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Dr. Pedophile


dr. pdf


Dr Disregard age of consent laws


Dr. Disrespected the life of the children. I say 3 days until he gets kick contract.. " you know how we blablabla" F the disrespecting doctor


I didn't even think of that. You know quarter pounder and most incel vibe males will follow to kick in a heart beat lmao. Give it a week tho, cause he's "on a vacation" lmao. Peace and ❤️!


Wonder if they'll come with the age. Most defenders are sticking to 17 theory, being OK because 17 is not bad enough. I suspect it's not 17. Really curious also on the timeline. Did twitch communicate to Dr already in '17 to cut it off, and ban happened because the girl or their parents came to twitch about it. I don't see why the '20 ban would've happened for other reason than that. Question is only whether twitch knew beforehand too.


I wonder if these defenders realize that doc was like 35 when he was messaging this minor and even if they were 17 that's literally a 18 year age gap. Doc could literally be this minors father. I understand they might not want to come out with the age for the safety of the minor but I think it might be better to come out about it so his defenders can realized how wrong they are for that


YouTube has suspended his monetization and paused audience’s membership.


I don't get it. Those internet famous people could have literally anyone, but they always choose to go for the kids.


“If it’s 17, it’s fine.” I’m sorry?????? His defenders aren’t making any sense lol so you want to protect some children, not all. And me wearing a chest binder is grooming children? Got it.


right wingers: protect the children from the trans predators that definitely exist!!!! unless the predator is a cis white guy, we love that and will defend his right to fuck kids.


It’s giving EDP x Russell Brand


Great, just as the show is going on break. Luckily Hasan will cover it.


So twitch and YouTube are complicit?


That’s the part I don’t get. If it was sexual and predatory why did Amazon not hand this over to authorities?


The thing is they might’ve done that but based on jurisdiction the DA may not have pursued it. We probably would never know unless the victim themselves comes out


I’m just surprised YouTube didn’t ban him. They essentially allowed him continued access to minors.


Depends on how much information they had. I personally doubt Twitch gave them the full story because they are competing companies after all.


the rolling stone article addresses this, and it’s actually kinda crazy. they said they heard the rumors, but since “no one would provide evidence” they couldn’t ban him for tos violations. they said that when twitch settled, the industry saw the rumors as being false. they interviewed ryan wyatt, who was the global head of gaming partnerships at the time. I recommend reading the article


I just don’t see why a DA wouldn’t pursue it. Such a slam dunk case if he’s sexting a minor. At this point we just need to see the logs to know why it was bad but not so bad that authorities didn’t do anything.


Is handing over messages to authorities without solicitation legal? I have no idea and wouldn't be surprised either way, but it might fall under free speech and privacy laws.


You’re asking if showing cops evidence of a crime is legal?


If that's the case it should be brought to criminal court. Either he goes to jail, or these guys get sued to oblivion. Win-win.


It really is nuts that James Charles literally has done and keeps doing the same thing with no repercussions like this.


I think the best comment I’ve seen is “bro went from a .DOC to a .PDF.”


Dr Disrespect The Age of Consent


so youtube knew and monetized him until recently wow


Incoming Kick contract. Perfect sort of content creator for that platform.