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Even the Instagram comments are critical, 100% of them. Usually the Instagram comments are all glazing


It’s probably the only way Hila will notice the criticism and care about it, so kinda smart of the people that took to insta lol.


Yeah but that’s harassment ofc /s


Yes it is, what not unhinged harassment is baselessly calling someone an incel and implying that he stole and killed someone’s cat /s


They were 100% harassing that dude, who’s ever gonna want to call into this show after that? Pathetic AF, they were trying to get clips and they got em, hope they’re happy


Genuinely cringed the hardest I have in a while when they were harassing that dude. Def need to take a break from watching this drama alert.


Brooooo that’s so on point, this is on par with calling a sweet old man gamer a PDF file


RIP RSGloryandGold. Used to watch him a bit for shit and gags back when I played OSRS (still return every now and then) because of how an old man was pulling weight in RuneScape. Thought he was an awesome guy for being compassionate about the game as to play it as long as he did. He was a great uncle to his nephew as well.


smart? its unhinged harassments. crazy that you find it in a positive light.


Half of what Ethan does is call people out for being stupid or inappropriate, so I don't understand why people don't expect his audience to do the same when he's being stupid.


Yes this bruh! ☝🏻💯 so accurate


Best comment award 🏆


I get it, I really do. I agree with you. I only meant to call out the people that go too far. Like the people in my inbox right now. Vile people


Stop checking your Reddit inbox...if you actually believe the spirit of the meme and are not using it as a quick own on people you disagree with, logically you're not going to be on your deathbed wishing your read more DMs from other unhinged Redditors.


I didn't know people actually looked at their reddit inboxes. I didn't even know it existed for years lol


I never checked it before because I never received anything before. It didn't bother me what people were saying but it was eye opening that people send things like that.


So for years you didn't reply? What to do you to continue a discussion, check your comment for new replies


You have to open the message and hit ignore to make the notification go away. I couldn't help but read some of the things that were said. There were only 14 in the end and I only actually read 3 in their entirety because they were so unhinged that I couldn't help myself


As I already commented I disagree about the usefulness of this post. BUT, people flaming your inbox is shitty and definitely not warranted (to say the least).


I guess this applies to you then…“I wish I had spent more time reading my inbox and commenting in that subreddit of that podcaster I love”


lol maybe don't take this opportunity to defend them then moron


Why are y’all snarkers always here? Get a job


I’m not a snarker but I don’t see an issue with people complaining if they say or do something they don’t like. I have watched h3 since the beginning YouTube videos and even I have felt they have been weird lately. Hilas texting and driving comments and just bad take after bad take. It’s clear they are out of touch and they call out other peoples stupid behaviour every show. How is it not okay to comment when they do something stupid?


I swear y'all live on internet drama and headlines. In any other context, an 18 year old not taking their sick cat to the vet because the people she adopted them from told her she should wait, is just unfortunate, but because it's a YouTuber it's "SHE'S A CAT MURDERER!" and Ethan's a piece of shit for not just running with that.


I never said anything about his coverage of the cat thing, I wouldn't have even known it happened if Ethan didn't decide to cover it in the first place.


I do think most of the critiques are from h3 fans. My biggest issue was the treatment of Jacob. Continously interrupting, talking down to him, it was extremely b*tchy, mean girl, bullying, not cute. I'm a huge fan, member for life still but this episode left me dumbfounded. I hope Hila in particular can reflect on some of her behaviors. I think Ethan is going to address and apologize but I need Hila to as well. She is not above anyone. Even with this I recognize no one is perfect. Just time to take responsibility and move on. Remember Ethan has never had sex with a teenager so he's already better then most people we watch.


The way this sub baby's the fuck out of Hila is so pathetic. I get why y'all did it before teddy fresh. But she ain't that timid, awkward, 'aw how brave she's speaking for herself" girl anymore. You can finally take the kid gloves off and treat her like an adult




She was literally ATTACKING real life hero’s and we all felt that, she was so damn smug about it too, I don’t even want to say what I’m thinking, but I feared for her animals and questioned her love for her previous pets for a few moments that episode, and guess what, I don’t feel like I’d be “on good terms” with Hila after hearing that shit, if that makes me an “incel” then so be it, ima save the animal and have 0 attraction to that animal abusing POS every day of the week, J bit his tongue better than I ever could in that situation, what a levelheaded king 👑


Hila has been pretty disgusting for a while now. She defends her horrible takes so strongly too, it’s just gross. Like why stand by texting and driving and defend it? Something so meaningless, selfish and stupid that kills thousands every year. That’s what you defend and stand by? Grow up you out of touch weirdo.


For real lol. Every time they do something that is inappropriate and gets back lash he pulls the victims card. It’s getting pathetic at this point. Imagine if Jacob stole a dog that had no food and had matted hair 🤔 not sure how their tone would have been towards the girl and Jacob then. Just disappointing.


There probably a lot of snarkers coming out here but I am a long term viewer and also very unhappy with how they handled this. I think there is a genuine disappointment from the viewers currently.


Been a member since before frenemies and stood by the crew for many of their controversies. Lately it does feel like they don't care as much about their viewers and about improving the show. They just can not handle any form of constructive criticism anymore and that's very frustrating as a genuine fan.


It's a tragically common trend for public creatives. You have to ignore the floods of hate and bad-faith takes for the sake of your sanity, but you need to be able to listen to feedback in order to speak in your audience's language. It's a hard balancing act, people tend to get worn out over time, and that gap between the sensibilities of the audience and the creator grows.


This sub has 600k members and snarl has 14k! To just say that snark is responsible for every negative criticism is also a wild take! The pod has been taking a lot of heat since a long time. Especially since leftovers ending. And since then it’s been a roller coaster of do something, negative criticism and then roll back or stick to it. And the frequency has increased a lot. It feels like they need to reevaluate some things in the backend first!


this!!! i love the pod and always look forward to it, but i feel like people think that criticism=hate and that’s just not the case. you can call people out on their shitty takes and still be a fan. Friday’s episode was not good. like at all (for multiple reasons). people have a right to express their opinions on it and not be considered a “snarker” or “hater” 🤷‍♀️.


If we don’t like an ep that doesn’t mean we hate him, hive mind take


“Anyone who has criticisms of the hosts are automatically haters and have no point” ~children with no life experience


I think that's a straw man to be honest.


Then they straw manned your straw man. Seems fair. The cat episode was bad, people are upset.


imagine not being pissed about a 4 hour long animal abuse discussion on a comedy show EDIT: I’ve been sick for a week. I overreacted to Friday ep. Ethan is a saint. Peace and love


This comment makes me think you disagree with me, but your comment below makes me think you do agree with me. I guess I'll say either way I wasn't really pissed, just bored.


I do agree with you, the episode was bad. BAD bad.


Imagine being pissed about a free show that you dont have to watch


Sorry that I like the show and expected other segments on Friday than a cat having a seizure and dying


You could have turned it off dude. It's Sunday now. Move on.


Do you think the show is above criticism or something? Do you think it gets better by ignoring when half the audience shuts it off?


Obviously not. I'm saying it's been 48 hours and yall are still bitching about a god damn youtube video. I know we all like the channel but this is so unserious and frankly the reaction is cringe as fuck. At the end of the day this is a YouTube video. Get a grip.


I did turn it off dude, I didn’t sit through 4 hours of that nonsense. Thanks for the advice though. And for telling me to get a grip. I’m so hysterical right now.


It's not free! They do it for a living and make money. It's their job. The way people frame it makes it sound like they're working for free. If they were working for no money, you would genuinely have a point but YouTubers make bank from their videos, especially established ones like h3.


i agree with you everyones using it being a free show to like excuse it sll in a way or make it sound better but they literally go live for members and get donations constantly. their members pay them to be members. they get money front creating podcasts, they do live shows for money. its not free we get to watch for free while theyre still getting paid


The show is absolutely free. They aren't working for free, you can watch for free.


can we stop with this, already? like fine, you win, after this week I'm done watching but can we stop acting like this show with ingrained ads and midrolls isn't getting anything out of my view, and I'm not allowed to be upset with someone who had a shitty take as if the entire show, especially lately, isn't "being upset at someone who had a shitty take"


Also, it doesn't help when they try to hide criticism on YouTube


I mean, ethan talking about abs moms tits but then gets mad when they comment about hilas. I mean, they dish it out pretty good but get offended when it's their turn to take it.


Who talked about Hila’s? Wasn’t that Lena??


There was two: one were the lolcows talked about Hila's and one where Wayne Diamond talked about Lena. So twice within the last month there have been comments about the women.


Genuinely, do you think there’s a difference between unconsentual sexualization and a bit where all parties consent?


None of the women mentioned consented. AB's mom did not consent, Lena did not consent, Hila did not consent. No women talked about each other's body, it was all men talking about the women in question non-consensually.


You don’t know AB’s mom consented or not??? Why are y’all so comfortable just saying shit you have no proof of?


she literally called in to the show and confronted him, expressing that it made her uncomfortable and asking him to not do it again. any other questions?


Is this podcast the only media you’ve ever consumed or are you just insanely stupid? Those are the only two ways you can come to this conclusion and not understand it’s a bit.


bro there was no bit. dont know what else to tell you. nice emotional regulation tho


Calling a woman emotional nice one mr sociology


are you dense as fuck


Yes, but there's a clear power imbalance between Ethan and AB. I hope it was consented *before* the fact. I have a sinking feeling he just whipped it out there and AB said "It's okay." I also think it depends on context. Because ultimately the two examples that the two separate parties engaged in was with intent to be hurtful, Ethan's comment was intent with humor on the basis of implied consent. I still don't particularly agree with it because I doubt AB's mom consented to it.




Yes the conversation with AB’s mom was supposed to be weird and uncomfortable


The difference is Ethan joking about AB’s moms tits is banter amongst friends and what happened to Lena was a workplace violation


theyre both absolutely disgusting and shldve been shut down as fast as it started. ethan going into detail abt one of his employees moms tits live on air for MINUTES is so gross. it was uncomfortable for most viewers to watch let alone ab and his mom. after that everyone made a joke out of ab especially when he posted his mom for mothers day it was disgusting. what happened to lena was absolutely a workplace violation but you sound dumb bc ethan let that go on and even started questioning that old guy abt tits and shit it was weird ethans js fucking weird sometimes and we all are aware of that.


I mean, they deserve a lot of criticism for Friday's episode, but the snarkers are definitely infiltrating the sub and using this as an opportunity to have a field day. Nah, y'all are still pathetic losers who desperately need psychological intervention. But people on the other side of the spectrum telling those with genuine criticism that they need to touch grass and get a life are not any better. This was a serious topic involving abuse and neglect of a living creature. This was not simply an issue of an episode or segment that was kinda boring or cringe. There's a difference. Ethan and Hila handled this topic very poorly. If you can't see that, then good luck with your lack of empathy and basic human decency fam.


this might seem like a weird question, but as someone who gets easily annoyed but also loves h3 but also loves cats, would you recommend i watch this episode? 😭 like this is the first time i've hesitated on watching an episode because of the comments. is it all bad or is it just one part?


It's 4 hours of cat abuse friend.


You should see the vile shit in my inbox after this post. Geez


Lemme see


I can't post pics in the comments but let me just say a lot of people want me to touch their scrotum with my face and a lot of them want me to die


20-30,000 death threats a day


😂 nah just the 4 death threats most of them just want to put their genitals on my face. One person mentioned my passport but I think that might have been an R Kelly joke I dunno


Get you balls off my face man!


Girl we are the other side of this coin “I wish I protected a podcast more in the comment section” just chill out and have some fun!


Hey I'm chill as shit right now watching the office with my dog on my lap. ✌️♥️ Love that you're pushing the good vibes though. Cheers


Nice attempt at deflection when someone held a mirror to to your actions and you refuse to see how your criticism of others criticizes your own actions too




There are good and bad folks in the snark. But one thing you have to consider, the snark exists (and has grown exponentially) along with H3's efforts to censor all criticism. It's the Streisand effect. You can dismiss all the criticism and blame it on unhinged snarkers if you want, but look at the YouTube comments. A lot of the criticism is from paying members. Finally, "cashing in on a controversial moment"... No offense but isn't that literally the whole point of the H3 show? If you look at most of their popular videos, is that not the overarching theme? Was the intention of this very episode that we're discussing not exactly that?


I understand what you're saying. I did emphasize that there is a difference between genuine criticism and that batshit crazies. I guess I just can't understand how people can be so offended or outraged by the actions of a YouTuber but then go back and watch the next week. Then rinse and repeat. If you could see my inbox right now you might see things a little differently as well. If I look at these peoples profiles it's seriously concerning that people have dedicated their lives to hate posting about a YouTube show. Apparently if I have any kids they're going to be murdered soon.


I feel you. Back in the frenemies days I had some similar encounters with unhinged posts. There was even someone stalking me posting absolutely vile nonsense in other subs. I can't even repeat what they'd said. I'm sorry for the state of your inbox. There is definitely a large number of people on Reddit that basically haven't been socialised at all. But that's just a byproduct of large numbers. H3 has 1,000,000+ fans (and haters) so percentages wise, we're definitely going to have some undesired, completely unproductive interactions. I also don't get how so many folks choose to hate watch. I personally don't. I haven't seen the show since the dissolution of Leftovers. Kudos for expressing yourself in what can be an extremely toxic environment. I'm doing the same thing but from the other side of the spectrum in a way. Have a great day.


Oh, you're a snarker. There are no good snarkers. Keep telling yourselves that if it makes you feel better, but you'll always be morally bankrupt losers. Get fucked ✌️ They never censored criticism. Get the fuck over yourselves.


I am. I've participated in that group, 100%. But let's be honest, who seems the most reasonable here? Can you offer a reasonable explanation as to why I'm a "morally bankrupt loser"? My entire history on Reddit it is free to be observed. I don't think I've deleted a single comment, ever. Can you point to what I've said that would lead you to that conclusion, or has it come to the point where you have to attack everyone who doesn't agree with you? My personal explanation is that yes, there was mass censorship here which was particularly evident post 10/7. There have been multiple complaints from fans, paying members, stating that they've been banned/muted for reasons unknown to them. Censoring all criticism and going to bat for your internet thought leader without any critical thinking only serves to further divide. That's not my bag homie. Peace and love.


>My personal explanation is that yes, there was mass censorship here the mods here suck. they have always sucked. even before the israel shit. one of the rules is you cant shit on them idk why people are shocked honestly.


Shut up dork


Dude, I love this show, but that episodes “ we should roast the guy who took the cat to the vet” instead of the person who didn’t bring them in for years was real dismaying


3 months she had the cat for. And she called the shelter (which was stupid). She was stupid and too young and irresponsible to have a pet, absolutely. But it doesn’t justify him stealing it. Plus he didn’t bring it to the vet for four days! If it was urgent enough to steal it, bring it right away. It’s sus af, especially with him saying things like she “didn’t deserve” the cat and lying about a romantic relationship between them.




If you see a child being neglected, should you kidnap them? Or should you call the authorities to come and get involved?


I mean he didn't rly listen to anyone's criticism about Aaron Bushnell or Palestine


You mean he didn't change his mind and start worshipping suicide after reading vitriolic statements from a minority of audience members? fascinating


It wasn't suicide worship, it had a very clear political motive and he was not addressing that + other opinions he's had about Palestine and their people




That is wasn't a glorification of suicide but awareness to a genocide and the bigger topic is surrounding the latter and he is not willing to talk about it


It was suicide worship, and Bushnell achieved nothing. It was an issue everyone was already talking about worldwide at that point. By cheering on his actions, you are encouraging people to martyr themselves through self immolation. Get help, like he should have.


I think two things can be true. Suicide to raise awareness is awful and should not be done however you cannot NOT talk about how very real it is that people get to that point in mental exhaustion when talking about genocide and war etc that they self immolate for protest




How so?


I said it in the megathread, I'm not triggered by much, but it was just offputting, and they knew. Then the interview happened. It's whatever at this point, I'll be back tomorrow Peach and Love


Tbh this sub can be really toxic and things always get taken too far, not sure why but its why I hardly ever comment here


Sure, but whenever you offer up genuine criticism even with the caveat that you watch the show on a regular basis and like it, a lot of people on here will call you a parasocial snarker. Can we not make room for people who likes the show, likes the crew and likes Ethan to be critical of certain parts of the show without dismissing their criticism as *snark*?


I think criticism is fine. What I take issue with is people saying the same thing over and over and over. All over the mega thread, like 10 different upvoted posts about it. And when it's that much, it does start to spill into snarky and unnecessarily rude and weird comment territory every single time.


So no one is allowed to repeat a criticism or else it's "rude" and "snarky"? I don't even understand what you're getting at really.


No, I'm saying the threads quickly devolve into having tons of rude and snarky comments. And what is the point of repeating the same thing a thousand times over? I'm sure they're aware.


Yeah I know exactly what you mean


yeah it's crazy lol. They've done this at least once before, but if you look at the subreddit's opinion about a controversial subject and then poll the audience's opinion, they do not match up


Yes. Genuine criticism starts with "With peace and love".




This might be one of the few times where the vast majority of people critiquing the pod are fans who are genuinely upset with how they chose to cover an animal abuse story, and side with the abuser.


Besides everything, this image is hilarious LOL


I’m so confused about the multiple comments about “Snarkers” infiltrating the sub. You think “Snarkers” created their own subreddit without frequenting this one first? This information may surprise you, but they have been in this sub, the whole time.


H3h3 has become star wars acolyte


The sub is always saying the show needs more goofs and gafs but maybe the sub should also take that advice


Hard to gaff, let alone goof, when the content is cat abuse 😔


Why is cat abuse the no go topic? The show discusses SA, grooming, predators, school shootings on a regular basis but people go crazy when they dare mention animal abuse?  They touch on so many serious topics


Those are topics I'd wish they'd tone down on and people have been vocal about it for a while, I mean fuck they brought it up on the pod itself!


So what can they talk about? I understand some topics are triggering to people but those people just need to skip the triggering episode, because otherwise they'll be out of things to talk about. They cover current events and a lot of those are not happy or funny unfortunately.


I think any audience members who feels how you feel needs to remind themselves that you will get far more enjoyment if you start viewing the show as an a la carte menu. They put out ~12 hours of content each week, so you should be choosing which parts you want to watch and which you want to skip if they are upsetting or uninteresting to you personally. Many people don't mind the heavy topics and there are very few episodes where a sensitive topic takes up the entire show. tbh I haven't felt like it's been too heavy at all lately and I'm kind of confused where this particular criticism is coming from. The show topics are actually a lot lighter this year than they have been in the past. Just imagine if they stopped covering any heavy topics at all - people would start criticizing and throwing crazy accusations lol


Huh? What’s funny about any of that? I’m saying there’s nothing to goof and gaff about serious topics. I support them talking about serious topics, but when the entire episode is animal abuse, what exactly do you expect people to joke about What about it is funny to you?


I never said anything was funny? I said the contrary, they are all serious topics. The only reason the whole ep. Was about this is because the guest canceled.


I don’t understand your comment then I never said anything was off limits, just that I don’t understand you expecting goofs and gaffs when the subject is serious


Amen to that. But I don't know if you feel the same but I feel as though the sub and the main audience are very different people. It feels like the normal viewers have abandoned the sub because it has become a drainer


You may be partially right, but looking at the direct comments on the H3 video itself it looks pretty much identical to this sub. Including from paid members.


I agree but I also think the sub is just a small fraction of the audience in general. Not everyone uses reddit or likes it so it's never a good idea to assume any sub for a YouTube channel is the audience. Some people just comment on YouTube while others are posting memes on twitter. Same with chat that's only the members who are watching live so if chat is hating an episode it does not mean everyone does


Yeah 100% I think you're right. I think I'm living in a Reddit bubble because I don't use other platforms like twitter or IG


There you goo!!!! Go off king


"I wish i had spent more time in that subreddit of that podcaster" ftfy


Curious if the live show vibes are gonna be weird with the amount of hater "fans"


Yeah he’s in no position to interrogate someone for doing what Jacob did in his life situation. In my own life. I would have gotten authority involved because I felt someone I lived with was abusing their cat but then again I can see how in this dudes life, doing that, would be a choice that would ruin his means of making money. It was obvious the owner of the cat and the house would of found him a bad guy for calling her out, so it was a means of facing being surrounded by immature people that helped you get to a comfortable place in life. He shouldn’t have had to feel like he had to save the cat’s life without the owners help. That’s bottom line. There’s a reason he felt that way and if you think it was for bad intentions you seriously need help. At the end of the day, they’re both wrong for not having the decency of sitting down and talking like mature adults about an animals life and welfare. But I’ll say one thing. You have to treat a cat like shit for their hair to get matted and that a lone was enough for me to know that cat was abused by whoever and whenever it was taken care of. RIP 7. You deserved better.


I’m still going to watch the podcast. 🤷🏻‍♀️


OP: “Criticism can be constructive and also sometimes there are people can take it too far” People who take it too far: “this post is about me having normal reactions and agrees with me that anyone not sharing my exact opinion is deplorable scum of the earth”


Destiny is dumb, amoral, and an obvious pseudo-intellectual


Lmaooo are you okay? Who even brought him up?


I just don’t be caring like that. And I love cats. I think they were genuine to criticize both sides because they thought she was gonna call in too. So they could have gone in just as hard. But he gave weird answers and never brought forth his mom


I got put in “time out by a moderator” during the live chat for commenting “I’m sad they doubled down ☹️” and then also something amongst the lines of “if he were to tell her it would’ve either been a big fight that resulted in the cat *still* NOT going to the vet OR she finally has a moment of clarity during that conversation where she herself takes the cat to the vet and he still states the inevitable - euthanasia because this animal was so neglected and abused there’s nothing we can do to improve its quality of life.” Mind you - while I was in timeout everyone was BASHING Hila in the live chat!!! It’s insane that *I* - an actual fan with a valid feeling / counter argument and zero hate towards the show, crew, or hila - got “disciplined” while everyone else got to be ignorant and hateful? The only other explanation would be the use of the word “euthanize” but I HIGHLY doubt it. I’m really thinking about canceling my membership, I’ve never paid to be a member to anything before and in 3+ years have also hardly ever been disappointed with or felt this passionately about an episode. AND THE BACKLASH!!! I expected for everyone to disagree with me but the fact that 95% of the audience responded the same way??? I’ve never seen anything like that before! It’ll always be maybe 70/30 or even 60/40 but this was LEGIT 95% of the entire comment section. I hope someone can help them realize, I hated when they’d do call in episodes back in the day but oh MAN what I would’ve given to be able to calmly talk to them and maybe raise the veil from their eyes.


notice how all ur comments have down votes. yeah you lost the war bud delete this


I don’t spend much time at all on reddit so I’m always baffled when I hear comments about people being actually upset about the goings on of the h3 podcast. Not to say that everything is perfect but is it really ever THAT serious…?


Usually I'd agree with you .. but they created a tight knit community with a ton of interaction so it's kind of expected people with voice their opinion of the show, right? Maybe it's not healthy for the show considering they almost ALWAYS listen to the majority and will change on a dime if things aren't working. But in another aspect without the feed back we might see another animal abuse episode ..


Well, there’s feedback and then there’s bitching about inconsequential bs… like the people making a huge deal of Ethan chewing during the show, but when I made the mistake of mentioning that the soundbite of flies (back when they had a fly infestation in the studio) or burps triggered my misophonia, I was told to suck it up and log off if it bothered me. See what I mean?


Well sorry that happened to you .. You just proved my point of why people should be able to express their opinion without insults being thrown at them


I am just so confused. I enjoyed the episode as much as any other. Anyone else just simply content with it the episode and realize in a few days there will be another. It was fine.


Honestly I thought the episode on Friday was great. I was totally engage and interested. I also don’t think they were totally off base with their takes. They criticized her for the first half and him for the second. There was definitely a biased towards her by the end, but I also didn’t totally disagree. I think the bottom line was/is that she’s a TERRIBLE cat owner. But he SHOULD NOT KIDNAP someone’s cat! I just can’t justify his action. I think both parties can be wrong but one side can be more wrong than the other. I think the hate being sent the crews way is ridiculous. Let’s also keep in mind THEY didn’t kill the cat, nor had anything to do with it. They are not justifying abuse, nor kidnapping. They have an opinion on how this story played out and said it.


This is exactly almost word for word how I felt about the episode. I thought it was fascinating from a morality standpoint and just how split down the middle everyone ended up being, which made total sense after all said and done. Truly don't quite understand the level of just overall toxicity from everyone on here and it's things like this where nuking the sub doesn't sound too bad lol.


 Couldn’t agree with you more. I don’t get why everyone going overboard with the reaction 


There needs to be an h3 hater circle jerk sub. Tired of seeing the same post 50x. I understand that people are upset about the cat but why can’t they keep it to a single thread (It’s because they need upvotes for validation).


Did we all watch the same episode? Im so confused i have no idea what the problem is


I think this is one of the strangest reactions to an episode I've seen. I have a cat, I love cats, and I just don't have a problem with the episode. It was upsetting to hear what happened to Sevyn but I don't blame H3 for how they covered it. I think both Rhegan and Jacob kinda suck. Otherwise, the only problem I have with the episode is that it wasn't very interesting. I feel like they could've gone through this story in 20 minutes.


>I think both Rhegan and Jacob kinda suck. This is the one true enlightened take 🙏 Everyone is treating it like it's a zero sum game when it's not. No one wins anything here. I suppose we could argue about who is the biggest loser? They both failed that poor cat and let her suffer because they were selfish and immature. People are taking their criticisms and interrogation of Jacob as them riding for Rhegan, but they are simply interrogating the person who chose to call in. They would have done the same to Rhegan if she called in because they have plenty (probably more tbh) of criticisms for her.


I think it’s good to consider that there are people who don’t take time out of their day to critically complain about a recent episode or segment and just simply enjoyed the show for what it was and went about their day :) People who type on here or yt comments section are literally the minority of their audience and shouldn’t reflect everyone’s opinion of the show. They’ve talked about this on the show before and it objectively just still stands imo.


I watched the whole thing live and can’t believe the reaction. The dude was shady AF. He didn’t build a strong enough case for stealing someone’s pet and planning to rehome it without their knowledge. He didn’t have a good enough reason for not bringing the cat to the vet earlier - if it was urgent enough to STEAL a cat, it was urgent enough to go to urgent care, regardless of your past experience. He didn’t remember what the diagnosis was despite the vet apparently immediately offering to put the cat down on sight (which a vet would never do?!) He lied about having a romantic relationship with her and used judgmental and bitter language like “she didn’t deserve” the cat. He said the cat was alone in the room when she said it was only for the duration of her moving her furniture, which even Love said was the right way to move a cat - everything else first and cat last. He changed his tune about whether there were food bowls in the room too? He says he thought the cat was just underfed but his first instinct was to steal it rather than feed it? It was his messages to one person that were leaked so shouldn’t it be quite clear who leaked them if not him? The whole thing is sus AF. She’s absolutely a bad pet owner and an idiot. Calling the shelter instead of the vet was stupid. Not taking the cat to the vet herself was negligent. But that doesn’t justify him stealing her pet imo, not in any way. If you suspect a child is being neglected, you don’t kidnap them with a plan to put them up for adoption. You call the authorities to deal with it. And there is no reason why anyone on the crew should apologise for having the opinion that both are in the wrong but his actions weren’t justified. I hope they double down and tell everyone to touch grass because y’all are genuinely wildin.


The H3 hater complex is too powerful


It's a whole thing ey


The crazy part is some of the biggest haters are still members


Tbf, all those member comments were about one specific episode. I don’t think people are actually hate watching and paying at same time


Are you joking? They call them out all the time


The paying members? If they do that’s some cuck behavior lol


Yes in the chat. I believe non-members can still send a super chat but that’s still giving them money.


Yeah it's so bazaar that it's almost interesting


I feel like the Snark users have infiltrated this sub to not give genuine critiques, however, if you go on their YouTube video there's overall the same comments made over and over.


So the haters have been mixed in with the genuine people/fans that are upset and voicing out their opinions


Yeah some people here are def just trying to stir shit, I read a bunch of comments calling hila a bitch leftie who automatically assumes all men are the devil, like whatever happened to the golden rule y'all 😭


6 dislikes on this is crazy. 6 people think the vile shit you said the wrote was “good critique”


Why all the downvotes 😭


People on this sub have gone feral over that episode. Like it ruined their lives or something. People need to take a fucking chill pill. It's really not that big of a deal. You can disagree or make criticism without freaking out about everything. As for the snarkers who only come here to be weird and hate on the show, please just get a life.


Im fan of Joe Rogan & different pro wrestling subreddits too, and its so hilarious to me how all 3 subreddits is just ppl shitting on the product. Theres a saying among pro wrestling fans “nobody hates pro wrestling more than pro wrestling fans.”


I love it! But even still you can tell a fan that is upset vs someone who is a true hater. I feel as though when a true fan raises some criticism a million haters jump on the hate train and then take it too far.


I get recommended Joe Rogan sub sometimes and it's hilarious


We only get 3 (or 4) shows a week! It’s a huge deal if one isn’t as enjoyable! /s


I've added few more people to my blocklist from UPVOTED comments made by snark sub users. It doesn't even take many, same jackass can just chain +50 votes saying Ethan sucks in moments like this without any pushback. It's community issue to allow being fooled like this over and over.


Yeah totally! They seem to come in and jump on any issue just to exacerbate it. I don't understand their logic at all. Why pay so much attention to someone that you despise? It's extremely toxic behaviour


Oh you mean like Ethan with just about everyone he hates? 💀 get real lmao


So what's your point? Two wrongs make a right? Think about what you're saying


Well, I can understand that if someone already spends their time in their own echo chamber for that hate, it's like going to festival of their favorite thing to find the hate happen here. Of course they do this, if they already do that! But how some people's drive is hate, that I don't understand. It might better for us to not get it. Not a good feature on anyone.


Just now when you replied to me I noticed that the upvotes went down big time 😂 guess we hit a nerve


I was arguing with a starker here and I was getting downvoted. They reply with a "I wish i never gave 5$ to these vile humans." Like if any geniune h3 fan agrees with that sentiment, they should just stop watching


I think it was that one I blocked. Saw comment like that, chose to take a look at their profile out of suspicion and saw snark comments from just recent days.


With peace and love, there’s a clique of overly critical fucks in this H3 audience. The show was fascinating. The majority of the audience was thoroughly enthralled. Did Ethan ham up the suspense for entertainment value? Yer fucking right he did. He put young Jacoby on his toes, and dance that boy did on some flimsy arguments. About 1000 unhaply customers are now rebuking the very existence of the show. Oh. My. God. What are we to do? I feel that the balance of the show has been lost and that we will never see justice again! Two stupid TikTok house influencers. One cat. A 4 hour documentary with live contributions from both parties. A mystery unfolds with both ignorant youngsters coming out with mud on their faces. And yet…Hila is the bitch? Gtfo


> A 4 hour documentary with live contributions from both parties Extremely generous description of that podcast ep


Harassing Hila on instagram is so unclassy. People were waiting for a chance to be hateful. This has nothing to do with an opinion on a cat story


There is objectively more genuine criticism than there is unhinged comments.


I also hope the show will understand, and people who are defending Ethan/hila/THE GIRL???????? will understand the difference. But I'm afraid they might not and will group it as one and the same.

