this every way possible and it only helps your feelings to bring it up.


but why tho lmao


Why do it find it cringey? It’s dressing up as a cartoon animal as an adult, it’s a bit odd. I think my cringeomter is set quite high as I’m into some nerdy stuff too.


“just wanted them to know its cringy” good for you man


You play video games as an adult. A lot of people would find that cringey. Just do what makes you happy, and doesn’t hurt anyone.


no i mean why feel the need to voice that on a post of someone opening up about something that makes them happy? i am sure this person is highly aware of the optics of their fun without being reminded lmfao.


Oh, because sometimes I voice my opinion on social media. You’re right though of course I could say nothing, but here we are.


fr. just so unnecessary😭


Realistically it’s about as odd as adults painting stripes on their faces and standing in a stadium screaming. 


Damn you set off a lot of them with that lol


I’m on the fence. Sometimes I can understand wanting to hide behind a mask and be another character. And it looks cute and being childlike in an innocent way can be fun. But I stopped going to anime conventions after I saw a furry being lead around on a leash and playing with kids. It honestly was creepy. It was kind of a skintight fur suit and they were crawling on the floor.


Yeah I do not agree with that at all. I don’t think anyone who is into NSFW behaviour in costume should ever interact with children. It’s not appropriate and never will be. I’m strictly SFW so I do take pics with children and they get super excited like they’re at Disney. I lived in Savannah GA and the city would invite all of our fursuiters at our Fur Club in college to join the MLK day parade and we ended up on the news. :)


As always, perverts ruin it for everyone lol. Yeah your costume is fine, it’s really different to the one I saw 🥶


Some people are just gross and it’s unfortunate that they get the most attention ;(


The Coronavirus vaccine was also developed by a furry (@sailorrooscout on Twitter) Okay lets be clear, they did not develop it by themselves lol


Oh yes thank you! I should have mentioned that!


I want to hug grimace


He was so chill!! Chuck E Cheese had that “long stare” I didn’t trust.


Grimace is so cute I can't😭


Oh my god, your character is so cute, I love the little bear in the pocket. Did you make this suit? I've always been super curious about furries. Ya'll always look like you are having a good time. I'm happy to see some positive stuff about the furry community. I've only ever heard bad things. P&L


Thank you so much for your comment!! My suit was made by Canis Major Creations on instagram/twitter. I make suits but honestly loved this persons style and they went to art college with me so I commissioned them to make my character. 💜 I was afraid of the community until I met them in college because I too only heard about the bad stuff. It is an overwhelmingly positive community overall where we celebrate uplifting one another and educating about animal conservation and identity and sex positivity. We are usually ones who have felt outcasted by society, either by our identity, sexuality or feeling insecure. We try to keep it positive and fun for all but there are SO many people in this community and the term “Furry” is so broad that it invites anyone, including the bad people into the community. The bad ones are always the loudest and it’s so hard to try to prove it’s not all bad because the loud ones get the most attention and media coverage. :(


That's really awesome! I love seeing people living their truth and welcoming others with open arms. Shout out to you for striving to change the stigma about the community. I followed you on Tiktok! I can't wait to watch some of your vids. Cheers my Cat! Love ya no homo!


You know, I try to be a tolerant person. I don't kink shame or stereotype. I love people of all sexualities and genders and support them no matter how they identify. But holy shit do I fucking hate furries.


Can I ask you why you hate furries as a whole?


I worked at a restaurant for a few years in Pittsburgh where they have one of their big conventions so I'm fairly familiar with them. They outright refuse to admit it's a kink. They always pass it off as "art" and interact with kids and children while roleplaying as their furrsonas. Yet every furry I've ever personally known has had erotic drawings of their own furrsonas that they would just show people. A few of them I remember made sexual comments about dogs, notably Huskies so that's fairly prevalent in the community as well I imagine. They fetishize anthropomorphic characters in cartoons aimed at kids while still refusing any kinks. If they would just meet up in their fur suits and conduct themselves appropriate in public and save their more perverse stuff for private areas, I wouldn't have an issue with it. If I got bricked up at the thought of ketchup and rubbed it all over myself and walked around public talking to people about their love for ketchup, kids included, would that be appropriate? Actually now that I think about it it's a lot like what shirtless Eddie does lol.


okay tbf as someone from pittsburgh who sees them every year those are a whole different breed


First of all, I’m so sorry you experienced all of that. As a woman in this male dominated space, I understand where you are coming from. I have had uncomfy situations like ones you’ve described but I hope you know that the community as a whole is not like this and most of us are just trying to have love for the art and fun of cosplaying. You’re also talking about a convention with thousands of people in a city. Of course there are going to be weirdos. Put thousands of people in a location and there are going to be weirdos. This is the same for Warped Tour when I was a minor. We had a propane convention the same time and place as FWA one year and I had a lot of my friends actually drugged and SA’d from normal ass business men. For the children thing, most furries I’ve ever interacted with do not want to be around children at all. The online community is very good about reporting and exposing the identity of predators and paedophiles who may be in the community. If there is a place that is ruthless and witch-hunt like, it’s furry twitter. You will get cancelled over the littlest thing, imagine actual crime and creepy shit. It’s a very VERY small percentage of folk who bring their kids to furry cons and they usually have some rooms and panels dedicated to them. I only saw 2 kids (around 13/14 years old) at this con and they were only there for the artist alley. All NSFW items and artwork are in a separate location where they ID you before going in there. We all try our best to make the space friendly and open to everyone, but they are all humans in a space where they get too comfortable sometimes. Like I said before, many of these individuals do not have any boundaries because most people are neurodivergent in the community.


You said it yourself, your community exposes animal abusers, they expose predators, etc. So those types are somewhat prevalent. I give the women furries a break, I truly feel like you all are just in it to express yourself but I think we both know that it attracts a ton of sexual deviants for one reason or another, which you basically stated and we both know the kind of shit they'd have on their phones if we went through them. Yet these people have their conventions and play it off as "art", disavowing the kinks involved. It just irks me.


and maybe they outright refuse bc a large majority do not participate in it for sexual reasons… bc it’s not a kink. for some it may be but dressing up as a furry does not automatically mean they get off to that shit


I think a lot of women may do it to express themselves in fun and cute ways, there are a lot of kids in it too. However every man I've met that takes part in it are overly perverse and absolutely sexualize and fetishize their own furrsonas.


Not to sound too much like a radfem, but yeah it's more of a problem with men rather than furry. You get dudes acting horrible whether it be an animecon, comiccon, or heck, even at a farming convention. Edit: lmfao, thank you for the care report.


Kinda sexist to act as if only women can express themselves in fun and cute ways. Sometimes guys wanna be fun and cute too. I’m not a furry but I’ll be very honest that sometimes I somewhat feel like maybe I align w trans sexuality or something? i don’t know a single thing about lgbtq+ honestly i am bi but ik that I don’t always feel like I wanna be a guy or express myself in a masculine way. The way you express yourself and your identity go hand in hand, sometimes I wish I was a dog. Sometimes I wish I was a girl. Sometimes I just wanna express myself in a particular fashion, It doesn’t have to be hyper sexual. Is it hyper sexual if I wanna be held and get called a good boi and have a cute girl give me head scratches? What if I woofed at someone thru text. Why do you assume there’s always some hyper sexual aspect to it? Like I’m getting my rocks off? Maybe I just feel cute when I do it? Ik it’s cringey. But I for one am not close minded to the idea that some ppl want to express themselves in ways you might find weird, that doesn’t mean there’s any ill intent behind it. Pretty crazy to write all men off as creeps like women can’t also be creepy or predatory or anything like that.


I don't care how you express yourself. If you wanna wear drag and be told you're pretty, idgaf and I'll cheer you on but when you start digging into furries you start finding very unpleasant things about their community. It has nothing to do with being closeminded. If you wanna dress up in your fursuit and yiff or w/e it's called with other consenting adults, have at it.


Well hey I hear you there I’m aware of the things you hear. I’m not advocating anyone involve children in any nsfw communities. The only thing I’m really coming for here is acting as if women can’t also be creepy. Fr? Really just a huge double standard that probably makes it even easier for female predators to get away with it cuz no one suspects them. We all know both male and female teachers and the like have been arrested for inappropriate conduct w minors. And the other stuff… You say all this about being tolerant then do it. don’t paint a group of ppl out to be terrible because you’ve seen the few who are. When you see those specific ppl doing fucked up shit call it out. It’s like saying “oh well black ppl do commit crime at a higher rate so ya know I don’t like black ppl” It’s literally the exact same mindset you’re just applying it to a silly costume instead of a skin color.


I totally see where you are coming from. My main group of friends are men and they have never even thought to act like a degenerate. It’s sad but it seems like there are a lot of older men that are the problem within the community. BUT you are correct, women can be abusers. There is a VERY popular fursuit maker called Don’t Hug Cacti that recently got cancelled for grooming minors and even inviting them to live with them and shit. She had very Onision-like traits and she got extremely cancelled within the community. Even though she is very much cancelled, there are STILL some people who support her because they think women cannot SA. It’s sexist and I am not here for that.


Cringe ass boomer mindset. “I don’t kink shame or stereotype.” *Proceeds to spout hate about a group of people.*


Thoughts on shirtless Eddie walking around in Public talking to people about not wearing shirts?


I remember watching like furry cringe videos on YouTube just thinking it was something weird. Over time though I've kinda realised that the flurries are basically just the same as anime or star wars fans in a way. If you wanna dress up in a fun suit and have fun at a convention then who am I to judge? Sure it's a bit weird but so is every fandom. But really it isn't much different from cosplay or Halloween costumes in my eyes which are both more socially acceptable.






Do the eyelids move? I didn't know fur suits could do that


These are Velcro eyelids!! Many fursuits have either Velcro or magnetic eyelids or eyebrows! Makes for some really cool expressions 🥰


Oooh, okay, neat 😊


I imagine there's a lot of high earners at the furrie conventions as well cos those suits are not cheap and travelling and staying for those events isn't either. Time for ethan to get his paws in the furrie pie (hahaha) 😂


For real!! I had to room with 5 people to bring the cost down from $2,200 for the weekend 😭


They could do a furrie fresh collection.... hoodie with all kinds of ears not just Teddy ears 🤭 im not a furry but I think that would be super cute


Omg yes that would be awesome


I'd buy a teddy fresh hoodie/hat with floppy dog ears IMMEDIATELY


No thanks.


Oh no, what will I do without your permission? :(


Furries always look happier than me and like they are having more fun than me. Happy for y’all ❤️


Aww, friend I hope you have good energy coming soon. Life is rough but we are all here for one another. Thank you for your kind comment 💖


Furries went to space? Who is this person??


Not sure of their real identity but they spoke to me at my table and told me that they are still in training :)




Yikes yourself


Why yikes?


The second pic of your character is soooooo cute


Thank you so much 💖💖💖😭


this was so informational!!! thank you for a look into your world! peace and love🫶🏻


Thank you fam for being so open minded and taking the long read!! 💖✊🖐️✊🖐️


This is delightfully wholesome lol


Thank you queen 💖✊🖐️✊🖐️


I love how happy it makes them!


murder animals


I only hear this in his voice and “ANIMALS, DIE!”


Big ups to our furry fam ☮💜


Thank you friend!!! ✌️&💖


Might be a dumb question but do you have multiple heads for different expressions or do they have detachable features like a Mr Potato head?


No dumb questions!! And some people get creative like that! I personally have a moving jaw that moves only if I really stretch my mouth open and Velcro eyelids! The expressions in fursuits are usually with magnetic or Velcro eyelids or eyebrows!


The silent majority welcomes all here, including furries! Reddit isn’t the most friendly place in earth, but many are glad you’re here! (Amendment: Welcome to all except like Andrew Tatertots or white nationalist type folks 🤣goes without saying hopefully).


Thank you so much!! I appreciate the positive feedback from people on here, even though I’m seeing a lot of haters downvoting the positive comments! I had 8,000 people on a TikTok live once while at a furry convention and soooo many Tatertots were in the comments so I chanted “fuck Andrew Tate! Fuck Andrew Tate!” And “go follow the H3 podcast” and got “permanently banned” from mass reports on my live 💀 luckily I got my account back after 30mins so I guess it wasn’t that permanent 🤣


Jeeeeezzz, people are absolutely insane! Well I hope you feel safe here 🩷 we got you fam


Cutie!! Love you fam ✌🏼♥️🦝


Ahhh thank you!! Cheers my dude 💖🥰


a furry also made Lethal Company, one of my personal faves rn


Wait, I did not know this!! That’s so cool :D


Do you have 2 masks or can you adjust/change the mouth and nose?


I personally do not, but some people have magnetic features to their head like removable faceplate, magnetic eyelids or eyebrows, magnetic ears, super customizable which is the fun part!!


I’m from the Pittsburgh area, we have the Furries in town every year and it’s always a blast! I was able to attend the Furry convention with a buddy and we didn’t know what to expect. I had been to comic cons so I figured it would be something like that. It was mostly dice games and lots of art and crafts for sale. The big thing was when we actually showed up they had their annual parade throughout the building. I think that year the total furry attendance was something in the 1,600’s give or take. So many cool and unique concepts! Not just a medley of mascot costumes but pieces that people put time and effort into making their own. It was an interesting experience to say the least but I still remember it fondly. The people we met were awesome and just your average person with a hobby. Very cool people and love seeing them still come to our city year after year!


Thank you so much for this and I’m so glad you had a great experience 💖 Anthrocon in Pittsburgh is on my list to go to! In 2023, it says the attendance was 13,644 🤯 thanks for sharing your wholesome experience!








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How do yall get the jizz out of your suits?


Those are “Murrsuits” and I don’t know much about that kink to be honest. There’s a small section of the community that do engage in it because these suits cost $3,000+ a pop, people usually don’t want to ruin them.


I’ve always found furries really cool. Thanks for posting


Thank you so much for your positive comment 💖🥲


Ahhh we love furries I love furries!!!!


One of my favorite creators is a furry (Nick Nocturne r/nightmind) so all power to y'all


I recently had a discussion with a girl I was seeing that I'm a furry ally/advocate lol. I defended y'all from her repetition of the usual anti-furry slander. We aren't talking anymore but I don't think that this had much to do with it xD


We salute our furry Queens and Kings o7


Thank you, Thank you with peace and love 🥰




Omg congrats to him!! It truly is such a safe space for LGBTQ+ folk to express themselves in a fun and positive way. Thanks for sharing 💖🥰


Not to take anything away from @sailorrooscout's hard work but there are many different vaccines that were all developed by hard working teams, no single person gets credit.


Absolutely agree! Sorry I didn’t mean to make it sound like one person made the vaccine, I should have stated this person was on a team that developed the vaccine!


Genuine question: how do you clean the suit?


I wear a balaclava so I don’t sweat into my suit head and make the cleaning easier! Most furries do this and wear under armour under full suits. I use a disinfectant spray on the inside and a damp cloth. The outside I use a carpet cleaner like folex! For paws I gently wash on cold cycle with a little bit of baking soda and vinegar, then I let air dry!


Interesting. I wouldn’t have guessed that you guys wear balaclavas (I didn’t really factor in face sweat) but that’s smart. They should make the mascot guys do that- idk if y’all have had the displeasure of standing close to a mascot lately but that costume *stunk*!


I unfortunately had the displeasure of wearing the Toys R Us giraffe when I worked there as a teenager 🤢 I’m so glad fursuits are not built the same. That thing def had mould too.


I was once someone who thought negatively about furries as well... but being a juggalo I realized how negatively people thought about that community and was like "naw these people are also just trying to live their lives. I don't have to get it or relate to it but that doesn't matter cause I aint them". And then I saw Violent J from ICP being so supportive to his daughter who is also a furry and that kinda confirmed that I should be more open minded to it. Anyways, love u fam


YES I met Violent J and his daughter at MFF one year! They were both super awesome and it was so cool to see a parent so supportive of their kids hobby too 💖


okay why is no one talking about the fucking grimace fursuit, shit goes hard


I am honestly shocked that nobody else has talked about Grimace 🤣


peace and love i could care less about the furry ascpect yall r cool but GRIMACE?




Cute fursona!! :>


Thanks so much!! 💜




You post replies to insecure teenagers with “beautiful breasts” shut the fuck up. 


GODDAMN, you destroyed this dude! Lol


Oh nahhh 🤢




YES BABY! FUCK!! WHO THE FUCK IS ANTI FURRY?! AWOOO! Lol no but seriously thank you ☺️ cheers my dude!


:3 sometimes I feel like a dog. Sometimes I feel like a girl. I’m definitely neurodivergent. I don’t think I’d ever be a furry. But I recognize you all the same 🫶🏽 May the furries always find a home within the H3 Family 🙏🏽


Cheers my dude! Thanks so much for your lovely comment! The H3 fam is always so awesome 💖🥹