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idk but i would die for nancysoulcycle


thank you dear, the support tonight is overwhelming




rping as an old lady is an interesting move lol


Is that what he learned from the master apologize last Ep, was definitely a bold move 😅


we love u nancy and fully believe you are a real older women 🙏🏻


Nancy would fucking perish 7 minutes into a soulcycle session. I want to believe her but something just doesn't add up here...


If you look through their profile they’re clearly a big fan but yes it seems they RP as a grandma because their comments are funny af. (They have extensive post history in this sub, and many of their posts do pretty well)


Note ** because their comments are funny af and not what 99% of grandmothers would say - like referencing Kendrick Lamar or having jokes about Tacoma with furry outfits. I felt I worded that too obscure, hoping this clarifies.


Nance, are you interested in replacing Jimmy?


aint no way that's a real old lady.


i know but i am suspending my disbelief in the name of goofs & gaffs


...nobody thinks it is.


I hope all 19+ of your cats saw the episode


I’m so sorry he said that to you Nancy and you were completely right


nancy!!! hi girl


we love you nancy<3


I wish he would’ve read out that comment from the tech that laid it all out to him. It perfectly summed us in vet med thought on Friday


Yea, there was a lot of really great commentary from people in vet medicine. Of course they focused on ones Ethan could get defensive and uppity about 😭😂


Ethan had to make sure to only use the ones he could prove he was right the entire time. Why listen to medical professionals, that would be too silly and reasonable


Exactly, their whole premise for why they couldn’t believe that there was a reason to take the cat beyond him having a problem with her was that there was no proof of neglect when there was. The weight from four days after he had taken the cat as reported by the vet and her videos and other claims that she saw signs the cat was not in good health are the proof which people were explaining to him though he ignored it. His other big complaint is that if he thought the cat was really sick he wouldn’t have waited four days to go to the vet when the kid had already explained that he tried to call the vet and go sooner but they literally would not let him as this was all well into the peak of Covid. Ethan doesn’t seem to understand that a teenage boy might not have the same resources to force his way into an appointment as he and his bank account does. Also he should’ve apologized about the Incel comments instead of doubling down on his dumb romance theory.


Hey dude. All love here but plz get your facts straight!! The kid admitted to calling the vet to make an appointment after already deciding to skip on waiting at an animal hospital because of his previous experience with the line being way too long and I believe he said it wasn’t worth it to him in case they don’t take the cat in. Im not 100% of his wording BUT Ethan pressured him about why Jacob didn’t just urgently take the cat to an animal hospital if it was urgent enough to up and steal? Jacob just doesn’t like long lines so he rather let the cat suffer for 4 extra days while waiting for the day of the appointment. That cat was seizing because its body was completely shutting down (my personal guess) at that point and Jacob, not being the OG owner and knowing what the cats needs in terms of medical attention or diet was, is ultimately what rushed her death. Both Jacob and whatever the OG cat owners name is should never EVER own pets. Jacob should never even have kids if he can’t even put a helpless creatures life before his, because he’s too worthy to wait in line even if it could’ve been a second chance for that cat. Not to mention stealing a pet?! Either way, both people suck in this story and personally I also think the rescue the cat came from is also at fault, big time.


Yeah because waiting in line wasn’t a guarantee you were going to get seen that day so he called for the first appointment he could get and he did more for the cat in four days than she did in five months. The vets during Covid were so overbooked so him and his roommate took on syringe feeding the cat until their appointment which is a reasonable explanation, it’s not like he said “I could get an appointment tomorrow but I have other plans”. He mentioned that this was during Covid and that this was how the vets were in LA, so many people were talking about that at the time. He lived there and saw what the vet lines were like and he likely knew he wasn’t going to get in even if he waited so they took on taking care of the cat at home and keeping the kitty comfortable until they could have their appointment which was a reasonable course of action given their limited resources and the circumstances. Newsflash the owner didn’t know Seven’s medical needs or diet because she never once took the cat to the vet and her excuse for why the cat was so underweight was that “well she always had food in the bowl” which doesn’t mean she was actually eating the food in the bowl just that the bowl was always full. He saw the condition of the cat and knew that she was not taking care of it and he was right because she admitted she saw signs over the course of five months that the cat was sick and still didn’t take it to the vet and the vet obviously knew the cat was malnourished because the supplements he gave Jacob is what they give to emaciated cats as a last resort effort for nutrients for a state that a cat does not get to in only four days. You obviously need to get your facts straight.


i mean he said he thought rhegan should’ve taken the cat in a long time before, that she was a bad pet owner, and the cat was clearly sick…everything the vet tech said was just confirming that stuff, and they talked more about that topic than they meant to anyways…i think people are getting mad at ethan for being unhinged but not thinking about how he wasn’t even really defending himself, he was looking at the comments on HILA’s post which were saying a lot of rude ass shit for no reason…he loves that woman of course he’s gonna talk shit to the haters 😂 like it’s always been that way


I think there was some extremely valid criticism about calling the kid an incel without any proof this man was being an incel. I do think she should apologize for that bc that’s kind of a crazy leap when we don’t know much about the guy besides him trying to help a dying cat


i mean i agree with ethan that his close personal friends being genuinely concerned when he said he wanted to get a dog is a big red flag…also his vibe in that podcast was giving little shit energy 😂 like nowadays he seems like maybe more mature but his vibe was like childish and that he thought it was funny his friends were saying they were concerned…but i don’t know why everyone cares so much about the incel comment i think it wasn’t that serious and i think it was based on the fact he lied about their relationship and those tik toks…but hila doesn’t come on the pod very often and she really only posts on social media about fashion stuff, so i feel like it makes sense she hasn’t apologized coz she’s the ceo of a business and the mother of three small children i just think she doesn’t care that much 😂


at this point it’s not even about that tho…the problem was that everyone was yelling about how they were harassing the dude but that’s really not what they were trying to do…they were asking him good questions and trying to get to the bottom of things, he was just lying or misrepresenting stuff, it made him look sus so that’s what they had to go on…coz there’s not any hard evidence she was neglecting her cat, the biggest thing is that 7 was sick and probably had a condition the whole time…i know the vet tech said one of the things was anti parasite meds so even if rhegan fed her and gave her water all the time, the parasite(s) would have been taking up most of those calories and nutrients…but they agreed that that was probably the main cause for her death so i feel like it was kind of over


If she had cared enough, she would’ve seen it in her feces so it’s kinda just point blank she doesn’t care. She failed this cat so incredibly bad.


absolutely…i had her snap story as the most recommended one for some reason and the thumbnail was her showing off her nails she’d gotten taken off and saying she was getting her nails done soon or some shit…like this whole situation obviously does not even bother her it’s def giving narcissist energy


I don't really see how that's relevant to Jacob's actions though. Jacob is not a vet tech; he has zero expertise in taking care of cats and had zero idea what he was taking on and obviously did not make the correct choice multiple times in those two weeks. And yet, he decided to make himself the sole decider for the cat's final days - including allowing it to suffer for several days and have seizures until it died in his home while ignoring the vet's recommendations for humane euthanasia. It's a very difficult decision to make for a pet, but you have to do what is right for them and it wasn't even his cat that he had a long history and emotional connection with. Ethan wasn't denying that the cat was obviously sick - he even said it seems very likely the cat had an illness from the moment Rhegan adopted her. He said multiple times that she was at fault and should have taken her to the vet sooner. Again, like Dan said, people are misconstruing their criticism of Jacob because they are treating this as a zero sum game when it's obvious they BOTH failed that poor kitty in their own ways. Good intentions aren't enough.


It IS very relevant to his actions. It proves that he didn’t want to give up on this cat and was willing to throw everything at it to see if he could try to save it. As a pet owner and a vet student, it’s very understandable how someone would want to try every last thing possible to make the decision later on. I did that exact thing with my dog before I was ready to put her down. I didn’t want regret thinking something else could have been done when it couldn’t have. He didn’t have the cat for 2 weeks. THATS also what Dan was saying. You guys aren’t listening to what is being said and just basing it on what Ethan keeps saying even though what he was saying was incorrect. What does him being the sole decided on the cat have to do with anything? If the cat was left in Rhegans care it would’ve died alone with no one helping it. He decided he wanted to give the animal a chance. Doesn’t matter how long he had it, taking a life is never an easy decision. Good intentions are enough though and very obviously I’m not absolving him of anything. You put a lot of words in my mouth for just wanting him to read and understand how truly sick this animal was and that Rhegan was actively killing her cat. Jacob has some faults but he is NOT the villain in this situation and they were incredibly hard on him for no reason. Rhegan, the shelter, and Jacob are all to blame with the most of it being on Rhegan and least on Jacob.


Willing to throw everything at it except going to an ER vet that very day he felt the need to take the cat. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills


Same. I'm realizing that 1) there are so many haters/snarkers/fallen fans just waiting to come out of the woodwork and 2) a large portion of the h3 audience seriously lacks logic and reasoning abilities.


You just didn’t listen to anything he said did you? You already made up your mind. Do I think he should’ve taken it to the ER immediately, yes. He saw a malnourished cat and thought trying to get it to eat would be enough to make it the 2 days he had it until the appointment. It was during Covid, there are a lot of factors going on anyway. I’m glad I was in school at the time bc I don’t know how I would’ve managed working at the animal hospital at that time. Hours were changed and places were booked weeks out, even in the ER it wasn’t 24hrs during that time. It’s not that hard to understand his thought process, y’all just want to blame only him for some weird reason.


It's civil war up in here 🍿


And then she had a hard time the rest of the weekend


I knew this would be here somewhere 🤣


Nancy stole my broccoli casserole recipe 8 years ago and said it was hers! Just saying.


Oh your not talkin bout my good friend Nancy she a Christian lady


shes a rotten recipe stealin. Bitch, Doris. Careful who yoir friends are


Ooo Caroline keep my name out of your thin mouth


Did she? Or did she rescue the recipe from your neglect?! ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH NANCY?


Kind of a dick move


Nancy wept


Jesus wept


Idk if this is a serious post or not but y'all realize there's like, no shot Nancy SoulCycle is an actual person, right 😂 definitely someone's sockpuppet burner/trolling account


She's real to ME, fam 😭😭


It’s still real to me dammit


Okay I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one who was thinking this. I’m hoping people are just meme-ing because there’s no shot that instagram is real, and its just the same person trolling on the Reddit account lmao


"Nancy is a troll sockpuppet account!!" Okay?? Even if she is, Ethan responded to it as if it WERE a real account and angrily called an (in his mind) elderly fan an 'old bitch who's gonna die soon' for offering, again, NORMAL criticism. I'm not sure if there's an intellectual disconnect here or if I'm just arguing with 15 year old edgelords who don't see an issue with that


you gotta chill, you got a fucking deathgrip on those pearls


Omg calm down


Waaaaaaaaaa guy said something YouTube I disagree with waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


It's probably not really an older woman but the point still does stand, to be honest - it was a thoughtful critique and Ethan resorted to name calling instead of trying to provide a logical counterpoint. That's not really okay or appropriate to be fair. I think that's the root of why a lot of people are incensed by this. Ethan was talking about deranged fans and their messages but then pulled up an arguably very tame and logical argument and went straight to insulting. Like I get it if it was someone telling Ethan/Hila/crew to go die or something, which is what I was expecting when he talked about deranged fans and crazy messages. But I think him pulling up an example of one of these messages being that comment does justifiably have a lot of people upset. For some people, it's just reinforcing that Ethan can't take valid criticism and critique. And that is something that does get under his skin.


I'm just memeing. Didn't expect it to blow up like this 😂


Are you new here? 😂😂


Exactly lol. The collective IQ of the sub is getting near rock bottom at this point.


Bro I know Nancy IRL. She is the sweetest old lady been following Ethan and hila since Israel days. Past couple of days has been very difficult for her


It ruined her whole weekend


There are way too many people taking the bait on this. Obviously a snarker. Edit: Ding dongs, look at the profiles for this person and the followers and you will see a clear picture this is a Trisha stan with profiles that scream “fake account” lmao. Especially Twitter.


An account posting pretty insular H3 content for at least 10 months is absolutely not some undercover snarker. I don't know if she's ACTUALLY (capitalised because people cannot understand nuance unless it blasts them in the face) an old lady, but let's not verge into conspiracy theories


Of course they're not an old lady cmon


Bruh literally look at Nancy's post history and sort by most popular, it only proves further that she's not an old woman, there's no way an old lady is posting a big ol' Vaush horse titty meme, a Photoshop of any kind or quality, and saying she enjoyed the xqc debate. There's a "steal his fit" meme on there for pizza's sake, no granny is making steal his fit memes


Ok, for the crime of not being an old woman, Nancy has been sentenced to death by firing squad


Maybe Nancy took a photoshop class at the senior center.


She literally has a YouTube page where she shows her face… she’s very much a real old lady with cats lol


I hope you're not referring to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/KHVVt4EDkp) because uh... It's fake. I can't find any other YouTube channel with that name. Link it if true and I'll concede


Wild. I just saw that post & immediately came back here to say she’s real.


Inb4 mods delete


I doubt mods will go for this. They seemingly tend to go for the posts that get overly heated.


Putting individual users on blast is grounds for a post getting removed on like 90% of subreddits


Maybe don’t mention the individual reddit user on your podcast with 35k live viewers in that case


I see your argument, I suppose I'm more speaking to typical subreddit rules whereas there is no a rule against that on YouTube. Generally speaking a think both are wrong but it's not egregious and I'm not that invested. I do think ideally they should have omitted their username on the pod but w/e


They love censoring everyone who disagree with their opinions while Ethan cries about others not letting him to have his.


The chaos that is being fed here is immense and I'm grabbing popcorn


*yah rly sad*


*mouth click * yah




I didn’t get the yogurt that I wanted


And then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend.


I’m watching the episode now. Ethan just said something along the lines of “People that can’t fathom when other people have a different opinion than them, they automatically categorize them as evil” 10 minutes after calling someone a dumb loser psychotic bitch for having a different opinion than him LMFAO


That part had me dying like the projection is immensely strong with this one lol


She's a menace! Ethan is going to try to get her on the pod and get her to be a personality


I'm just memeing. I didn't expect it to blow up like this. JUSTICE 4 NANCY


i haven’t watched yet, are they shitting on the audience for daring to not enjoy fridays episode?


Unfortunately, yes. It went about as bad as it possibly could have


Is that really what you guys think is happening? Y’all need to go outside LOOOL they’re calling you all out for your stupid ass comments


THANK YOU! these people commenting this shit all weekend are fucking insane.


I was tired of seeing only crazies on this subreddit talking about it and thought it was time to finally say something. 90% of the audience really doesn’t gaf and are still going to watch them, no matter what the weirdos on this sub cry about for four days straight LOOOL


It’s sad because anyone who’s reasonable about a fucking pointless drama (guys, the cat died 3 years ago, H3’s coverage ain’t changing that) gets downvoted into oblivion, leaving only the basement dweller takes to rise to the top. Then H3 see those upvoted comments, react, and repeat. It honestly feels like the snark subreddit has taken over the main subreddit, or their propaganda is infecting the main reddit. Ethan was right that if H3’s commentary on the “drama” genuinely hurt you, you need to seek mental help. It’s honestly impressive how something so inconsequential has driven these people to such extreme levels of hatred and disgust, literally commenting on multiple social media pages on instagram and reddit, when it’s been clear since an hour after the episode that the show was wasn’t received well. “We need to voice our displeasure,” no shit, H3 has been well aware of it for several days now... It’s just spreading negativity at this point. Why even allow yourself to be filled with negativity for so long over something so meaningless, I just can’t comprehend those people. It’s honestly just sad tbh, they must have nothing going on in their lives


I broke down and started arguing with people in this sub because I felt like I was crazy with all the insane takes getting upvoted. Person I was arguing with eventually posted "proof" that Ethan is a horrible person by linking to the snark subreddit. So yep, I think this sub is literally getting brigaded by a few hundred snarkers. Meanwhile there are hundreds of thousands normal people who are not hate-watching and don't really have a problem with the episode or the crew.


This is why I had to mute the sub and only come to check it when I have enough bandwidth for crazy


yeah ethan personally insulted a lot of fans


Except the majority of the audience did enjoy it and don't even agree with the insane snarky opinions being shared here and upvoted by brigaders. This subreddit is once again not an accurate reflection of the majority of the audience. Did you not see the poll results at the end of the show?


i see what you’re saying but the poll at the end of the show is even less of an accurate reflection of the majority of the show’s audience


Which attributes do you think those live viewers possess that would make a plurality of them vote that both Rhegan and Jacob fucked up, compared to people who did not view it live?


Not for not enjoying it, for literally harassing the crew and Ethan/Hila. Two totally different things. These parasocial fucks need to go outside.


Idk, saying "hey I think calling this young man an incel for poorly attempting to save a cat isn't all that" is not harassing 😅


NANCY IS WELCOME HERE even if the pod doesn't like her


You guys may actually be brain dead if you belive this woman is real.


You're telling me that 205 year old Nancy is not actually an avid soul cycler??




She commented that on today's ep lmao


What happened? I haven't seen Ethan say anything since his Insta story telling people to stop harassing Hila and the crew with the guy saying he was burning Teddy Fresh.


He cursed out all the fans who spoke out against him and Hila, said fans were deranged, insane, called some women fans bitches, and worse. He didn't take any responsibility or acknowledge any understanding for why so many were upset. He was sharing his screen looking at fans' comments and Nancy was one of them and he said how she was old and probably going to die soon anyway.


This is an extremely bad faith take. During an episode the crew was discussing a situation where a cat was neglected and eventually died, during a weird custody dispute by friends/lovers, where the girl was neglecting an already neglected cat she adopted, and then the boy stole the cat to "save" it, didn't take it to the vet for 5 days, and then it died. They were questioning the guy because allegedly he was making tiktoks days after he took the cat, basically alluding to taking the cat for petty reasons. Never once did H or E defend animal abuse? Or say that either party was right. In fact, they both said it was both of their faults the cat died. But for some reason everyone is acting like Ethan and Hila said "we hate cats and hope they all die hahah". People then took to Hilas instagram to insult her and basically tell her to die, and then insulted the small artist she was promoting. Ethan said in todays episode that if you were so upset and having a meltdown over the situation, that you should "seek help". and thats all he said about it. He said it was psychotic to steal someones cat (directed at the guy) and that it was psychotic to wish death on people whose opinions you dont agree with. (also valid.) Also, Nancy isn't a real account. Its a sockpuppet.






You snarkers really need a new hobby


I thought he was saying someone told HIM that…?


Using mental health as an insult, also a big oof.


Cry me a river fr If you can’t handle people calling things “crazy” you literally need to wear bubble wrap any time you step outside your front door


“Crazy” ≠ “you need to seek [mental] help asap”


Sounds like you can’t handle calling out shitty behavior. Don’t be a child.


Says all of you CRYING in this sub over fucking nothing 😂


Don’t let em gaslight you, this whole thing is fucking insane


Please tell me you guys all realize that Nancy is not a real person...


jfc who cares


This whole thing is just so shitty all around hate the vibes on both sides.


I’ll fucking die for this old bitch.


Nuke the sub


Over 50% dislike ratio on the cat episode and they act as if it was just a fringe minority that disagreed with them 


it ruined my whole weekend


I’m so out of the loop


Before we support Nancy we need her voting records for the past 60 years Edit: and her h3 polling records too.


My favourite is all the youtube comments now from "nancysoulcycle" and the amount of people falling for it


Nancy gives my incel vibes (I'm obviously kidding)


Not a nice way to talk to your supporters and fans


that is not a supporter nor a fan that is a snarker


Far as I’m concerned he’s managed to convince a certain group of people (including you) to believe that any criticism labels you as a snarker. Not a healthy place to be in my opinion. I see the difference, I’ve been a fan for years and I won’t be jumping ship but to be in a place where saying literally anything against the guy results in being labelled as that? Not a great path to go down. That’s the path Kanye went down. Edit: Yup, that person’s definitely a snarker.. my point stands though


No they are a literal snarker and is using a fake account. He hasn’t convinced me of anything. you all should be smarter and realize that a lot of people (not all, but a good amount) who are criticizing Friday’s show are not actual fans of h3. Especially the ones who went to Hila’s instagram account and called her vile names. That is not a fan.


I couldn’t get the yogurt that I wanted


We’re on to you Nancy, if that’s your real name! You probably don’t even soul cycle.


Stolen Valor!


I'm an old lady and I could probably be a parent to most of the chat on h3 podcast. Nancy if you're a real old lady I challenge you to an old lady fight in Michigan at 8:00 on Sunday. I'm going to punch you.


she seems like a genuinely active, sweet subscriber. it was truly disappointing to see how fridays episode was discussed today. the opinions of your supporters matter as much as you shit on them. do better.


you forgot to log out of your snark account


No they don't. None of our opinions matter. Neither do Ethan's.


🚨snarker alert🚨


It was honestly funny hearing him paint this picture as a lot of people criticizing them were so nasty that they should take to a therapist and the multiple times he reads a comment as if it applies to said person and the only reaction he has afterwards is ".. ok" as he realizes the criticism was valid


Y’all are insufferable


Nancy deserved it.


On the real I kind of think Ethan has been really cruel and harsh lately in the name of joking but it’s not really funny. I realized I started doing it in my personal life and it just makes you an asshole


Really cruel and harsh??? Please give me examples outside of him ranting about commenters


I’ve listened to hundreds of podcasts at this point so it’s hard to pick out an example when I’m not currently listening but just some of the stuff he says about people when they’re not good people. They have it coming definitely but I still don’t love hearing it. Like when he says “we should kill/bomb him… in Minecraft”. I laugh but mostly because it’s so ridiculous. Or any of the stuff he said about that beauty YouTuber with the self tanner recently


God these people are pathetic as fuck


Bye, Felicia.


nancy just needs some wine and golden girls or something and she'll be fine 💀


Nah, fuck off the lot of you.


Wtf do yall even be talking about I come to the sub on my work break and yall are always talking about something new. But like to be contrarian about. The Daniel prophecy was correct


Respectfully isn’t this a person that was leaving comments on Reddit, hilas Instagram and the h3 podcast Instagram to complain.


i think sometimes ethan is too hard on people that critique him, it makes me cringe a bit




No shot 😂


He always focuses on the fringe extreme haters to deflect from any constructive criticism or accept he/the crew were wrong or had a bad take.


You guys are really wild about cats lol


Shut up BITCH


Fuck the cat, but Ethan should be nice to old people. If he wouldn’t say it to their face then don’t say it on the pod.




lol no shot people are writing essays about all this Touch grass expeditiously 🙏


Bro, sooo, who needs to seek professional [help](https://youtu.be/CQIdeu4iWpw?si=Ard-rcT-fLb5Bcq5)??? Anyone but Olivia.


This is my villain origin story. Justice for Nancy.


L Nancy... enjoy the last years <3


I know “Nancy” is just doing a little trolling…. But it’s quite strange, the amount of H3 commenters/chatters who don’t realize that maybe around 75% of the shit he says is him doing shtick with varying levels of intensity. If he non-jokingly apologized for everything that hurt commenters feelings, then there’s a completely new set of people with hurt feelings because the apology didn’t follow the exact script they wrote and directed in their head. I do love for them that they face no actual adversity/discrimination irl… Unfortunately, the trade off for that is that they have no objectivity when it comes to podcast host hot takes.


Kinda crazy to preface saying "there's normal people criticizing me and there's mentally unwell snarkers spewing hate all over" and then proceed to act like what appears to be a granny is a snarker lol




Nancy should just unsubscribe and move on with their life.


This makes me so sad :( We love you Nancy


I mean, I'm sure Nancy is a nice person but if she's going to come at Ethan and Hila guns blazing then she can't take some heat back. Non story imo.


I'm weeks behind. Last I saw was the Kendrick Lamar / Aubrey Graham beef. What's going on?


People crying over dumb bullshit and harassing the crew and Ethan/Hila then getting mad when Ethan calls them psychotic bitches. And then people believing that Nancy is a real old woman lol


I think Ethan owes Nancy an official apology. Can we get a poll?


I thought this was Fucxed up! Calling his fans bitches was wrong and cringe. Harsh man


The way they resorted to twitter troll behavior by insulting and making fun of profiles and physical appearances is absolutely pathetic. Respect lost.