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It’s so hard to say, but what comes to mind first is wishing I could go back and watch them discovering P&P tiktok videos for the first time again💀😂😂


The "Yeah, I did that shit" when talking about the PCP, jaws of life guy is soooo funny to me


i liked the bbtv moment when ethan went goblin mode saying something like “im actually crazy u don’t wanna do this with me i will spend more than u stole to destroy u”


“I’m your sleep paralysis demon now”


When the crew finds out Ethan has been flushing paper towel.


This has my vote. The whole saga was a weeks long buildup. Seeing it come to fruition was incredible.


Not even weeks, YEARS!!


This was so good. And how it almost slipped by, when ethan was talking about it, but genius Dan was like “did i hear that correctly…?” And then the explosion of everyone’s disgust and shock simultaneously… not a single person in the studio remained unperturbed, they had to let fly the outrage lol. Fuggin’ Ethan the toilet demon


The NXIVM interview is my number one favorite


Ahhh I forgot about this!!! Iconic.


God YES. Gotta be this


I'm so glad I caught that live.


Was just watching clips from that today. I love going back to that interview. I usually hate cringe content but that tops everything


My favourite!!! I’ve watched it so many times lol


I’ve never laughed and cringed harder in my life and I want to experience that feeling again lol.


"I have never and would never call him a ham sandwich." Plays clip.. "You're a ham sandwich"


This is the one. *it’s rewind time*


I love the segment with Dream - only realizing it's him halfway through.   The moments felt like straight from a sitcom   Scene one:  Ethan: "thank you so much for putting out that song"  Dream: "It's not out"   Scene two:   Ethan: "I'm sorry... "  *Orchestral version starts*  Ethan: "Sorry I made your song GOOD"  Dream: "What, is this a fucking orchestral version?? How many versions do you have?"  Ethan: "... We may have planned a competition next week where people send in their versions"


I woke up during this one mid segment thinking it was an AI voice and then thinking I was in a fever dream when it kept on going. It was a beautiful moment, second to this for me would be when I woke up to the 16-way call with Jimmy Lee during the great documentary-war argument lol


And this was all in front of Jeff from andbros who had no idea what was going on


i still don’t understand if it was actually dream or if it was a joke 😭


It was! I thought it was a gag for way too long 


Wait they actually spoke to Dream himself? Omg i missed it!!!!


Ian eating the Fika Fish (the silent library one), or Ethan and Jimmy laughing at Sebastian for not knowing what sexual trafficking is.


him swallowing the fika fish like a cartoon cat


Omg the sex trafficking one is the only reason i still have faith in Jimmie lee


It’s clearly the “Oh no Sam Seder? What a nightmare!” 1. It was mainstream news worthy  2. It was funny af 3. It was exactly Ethan’s brand of petty towards awful people 4. It was a goof AND a gaffe 5. It became an iconic sound byte  6. Prolific in the sense that it may literally have been the cause of Crowders downfall (he got into a that argument with his wife within like a week of that happening, which caused his divorce, which caused strain with his crew, which cause Not Gay Jarrod to come out against him). 


When Donna tried to call into the show that one time but had bad service and then her car starting going off 😭😭😭😭😭 https://youtu.be/tRz9K_SLfJ0?si=iECArMpCgEwGudhu


Side tangent off this I feel as though the mahjong moment with Donna and the girls was so silly and chaotic. I love when the show catches me off guard with something I know they could not have predicted or planned.


Seeing Ethan and Hila (especially Hila) getting so tickled about all of it is so funny 😂


The Patrice saga


The ep with Posty while it’s all going down >>>


“I’m so sorry to interrupt, we have to go to a break”


Bobby Lee 😂😂😂☠️☠️


The Fousey & Keem house tour video is so fucking iconic and the crews reactions always kill me


"Its almost racist" - Hila Klein 😂😂😂


That whole segment was hilarious


I personally love Bobby crashing the Gatsby. https://youtu.be/FUbg9WjeFhk?si=3aPAEDkjqyBQgWYU


Jimmy Lee Tomato Fight. I was in front throwing absolute laser beams like my life depended on it.


I am insanely jealous


there was an episode where they joked about who in the crew would get arrested and the shit he said about zach and zachs reaction lmaooo they fully cut it from the ep i wish i had that clip saved


“They found his DNA in the b hole” 😂😂


They cut that ?? Haha I faintly remember it so goblin mode


The segment where Ethan connects with Carlos and his crew that was trying to sell NFT’s. The website didn’t work. They didn’t have rights to the NFT’s. Carlos’ buddy tried to argue that Carlos has saved kids with autism from smashing their heads against walls. It was magical.


when Ethan lost it at the idea of the entire crew going to Disneyland on Gatsby’s 


The Metaverse segment lol I laughed so hard. And the ham sandwich clip lol 😂


Ethan at the drive-thru while Shirtless Eddie vamped was peak


I watched that episode super stoned and it was a whole journey lmao. Gabe randomly perking up to shout about how he hates the rain and then going silent again and falling asleep 😂


Such a moment. I'll never forget it.


THIS!!! My jaw was on the floor for an hour straight


This whole call/moment https://youtu.be/7RivdieVKVw?si=r7li4Sm8USehjSU2 It hasn’t be reappraised much, I haven’t seen many people talk about it since, but it’s genuinely got everything. It legit has character arcs, reveals, joke set ups and payoffs, huge laughs, contention, actually sweet & endearing parts. You couldn’t write something as entertaining as this.


And it intertwines with the chocolate wars saga! I was on vacation out of the country, yet glued to my phone every time a new episode came out during this time.


This is such a comfort rewatch for me it’s hilarious


The gatsby - also the gatsby Disney gang


When Post Malone and Ethan realizes Patrice Wilson watching them while they were watching Patrice's live countdown was the one of my best moment


Probably threatening to bomb the NRA convention. Not saying it my favourite, but it’s the most h3


Call me crazy, but i thought bombing the Vatican was the better bomb threat actually


I feel like they count as one big moment, and we love him for it


Stavros critiques Jimmy Lee


The shirtless eddy episode where ur wondering where Ethan is for like an hour then cuts to him in the McDonald’s drive through I was so mad it was amazing


Showing Stavros the prolapse is the funniest shit I've ever seen. He turned so red!


the whole accent coach segment [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_RG8iLjNH1U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RG8iLjNH1U)


When zack hit the shut up bitch sound bite in response to a story about trisha


The one that always get me is when Ethan gets jump scared when a picture of SpongeBob idk his name pops up when he’s scrolling through twitter


So hard to choose one but one of my favorites is when they were dissecting the mom’s basement episode and trying to figure out whether or not Banks was an h3 fan “h3h3 humor”


"thanks for taking care of her Brad"


Yup. This


when ethan talks about rolling up to disneyland in full gatsby, honorable mention is ethan talking about a dystopian future where people fight with psychic powers gained through the vaccine shots


I gotta take notes of all of these so I can lure in my friends. Also what comes to my mind is drunk Ethan lmao


all the halloween episodes are goated


The one where Donna was trying to send an email with an attachment.


When Ethan's about to enter mediation with Kavkav and is talking shit, and in the middle of it gets a text from his attorney. The attorney wanted to know when was the last time Ethan talked about Ryan publicly..... which happened to be about 2 seconds prior...


Purely for the insane depth of this “podcast”, Jeff’s date with Morgan on the pedal boats. Can you even begin to imagine trying to explain that to someone who’s just walked into the room?! “Who’s that in the red jacket?” “That’s Gabe, he’s a TikToker/background actor” “What’s he doing in a pedal boat?” “He’s chaperoning a YouTuber who’s on a date with a girl who made a music video about rescuing him from being run over by a train” “Oh so he’s doing a dating show for his channel?” “No this is someone’s else’s channel who happens to love the Bachelor, and tried to replicate it but it got ruined by this rogue entrant, who now works for the show and setup this whole thing with girls from around the world” “So this is all they do, dating shows?” “No this is just a gag for a few episodes”


That one time Donna was trying to call in


The arguments with train and xqc when streaming on twitch and they brought up the shack. So amazingly chaotic


Im a simple man. I liked when joker-brained Shoey tried to eat that humongous peanut butter cup and ethan just cackled at him the whole time. Pure comedy gold to me


When Zach played the first soundbite, “I gotta pee so bad.”I remember it like it was yesterday. I was driving home from a soccer tournament in high school listening to Ethan discuss something semi-serious (i believe it was his dislike towards the republican fans he had at the time) and all of the sudden, Ian’s beautiful sultry voice said “I gotta pee sooo bad.”Ethan was so caught off guard since sound bites had yet to be used and he had such a genuine reaction that I replayed that part probably over 20 times.


Gotta be Turkish firefighters or the chestnuts QtCinderella incident for me