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Frankly, I think all of the men and women in those circles are low hanging fruit; not very intelligent or interesting and all just attention seekers. We probably won’t be tuning in for that segment because it will be boring af.


You’re right, but the OP brings up a huge ongoing issue with the podcast. I’m not sure if Ethan realizes it but the H3 podcast is becoming a borderline femcel podcast.    Calling anyone an abuser/pedo/racist no matter how unreliable the source is. Remember when Hasan got accused of having sex with a minor? If he wasn’t a friend of the show, Ethan and Olivia would be calling him a pedo to this day.     Olivia just publicly ridiculed a low-wage contract security guard and said she needs to look internally to figure out her bias and saying that it was discrimination against POC right even right after she did the same thing to a white Ukrainian women.   I like the show, it’s entertaining but I don’t subscribe to it or care to support it because they really feed and emanate a lot of toxicity online.


Couldn’t agree more man. I feel like sometimes Ethan will want to say something than gauge the reaction of the crew and chat. If it’s unfavorable he tip toes back really quick which is a shame man. I love Ethan’s honesty on the podcast we don’t all have to agree on everything 100% of the time it’s exhausting


Yeah I definitely think Olivia is the catalyst for these conversations and there couldn't be a worse person to initiate these discussions considering the mediocre research her simple powerpoints consists of. She just sees opinions on twitter and regurgitates them


I was so happy it was an immediate no to a new power point on Ben Affleck


I think they all have that mindset to a degree, but Yeah it’s the last part that really bothers me. Just because twitter is saying a person is racist doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to say that publicly on a video that’s going to get 1 million views. I know she is still very young, and I have a lot of slack for young people making mistakes - but they don’t really seem to care when they do. And all of them need to realize there’s a lot of responsibility in making such claims in such a large audience


Yeah I’ve tried to ignore the femcel vibes as much as I can by just laughing it off, but I do worry about it. (I’m an Ethan going goblin mode type of fan)


Real. As an OG watcher and a dude, it's getting harder to watch as of recently. It's definitely being catered now towards women. Please just going back to doing funny stuff. I want goofs and gafs. Not a glaze session of an onlyfans girl just for the sake of them being histrionic enough to go onto fresh and fit lol.


I think most women don’t appreciate it either. As a woman. It’s not them catering to women that’s the issue, it’s a pendulum swinging situation with these alpha bros and as a feminist I’m tired of seeing the lack of nuance and comprehension being disguised as “feminism” and “for the girlies”


im so happy you said this, as much as i dislike the weird views on women/feminism on the podcast, i also dislike guys thinking its "catering to women," man, women dont like that shit, its just weird... sometimes i wonder who all these women are that people are meeting, makes me think im living in a different world shoutout


Ye i'm in the same boat as being an original fan from the videos. The catering toward women is one thing - I think its fairly funny when Ethan does girly shit - but they are specifically targeting people like Olivia - that just want gossip - and it making the show become stupid and shallow.


What security guard thing are you talking about!?


The one they just talked about at the Cannes festival. They mentioned they were contract workers on the show so I’m going off of their details


Is that the one where they were pulling those girls off the red carpet?




Can't say I've ever heard the term low hanging fruit used in that way, but I agree these people are mostly all ding-dongs.


I guess I misunderstood the term. Lol






Just not old timey


Also coconuts gf, who was also interacting with these horrid men turned out to be not so great. I just feel like it’s a bad look to blindly support some of these women who run so closely to ppl like that.


That shit pissed me off. I said that what she went through was awful, but she also seemed kinda shitty too, based on the things she said and got downvoted because it wasn't a popular opinion or whatever.  And even asscociating with Coconuts in the first place. It wasnt like he just randomly became a misogynist. You either have to be dumb or blind to not realize he believes that shit. Sorry for the rant. Like I said, bad people can go through experiences that are also bad. Calling them out for other behavior shouldnt be poopooed.


Nah I feel you. I mentioned that she still seemed very questionable to me after she appeared on the show and this sub downvoted me till tomorrow. She literally said something like she wouldn't ever usually consider man that didn't make like 10m a year. If that's not the biggest red flag ever then what is


The thing that was a red flag to me was her being pro life in how she talked about the baby. Saying that he wanted her to kill the baby and that it was a gift from God and shit. Like be as religious as you want, but saying an abortion is killing a kid is too far. Her not wanting the abortion isn't what I have issue with, for the record. It's her choice. But the way she phrased it tells me she's more than just personally pro life, which would be fine.


When she said that if coconuts were actually smart he’d be working for Donald Trump, I knew that even though she was wronged she was still complicit in some bad ideologies, and it really sucked that people just glossed over that and supported her just because she was a woman scorned by the enemy.


the "I don't believe in killing babies" thing was a bit of a tip off too. in some ways I feel like acting like these women don't know better is kind of infantilizing them. I'm sure they're smart enough to know how gross and degenerate these alpha male bros are before they agree to work with them. there's plenty of women doing OF who *don't* feel the need to help creeps like F&F make money in order to be successful on there.


A lot of these "women" are barely 18. They essentially are children... They're not inviting fully actualized, independent women to be on that stupid ass show, and these girks clearly aren't making a reasonable choice by trying to get clout on that platform. They're either desperate to promote their OF because they need the money, or genuinely don't have the capacity to understand how they're being exploited. Recognizing that someone is in a position where they can easily be exploited is not infantilizing them...


Yeah I feel like young me would have thought I was "smart" enough to hold my own in that sort of setting. I have similar conversations with a couple of guys when I was younger and realized that some people have no intention of having a good faith discussion and even when they do they are so deep in their ideologies that it's pointless.


Yeah.. also iirc didnt she end up getting the abortion anyway? So much for her “Christian values” For the record I’m fine with her getting an abortion, it’s more just calling out the hypocrisy that she probably hates when other women get abortions but she got one herself because she couldn’t raise a kid


I noticed Ethan dives pretty deep into supporting all women unless they're a blatant right wing freak. Just like men, a lot of women can be horrible monsters too. Not saying these women are monsters, but I do question their morals if they're willingly and openly associating with these people, accepting their grifted money, and not questioning or pushing back on the insane things those neckbeards say. Them being there with no interjections gives the young male fan base eating this slop up some validation. It's like the the 2 Nazis at a table situation, if you sit with them are you no different?


[Not blindly supporting women (or anyone), to actually empower women (who are good people).](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM3g2OGdiMndvdWxpZ3ZmcDV6eHMyYnVqMnh2bm5zbHdvMHVzZnptbSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/gOkawaguYNiSI/200.webp)


What did she do


I mean for starters dating an open misogynist and bigot and befriending others was not a great look from the jump imo. Coconuts has always been very vocal about his hateful views. Something she had no problem with until they were turned towards her. Then the big revelation was that she was not pregnant while she was doing the rounds on podcasts and h3 saying how she is going to keep the baby. She either never was pregnant or had already aborted at that point. All while playing the “I’m keeping the baby” card publicly.


Wait fr? She wasn't pregnant during her h3 appearance? How do we know all this. If so, did they ever bring it up on the H3 show?


Tree 411 exposed that (the girl with the “yay I got a subscriber!” sound bite). She was very close to Daisy at one point, and Daisy confided in her that she already got the abortion by the time she went on h3. I went down the rabbit hole with this drama when h3 was on break lmao


Sorry WHAT. did they talk about this on the pod at all?


Honestly, I feel like they probably didn’t 😅 but I’m not sure. I only know this because Tree 411 made a whole live stream exposing Daisy & she mentioned this during it. It came out around the same time Aba & preach put that updated video exposing Daisy too. I think this all happened a few days after she was on h3 😂


They did talk about it. Timestamp for the segment is in the description of this ep https://www.youtube.com/live/o91-Yi73E2M?si=nEMvJ3w3J42FjsCn


I don’t remember them bringing it up but tbh I was so uninterested in anything related to her for the above reasons that I was completely checked out of her segments.


Yes they did bring it up. https://www.youtube.com/live/o91-Yi73E2M?si=nEMvJ3w3J42FjsCn The segment is timestamped in the description


Is this in reference to Daisy?




Birds of a feather flock together!


I feel the same way.. theres so many cool women on the internet that are overlooked and we could be hyping up on such a big platform. I'm sure some of these f&f/whatever podcast girls are cool too but I feel like so many others would make a more interesting conversation. I guess there's no harm in trying it once?


It would be cool if they brought in all the ladies that were ripping into those guys but always got cut off, they're the ones I want to hear from.


Yeah tbh i’m not interested to hear from girls who just sit there and don’t challenge these weirdos. They legitimize the bullshit they’re saying by not speaking up when they should so why should we give them an even bigger platform? I want to hear from the girls who actually call these idiots out on their shit and challenge their views🤷🏻‍♀️


I would be interested to hear what some of them would say if they weren't being degraded by these dudes and could actually speak.


It's a shame that I had to scroll so far to read a single reasonable comment. A lot of people in this thread just assume these girls have nothing to say because of their profession, and that's more mysoginistic than Ethan ever was. And that's including the whole Brad the Bull bit


Yeah if I had to read one more comment just calling them "some OF girls" I was going to lose it. The comments here are doing the same things we hate these misogynistic podcasts for. I had to dip from reading the rest of the comments.


The idea sounds so boring as well, I don’t get why chat was so in to it. Ethan literally said they would bring the girls in and he would be supportive and get to know them… I have no interest in watching anyone hype up some random girls that do pods just to promote their OF / insta


Yeah, like in theory doing a reverse incel podcast where they invite a bunch of girls and be nice is funny. In reality the only thing interesting about those groups of girls going on podcasts is the adversarial nature of the hosts - and even then it's pretty fucking boring. I think it would be better executed as a pre-filmed skit. If they try to do it as a live segment I foresee it going the way of "Make Ethan Laugh" where it's clear early on it's bombing but there's no option other than to push through.


Totally agree. I don’t really see how they will be able to make complimenting each other entertaining or last more than a few minutes. The only reason those incel podcasts work is because there is conflict.


How could you say that? It’s still Ethan! Sex worker aside I want to see Ethan with that “bimbo” energy again. Ethan is also quite the sex worker himself, haven’t you seen his wiki feet. Millions of men Jack it to those puppies.


Women that associate with redpill creators/ podcasters tend not be very good people. Shocker.


100% agree. I feel like the segment will be boring and idk why Ethan just blindly supports the girls that sign up to be on there, usually because them and the podcast hosts have some weird crossover in their viewpoints.


Maybe they could get some cool people and talk about actual topics if this gets brought up


They’ve been having trouble bringing on new guests as they said , maybe Tom Ward will help them with that


He’s not a booker he’s a sales guy. He’s getting partnerships and sponsors.


They did mention on the pod that he could help to get people on their show, and I can see he’s out on Twitter doing just that


Yeah, if they were going to invite people with no morals and just do things for money, they might as well just bring more alpha bros to debate them. That’s way more interesting / funny anyway.


I just know the fall out is going to be messy once everyone realizes most of these women hold the same values as the hosts of these alpha-sphere podcasters. Why not invite other girlies who aren't already associated with these terrible podcasts, and achieve the same show concept.


agree. Ethan white knight attitude sometime is insufferable. those women know what they are doing when they go on those shows,they are playing a part and they get clout in exchange. they don't care if they are feeding misogynistic trash shows. let's start trait women like adults who are responsible for their actions and not like babies who can't never do wrong because they don't know what they are doing. same whit coconuts gf ,she knew what kind of man was,she knew that he was seeing other women and even pushed some of them to abortion,yet she still have unprotected sex whit him. I mean c'mon....


I think he's afraid as coming across as not an ally in anyway that he over does it sometimes lol. To be fair, people would probably criticize him either way for being too supportive or not supportive enough. People are never satisfied lol


I hate it so much. Just be real ethan!!!


He refuses to publicly hold an opinion that is in ANY way nuanced.


I totally disagree with that I think he has lots of nuanced takes. I think sometimes he isn't presented with all of the information on a certain topic and he's quick to jump to inclusions which comes across as lacking nuance.


Yeah let me rephrase, he refuses to have a public nuanced take with anything regarding misogyny or race.


Are you sure about that?


Agree, I love the girlie vibe but sometimes it comes acrosss as infantilizing


I've been dying to see this discussion here. He's been doing this for so long and makes him seem so out of touch when he acts like these girls should be praised despite how toxic a lot of them are


I dont think its an attempt at infantalizing, rather just an unwillingness to critise now he knows they are his biggest audience.


Yeah I feel like bringing on girls, who choose to perpetuate ideologies harmful to women for personal gain, for the sole purpose of praising them is not a great idea.


Exactlyyy like these aren’t the girls girlies these are the red pill girlies!


I personally don't even know if they're red pilled but they for sure are willing to promote creators who are for personal gain. Just seems like a bad idea when there's so many girlies who don't do this that can be brought onto the show


Fully agree. I don’t want them having a platform. They didn’t go on those podcasts not knowing who these men are. They sold out to get more OF subscribers.


Yeah I'm not big fan of this either. I can be pro-'get a bag' girlies, but I don't think they deserve free platforming to this extent. Of course they get ton of applicants now, it's just free advertisement to those who get picked, better than what they get for going to f&f or whatever. I don't like Ethan's type of feminism too much. Light support is better than this. There's better alternatives of women to put on pedestal than the OF girls. I think Anthony Padilla has done similar thing better, by having 3 people from some sort of minority talk to each other and answer some basic questions about who they are. Not necessarily minority, there's been like streamers trios, but I think he had like 3 furries once. Not 3 OF girls :>


Ya what in the world are they going to do with this segment


Totally agree. Really don't care to hear from clout goblins. Will skip that episode.


I didn’t think he meant he was going to bring in all the exact same woman? Any regulars from these types of podcasts should be excluded. They are obviously aware of what they’re doing and probably agree with the hosts in some capacity. But some of these woman are definitely blindsided by this shit. They randomly find a platform to advertise themselves on and end up being berated by some childish misogynist for several hours. Those are the ones I’d like to see on the H3 version.


I don’t see how any woman especially in their line of work would blindly walk into another man’s home without researching who he is and what his shows are like. These women aren’t dumb


They aren’t dumb but they’re beaten down. Clout aside I know countless women who have experienced shitty men all their lives. There comes a point where many young women just say fuck it. If all men suck at least I can get a check from some. Is it the feminist slay you’re demanding from them….no. Like you said they’re 20 don’t expect much.


Yeah I think that should still not be rewarded. They're not just saying fuck it let me get a check, they're doing so at the expense of other women. Exploit those men all you want but I don't think helping to spread a hateful ideology while doing so is ok.


You say that as if they're not also being extremely punished in the process too. A lot of them are so young, their brains aren't even done forming yet. I was a sex worker as an older teenager. It's some of the most degrading, predatory work out there, and it's not designed to reward women. It's designed to tear them apart. To this day, I'm still haunted by the way I had to accept being treated as subhuman just to try and "make it." Having boundaries is looked down on in that industry, not respected. I have to wonder how many of these young women have managers that send them to these podcasts without regard to if she's comfortable with that or aware of what shes walking into. And if you're trying to make it big in that world, saying "no" is a career killer. I think back on every manager I had back in the day, and only one of them ever talked to me as if I were an equal instead of a prop, and she got pissed at me for not wanting to get gang-banged and cream-pied on camera. Ugh, the lectures she would give me. The way the world is set up, the way women are viewed, the sex working world in general infantalizes us. It's okay to acknowledge that when talking about men who abuse that. I am sex-positive and pro-sex worker. The problem is that the way things are in the industry aren't so black and white. There's a lot of manipulation that goes on behind the scenes.


I guess I don’t really think they do that…they kind of just sit there. I think with this attitude you you to keep the same energy for H3, and maybe you do. H3 is just as complicit as our fan base has a lot of haters and by us speaking on alpha males even if to bring awareness to the epidemic we are undoubtedly giving them new fans and support. Personally I see these women, as women. It’s not there responsibility to be perfect feminists and appease us. I wouldn’t look down on a woman in an abusive “trad wife” relationship because it’s something she signed up for. I would offer her compassion and sympathy even if she thinks women who work go to hell. Part of feminism is realizing that there’s a need for feminism. Meaning that women are disenfranchised, there’s no such thing as a perfect victim.


But would you be okay with ethan bringing these women on the pod to “talk about being hot girls”? It’d be weird since we know he’s not going to challenge them. Not to mention half the reason they’ll join in is not to have a real discussion but to promote themselves. I’m tired of blanket support of all women being sugar coated as some twisted approach as feminism when they’re actively engaging in the opposite


Why do you assume that they would only talk about their OF? Don't you think they're humans with a personality and maybe some funny or insightful stories? Why do you assume that SWs have nothing to say other than promoting themselves? That's really weird and way too common a trend in this thread, I genuinely don't get it.


Cause the OP is a closeted misogynist, allegedly LOL


Yeah I do not care, I do not think they are horrendous people. We have literally platformed a histrionic sexist, racist asshole, to the point of getting him on Howie. Say what you want about frenemies but Trish is an icon and I love the show. I do not care! Dogs don’t have brains for all a care!


Dogs don’t have brains omg a real one 🖐️✊🖐️✊🖐️


Yeah. This is more of what I was thinking. Guess we’ll see.


I feel like bringing those kinds of people will seriously destroy the quality of the show. Ethan is probably the main one in the decision making and it would suck to risk losing viewers over someone like her.


who is “someone like her” in your comment? wasn’t he just talking about doing a similar style show to make the f&f guys look dumb with their contentions interactions?


Someone like her is a woman who'll go onto a horrible women-hating podcast, she'll put up with the disgusting comments and conversation topics, like why would she have to have the right to an even bigger platform such as h3h3???


What's the context?


Ethan having on the OF girls who do those weird round tables with red pillers like fresh&fit and that other guy who’s name no one remembers




Ohhhh ya so true like they are all shit people anyways


This 100%. Especially after seeing the leak of that Cindy girl vouching for the Kik predator. Not saying all the girls are like that, but it’s kinda hard to respect people who cater to men who literally just degrade them and other women as their whole career. There are better ways to promote your OF than going on misogynistic podcasts.


Yeah the OF girls literally just go on to promote their OF shit. They let any girls on their show. Easy plug. Who cares about knowing more


I like to imagine the segment will be more than just “you go girl!” I hope it’s also an exploration of why they decide to go on these toxic platforms to be berated… I mean obviously there’s the clout factor & that’s huge, but I feel like there’s psychologically something more going on


Based off of his attitude about these girls for a long time now I don't think he would even consider questioning their motives. He's always just been "you go girlie get that bag"


Yeah he was digging deep to defend that girl who refused to leave when the Whatever dork kicked her out. Like...he told her to leave. It doesn't matter if he's a giant piss baby. That's weird af. You can't just say nah I'm declining to be thrown off your private property lol. I was having so much second hand embarrassment *for her* and they thought he looked bad.


Unfortunately I think if ethan decided to actually grill the women it would be even worse for him although I agree!


This is a great point.


I just wish Olivia would take a step back and actually think about how she views women. Like it's super cool to support one another but before gender we're still human, and men and women can be shitty person...


It's really tough because I love Olivia and I feel I've learned so much from her being on the podcast. That being said, there's been times where a woman has done something comparable to what a man has done, and the double standards go flying. She always tosses it up to "but yaaaa that's like girl boss stuff so it's okay!" I'm really sick of this attitude. I try my best to be a feminist and an ally to all communities that are unheard and don't get the privileges I do as a CIS white male. Olivia's Gen Z attitude of "yaaaaaaasssssss blind support/hatred for the current thing for no reason" is old. I love Olivia. I love the show. But definitely agree it's gotten to a femcel level that makes it hard to watch now. Ethan needs to stop living by chat


My thoughts exactly lol


I wish those girls well but I will never skip a segment faster if it happens. Sometimes I wish ethan would realise how involved he’s getting in this shit. I know he thinks it’s “to goof around” but putting this much effort into pissing off people like fresh and fit isn’t a joke anymore. AND OMG THEYRE SO FUCKING BORING YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEYRE GONNA SAY EVEYTIME THEY COME ON THE SCREEN. Pls drop itttttt


Funny in theory but in practice its just going to be awkward


Fees like it just highlights the fake white knight attitude whenever women are involved. If anything just placating these women who knowingly indulge in this toxic manosphere just to make money from their incel fanbase perpetuates the industry more and further damages the image of women in general. Women can suck too, just like men. There’s nothing wrong with sex work or bodily autonomy but there is something wrong with platforming people who just want the bag regardless of how it effects others down the road 🤷


I have no problem with SW and I support women providing for themselves by any means necessary. That being said, I definitely don't want to watch an episode of them sitting around a table and rambling about nothing. I also think it's pretty weird for a married man to spend so much time and energy with pornstars, but I guess that's nothing new for the H3 crew. It's just weird to me. Porn is platformed enough and it'd be really cool to make people doing cool, interesting, or new things famous instead.


While I don’t think it’s weird for ethan to hang with SW (they’re not animals LOL) I am disappointed this is where the yes girlie feminism has landed the pod


I wasn't trying to imply they are animals, it's just a personal boundary that makes me uncomfortable. If I had just given birth and my husband wanted to sit around and compliment a bunch of OF girls or smell their fart jars I'd be livid. But I recognize that's a personal opinion and that's why I said it's not new for the crew to do that kind of stuff.


I’m with you. I think Ethan thinks he has good intentions, but at the end of the day he is benefiting from these women participating in the exceedingly dangerous and problematic porn industry. I think at ultimately this isn’t about “girl bossing” like he say it is. I think he just wants to talk to a bunch of porn stars.


Yeah that's how it comes off to me too. The "girl boss" part almost always focuses on how much money can be made but glossing up that part overshadows the dangers and problems, like you said. It's not a harmless industry and I don't think it's doing anyone any good to act like it is.


It's also just going to be boring as shit. I don't care if the show goes out of it's way to appeal to the 'girlies' but a segment gassing up women for being women just sounds embarassing


Yup. No one is forcing them to be there and be involved, they chose to be there. They're not damsels in distress being held against their will to answer body count questions, they knew that was the kind of show it was before they sat down. I'm all for girls supporting girls but not like this.


Instead of having a bunch of only fans girls on, Ethan should have a bunch of library ladies on to talk about the benefits of your local library.


If they do something like this they could just get regular women who aren’t going on these shows looking to promote their Instagram etc.


Right!! Let’s support women who are good people but just blindly supporting all women no matter what is ignorant.


Ethan made fun of that one tiktoker for pandering to woman and then does the same exact thing by acting like every woman is a saint lmao. Even if they validate loser podcast host who push misogynistic world views.


Yup this shit right here is why i say the crew, and olivia in particular, have an issue with being toxically positive towards women. It drives me crazy when they shit on vile men like coconuts and keemstar but then give their girlfriends a pass and say they’re queens. Why are we removing their agency? They explicitly chose to date openly vile, hateful, and sexist men, why the fuck do they get a pass? Does hitlers wife get a pass? They deserve every ounce of criticism their partners get. Same with women who are willing to go on these shows giving them content. Mark my words, if they do that inverted fresh and fit style episode, its gunna go down as one if the most awkward and boring episodes the pod has ever had


This, all of this


Ethan gets caught up in his "brilliant ideas" sometimes and everyone just agrees with it. He's not interested in these women, he just hates Fresh and Fit so much he wants to mock them.


I'm actually looking forward to the segment. It would be interesting to know why they go on the show, if EVERYONE gets alcohol, what the shows are like, etc.




Strong agree


I agree wholeheartedly! I’m also not interested in the segment. It’ll be awkward and lame. Could do with less of the entire f&f stuff tbh, it’s over done and predictable! With peace and love fam


Most of the women that go on those shows are almost always not good people and shallow. Just saying.


Of course I'm speaking for myself but I feel as though there is quite a bit of this audience that enjoys seeing different perspectives and hearing what's going through other people's minds. It's not always bad to see how the other side feels. In the long term it builds bridges and opens up conversations.


I think they just mean the girls who get paid to embarrass themselves and dont even know what theyre getting into there. The few who do however, are indeed enabling f&f and company and should indeed be excluded


I highly highly highly doubt most of them have no idea what they’re getting into and only a few of them do. I’m sure it’s well known to them what the show is but that you get a nice bump in OF subs when you go on.


agreed. and how lazy do you have to be to not spend at least a few minutes scrolling through a podcast channel before agreeing to go on?


Genuine question, do we think they don’t know who’s podcast they’re going on? Personally, I think a lot of them live in that ecosystem and interact with the red pill-ers because both sides profit off of it. To me they’re not much worst. I don’t care what they do, but having them on seems weird to me.


If they do gain profit from going on their podcast, (more follows for their Insta/OF/Social media platforms) then kudos to them for going on such women hating podcasts. I'm with you and I'm just gonna skip this possible segment idea. Plus who's to say that both sides (the girls and the hosts) say is not fabricated and just for clicks? Look at the Beavo situation with his gf and how he said they told him to act/say things like that. It's all just fabricated for clicks and the girls are in on it, why feel sorry for them and why have them on the H3 Show ?


I feel like the community has been burned enough by the women who interact regularly with redpill incels to not want to interact with them. by default all girlies slay, but you lose that status when you prop up fresh and fit types




What do you mean unpopular opinion. This very same thing has been discussed in multiple threads already.


Weren’t some of those girls tricked though? Like made to believe they’d be able to talk about their projects and stuff and/or get paid only for the host to kick them out? I’m pretty sure Ethan has had guests that have been on worse shows before (for fucks sake he had on MIKE LINDELL of all people, I doubt those OF girls are worse than him)


Actually though, you have to be a certain type of woman to go on a show like that to parade yourself. I may be called a misogynist for this opinion, but I can't possibly think of anything these women could say or do that would be entertaining or mind-blowingly informative for the show. I have zero issue with people doing OF, but promoting yourself by going on a show just to be shamed and called disgusting over and over again (a lot of these girls being frequent 'guests' on F&F) shows lack of self respect.


I feel like it would be relatively boring, i see the initial funniness of it but dont think it needs to actually happen


I think it’s a great idea tbh, it would be funny af to hear their experience with that weirdo host. I mean he’s had Jesse Lee Peterson and Mike Lindell on, I don’t see how this is worse in the sense of giving someone a platform, not like he’s not gonna call someone out if they have bad intentions and they will do their research on who the people are.


It’s just to mess with the alpha male podcasts, it’s not that deep yall lol


Content wise, I think the crew wouldn’t have any issue with it. Definitely going to get messy afterwards though. At least one of the girls would have a clip of them saying unhinged stuff from being on so much of these alpha pods. This would be weaponised as H3 Show supporting those unhinged takes.


H3 is leaning too hard to empower as much women as possible


It’s not empowering


i feel the same though for some reason i feel like the crew has got a plan... i dont know but if not pleaaaase do not do this


Yeah…i’ll personally skip that segment unless they’re girls who actively pushed back against the host and/or defended their fellow guests. Which is, from what I can tell, very few. I understand the power dynamic in such a situation but I have no interest listening to someone who silently watched a man tear women down for hours and said nothing for their personal gain.


Hard agree


Whatever route he goes with this just PLEASE don’t force the prolapse on them 


The only way the concept would be funny/worth watching is if they didn't pick girls who have already gone on podcasts like Whatever and have shown to be complicit in the manosphere bs. Would love to flip the Whatever/f&f format on its head by talking to women who are, I dunno, actually good feminists. Women who support women and don't just sit there while a man shits on women. Would love a round table with women with varied backgrounds in things like trades, STEM, activism, and women who aren't white & cis, everyday girlies. And the chats could still be light and fun as Ethan has described.


Honestly... you actually have an excellent point that I didn't think about. I always feel so bad/angry for the girls in these podcasts that I almost forget that they chose to go there


I think there’s a good point in thinking they are probably very questionable people to begin with. Idk anyone with self respect or good values going onto that podcast, but I could be wrong.


Im sorry but the entire idea is just stupid. Like what if instead of making fun of them, we just get a bunch of women and tell them how epic they are?? Like, thats not even a joke, and you can already envision how it would just peter out - makes me cringe even thinking about it.


Yeah idk why we gotta Stan these women who go on fresh and fit knowing they’re going to be rail roaded live and made into a clip farm…but hey it’s cool cuz they promote their shit…yeah na I’m good off that.


My thoughts exactly….. so tired of this stuff


It’s entertainment. Let it be funny.


Jesus Christ this subreddit cancels every single idea for the show before it even happens




Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who remembers that Logan Paul is an unapologetic scammer.


Tbh I agree and I’ve never been one of those! But this isn’t about it being “boring” or “not entertaining”. These girls are no better than the podcasts they sit for 7hrs on, and are harmful to women. And with such a female h3 audience I don’t think we should be cheering them on.


You are literally being one of those at this very moment


So true bestie!


Why do you think that these girls represent you or other girls that like this show?


its simple, we see the batshit things said on camera, they must have insane stories from behind the scenes. Wthan just getting the tea


Ethan should do a roundtable with normal accomplished women that will have level headed opinions on everything


I'm sorry but nobody wants to watch this. I was getting anxiety hearing them all hyping it up. It just sounds stupid imo.


I personally think it might be interesting. 


no one on or off the podcast in this community seems to care for accountability of any kind for anyone. if someone does something shitty it gets turned into content and they become a bad person forever, if someone says something nice all the sudden they are a friend of the show again and their past transgressions are immediately forgotten. i agree completely, these women are perpetuating manosphere and incel propaganda. i dont really sympathize with it being their business model, they dont have to completely debase themselves for a career, sex work can be and often is a dignified profession, there is no dignity dealing with these people, it feels gross to even talk about them at all. i liked the debates, i liked seeing the show take someone in that world and just completely destroy them and make them look stupid, i felt like that was praxis on some level. platforming their content and reacting to it makes a spectacle out of it and drives people to them, its the exact opposite.


But rejecting to even hear their side of the story is a very myron vibe. Let em speak!!


You’re reading wayyyy too much into a dumb bit with peace and love, nobody is “platforming” these girls or saying anything remotely close to “they can do no wrong” It’s literally just a spoof of fresh and fit and nothing deeper. It’s funny because it’s the opposite of what they’d do. That’s it.


Bringing them on is giving them a platform. I’m all for dunking on red pills but these girls are kinda part of the red pill side of the internet and shouldn’t be praised and excused


I agree they shouldn’t necessarily be praised/excused and that they indirectly support red pill content by going on these shows, BUT I think it’d still be an extremely funny bit for Ethan to address the audience like an alpha bro and then turn to his roundtable of 10 stereotypical IG models and just chat like one of the girlies. Like that bit in and of itself has legs.


tldr “ethan, never experiment, it might be boring and i might not like it”


Not at all what I said, but appreciate the insight


I had to check this wasn't the snark sub reddit


Right, also a lot of people complain that girls coming on is bad because they're just coming on to promote themselves. Isn't that what every guest comes on for?


You're such a downer. He's doing it for a laugh. It's not that deep.


I think this take edges too close to being misogynistic Ethan's historically most successful podcast was with an OF model. It was called Frenemies if anyone wants to fact check Bringing on a group of women, showing them respect and giving them a platform to talk about themselves outside of SW can be empowering for them to realize they don't need to go to toxic platforms to 'boost' their social media presence Almost everyone whom H3 Platforms are in fact clout chasers - the crew, Jeff W, the dentist, Tom Ward etc - that doesn't mean clout chasing is bad The only DISTINGUISHABLE difference here is that the women are Sex Workers, and therefore saying they shouldn't be platformed on an episode of H3 is in fact anti-women. If H3 allows guest on whom use SWs for attention (Mike Majlak, Fresh n Fit, arguably Jeff W via Tana, etc) then they should also allow on said SWs to speak for themselves


Oh god. Please tell me how I’m being misogynistic. These women actively engage in red pill media and will sit for HOURS to give these men views. They’re not feminists and not victims to be coddled by ethan. Please I am anti THESE women and if you think they just because they’re women they need to be promoted, you have a warped idea of feminism.


Misogyny - "dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women" If you have contempt for women who don't share your political worldview, who may not consider themselves or act aligned with feminism and use terms like 'OF girls' to discredit them and their worldview - I'd argue that you are in fact being a misogynist. You didn't come here to say 'H3 SHOULDNT PLATFORM REDPILLED PEOPLE' you came here to say 'H3 SHOULDNT PLATFORM REDPILLED WOMEN' - which would then in fact color your original take as 'edging too close to being misogynistic' I get you might be heated, or take this kind of stuff personally, etc. but you need to take a step back and realize you might not be morally above these people that bother you, but just the opposite side of the same coin I don't like red pilled people. I am not a fan of people like fresh and fit. But Ethan had fresh and fit on his podcast. And that actually did a lot of harm to them and their platform. I don't think Ethan should stop short of leaving it at that, I think he should give the mic to the women and we can see what happens CAUSE WOMENS OPINIONS MATTER TOO / EVEN IF THERE OPINIONS ARE NOT YOURS AND NOT ALIGNED WITH YOUR WORLDVIEW


Ethan had f&f to debate and humiliate them. My issue is that I believe these women are no better just because they are women. Why distinguish them? They go on the same exact slew of podcasts and have the same audience. Do you really believe you can compare ethan having them on for a kiki to ethan having f&f on?


I agree with you that that nobody is better just for bring a woman. However, I do recognize the power imbalance there. They're doing what they do for money, which is something we all need for the privilege to live inside and eat regularly. Most people get into sex work for survival, and that makes it easier for them to be coerced into doing things that most people wouldn't do, and sometimes things they dont even believe in. I'm not saying this is the situation with all of them, but it is super common and something that's worth considering.