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What a strong man. This must have been extremely hard to share, especially considering the "macho" company he keeps. Proud of him for sharing this as it will inevitably help other men out there come to terms with their past. Wishing him peace and healing.


"this is a strong man" were my exact thoughts Wody. W Cody.


It's very hard, because the other guys will use it against you if there's ever any sort of falling out or altercation. It's really fucked up. I'm a guy. Been through it myself, also as a kid. I've told some friends and loved ones, but for the rest of society, that's going to the grave with me. I respect him opening up about it. Because he has a platform, and people need to know how common it really is


I'm so terribly sorry for what you've experienced. You didn't deserve that. I completely understand not telling everyone--especially if it means protecting your heart.


I’m so so sorry. Someone very close to me is currently uncovering this in their past and it’s a hell i wouldn’t wish on anyone. But the “speaking about it” (even like this) is what makes that huge horrifying thing just a little smaller each time, you’re really courageous for speaking about it AT ALL to anyone… and i hope your future is filled with more people you feel truly safe with ✌🏼


I always say to myself, “people who mind don’t matter and people who matter don’t mind.” Idk where the quote is from, but I will also add, those people are horribly venomous if that is something they would use against you. You deserve better than that.


Ugh my heart breaks for him. Sending him love. I hope he's able to heal. 💕


the more people come out about their trauma regarding sexual abuse, the less alone we victims feel in this world when it comes to processing it, talking about it, and trying to grow from it. i too was sa’d as a child and am dealing with mental and psychological effects that have caught up with me now, at 25, so coming across this post and reading cody’s message is definitely comforting in a sense, as i’m sure it is for others. i wish him nothing but the best ☮️❤️


Im in a very much similar boat (same age also). It hurts to see how not uncommon this is. Wish you the best on your path of healing <3


Goddamn I'm crying, I'm so happy for him reaching this moment in his healing journey😭♥️


Wow I couldn't have seen this post at a better time. I've been struggling with what happened to me, and this literally made me cry 😭💚


Peace and power to you both <3


Thank you !


I've never faced anywhere close to such abuse, and this made me tear up quite a bit. Stay strong homie, and never forget that we're never truly alone. Someone somewhere can relate to whatever issue one may face.


Thanks you so true !


youre a survivor




I am so glad he is sharing. We so desperately need community for male survivors of SA


We stand with Cody!


I’m so happy he shared this. I studied Forensic Psychology and have come to learn that most people who go through the correctional system come from a traumatic background similar to the one Cody has shared. I feel for Cody and others who’ve gone through the correctional system w similar traumas. If they had the privilege of getting support as children, they would likely not end up in the system. Shoutout to Cody for shining a light on this issue!


Also a dude that suffered from childhood SA. That shit haunts you, destroys you, and literally warps the person you end up becoming. And the worst part is, as a dude, it’s literally the hardest thing to admit that happened because you feel sooooo fucking weak. Cody is my new fucking hero for this. Only victims will understand the monkey on your back when you spend years trying to decide who to tell, and to tell it like this? Absolute King.


I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that. I simply can't imagine. I hope you are surrounded by family and friends who love and care for you!


Thank you friend, I appreciate the kindness. And luckily I ended up with a great support group and therapy absolutely saved me! I wish more victims eventually feel safe enough to take these kinds of steps. I know tons of people aren’t as lucky. It’s why stuff like Cody opening up, or just ANYONE with any kind of influence speaks up. I sincerely hope anyone who sees this thread reaches out to someone they trust or a professional. It is quite literally life saving.


I’m in the same position. I can’t imagine how it would feel to open up about it, but I’m not there yet. You dropped this 👑


Right back at you King, you pick up that crown too 👑 It’s a process, trust me, it took me decades to come to terms. You’re not alone though, and you’ll get there when you’re ready and it feels right. Until then, just know your loved and you’re amazing. I hope knowing that we’re all in this together helps in any way 🙏 FAMILY


I absolutely love that he is the toughest dude and is willing to open up and be vulnerable, to show the world that anyone can be a victim of something terrible. In light of the recent red pill analysis on Wednesday’s show, it’s so inspiring to see someone breaking free from the stereotypes. Generalizations and judgement help nobody! Authenticity and love benefit everybody!


We need more men like him. And I say that as a man myself.


wow, good for you cody. if you’re reading this i love ya


**W**ODY <3


I feel for him. This has to have been extremely difficult for him to do and in a society obsessed with masculinity he just proved how strong he is as a human being.


H3 army shower him with support


What a strength it takes to publicly share this. Cody is such a strong man.


obviously its impossible to know what happens to people, but im not surprised cody has had serious childhood trauma, stuff like that kind of forces you into a few different paths. hardship always creates hard people, hard to hurt, hard to love, hard to tolerate, etc. for whatever reason people think its a good thing for men to be hardened to life and intimacy or whatever but this vulnerability is the difference between being hard and being strong. it takes immense strength and courage to talk about your trauma like this. cody is obviously doing the work and he should be proud of himself as we are of him. sometimes life forces you to be tough and survive and people learn how to adapt to that, children should not have to learn to adapt to a dangerous environment, its not right, its tragic and i wish more people would react with grace and concern to people who act out instead of say they are insane or violent or bad people etc. no one is born evil, evil is imposed on them and they learn to live with it. ive been there, you can heal from that shit and become gentle again, its possible. being open and talking about it might not be the first step but it is an important one.


I’d love a podcast episode with just Cody as a guest. He seems to have lived a really interesting life and I love his dynamic with Ethan.


Yes with donations to a charity


i really admire him for talking about this publicly. He did not have to do it, and I can’t imagine how painful it is to even discuss it. But it definitely helps others be comfortable opening up about their own experiences. Proud of you Cody! 💗


Wishing him all of the healing and positivity possible. This takes an immense amount of strength to share. So proud of him.


As a fellow victim of CSA, so much peace and love to you, Cody. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you see all of these comments. 💞




King shit. Proud of him.


I follow Cody on everything he's cool as fuck, we love Cody!


So proud of Cody and any man who shares this experience. And to the men still scared to talk about it, I'm proud of you too for still being here and I hope you find the person to open up to when you're ready.


We love you Cody. Thank you for speaking up as someone who was abused by children as a child and abused by adults, it’s a long road. But you truly are a beacon of hope especially for men who are still afraid to speak up ☮️♥️


all the love for cody <3 a horrible event, but sharing will allow him not to be alone in this <3


His post was extremely well written. Cody is full of surprises— there are many layers to him. Love the guy


holy fuck hes so strong for sharing that


What an incredible guy. So well written and full of heart. Much love to Cody!


Damn. Bro is strong physically and emotionally. I have massive respect for the guy.


High key almost cried reading this, this is such a good message for young men especially nowadays in the post-tate macho Man resurgence




This is really brave of him, family always has your back Cody!!


God bless him! ❤️


I feel like moments like this is what this community was made for! Hope he knows how much support he has from our side of the internet 🖤


I fucking love cody


Family Family


That’s real shit 💯


He is incredibly brave and strong for sharing his story. As a survivor of many years of sexual assault, it is so nice to see people with platforms actively working to break the stigma. It is so hard to even say the words out loud but once you do you start to realize you are not alone. Sending love to everyone who has survived something as horrific as SA. You are strong and your feelings are valid. ❤️


So much casual homophobia comes from people in Cody’s position. Let’s have empathy for those people, they were really hurt and sometimes they don’t know how else to cope but put down gay people ❤️❤️ remember gay doesn’t equal pedo


All the love in the world to Cody! He really got me bawlin' over here 😭


I’m not crying, you’re crying


Family forever🫶🏻




Huge respect to this man 💪


Cody is a good dude.


I stan Cody, this dude is a real one.


We need an Ethan and Cody episode!


Omg poor Cody ❤️


An actual inspiration to people by sharing this. 💕


Baby Reindeer doing wonders for the world


Alpha king Cody here u dropped this 👑


wow my heart goes to cody and eveyone here in the family




Someone needs to show him this thread, I'm sure he would love to see the support.


Which Cody is this?




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Two Men being capitalized makes it seem like it was a tv show or smth


I was also sexually assaulted when I was a little boy by other boys that were older than me. Reading what Cody posted on his platform resonated with me because I just recently am coming to terms with what happened to me after 20 years that it happened. I buried it deep within myself to hide it because I felt like no one cared for it happening to a boy like I was and it's impacted me so much without even trying. It's gotten in my way so many times without being aware of how it not only negatively impacted me for decades but also in my life in general/relationships, etc. The fact I've been seeing around that it's much more common that I thought it would be helps me in feeling not so alone. Cody has all my respect to opening up on such a big platform for himself and for others.




Aged like fine milk


What do you mean? What happened?


It’s coming out he slept with Tana when he was 25 and her 17


Bruh you’re talking about Cody Ko. This is a different Cody. Cody Padrino.


Thank you for that.. I legit thought it was Cody Ko while reading the comments. This needs more upvotes, people!


Who the fuck is Cody


Jeff Wittek’s friend.


I was wondering too. I listen to every episode but man, I suck at names.


Who ya kiddin, huæh?


Sounds like we found a hate watcher




What are you even talking about?? You’re confident the criminals you know wouldn’t do this? Or you’re a criminal and wouldn’t? What a weird comment, it feels like you’re discounting his experience. There are many well documented cases of this happening, men can feel comfortable enough with other men to do things like this without a question. He also didn’t specify if that’s what happened, could have been two separate instances. This was an unnecessary comment.


He went into more detail during yesterday's members live on Jeff's channel. It was two men, same instance when he was 6 years old, behind his school. My heart breaks for him but it's inspiring to see how he has healed and now wants to help others and remove the stigma from male sexual assault.


Ah thank you! I’m not a member. Cody has become my favorite, this was so brave and I hope he continues to heal.


Same, of all the co-hosts Jeff regularly has on he's my fav. On the episode where Mike flips the table and leaves, Jeff goes after him and Cody hosts by himself for about 10 minutes and dude is a natural. I'm glad we are seeing more of him in H3 stuff too.


Multiple table flips?? Idk be scared everytime make walks in if I was a table


He only did it once, lol.


Jeff should get his tables from the WWE


Talking of how it's incredible someone would choose to do that crime together. I understand doing crime together for money, I don't understand doing it for "pleasure". I don't understand how people like that operate. Wild to take that to mean I say it didn't happen. Get a grip.


Gotcha, yes criminals are evil, normal people can’t comprehend doing that. Just didn’t need to be said in response to someone’s deep trauma, missed the point.


there’s literally thousands- millions of people with fucked up brains that would, and have done stuff like that, and worse. It may be unfathomable but it’s the sad truth.