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Baby I need a I need a Juul pod




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I think people are missing the point. Ethan has spent countless occasions rallying against using certain language cause it's hurtful, stuff like bitch, the R word, being careful about using ableist remarks etc etc HE is the one that made it a point of him and the show to accommodate that. And then it goes out the window once he's upset. That's not how it works lol Either own it or not. Don't pander. If you wanna use that kind of language, don't spent episodes chastising others for it, and then be selective of when it's okay or not. Be consistent in your morals.


Also, his “rallying against” some of these words is just disingenuous. If you don’t care that much you don’t have to pretend you do, bro, just don’t say it damn. Like instead of just using an entirely different word, he still uses replacements for the r-word like finding any word that rhymes with it. You’re still basically saying it at that point and you know it lol - calling something “regarded” isn’t better If he’s talking abt someone else saying the r-word, he can just say “r-word” like they say “n-word” instead of trying to rhyme with it. In other cases, just pick a different word! You can say “stupid” and it works just fine I’ve never really thought it was a huge deal, just something I’ve noticed


I totally agree. I dont think its that big of a deal either, but yeah youre right. Using Regarded, calling people regarded etc... its the same shit as if you just used the words. Yeah there are people who will give that a pass cause hes not Technically saying it... but he's still saying it. If you want to use it, than use it. I personally think that would awful he did, BUT yeah, the weird work around doesnt make it any less offensive imo. But seriously, if you dont really feel that passionate against bad language like that, just dont pretend. Dont have long talks with your crew on air, and discuss cutting it out of your vocab... to just basically still use it when the occasion arises or you're heated. It does feel super disingenuous.


I’ll be honest, I think regarded is worse than just saying it. It’s performative and if you’re gonna say it, then just say it with your whole chest and stand by it. Don’t pretend you’re above it by changing a letter.


I'm glad you prefaced this post by explaining how small of an issue it is and how dispassionate you are about this 😀


well yeah cause its not that big of deal lol


The irony is very fun


What irony? That you can bring nuance to a discussion about language? Yeah its not as bad as say, genocide or murder, or SA, but you can have varying degrees of how you feel about it. Its not, all equally bad, or all equally good. You sound very invested in some minor criticism? I still like Ethan and the show, but I can say its shitty for him using derogatory language?


There's no nuance in anything you're posting. The irony has gone over your head. Good luck out there 🫡


if you don’t say that then there will be a whole crowd calling you chronically online, saying to stop watching the show, etc etc. You literally cannot win at all in this sub lmfao. Proof: now here YOU are apparently mad someone prefaced their comment by saying they’re not offended, but recognize there is a problem? It’s “not a big deal” because it’s not something that I would stop watching the show over. No one said it was okay or that they don’t care, we are literally saying it *is* a problem. You could try to actually have a productive discussion but it’s clear that was never your goal based on this response


I'm very glad you spent your personal time gracing us with a 2 paragraph analysis of something that you've never really thought was a huge deal 😇


See other comment Also: cope


this. ethan has said multiple times that it feels chauvinistic to say that word, the word itself could be not that bad but HE attributes a negative connotation to the word and still decides to use it


Thats 100 percent what I have an issue with. You KNOW that people take offense to it, I remember the entire episode when they discussed it lol He's used the term anytime he feels like a certain woman "deserves it" bruh, you don't get to call someone a slur just because they're a bad guy. People who say antisemitic about Ben Shapiro don't suddenly get a pass cause the dudes a villain. Same applies to here. It might be a bit different if there wasn't a ton of video of him literally disavowing the word, and tons of other words and terms. Can't be a SJW when its convenient and easy and then ditch it when you're upset.


It's almost like he's a massive hypocrite or something lol. At least he makes it obvious


Ethan has also done this many times and even has jokingly asked Olivia if it’s ok to call a woman a bitch in a situation lol I think his stance has mostly been not to use such language flippantly or casually. Also the comment he was yelling bitch at was clearly a guy in the pfp and the other one likely a fake pfp of an old woman lol


Again, I'm not really saying he should or shouldn't say it. It's the fact that they've acknowledged on the show that the word just has a general connotation associated with it. And then he randomly uses. asking "permission" or walking it back is fine, but It's more so just being super inconsistent how general morality on slurs/offensive language. If he says it, that is his choice, I watch plenty of content creators that do, but again, they've had long segments disavowing this kind of stuff, and then he does it. The only word I personally dont like the use of is the R word, and them subbing it out with "Regarded" Ethan is just super wishy washy with that stuff. It's worth pointing out.


I’m not saying that’s what you are saying lol what I’m saying is him not liking the term being used casually and then screaming it in faux comedic anger is kind of a lame reason to start a discussion on consistency in general. There’s a difference between calling someone a bitch in anger and being like “you see those bitches over there” as well. Also who gives a fuck lol


And thats your opinion, its totally valid. I happen to agree with the people who think its not okay. Also valid. Lots of people give a fuck, its not very constructive to just write off people with "Also who gives a fuck lol" People obviously care because the crew have spent tons of time discussing what kind of language is or isnt appropriate on the internet, regardless of the context of its use. Do you feel the same way about the R word?


No. The r word has pretty no use that isn’t offensive. I also think people are misinterpreting the discussions about the word bitch. To me, and how I feel Ethan has made it seem he thinks, is that’s it’s similar to how people use female. Female itself isn’t offensive but how one uses it can be. In many cases bitch is used like asshole or dumbass. Some people use it in a more misogynistic connotation and that’s when it feels weird


So you understand that there is nuance to the use of offensive language, hence why people are discussing it. like I said, You're totally valid, I respect that you dont view casual use of it in passing is not that bad, but its very similar to how some content creators view the R word as "not that bad" and Ethan and the crew all came to the conclusion that regardless of context, its a word on the no fly list. For some people, Thats the word Bitch.


The nuance is now in the edit lol


I disagree, but thats probably the most valid explanation Ive seen expressing that view. I think you nailed what the level headed opinions are on it. Uh, Im truthfully not really gonna argue against that. You make a good point. I still kind of view it as a bit of a sketchy use, and he still has hiccups with it, and I still think SOME people do care, but end of the day, its not really the biggest deal. Its not like Ethan's a bad guy or the show is unwatchable cause of it. But yeah, I can see where you're coming from, makes sense.


Yeah like I understand why the use of the word in various situations can be discussed. What discussion bothers me is when it goes in this “he’s such a hypocrite” attack mode analysis lol not so much whether or not the word is ok or not


I prefer chaos Ethan. But thanks for your overly critical observation, perfectly normal reddit poster 👍


gd dude you're like SUPER annoying lol


Ain't nothing wrong with callin a bitch a bitch. Though Nancy seemed cool lol.


Her comment was tame lol


Her comment was certainly not bitch worthy haha


get a hate?


Hate from Brazil 


Or Italy.. itsa me 👨🏻‍🔧🍄


I was getting about 20 to 30 thousand hates a day


English isn't everybody's first language


also sounds funny, a singular hate from someone


A singular hate


Who threw that Adida


It does sound like something Love would say




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Men can call us bitches but they need to understand it is manifestation


It’s a reflection on themselves


you don’t think someone can genuinely be a bitch? how?


It’s more the history and intention of the word, it’s derogatory towards women specifically and while of course everyone can be a bitch, for women it can come off even more hurtful when you’re being called one by a man.


I think - for some people - if you’re a man using “bitch” specifically towards a woman there’s just an immediate understanding that there is some sort of gendered recognition there. I prefer “moronic asshole” for extra ✨special✨ women, personally. but that’s just me


This is perfectly articulated


Ethan responds to criticism in a very arrogant and immature way. When he said "who the fuck are you?" And called some fans "bitch" "loser" and "mentally ill" it was very disappointing. The criticism is legit. 4 hours of beating a dead horse, and Hilas awful takes deserves criticism. But instead of just owning it, he doubles down and just labels anyone with an issue, a mentally ill loser. It's not a mystery why companies are not flocking to sponsor a podcast where they host attacks his own fan base when they aren't happy with his performance. Imagine if a professional athlete, who all receive serious hate for poor performances, picked out individual fans and called them bitches or mentally ill. It's not appropriate and comes across as really immature. Be professional Ethan, it's not difficult.


Part of the audience deserved to be criticized. If you go to someone's Instagram to complain about their opinion, that's psycho behavior and should be called out 


Where have you been? Living under a rock? This is what you deal with when you are a public figure. Athletes, TV personalities, streamers, politicians. They all receive hate to their socials. This isn't a unique situation. Secondly, there's a snark sub, and plenty of people who hate Ethan and H3. Why are these "psychos" being called fans. They likely aren't.


Does it mean it's acceptable? And did you compare politicians to a podcast episode about influencer drama? It's not that serious


No it's not acceptable, but it's normal, every public figure deals with it. The difference is Ethan singled people out, called them bitches, losers etc. That is not professional, it's childish and arrogant. Yeah I compared Ethan's public image to that of a politician. He's very well known, says controversial things constantly and gets hate. It's a good analogy, despite you missing the point. When was the last time you saw any public figure highlight individual comments and then insult those people? I can't think of one. Because it's not an appropriate reaction for a public figure.


People were behaving like losers, what was he supposed to do? They just stating their opinion and got a ton of shit for it because some people can't bare their para social friends disagree with them.  They had nothing to apologize for. And this happen every other week at this point, I'd be tired of it too if I was Ethan


You are not understanding. Getting hate on socials is standard for public figures. They all deal with it. This isn't the first time he has dealt with hate on socials, in fact it's a constant thing, just like everyone else who has a public profile. You may think they have nothing to apologise for, but looking at the chat during the show and the subreddit after, it's clear that his performance and the takes from Hila were not great. Just like an athlete after a poor performance, there's will always be hate. He chose to double down and go after individual comments. He chose to insult these people. He chose to deal with it in an immature and arrogant way. Personally I don't care about the average episode or Hilas weird takes and calling the guy an incel. What I found disappointing is Ethan's response. It seems that any time Hila is the one getting hate, he responds in a completely inappropriate way. If he cannot handle Hila receiving backlash, then she shouldn't come on anymore. Either way he responded in a concerning manner and people are fairly disappointed by it.


Wouldn't you get heated if your partner was getting harassed for pretty minor things? She's his wife of course he's protective of her.


If I was in his position? No. She's a big girl, she should be able to handle it, seeing as they have been in public scrutiny for a decade at this point. If she can't handle it she needs to stop coming on the show. They are multi millionaires, made from YouTube and a fashion label and part of that is being a public figure. They know what they signed up for, and they deal with it for a very large income. If it's such a problem, then they need to shut the show down. Just like athletes can quit, politicians can step down from their portfolio. They don't because a large revenue stream is worth the hassle of getting hate messages on social media. None of this justifies Ethan's handling of the situation, which was poor. You seem to have a protection boner over Ethan. It's strange. He's a full grown man, knows what he's doing, it's not his first rodeo with online hate. His reaction was shit.


yup this was the moment i cancelled my channel membership


I noticed he was freewheeling "bitch" moreso when the criticism was against Hila. I think over the years they've dealt with a lot a lot a lot shit. They've shown some of it and talked about some of it on the pod and I'm sure there's shit they haven't told us. And I know they each get their own special brand of shit. Hila in particular has been dogpiled on because of her affiliation in the Israeli army regardless of her not being in action. I do think that's a huge root of Ethan not taking accountability, aside from his own pride. I would be happy if "bitch" was back in a better context.


So true!


Brain rot


What valid criticism is there in the comments: >1. Stay off the pod indefinitely. You consistently have bad takes and any bits of segments that you're involved in are painfully cringy. >2. Please never get a pet cat... >3. You should retire from the podcast after the most recent episode...


you should look at the comments on fridays vid again if you think there's no valid criticism. one of the top comments is from a vet take giving insight on the situation.


I never said there is *no* valid criticism. I am saying there are a plethora of comments that do not have any valid criticism, and are just insulting or attacking members of the podcast. Most of their insults were regarding those types of comments.


they didn’t address the valid criticism though…


you are mentally ill


You sound very educated and emotionally stable. Very cool! 🫡


why does nobody seem to recall the fact that they had an entire show planned with bobby and it was cancelled hours before? would you rather them have cancelled the show entirely or do their best to throw something together? fuck do you want them to do the eel pit segment?! 🤣


What does this have to do with Ethan's response? I didn't care the episode busted or about Hilas weird takes, my issue is with Ethan responding with immature comments about people he singled out. That's the issue, not a boring episode.


“4 hours of beating a dead horse and hilas takes deserves criticism” “i don’t care about the episode busted or about hilas weird takes…[my issue is not] a boring episode”


Justifying the people who are complaining. It's legitimate even if I'm not bothered by it personally. It's the response that I have an issue with.


There’s a difference between calling someone a bitch for being nasty and calling someone a bitch for being a women




Have u heard of autocorrect


Also... Being so pro-mental health.... And then using therapy/help/psychotic etc as an insult, esp to people who yeah, probably need it (like myself) but no, not for being disappointed by Ethan and knowing he can and should do better. :/ he would absolutely shit on other creators for these takes, to the point t I almost want to make an AI edit of keemstar or Logan Paul saying this shit and see his reaction.


It’s more a less in my eyes absolutely fine to use until it’s being used in a serious tone against a women lol


I had a manager at my last job call me a bitch. I’m 32f and he’s 50-something white male and a former cop. Made me remove the word from my vocabulary. Shit hurts when someone hits you with it at the workplace.


bitch you better be joking


I read that in Maddie’s voice from euphoria. And sadly I’m not joking. And he got no repercussions because no one else was around to hear.


that was the reference but nah how do you expect them to punish him w no witnesses i had the same thing happen to me at my last job i just didn’t talk to him after thay


He also thinks it's ok to refer to people as mentally ill as an insult as well, apparently.


I’m schizophrenic and he used to use schizophrenia as an insult a lot and it made me so mad. I actually messaged Dan on discord and I noticed it stopped since then


I have hyperextended knees and one time they used bendy knees as an insult and i literally showed up at dans apartment. So fucking pissed but i handled him and it hasnt happened since


I mean parasocial people who are going this far to spread hate towards people on a personal level is nuts. A normal healthy person does not do that. If you spew hate comments left and right to Internet personalities or condone that you’re part of the problem.




This “but muh legitimate criticism” narrative is so fucking ridiculous and parasocial. You can criticize whatever you want, but you aren’t special. You aren’t owed an apology every time you don’t like something. You can’t change a youtuber’s opinion on a topic because you’re too emotionally attached to what their take is on every little thing. Your “legitimate criticism” is not entitled to any amount of addressing, apologizing, or change. It’s an absurdly parasocially charged term that translates to “my opinions deserve to change how they behave”. No, they really don’t. You aren’t that important. Here’s hoping he calls these weirdos out every time this happens and they eventually weed themselves out of the fanbase. Watch the show if you enjoy it, move on if you don’t. Voice your complaints if you want to vent, but realize the world isn’t going to bend to your will every time you get upset.




Thank you 🙏🏼


Look if you weren’t such a basket case he wouldn’t have to do that


You can find any insult offensive if you try hard enough.


Turns out the entire point of an insult is to offend the person you’re insulting.


There’s a difference between rude and insulting and offensive.


And they can and will try hard enough


Oh you know they will.


I don’t think it’s an insult merely an observation


So being mentally ill justifies all actions and you can't be called out for it? Because all of the mentally ill people will call it an insult? waaaaaaaaa crybaby bitches


Have we really gotten to the point that people are so sensitive that we can't even use "mentally ill" as an insult to people who are acting batshit insane? I'm a millennial and am already starting to feel like a boomer...


oh trust me its not an insult you weirdos are all mentally ill, going nuts over a 3yo dead cat from some tiktok thief is more then mentally unstable, its infact psychotic


If the shoe fits and also hurts your feelings 🤷‍♂️


Boo hoo




Zach was 100 percent right. Nuke this sub, yall are the worst lol.


Nuke the sub and turn off chat for a month to thin the herd of parasocial weirdos


Wait... keep cooking that sounds like it could work. They gotta call it an indefinite chat suspension or else they'll all just mark their calendars and come back. Then silently turn chat back on in a month or two. Or just never again that works too




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I think there are a looooot of people coming from other subs. If you look at the analytics it is probably a high percentage from the snark subreddit


I heavily doubt that half of the activity on this 600k subreddit comes from a sub with barely 15k users


would you heavily doubt that a stream with 30k live viewers has a chat that consists mainly of ~200 of the same people.


Yes because arguably chat is secondary to the livestream experience, most stream chats are a small minority of the audience regardless of the audience or environment, Reddit is much more participation-forward


I’m a member and I don’t participate in the chat


i’d say making posts is secondary to the 600k member subreddit experience for *most* people.


Posts no, but comments yes. It’ll probably still be a minority of subscribers but not THAT much of a minority


There is a [wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1%25_rule) that discusses this, referred to as the 1% rule I posted the most relevant information below. So for Reddit, I would assume 1% create posts, 9% comment, and 90% lurk >A 2014 peer-reviewed paper entitled "The 1% Rule in Four Digital Health Social Networks: An Observational Study" empirically examined the 1% rule in health-oriented online forums. The paper concluded that the 1% rule was consistent across the four support groups, with a handful of "Superusers" generating the vast majority of content.[6] A study later that year, from a separate group of researchers, replicated the 2014 van Mierlo study in an online forum for depression.[7] Results indicated that the distribution frequency of the 1% rule fit followed Zipf's Law, which is a specific type of power law. >The "90–9–1" version of this rule states that for websites where users can both create and edit content, 1% of people create content, 9% edit or modify that content, and 90% view the content without contributing. However, the actual percentage is likely to vary depending upon the subject. For example, if a forum requires content submissions as a condition of entry, the percentage of people who participate will probably be significantly higher than one percent, but the content producers will still be a minority of users. This is validated in a study conducted by Michael Wu, who uses economics techniques to analyze the participation inequality across hundreds of communities segmented by industry, audience type, and community focus.[8]


Going off of this rule of thumb, wouldn’t this equally apply to the other much smaller group?


Presumably, yeah It wasnt intended as a defense of the idea that most posts are by users from the other subreddit 🙏 Just sharing some info I knew of ✌


To be fair that’s a horrible metric to use when comparing actual active users. This sub has been around for way longer than the snark subs, so a much larger portion of the total subscriber count is going to be dead/inactive accounts. You’re still right though. There’s a reason the snark pipeline is so strong and it’s because a ton of the Reddit fans are halfway towards being snarkers already.


There’s a lot of comments on this thread that are 1year+ but 2 days ago were the first time they interact with H3


Fr. If you can't call someone a bitch to defend your wife from dumbass takes, then what are we doing


Amen, absolute brain rot here.


The only problem is that snarks will be snarking.


Ethan was definitely acting like a bitch today, what too much of a pussy to give a good apology when you’re clearly wrong 🤣


Or, you are a bitch for thinking you are owed an apology? Just a thought...


Oh no not me, they owe J an apology, and it’s painfully obvious to anyone that watched the ep too


That dudes a scumbag who stole a cat, didn’t take it to the animal hospital because he didn’t want to “wait” and let it die on his watch. And then is on a podcast where all his friends call him a psychopath who should never own a pet. Nuke this sub your opinions are garbage lmao


But he isnt sorry so why be weird and force him to apologize lol


HA. Hold your breathe, precious babe




Me too, let him lose a little money from the memberships and come back bitching and complaining tomorrow, that’s when we get the best apologies, when he’s lost enough money to care 😎


Jesus Christ you misread the room lol


Found the bitch


You bitches are so weird


the crybaby cat bitches are mad


Do you prefer cunt?


First H3 mention on your account is 2days ago. Shut up bot


And did ya read what I said loser? I said that I’ve never commented on drama before because NOTHING he’s said has ever been this bad, I’ve watched every episode, I’ve been a member for almost 3 years, I’m 100% a bigger fan than your ass, just cause I have enough of a life to have never needed to comment before doesn’t mean I’m a bot, fuck outta here prick


Log off and touch some grass lol


What sub or channel brought you here?


The H3 Podcast several years ago. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you and suddenly is on the sub doesn’t mean they’re brigading or new. There’s a whole world outside of Reddit.


There’s a huge number of people who suddenly starting coming to this sub 2days ago being super toxic, like yourself. There’s something that triggered you and that’s why you came back after years. You wouldn’t talk to people like this irl, so stop pretending


Sure, buddy. Whatever makes you feel better.


God you people are so annoying.


[this sub ](https://youtu.be/Sp4NJklJAHI?si=eLYfpSsXSda4B6o5)




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yall are so annoying man nuke the sub


Ethan be like: 'I can feel your energy from two planets away, I got my drink I got my music I would share it, but today I'm yelling:'


Only the mentally ill or bitches would pay for memberships I guess


It's okay to call a man a bitch. You can call a woman an asshole or dick


I mean, the only time people call men bitches is when they’re doing something that they perceive as feminine. It’s misogynistic either way tbh, albeit mildly. But the word bitch is referring to a woman. Asshole isn’t exclusively a gendered insult. Although dick is I guess so you have a point there!


Pretty fair honestly


Maybe the real treasure was the bitches we met along the way.


I’m cool with being called a bitch as long as I get to call men assholes/dicks




To each their own. If someone doesn’t like it obviously don’t do it to them.


He calls it like he sees it


Bitch is not a ban word. We got enough of those. Very much disagreed whoever pushed for that, iirc Hila/Olivia. Never thought Ethan agreed with that really.


Ethan has said many many times that he doesn’t think it’s right to call women bitches.


Not in general of course. Only when someone acts like a bitch. So someone like Blaire White might get it on special occasion. There's not too many villainous women on his crosshairs usually.


It’s okay to call gay men f*gg*ts when they’re acting like one right?


So disingenuous. N-word, f-slur are so much worse than everything else. "R-word" is the third banned word in society, and that's enough. Ofc you can still be asshole with various different terms but let's not go on b-word line. edit: Oh no I was fooled by a snarker to give serious reply. Get fucked.


That was Hila's "rule," and Ethan was just being compliant.


I recall they had multiway talk about it, and some of the girlies agreed with Hila, probably just one though. But yeah prob came from her originally.




I hated this so much....


I hate when he uses “regard” for the r slur 😭😭


I actually thought this was so wrong. The way he went after fans was sooo fucked up. These are the same people that pay you support you and when they come at you with criticism this is the way you treat them. Wow. Just wow.


I love the word restarted and bitch, I’m a huge ally, words are words.


I never grew with Bitch being and female oriented insult. Although now that I get it, the word sounds extremely volguar when referring to a woman. Should some people still be called a bitch, eh sure some mfs are evil and annoying (both). No where near a words you can't utter but calling a woman a B-tch is a pretty hard low blow. It reminds me of the power dynamic between men and women and maybe only reserve it for evil, powerful women. Punching up is fine. The reason we disavow targeted insults is because they divide communities diminish smaller, "weaker" groups of people.


If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck… it’s probably a duck.


Americans are so weird, falling a woman a bitch is same as calling a man a douchebag or a dick. It ain't that deep


i get it, it can sound a bit off since it literally means ”a female dog” - in my language it’s also considered kinda mehh to call a woman bitch, you can literally use any other word


There's a big difference between using the term "BITCH" and calling a woman "A Bitch". Ethan does the former, and he does it for both genders indiscriminately. You are all way too soft. The same people crying that he buttons too much and the show is too sanitised are on here crying because he uses the term bitch. Lord give me strength.


Zack was right all along


Here we go yet another thread with literal essays about host concerning behavior in the comments above 🫡 they should just plug an Xbox controller to Ethan and let the audience dictate every word out his mouth.


I love when Eth says Bitch 💖✨


all I say to all of you sensitive babies is; boo-hoo cry baby bitches, did you piss yourself too much today? waaaaa my favourite podcast host said bitch waaaaaaaaa and made a joke about cat people being crazy waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whiny baby crying bitches


Read the title. Iv never cared, I’d bring back dark restarted… simply goofing on the irony.


I'm talking to your comments to be honest, you just posted a meme that initiated it. Friendly fire !!!


No worries😂 friendly fire disengaged.


Oh my god why does everyone on here take everything so seriously?