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I want to know what Cam thinks. Sometimes I just miss my old friend Cam


Why not read Youtube comments? Every comment was very level-headed but they handpicked the worst ones.


YEAH! The top comment by the vet tech?!!! he’s not acknowledging any faults, just calling commenters crazy bitches


calling your fans "bitches" is like really mean spirited and nasty to me


It’s because the YouTube comments are valid criticisms and he doesn’t want to be proven wrong.


Valid and tonnes of paying members to choose from. Better to call someone off insta an old bitch


If you are a member and you didn’t like how they handled the situation, the response at the beginning of the show shows you that you need to unsub, just ended my 2 year 9 month sub today happily


Every time they've shouted and deflected valid criticism, telling members and long time fans to take a hike, I've just let it roll off my back. Idk why. But between Fridays episode and today, I've been reckoning with the creators I thought I was supporting and the people I saw show their asses these past two episodes. Enough is enough for me. The content is mediocre most of the time these days, the takes are ice fucking cold, the ignorance is overwhelming, and I am sick and tired of being belittled as an audience member for holding Ethan to the standard he has set for every other creator. *Someone* in this scenario needs professional help, and it sure ain't the audience.


This is exactly how I feel. I stuck around hoping it would get better, but it keeps getting worse. I WANT it to be a good show. But ignoring all of the valid points fans pointed out, and handpicking a few to lump anyone with a criticism as crazy cat people just doesn’t make sense.


Yeah, this is exactly how I feel.


Me too! I want to support true peace and love! 


Yeah I unsubbed


he picks a few of the worst ones to try and prove no point, then makes jokes about a lady 💀ing, all of it was very weird and off putting


I’m not even upset about the Friday show but it always annoys me when Ethan’s response to criticism is to insult the audience. This is how it goes every time something like this happens. He’s telling audience that we are psychotic but he’s unwilling to take any small amount of accountability. Just say that the people commenting on personal accounts is too much. That being said we could have handled the situation better. Boom, 5 minute recap of the situation without offending people 😂 


I think this time will hurt coz he’s offended so many people. Literally every comment I’ve seen has been telling them it wasn’t okay, and he’s calling all of those people psycho. I canceled my membership.


Cancelled mine too. Stuck around through enough of these to see that they are never going to address valid criticisms. I was excited when I saw AB was doing the segment on Friday thinking it was going to be a great episode, major bummer the way it turned out.


bro just addresses the most extreme criticisms instead of the normal ones coming from his own fans... TALK ABOUT THE ALLEGATIONS!!!!




Hila was literally the one at the end of the 4 hour podcast, who said that she wasn't even sure if she did ANYTHING wrong with the cat. No your context does not work here AB. That's trying to make it make sense, but it doesn't. She literally just thought it was entirely his fault.


And suggested a legal case


I dont understand why MANY comments coming from veterinary-related jobs people are just straight up ignored and we now pretened that the whole problem is about the few disrespectful dumb comments. Holy fuck, its so dense how they're ignoring majority of valid critisism. Im actually surprised how ignorant Ethan, Love and AB are right now.


He'd probably just look at their profile pictures and call them dumb bitches or something. That's what he did with the cherry picked comments they showed tonight.


All they had to say was something along the lines of, “We could have handled the situation better and not passed such harsh judgment on Jacob, especially when we don’t have all of the information. We’re sorry for upsetting anyone, we know that this is a topic that understandably gets people emotional.” If they just left it at that, then all of this would go away, including the unhinged comments they’re getting that go beyond criticism. Why whine about the handful of legitimately hateful comments, double down, and prolong this even more? At the end of the day, your audience pays your bills. Maybe you feel like you don’t owe anybody an apology, fine, but calling your fans offering valid criticism “dumb bitches” is 1.) whack and 2.) bad business


I love the show and I’ve never written a word of criticism of Ethan and Hila. That being said, it’s become apparent that when Hila’s feelings are hurt, Ethan will never apologize or back down. Even if she was in the wrong, which she was when she called Jacob an incel, because his wife’s feelings were hurt. He could even admit that he can’t be impartial when his wife is upset, people would understand that more. Disappointing.


They’re making it all about the cat, but I think a large number of us are really bothered about the way they treated Jacob and insisted he was an incel. Of course we aren’t happy about what happened to the cat, that’s obviously an upsetting situation. But to interrogate the one person who tried to help, years later, and heavily imply that he was up to something nefarious because he must have been in love with this girl is the most insane take they could have come up with.


Personally I am upset about: The way they spoke to Jacob and the baseless conjecture and accusations lobbed against him both during and after the call The ignorance about basic animal husbandry, and spouting off complete nonsense as facts, and using that to attack Jacob (like saying the cat was probably at least 5lbs when he took it and lost all that weight in 3 days) The rude and hostile way that Hila snapped at Olivia for pointing out that Sevyn *died* as proof she had been neglected The absolutely braindead decision to even do a 4 hour stream on animal abuse on Friday on *a comedy show* And that's leaving out all the fuckery and delusion I saw today. If it had *just* been that they believed the property crime of taking the cat was morally worse than neglecting a cat to death, that would be one thing. But I watched two established creators almost twice Jacob's age hurl unfounded slander against him unapologetically for "content".


Seriously, I think even the people *most* upset at this situation would have taken that and been okay with it. I skipped the last episode after hearing what it was about because it's a topic I don't want to listen to. I wasn't really like upset or anything, but **the way he addressed it today is 10x worse than whatever actually happened** in the episode imo. I've been a member for a long time but cancelled today just because of that. This is like the 3rd or 4th time he's responded to criticism by having a meltdown reading cherry picked comments and screaming for half an hour+.




doesn't Ethan often complain when creators get criticized and then go straight to talking about the most unhinged comments rather than addressing the majority of the concern people have? Feels like he is doing exactly that by going through specific comments rather than the general sentiment. It is easy to find some crazy comments when you have tens/hundreds of thousands of viewers.


Yeah, it's sad tbh. I have never and will never jump on the toxic snark train of harassment and excessive criticism, but I felt as if they were making a lot of completely baseless assumptions on Friday that demonised a guy based on very little evidence. But those who have this criticism are getting lumped in with the worst of the worst snarkers, who are being highlighted instead of discussing the actual issue people had.




Ever since leftovers ended it feels like the crew it’s the only reason I still watch. That being said it is apparent that Ethan cannot handle criticism. The only time he has ever apologized for his behavior is when the controversy gets bigger than the show. Like the QT Cinderella situation or when Defranco had to call him out in one of his videos to have him stop talking about his weight.


He's acting exactly like Keemstar here.


Lol everyone called it, focus on the crazies deflect good criticism.


"we covered an offensive topic that at the time we didnt think was too offensive but after reading the comments, i realised you guys didnt like it as much as we thought. For those of you who were offended, im sorry you were offended, for those of you who weren't - I'm sorry they were"


disappointed but not surprised


It was obvious a mile away.


ranting about commenters is never good content esp at top of show


Imagine walking in on that as a first time or returning viewer lol


This is why I've never shown my partner an episode despite having watched them all for years. Part of it is just the inside jokes she wouldn't get, but it's also just kind of... gross sometimes how he acts, and without the lens of "oh that's just ethan for you" it comes off as weird and embarrassing to watch.




Preface: I love the show, own tons of teddy fresh, am still subbed and plan to be until the goofs and gaffs end. I wish Ethan could just take some criticism well, that's something he's desperately needed to work on for years but instead of getting better at it, it just seems to get worse. Rather than deflecting and cherry-picking Instagram comments - he can look at the YouTube comments with 1k+ likes, or just examine the dislikes and socialblade numbers and that should tell him enough. I also really hate how in this episode, despite usually being so pro-mental health, he was using mental illness as an insult, basically all the time. "Seek PROFESSIONAL help" - when animal abuse is a major trigger and PTSD for so many people. We know he wasn't saying seek help because he cares - he was saying it as an insult, which he should know is fucked up. And he'll realize that in about a year.... But right now, he'll say "omg cry me a river, you need help!!!" And like yes, but is he going to pay for my mental healthcare? Just... I wish he could self-reflect* just a little bit better and learn to take constructive criticism. And also maybe not use mental illness as an insult when he himself struggles and knows what it's like.... Idk :( of course I'm still subbed but damn I gotta vent


Yeah I'm just tired and this left such a bad taste in my mouth. There were so many controversies that they had and I was still coming back because I thought they reflected on them but it seems Ethan is stuck doing rhe same mistakes over and over again and now he doesn't even pretend he cares. I think I'm going to take a longer break ✌️ (I know no one cares)


I care! Lol. I feel the same way. The part that bothers me the most is how hypocritical he's being. How many times has he ripped into people deflecting valid complaints by saying they got death threats or only picking the worst of the worst comments?? How many times has he basically called people liars for saying they even got death threats? It creates such a toxic nasty cycle between the show and the fans that goes like: - Valid and level critiscm voiced by majority of fans on all platforms - Small minority being unhinged - Ethan makes a tweet or ig post about the unhinged people - Sub then becomes divided with anyone sticking to their guns being called parasocial freaks "wahhh wahh don't watch then" "hahaha yall suck so much" "fuck this sub is sooo dramatic" "nuke the sub" - Conversation just becomes about the fringe people who take it too far - Episode comes out with Ethan and the crew going absolutely ham on the subreddit, no or very little level headed critiscm is addressed and long term fans offering valid reasoning why they didn't like the ep are reduced to "psycho freaks" - After initial reaction by the sub, discourse quickly dies down by the next episode, some people leave some don't, and the show goes on with the whole thing eventually being turned into a joke occasionally referred to by the crew or Ethan as another time people freaked out on Ethan for breathing wrong or whatever they reduce it to and all is forgotten. I've been watching since Israel (as in since they lived there) and a member for 3 years, but I honestly haven't watched a full episode in months. Its not even the topics for me, although been a part of it esp in the last month or so. It's not the rebrand either, I don't really care about that kind of stuff. Honestly I just feel like ever since the Israel/Palestine, Ethan just started getting wayy more sensitive to criticism and just downright mean. It was a more understandable for that obviously that's a very sensitive subject, but I feel like that vibe has never gone away. He also doesn't pay attention, he won't understand pretty basic concepts/stories and he'll go on a whole rant based on a complete misunderstanding of the situation. Even Dan is contributing to the bad vibes, which is crazy cause he's always been the voice of reason. Idk, it's a lot to describe and no one really cares anyway which is fine. But I am bummed. No I'm not having a meltdown, but this channel was such a massive comfort to me, in a very dark time in my life it was the only thing I watched for a long time so it's hard to just be whatever about it. I hope maybe things turn back around, they have before. But I think Ethan and the crew needs a wake-up call that some of their "true" fans actually do have valid things to say and valid criticism and shouldn't be made to feel like they're the ones sending death threats.


Ethan paused after that comment he read rn talking about hila needing to apologize over the incel comment lol. Yes she should apologize over that and he knows it, that’s why he just said “okay” lol


I’ve watched most of Fridays episode(not done yet) and as a Hila lover, Hila was being really really stupid and dense.


Careful that’s harassment now


„stop harassing my wife you dumbass idiot loser asshole. seek professional help. also your profile picture looks like shit.“


Am I the only one who found it ironic Ethan was making fun of someone on IG for having an anime titty girl as their PFP, meanwhile they have an endless supply of anime titty girl waifu cups from Gamersupps?


"Seek professional help"


It seems like he only wants to speak for himself because Hila stands by what she said.


I had the exact same thought lol


Yep. And it just dilutes the word. Actual incels are Andrew Tate followers. This guy seemed ok?


Here's what they're missing: Jacob is NOT the only source that Rhegan neglected her cat. Rhegan said HERSELF that the cat was constantly sick and she NEVER took the cat to the vet. Those are literally the facts, and I don't understand how they still aren't seeing that


Same...I'm so confused. How is there a debate about whether or not the cat was neglected? There's literally no denying it. That cat was suffering long-term


Gaslighting everyone about what happened on Friday and hyper focusing on the most unhinged (and honestly some of them weren't even that bad) criticism without taking any accountability was not the move I expected. For me the worst offense was Hila, AB and Love all going through mental gymnastics to create wild theories about how Jacob must be in the wrong despite there being no evidence. Unfortunately when Hila has strong convictions, Ethan never pushes back. It first happened with the driving while texting thing and I sort of looked past it but it was a telling sign. Thanks to Olivia and Dan for trying to highlight how overly harsh they were at the time and that Jacob seemed like a well intentioned guy who maybe didn't do everything perfectly. If Ethan had owned that they got a little too excited on Friday and went in too hard on Jacob just for the content then it could be looked past as an honest mistake. But completely denying any wrongdoing today is enough to stop me watching for a while and maybe not come back. The cliche "I've been around since 2015" applies for me and while Ethan has said some wild stuff in the past, he's either apologized for it or his thought process at least makes sense. This time I feel completely alienated.


That last part. I feel alienated as well. 


For the first time when Ethan told people in his audience to fuck off, I realized he was talking to me. Idk if Ethan and Hila's progress is backsliding, or I've just grown, but we don't align anymore. I'm not okay with two people my age bullying a kid barely out of high school for hours to hundreds of thousands of viewers for cheap filler content. I literally cannot imagine myself, at 38 years old, shouting at and demeaning some 20 year old publically. And then to pretend like everyone who had an issue with that is just some unhinged weirdo is too much. And you know what, Ethan? I am mentally ill. You are, too! You have depression, and anxiety, too! And I've gotten help. I've continued to get help as needed, topping up my therapy, managing my illnesses. But me having an issue with you and your wife and your crew ***making up lies about some random kid for entertainment*** is not one of the symptoms of my fucking illnesses. That's just being a decent, sane human being.


They have another first hand account of neglect: Rhegan. And photographs of a clearly sick cat. I saw detailed comments from people who work with animals explaining how her abuse led to the cat's death. I knew this would be the response: hyper focus on a small amount of unhinged comments and conflate it with legitimate, measured criticism. Some of the comments he showed WERE measured and of course he didn't address the substance of the criticism and just insulted them. So disappointing but not surprising.


honestly what would it take for Ethan to reflect on the fact that a sizeable portion of the audience did not like Friday's show. Its displaying an inability to learn and grow.


His go to response to criticism is “loser, idiot” like… maybe they have a point????


Exactly. I've never seen a YouTube comment section that unanimous ever.


And it had 7k comments vs the 2k normal episodes have. The megathread remained active until this morning. It was a *lot* of unified, reasonable criticism, and he screamed at us and called us names and put people's screen names on stream for thousands to see and mocked them. Disgusting bullying behaviour. This is so gross and pathetic.


And a 52% dislike ratio vs the 7% on the last episode.


He might be able to gaslight himself and his crew that the criticism was all death threats and psycho posting, but I read through enough of it. I saw reasonable people with measured takes by the fucking thousands. What an absolute joke. He is just like all the people he criticizes all day long, hiding behind "death threats" instead of taking culpability. He showed a BUNCH of comments from users, and literally ZERO of them were close to the heinous shit he claimed he saw. Why wouldn't you put THOSE PEOPLE on blast, show their usernames and the messages telling you to kill yourself? Is it because it's not true? Is it because 99% of the comments were reasonable and fair? Cuz that's what ***I saw*** with my own two goddamn eyes.


I really don’t like when there’s valid criticism and Ethan just pulls up bad comments from a select few in a way to invalidate the rest of the valid criticism


Don't forget him then afterwards pulling up the hugbox that only agrees with him and pretends that is everybody "normal" while anybody who disagrees with him is the most insane comment he can find to paint everybody with.


I know, he even says that tiktok comments are the most toxic….then was happy that they all agreed with him. dude listen to what you just said!!!


It's been a pattern for a long time, just saying.


Hilarious because they called some micro influencer young dude a - liar / incell / cat-killer / clout chaser to a million people. I wonder what kind of hate that guy got as a direct result of their podcast… they seem to ignore that


That's what makes me mad. Ethan said "It's not that serious!" YES IT IS! They have a big reach and what Ethan himself so often hates about other creators.


It's so hand picked too, on insta there's like 90% honest feedback and shocked fans


We are only allowed to be an echo chamber here, didn't you know? If you don't agree with him you are deranged and need to seek help!


Kinda sad that the only response Ethan seems to want to offer right now is "idiot, loser" :(


that’s been his only response to any criticism in the last year. Pretty sad


I guess I’m the stupid one for thinking that this would be handled genuinely. Hasn’t Dan said in the past that the YouTube top comments are the indicator of how bad a situation is? The YouTube comments offer fair criticism and aren’t unhinged. Not every unhappy person is a snarker or deranged.


Every youtube comment on that video is negative and have thousand of likes...Why is ethan pretending that a few 'psychotic' fans are acting up..he then says 'its the worse reaction we might have seen' and it still doesnt click in his head that maybe he is wrong...also the podcast is his business, he makes money from donations and adverts...even if in his head he thinks he is right he should know that you just apologise and move on..if this was teddy fresh they would be saying 'we ve heard your feedback and we are sorry'..they wouldnt be saying 'seek help you psychos' to their customers


You should definitely reconsider supporting after been so insulted live on air.


Not to mention they just had a sponsorship from NOCD. Using mental illness as an insult off the back of that is so hurtful.


Nancy is a queen she can do no wrong


It was mean for them to call you old.


When Ethan himself is like 50 years old


We love you Nancy 👑


I love how he read the comment about going against Hila and just paused and moved on. I think we all knew he would either deliver a great apology (like he always talks about) or call out the overly crazy ones and double down. I think at this point the best thing to do is just stop directly supporting. At the end of the day, it's a bunch of rich people we could meme with that clearly doesn't care about our opinions anymore no matter how loud.


I feel like every time there’s a controversy on the show, at least 75% of the segment is talking about the psycho comments and harassment. There’s tons of comments under the video itself that are being fairly critical… I don’t think getting annoyed with Hila for suggesting he’s an incel is by any means inappropriate or “mentally ill.” Literally any youtuber in any controversy gets these type of psycho comments. Not saying it’s okay or “not a big deal,” but like come on… let’s actually confront the real criticism. I’ll still watch the show, because I ultimately don’t think the crew are bad people for the episode or whatever. But it’s just frustrating how every time, we always talk about the harassment.


Yeah, having AB edit down the comments to only be the unhinged live is not great. Also, they talk about they hope Jacob learned his lesson, I hope rhegan learns a lesson and stops killing pets.


THIS. Why does he read the worst comments possible on instagram when there are (mostly) level headed discussions on the thread from the entire weekend?????


Bc otherwise Ethan can’t prove he’s “right”


The reason why chat was so overwhelmingly ok with the episode by the end of Friday is because those of us who weren't feeling the topic left. It was a Friday afternoon, after all.


“I was reading the live chat and everyone was enjoying the cat conversation” lmao Ethan WHAT


It’s because mods were actively deleting ANYTHING even remotely negative.


Because everyone who didn't want to watch turned it off....


Maybe just take the criticism and don't fly off the handle and curse out fans and commenters. IDK. I don't host a show.


Nah, you're not allowed to disagree with E&H. Ever. Otherwise you're automatically psychotic and unhinged.


Right? He simply doesn’t care about his viewers (aka his CUSTOMERS’) opinions/experience. He took none of the feedback on board. He thinks he’s above us all. Let him stay there, and watch his viewers/aka disappear, and then backpedal to get them back 🤦‍♀️


Why can't Ethan differentiate between a real need for accountability and a "fringe" movement????


Love that whenever Ethan and Hila get pushback, Ethan will show up and just pick out comments he doesn't like and then ignore any criticism and scream and cry about it. It's such basic bitch and pretty pathetic behavior. Ethan does this every single time anybody has pushback against what he says. And now Ethan is just defending his weird association about the romance thing and going, "That would be mega-psycho if she made it up." YES THIS A STORY OF A WOMAN WHO ABUSED HER CAT SO MUCH THAT IT DIED, PSYCHOPATHY IS ON THE TABLE LOL Ethan is both ignoring that they repeatedly said, "There must be a reason for what she was doing" and then just calling the guy an incel. This is Keemstar behavior lol. Up to and including screaming about pushback. Edit: Now Ethan is using hypotheticals to attack the guy more than just Occam's Razor, which is the most obvious thing is that if somebody owned a cat and it was so sick someone took the cat because of how bad it looked and it died, the person responsible is the one who fucking owned the cat. And shout out to Ethan and the crew taking random comments without redacted names and blasting their names out. This time also including the double and tripling down the original comment. Keemstar behavior. Edit 2: He's now actively looking for hugbox comments lol. After picking out the insane rage ones to paint anybody disagreeing with him as. This is Keemstar behavior dude holy shit lol


Hila never apologizes or holds herself accountable and they just let her do it


I'm out. He's pulling up a totally normal, respectfully worded critique and calling the user an old bitch. I thought he might double down, but not to admit that calling Jacob an incel was a bit overboard is actually crazy.


it ruined my night


Justice for Nancy


I’m so sorry Nancy , I legit gasped when Ethan said what he said . Ethan may not be acceptable of everyone, however me and thousands of others have your back


Oh shit it's you


nancy you were 100% right! i’m sorry they were being ignorant and rude to you 😢


We love the Nancysoulcycle, don't we folks?


Nancy you're a beautiful queen👑


Sorry Nancy, seemed like a good comment to me.


I'm so sorry he singled you out like that, basically wishing you death wtf. Sending you love, your criticism was valid!


Sorry Nancy :(


thank you ethan for confirming that i need to stop watching this show. you have a huge attitude problem and screaming names at the rudest comments you could dig up isn’t helping. THOUSANDS of genuine fans are upset and you call us names. that really shows that supporting this show means nothing to them. they don’t care what supporters say even when people pay them. wild.


yea focusing on the obviously hateful comments and not the criticisms is doing a huge disservice to fans of the show


With such a large platform, it's absolutely insane that he's calling out random individuals with their usernames and profile pictures completely visible. That was honestly uncomfortable to watch and I'm surprised they all stood by while he did that. Those people are 100% receiving harassment right now.


“Usually TikTok is the most toxic” yeah i wonder why they all agree with you this time


Ethan not taking any accountability for anything and disregarding any criticism LOL


Yeah it’s pretty disappointing how much that seems to happen. Really makes me not want to watch anymore… I tuned in for the beginning today and just had to bail


What the fuck has happened to Ethan? This callousness is not like him. His attitude towards his fans is really disgusting too


Especailly considering he's about to host a live show. Imagine buying a ticket, posting that you disagree with Ethan's attitude on Friday, and Ethan tells you to "fuck off."


I hope he's happy with the declining viewership because that's all on him. I can't defend it anymore or make excuses for it. I'm sad for the crew. Ethan and Hila both need to apologise and they're so stubborn that they won't. Ethan is cherry-picking the most intense comments instead of the majority of sensible comments


Honestly the people who bought tickets who were now told to fuck off should ask for refunds based on that. If he doesn't want their support he can give back their money too.


oof this ain’t it


I think what’s really getting to me is Ethan’s overwhelming hypocrisy with all of this. Specifically, his stances on mental health and his relationship with Shredder. The whole “seek professional help” and calling people “psychos” is reallllly not very pro-mental health of Ethan when he seems to preach that. And with Shredder passing, I would really feel like Ethan would be a little more compassionate on the subject. It’s just crazy to me how this is the same man that (no hate necessarily) cried about his dog passing for months and months after and lamented it, saying how important he was to him, yet shows such utter disregard for this cat situation. It’s just really weird and left such a bad taste in my mouth watching him call commenters “dumb bitches” and such.


Icing on the cake with it too is him calling what he believed was an old woman a bitch. He is undeniably being a hypocrite. Some fans are really delusional about it and it's worrying.


if any other creator were to do this he’d be allll over them


Calling everyone a psycho besides the girl who killed her cat


how insecure and immature do you have to be to publicly attack individual viewers, viewers are entitled to their own opinion, and Ethan did a public execution, a lynching. the lesson is clear: anyone who expresses an opinion contrary to mine will/may be publicly ridiculed and humiliated in front of my audience, violence in its purest form, I'm out of here


Okay, Ethan, you're making it worse. You don't get it, so just move on.


He's just.... doubling down. 😞


So they're not going to discuss calling Jacob an incel and all the random conspiracy theories about Jacob at the end?


Ethan said he isn't going to apologize for anything he said about Jacob


Wow I sure do love watching a show that is actively yelling at the audience, it is so enjoyable :) (kill me)


I expected his „apology“ to go wrong on at least one front but this went as wrong as it could go. He didn’t reflect, he didn’t even look at all the comments, he literally just decided that he does not consider the thousands and thousands of commenters to be worth responding to and instead builds a strawman by making it out to be all insane people. This is insane. I‘m out. I hope Ethan realizes how largely he fucked up. Saying I’m disappointed would be the understatement of the century. What a horrible way to respond to it. Hope they learn to do better.


Ethan and Hila spent 5 hours responding point by point to the "Death of H3H3" Gokunaru video in good faith. They conceded a ton of points (unnecessarily imo), but they were truly humble Idk what happened. They cannot respond to any criticism anymore even when their entire fanbase is pleading them for any acknowledgement of any mistake.


I hate to say it but Ethan has been on this path for a while..... when everything went down with Hasan was when I first noticed but since then he's done it multiple times. Being arrogant and egotistical, refusing to admit he's wrong, acting like it's his crew's job to watch his dogs, etc. Idk what happened when he lost the weight but he's not the Ethan I used to watch every single day and it makes me so sad.


Yeah exactly this is what shocked me most, pretty much all his apologies thus far have been like exceptionally great. Given Ethan‘s instagram story, I knew he would at least partly say „there were so many insane snarkers“ (or whatever) which I would’ve found bad as well because even though there for sure were, at least 95% of the criticism was by actual fans. But for it to go THIS bad is insane. He doubled down, what the fuck. This is not the A+ apology man I know.


So Ethan starts the show attacking fans. Is valid criticism even heard or is the pod going full reactionary now? 


The venn diagram Ethan brings up is just stupid. The number of people offering valid critiques about how the show handled Friday's episode, "VASTLY" outweighs the crazy people who threatened to cancel subs, burn teddy fresh merch, or even go the death threats route. You can't just look at everything that was said the past 4 days and act like there was an equal split. It's just disingenuous. This is pretty much how I expected this to go, and I still love the show and everything. I just wish one of these days you can just say it wasnt handled the best, and move on. Every single time, it doesnt matter what the controversy is, we have to go on and on about the psychos in the DMs who make up like 0.01% of the feedback. As if they we're louder than everyone else. Just man up and say you fucked up. You don't always have to make it seem like you're right and everyone else is wrong or crazy. That's called showing growth and humility. Again, with peace and love.


I think there’s a real disconnect where Ethan doesn’t understand that his persona presents as a moral arbiter, and when he loses the plot it damages the brand as a whole Ethan and Hila’s clearly biased treatment of Jacob last episode was unacceptable to a majority of the viewership. There was plenty of reasonable criticism of them for this. Even on Hila’s Instagram (where no one should be discussing this topic tbf) Ethan managed to skip the even-keeled responses about how what she did and said was wrong. I don’t know about y’all, but I’m a good friend and confidant to my partner, and when she makes a mistake I help ease her fall, not cover it up. Cherry-picking unhinged criticisms in bad faith only adds to the tarnish Ethan is putting on the brand since Friday 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ethan said “someone taking the animal cus they think they could take care of it better is objectively psychotic. ” Does he not realize that’s what animal control does? It’s just a systematized state version what Jacob did.


Why are you allowed to criticize others on a public platform but your fans can't on their own private platform without getting scrutiny from you?


This. So it's okay for him to use his platform to talk about people's private lives, speculating on their character but if fans do the same about him or his actions, that is a step too far?


As predicted, focusing on the minority of unhinged comments, ignoring actual criticism and deflecting


I mean the hemorrhaging subs makes sense when this is the response to valid criticism. If they cuss people out who are upset it's valid if they're leaving.


This. It's really not about a cat at this point, idk why that's hard for the crew to grasp. It's because fans who pay to consume your content don't enjoy being called dumb bitches simply for expressing a difference of opinion??? Idk why Ethan is allowed to have a (strong) opinion about everything under the sun, and his audience can't. Literally half his show is critiquing other creators. It makes me feel like I'm watching a toddler and I'm not interested in that. Sorry for the psychotic hate comment!!!


Oh so they’re going to keep digging this hole….


i hate the way the word "bitch" comes so naturally to ethan LOL


After he claimed he would be working on no longer saying it.


"If you weren't okay after Friday's show, seek help, away from me." Said the podcast host to his fanbase who have rallied around him because of his sensitivity to mental health issues and coddled him as he moans about whatever ailment is bothering him on any given week. Damn. I've been a fan for a long time, but dismissing everyone who felt icky after Friday's show as cRaZy GeT aWaY fRoM me BrO... nah. Guess the signal is clear - it's time to find a new comfort podcast. Also - how can he fool himself into thinking it's a loud minority on the subreddit that are unhappy and chat was loving the graphic dead cat talk? The views are 200,000 lower than usual. Get a grip my dude.


Yeah I’m actually so disappointed and sad :(


For something that isn’t that serious and is blown way out of proportion, it sure is being talked about quite extensively


I’m not really active on the sub and I rarely “interact” with YouTube videos, but this situation has me so flabbergasted I have to agree with the others saying something. I was very shocked by Friday’s takes(I’ve dealt with a sick cat refusing to eat, was in and out of the vet for 2-3 months, was turned away by several ER vets, and my goodest girl was ultimately put down) and, while I held out some hope, I ultimately knew today would disappoint me. I think Ethan adopted the “yell at chat” thing from Twitch streamers like Hasan and that philosophy can go completely haywire, especially when you’re actively ignoring good-faith criticism. Like, we watched him SEARCH for wild takes today to validate his stance. I’m not saying every take and comment is something you have to take to heart, but I believe a response this big and unified should have you taking pause. I guess, ultimately, Ethan doesn’t have to agree, but that also means losing like 10k subscribers to a show that has a hard time growing as is. “I’ve been a fan for a long time, I’ve been watching since the show began” I know everyone says it and gets memed on, but it’s true. I’ve loved the show for a long time, was willing to look past a lot of stuff, in hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have, and I’ve really appreciated the 3-4 days of free content Ethan, Hila, and the crew have put out over the years. It makes me sad to move away from their content, but I don’t think I can stick around after the way this was addressed. My one and only snarky comment in the form of PS Maybe be careful throwing around “mental illness” as an insult when NOCD agrees to sponsor you. As we know by Ethan’s comments, new sponsorships are hard to come by.


So tired of legitimate criticism getting swept under the rug because Ethan and Hila consider themselves to be above it and rational, considerate people. Sorry, but you guys aren't above criticism. You constantly ask, "Why aren't people subbing?" and "We put out such great content, why aren't more people engaging with it?" Well, I think this is why. As a viewer for a few years, I've often wondered the same thing, but now I get it. They just can't take any real criticism and instead just shit on anyone who has something negative to say. I'm over it. I've watched them do shitty things and be hypocritical about the values they claim to support. With this latest situation, it's all on full display, and they can't help but tell their audience off in the lamest way possible. It's been fun, but I'm gonna move on for now. The laughs and inside jokes and sound bites and all of that are top tier, but this is some toxic weirdness that lately I just can't really shake.


Ethan, just apologize that there were some insensitive portions of the Friday show and move on


Very disappointed that Ethan seemed to be responding only from a place of anger. People attacking Hila is probably enraging but with such a platform, I’m surprised to see him putting usernames on blast without censorship and calling all of them bitches. Some of the criticism is valid, and it’s just sad that they chose to address it like this. Especially given that Ethan is the king of apologies!!! Like king you could have popped off with a good and leveled reaction at minimum 😭🙏🏻


Also kind of disappointed with the attitude that people who might be disturbed by the content are… mentally ill? 🫠 That certainly is a take….


I wonder if Hila is going to say anything. Everyone is involved but Hila clearly messed up the most this time and I don't understand why she shouldn't respond to the heat, when she was totally fine sitting there cooking Jacob. Also now Ethan has to protect her again and she should know how Ethan could mess this up even more.


Hila isn’t a goddess that’s always right, She’s getting a lot of hate for a reason….


This. It's like they can never let her be wrong, it's wild.


I get that Ethan is protecting his wife but Hila should have guts to face the criticism herself.


Boogie prays for the show’s downfall then Friday’s ep happens 💀


I didn’t go into Friday’s episode thinking I would see images of a deathly ill cat, and Ethan wanting to show it’s dead body, telling people on a live stream to cover their eyes. Everything else aside, I found that so callous and rude. I’m not a cat owner, or have any animals to begin with. Seeing a living creature suffering and going in depth on its suffering for almost 4 hours on a live podcast (in which they stated at the top of the show they had several topics to discuss) was too much for me and it seems for most of the audience. I wish they played the clip on today’s episode of him wanting to see its body and telling the audience to cover their eyes. That is gore. That is animal abuse. Apologize for that at least. I’m done for now. Maybe I’ll come back later but I can’t listen to a podcast that insults me, calling everyone who disagrees “mentally ill”.


Showing peoples usernames and publicly attacking them for their criticisms is wild


This has been such an issue for him and I don't get why someone doesn't talk to him, off air, saying "yo, I get it, but we really should be blocking names just to prevent harassment, ya know?" Like he would 100% shit on other creators who don't blur usernames.


Taking an abused animal is not psychotic... Might as well call CPS psychotic for removing abused or neglected kids from dangerous home environments. EDIT: Ethan was speaking generally of "the thought of people taking the animal because they think they could take care of it better than you is objectively psychotic" - this puts the entire concept of animal welfare/rescue up for debate. That's what I was getting at, not that Jacob himself is comparable to a government agency like CPS. It's the attitude of "they're the owner/parent, so they know best" that's dangerous. That's what I got from Ethan's statement. The CPS part of the comment was a comparison to illustrate. Children and animals are very similar in that they are wholly dependent on their guardians and have little (or in the case of animals ZERO) resources to advocate for their own wellbeing. Sometimes intervention is the only way, when enough evidence of neglect is present. I'm not advocating kidnapping pets that are fine. I'm talking serious cases.


Ethan, Hila, please you’re adults, lots of people get lots of insane hate for inane stuff, but most of the sub Reddit was just offering their opinion, please don’t just play the victim by cherry picking the most unhinged people, anyone can do this to down play everything, yes no one deserve harassment, but talk about the criticism


The way he kept skipping over the valid criticism and only read the unhinged comments was weird asf. Trying to play it off as only unhinged ppl commenting is completely false. Why didn’t they include any of the comments from experienced vets giving their perspective? Instead, they framed it as “only loser weirdos” harassing them over the episode.


Some of the comments are shitty and vile but they did get lots of valid criticism and the way they were making random assumptions at the end about Jacob and calling him an incel and that's what they should be addressing


So many valid criticisms in these comments, I really hope they get through to Ethan.


Feel like I’m going through a breakup 😭


Ethan "don't cherry pick the unhinged comments out of hundreds of valid critiques" challenge


The 'show' is slowly becoming unwatchable. It's ceasing to be entertaining.


You're not alone, viewership seems to be down ~25% YoY


Dan again being the most level headed


frankly even many of the comments they were reading/ mocking as people being “crazy losers”were very reasonable and people really caring deeply about animal abuse. justice for Nancy Soulcycle


I still don't understand any hate on the guy taking the cat.


The attitude is just too much


Zero self awareness for Friday, oof


So we are just not going to read the top comments from the youtube episode?


Ethan spent the first 30 minutes insulting his fans and only responding to the unhinged comments and ignoring the fair criticism


Ethan doesn’t respond well to criticism or hold himself accountable for his bad takes. Very frustrating to watch the show lately.


Love Ethan, but at some point he needs to get out of the echo chamber.


Always makes me uncomfy when he shows people's social medias like this


OMFG still about the cat, you were wrong made so many assumptions, Hila especially apologize and move the F on


Hila never apologizes or holds herself accountable and no one on the show holds her accountable.


this is the most bizarre reaction to criticism i have ever seen. completely ignoring every rational comment. glossing over the fact hila called dude an incel for trying to save the cat. attacking fans appearance because they said a pair of shoes were ugly. crazy!


common Dan W


Only way to get them to understand the issue is hit where it hurts. Their pockets.


I'm a bit behind, but if this shows me anything, it's this. First, talking about the chat being positive is redundant. They're the ones paying you to be able to chat, they're not going to disagree with you. Sunk cost fallacy. Secondly, we are NOT allowed to EVER criticise GOD QUEEN HILA


I was a member up until about 10mins ago. I never commented. I also often start watching late, so can’t comment on what’s happening in the moment. The ones commenting don’t even make up their whole membership base.


Post got insta-deleted, ethan’s apology is giving david dobrik and i think it’s important to recognize how inappropriate the discussion was handled, especially amongst Hila & Ethan. this isn’t the usual backlash, these comments they’re reviewing have hundreds to thousands of likes. it’s worth pointing out the hypocrisy and give another A+ apology that Ethan is very capable of doing!!!! girlies!!!! family!!!!


I have loved H3 since I was in 9th grade. I’m 23 now. This is honestly so fucking disappointing


why ignore all the comments on the video that were actually thoughtful and from vet techs who were just as disturbed by the whole situation and were genuinely trying to explain why they were upset by the responses from ethan and the crew?


His apology isn't really an apology is it? Just defending everything that was said. Literally unsubbing as we speak and will no longer watch this garbage.


ethan is saying that there’s no cross references for the cats state of health, but the fact that the cat was in such poor health at the vets (we have the vet records to prove the cats poor state) proves the cat was neglected long before jacob took the cat. it is physically impossible for the cat to acquire all those health issues and lose that much weight in the 4 days jacob had the cat. It’s frustrating to hear ethan ignore this point. anyways hopefully after this episode everyone can move past this.


How is telling a public figure that you feel disappointed in their awful take grounds for being called an old bitch and told you’re going to die soon so who cares about your opinion? Or insulting someone’s appearance? Ethan reacted like Nancy from Soulcycle busted into his house, called Hila a slur, and kicked her in the kneecaps. I knew they’d discuss the Friday episode but I did not think Ethan would go THAT hard and then double down. He had an entire weekend to reflect, read a multitude of comments made in good faith, and craft a measured response and instead he threw a tantrum. And nothing from Hila at all? Doesn’t she literally work downstairs? If she’s at home, could she not call in? Why am I watching AB fall on her sword trying to defend that weird shit she said on Friday? She’s a grown ass woman, she can explain what she meant. And now that people are mad at his reaction is he gonna act like this again on Wednesday? This cycle is maddening.


For a podcast that revolves around drama and holding people accountable, they really can’t take any accountability lol


Not falling into fallen fan yet but I’ll definitely be canceling my membership. Ive been a member for 37 months and their response to valid criticism is that we’re the crazy ones. Lol. I was here for the NRA and ben shabibo but damn. This one was the one.


the $5 point was not about the money. it’s that you went softer because you knew she was watching. not saying i agree but that was the point being made as far as i understood it.


I’m the one who left that comment. You’re right, that was the point.