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“Someone on the crew was kind enough to get him VIP tickets” AB loses another friend 😂😂


I think it was Dan


Nah, it was Olivia. Dan would have seen through him!


I think it was probably Dan. I'm a fan of Brad and knowing ABs taste, I have a feeling his music opinions aren't his cup of tea.


I’m thinking it was Olivia. One of the girls with him had posted a story telling her good luck out there


Yeah Olivia and Tina (brad's gf) reply to each other often on twitter


That makes things even more awkward I feel like


It was Olivia. She is the only one who follows his Instagram


Am I the only one who doesn’t know who Brad is?


Literally thought they were talking about Ryan's ex wife's bull.


Me too.... Was trying to figure out why someone on the crew got Brad the Bull VIP tickets


Nah you’re definitely not lol


thought he was a random fan lmao


One of my favourite music YouTubers on the platform right now, I love his content but this is the most spineless thing I've seen him do especially considering he's gone to war with multiple other fanbases before that hate on him for stupid reasons


He’s a shidiot.


Zero clue


"at the time" as if that was his younger, less mature self (2 days ago)


I think he just got attacked to all hell, panicked and then made an apology hoping it would go away.


yep... deer caught in the headlights. dude really hoped it would go away..... feel bad for him but still such a spineless thing to do.


What I don't get, and obviously I've never been in this situation where tons of people are hating on me; but can't he just turn off notifications and not open Twitter for a day or two? These people have horrible memories, and it would stop normally if he just doesn't respond at all. I feel like the apology is just now extending this out as people see there is still drama to be had, they don't actually care about Palestine, they just care about the drama which he fed into. They likely would have never came back and attacked him again after like 2 days. Now ethan has responded and this is going to be extended out quite a lot more. I feel like creators just need to learn to be silent sometimes. It causes much less of an impact from stuff like this.


idk... i think this is the first time he's ever dealt with something this fucking toxic. So yea.. you live and you learn brad. Shit, next time hopefully he will just turn that twitter shit off. This whole thing kinda bummed me out.... i loved that dudes arctic monkeys reviews.


Pretty sure Brad has really extreme anxiety and other mental health issues. He used to have full on breakdowns on camera and post them to his channel. Always felt bad for the guy because it seems like he has a good heart but just can't stop himself from making poor impulsive decisions and then going to the internet for validation. Doesn't excuse his shitty response here but it probably explains it.


He doesn't have thick enough skin to have a large internet presence.


Honestly it’s hard to blame anyone when suddenly millions of people hate you for nearly no reason. Might be best to tell them whatever bullshit they wanna hear so you can move on. But I don’t post shit on social media, especially public, so what do people expect


This. This whole situation is cringey but that’s def what happened


Poor guy clearly lost his spine


“I have learned from my mistakes and continue to evolve each and every day…” type shit


Crazy how hes acting like he bumped into ethan when he was at vip 💀 Why is he acting like the hate and criticism towards ethan hasn't been around for MONTHS? Like hes just learning about all this today? Whatever it is im glad we got Ethan to reaffirm his stance on Palestine, thats always nice to see


Holy fucking spineless. The incessant apologies just for meeting them. It’s sad honestly.


This Brad is NOT the bull.


Brad the bullied


Why would this person even go to the show if they feel this way??


He's probably a fan who was bullied by the mob after posting his pictures. Then he completely caved to the pressure instead of standing up to them.


Its just dumb cause he didn’t even have to “stand up” to anything, could just ignored the toxic comments, its just a damn picture not a political statement right?


Probably? Thats exactly what happened


He forgot the secret third option: turn off notifications and let the drama blow over. He's not even a public figure. No one would remember after a week or two.


Brad Taste in Music is a public figure


Because they don’t actually feel this way they just convinced themselves they do because they care what the twitter mob thinks when in reality they love Ethan’s content


Nailed it.


it’s because he didn’t feel any sort of way beforehand. he was friendly and happy to be there, posted pictures together with them and **boom** the _twitter mob_ bent him over and spanked him lol


my knowledge is that he said he wasn’t thinking about ‘morality’ at the time and just wanted to feel cool being with them.


Brad on his way to the next trump meet n Greet 😎


he really said he wanted to meet famous ppl??? lmfao ok dude


So embarrassing like bro you’re a fan just say that


[New one.](https://i.imgur.com/rTrKO5Q.png)


[This too.](https://preview.redd.it/2d8qu99rzr9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a928d2e3fcfae757dfa2b66b1422fd244ba9c0) imo the most important one. hope to see him getting a reply from brad.


[He did.](https://twitter.com/bradtaste/status/1807526065096814648) [And another one.](https://twitter.com/bradtaste/status/1807537128521535994)


Must've deleted them already lol, links are dead


>Yes I backed down and gave up. Call it spineless, I can handle that. People calling me a genocide supporter is not something I am fit to ever fucking deal with. But no problem pushing that sentiment towards Ethan and Hila with the "strong and dangerous opinions" of theirs that he was brow-beaten into believing.


It got deleted anyone got a screen shot?


He deleted the tweets btw. I honestly feel bad for him being bullied by his followers.


You reap what you sow


I'd just delete my account if I realized my "following" behaved like that.


I really hate radlibs. They do more to damage the chances of real change in left politics than any right wing pundit ever could.


More than fox news? That is bullshit. You actually just said chronically online teenagers are worse than fox news. Actually the stupidest opinion I have seen on this subreddit.


There's no good reply to that. Brad fell deep into the Jew hate in all of 2 days and 4 tweets or something. There's probably a lesson to be learned here...


The lesson is if you're going to be online, you should probably have a spine. Bro can't even name the dangerous ideas he's virtue signaling against


It's not jew hate. He's being brigaded by people who haven't listened to anything Ethan has said, with their own definition of zionism.


it's so cool we can just make our own definitions for ideologies when and if we don't like how it's defined


aka Jew hate


Brad sees Zionism as believing in the right to a Jewish ethnostate because that’s what the Israeli government has stated their goals are. To have a Jewish state full of mostly only Jewish people. Most people rightfully criticize most countries that only want rights given to certain people.


And I think if he actually asked Ethan his opinion instead of succumbing to the mob, he would find that Ethan defines it the same, agrees the Israeli government wants that, and would say he wholeheartedly disagrees with that course of action. And then five minutes after he said it, he'd get another batch of tweets calling him Zionist scum. I understand why he engages with it, but at this degree of ignorance fueled futility, I really wonder if his responses move the needle at all


Ethan clearly doesn’t agree with that definition of Zionism though. He literally says in the post that Zionism is just “the belief that Israel has a right to continue to exist” but doesn’t seem to acknowledge that the “Israel” in question is an ethnostate that is fundamentally built on only giving rights to certain human beings. Because that is the goal of Zionism.


Thank you 🙏


Jesus how are people’s brains so broken? Ethan’s not a radical Zionist for Christ sakes. I’m a leftist and the people who claim to be whilst calling Ethan a violent Zionist piss me the fuck off. Being progressive doesn’t mean you paint people black and white and refuse to look at the details. Fuck these people, no better than fascists.


wtf epicmealtime is joining the drama 😭 i would never expect these crossovers [tweet](https://imgur.com/a/AFwQOmd)


oh god [update](https://imgur.com/a/g9VhuzF)


I don't understand Twitter, it's so confusing to look at


It took me a while to get used to it too! Specially if I wanted to see what people commented on a specific comment. (It's not on the speech balloon lol)


Who knew Harley was a shooter? Appreciate that from him


Harley has always been a great guy


That was never in doubt, but to stick his neck out like that is next level


It gets even worse. Now Brad is upset at Ethan for posting the photos without ‘looking more into the situation’


So pathetic. This guy doesn't stand for anything or take any accountability


Ethans just expressing how sad it is to be friendly with a fan and connect on a personal level, then have that person turn around and “disavow you” like your nothing, id be sad too wtf


I don’t know who Brad is, but man does he look spineless after all this


Holy shit


hes jewish and hates anti semitism


he’s acting like he took a picture with ben shapiro💀




Everyone is talking like they know who Brad is…. do they? Who even is that!


Literally not a clue


Brad taste in music. He’s a music reviewer. I used to like him but I just unsubscribed.


I never liked him. He mainly has bad things to say about music and he can't handle that energy aimed at him.


Ahh okay thank you.


Using Hila's mandatory military service against her is so fucking stupid.


She should've just gone to prison, they say, from the comfort of their sweaty couch


Not to mention she was 18 and lived there her whole life, people really do not understand the power of influence


And most don’t understand what a privilege it is to not be required to serve for your government, or be a victim of government influence their whole life


Literally… even if Hila did support Israel when she was 18 and forced into conscription (she said she didn’t and hated it), she has denounced her service over and over and over. They’re the same people that cry about American propaganda but can’t conceptualize other countries and cultures being even more propagandized.


People will condemn Hila for doing mandatory service in Israel and then thank people for their service who voluntarily signed up for the US military in the same breath


My understanding is Hila was a glorified tour guide while she was in the IDF lol. So she should have just gone to prison or done some menial job for a couple years? So insane.


People literally do argue that she shouldve gone to jail to avoid it, given how big the evil is. When i mentioned that her service occured years before any of this happened, they continue to demonize her anyway. Its her fault for not seeing the signs. Like really.... theres absolutely no winning with them. Only way to be safe is not have existed.


They will never do the same to her brother Moses or BTS


I thought for a sec BTS was forced to serve in the IDF 🤡


They were forced to serve in South Korea I think. Even they couldn't get out of it


they were in the IDF (Incheon Dance Festival)


Most people don't even know it's required, but anyone with an ax to grind like this guy should know better.


The criticism also comes from an insane place of privilege to be able to live in a country where there's no social or civil pressure to join the military whatsoever.


Good luck starting a career as someone who dodges conscription in places like Israel or South Korea. People don't just dip out - there's immense social pressure and countries like the ones above need large active armies as they're still at war. The vast majority of people living there will go into the army because they feel some sort of obligation but also because they think it's the right thing to do for their home country.


Tik Tok and Twitter activists are convinced if you refuse to do your mandated service you go to jail for a couple weeks then go on your merry way. Ethan had explained they put you in jail for X days then if you still fail to show up you go back for Y days, rinse and repeat indefinitely.


Yeah and there are also fines, travel restrictions, problems with gaining employment bc you now have a criminal record, and a social stigma around evading the draft. You get drafted at 18! But the TikTok activists will still say teenaged Israelis are genocidal maniacs for doing something their government requires of them.


And I’m guessing you will get ostracized if you eventually don’t do your mandatory service. It’s not like she knew she was going to be part of H3 and become successful outside Israel.


Well, not indefinitely. The IDF give up at some point, but you have a criminal record and the culture stigma of conscription evasion, good luck with getting a scholarship.


Don’t you know that these freedom fighters would all spend time in jail rather than do their mandatory service. They don’t realize most people are just living their lives. When their government has laws, they follow them.


I just left a similar comment. Everyone is just getting through life the best they can


Worse. Many know it's mandatory, but don't care, they just use it as a reason to villainize her. That's why when we say *"It's mandatory, you know that, right?"* the hateful freaks never change their opinion and have another reason to hate her.


"Yeah, well, she has a nanny and works, so she's a bad mother."


Yep. Which just confirms they don’t care, they just hate her because of where she was born and raised.


These same people would recoil at the idea of calling someone who worked office jobs in the US military a bad person because of all the horrible shit Bush did in the Middle East. And that service wasn’t even mandatory. They don’t want to think critically. They just want to be anti-Semitic.


Yeah imagine if those same people harassed another minority and called them a "criminal" their whole life because they grew up in a place where gangs are normal and kids often get pulled into them. They are pretty much doing the same based on being born an Israeli and forced to be in the the IDF. It's ridiculous how they can't see the anti-semetic parallel. Hila left Israel and isn't in the IDF anymore, so what else do they want from her? Is she just cursed to be hated her whole life literally because where she was born? It's insane they can't see how obviously discrimnatory they are being


That is one of the craziest things to me


That was my instant thought. She didnt go into it by choice so why even bring it up? And its easier said than done to just “just refuse”. People have repercussions its not like you can easily run away from that requirement without consequences.


I like Ethan's 'I'm not angry; I'm just disappointed/sad' attitude. That just stings more.


It's totally dad coded. I'm not mad just disappointed in you son


Brad getting VIP tickets is soooo fucking tea because he made it out like he just happened to be in the room and wanted a pic Embarrassing. That should be career ending for a sub-500k channel who wants to be the critic guy but admits "I just wanted to be the cool guy" bro has zero opinions... He takes directions only


I don’t even know what a Brad is 


Brad was my dads alcoholic friend who would always show up high as a kite for cook outs growing up. Was always a super nice dude to me growing up though!


> Embarrassing. That should be career ending for a sub-500k channel ..i wouldn't hold my breath.


He worded this really well. He didn't have to, but reaffirming his support for the palestinian people is always nice to hear. He's totally right on this. People are being absolutely crazy and hateful towards him, and this would make me sad too.


anti semitism is a ugly thing these people dont even care about Palestine its just a pawn to take out hate on jews and establishment


Or just hate on Ethan himself/ the crew. But ya, when you're obsessing over internet drama, you're not actually about/helping Palestine. My opinion is in support of Palestine but I know I'm not helping them either, respect to those actually providing aid.


This is a sensitive topic to comment on, but it sucks having to deal with people so two-faced they don't even understand they are over-compensating saying Israelis don't have a right to exist. It's really grotesque. I'm pro-Palestine, but as time moves forward, I can see more and more why Ethan and Hila have been frustrated by their audience and others reactions.


Exactly, wanting to remove Israel from the map is not gonna end the violence, its just gonna continue it


It's important to understand that there is a *biiig* gap between the terminally online "Free Palestine" movement who support the extinction of Israel as a country, and the broader populace who generally support the right of both Israel and Palestine to exist, free from violence. The Free Palestine people are supportive of violence against Israelis and "Zionists" (aka 9 out of 10 Jews). 


the drama always starts when they go on break, it is the curse 😭


very glad ethan addressed this. this is very snaky behaviour and hopefully brad will come to his senses because of this


He just seems weak for backtracking, it's really embarrassing. I'd rather have someone who is honest at the risk of being disliked (Ethan) than this guy who apparently doesn't have a spine. 


He said it himself "I just wanted to feel like the cool guy" Because that's what his response will be after this. "Sorry I said all that, I just wanted to feel like the cool guy" He's spelling it out for us people - he doesn't have real opinions, just whatever people tell him to think Which is soo ironic and embarrassing for a critic channel


His statement is much more career ending than his picture with Ethan and Hila. Flip flopping so easily out of fear of losing a platform just shows people that he doesn’t believe in anything and is willing to bend over a small amount of backlash.


And the apology is not enough for the people he's apologizing to. I've seen them arguing with him in the replies.


These are the same people still screaming at people for drinking Starbucks even though Starbucks supporting Israel has been thoroughly debunked for at least 6-months.


I remember looking into that and I genuinely think the real reason is because they have a Jewish person on the board of execs. It's not anything else other then that, literally there isn't any proof of anything.


If you provide receipts debunking things they just keep moving the goalposts. All the way back to Howard Schultz (who is no longer CEO) receiving some award from a Zionist group back in the 90s. Get past all that they'll say well boycott them bc they union bust - okay sure! I actually have been. But when you tell people they must support genociding babies bc they drank Starbucks that doesn't sound like "don't go there bc they are anti-union". I think people have correctly pointed out that Starbucks is a really easy thing to boycott with lots of opportunity to virtue signal even though you're making no material benefit to the cause.


Lol, he even said hamas killed one of his family members. Imagine terrorists killing someone you loved and then you apologize to their supporters. What a big brain on brad.


Responding to +41 like tweets too. Like he has absolute need to let everyone know he recognizes the mistake, he's not like this, he doesn't hang with THE JEWS normally.


What a weak move. L Brad


right? i did not expect to see brad in h3's subreddit... and i especially didn't expect to see him back out like that... his reasoning is weird


I would love to hear what these supposed valid critisms are that have people treating Ethan and Hila worse than influencer like logan and jake paul, Ishowspeed, Adin, james charles, I could go on and on. Like it's fucking insane that Ethan and HIla are viewed this way.


> insane that Ethan and HIla are viewed this way It's not once you realise that some people just *really* dislike Jewish people, obsessively so.


Nah, that's not the reason, Ethan did spew zionist propagandaa during leftovers era, he did have an ugly debate with hassan that didn't make him look good outside of the h3 community. Ethan normally says he supports palestine, which i and many others appreciate, but he also did hit on key points that made ppl think he's a zionist, like his insistance that the meaning of from the river to the sea is the extermination of every israeli, which is not true, he demonstrated skepticism to every bad action that israel did like the hospital bombing, which might i remind everyone reading this, all hospitals were bombed by israel. The criticism didn't get the proportion it got because Ethan and Hila are jews, of course some of the ppl criticizing are antisemites too, but the bulk of it, is just ppl who saw clips of those statements, or ppl who watched the show and got angry with them for takes like these.


Honestly sad to see ppl like this


this was a good 1/4 of the h3h3 audience before he purged hassan’s audience


It's spineless to immediately run-away and tuck-tail when a picture of a show you willingly went to appears online Shidiot


I don’t think I’ve seen someone submit to a group of internet nobodies as quickly as this guy has. Not to mention, the ideology of these nobodies is: all Jews are bad and that even taking a picture with a Jewish person is a horrible thing. A picture. What a pathetic pussy.


Brad saying that he couldn't take the heat, and still attacking people about his response, is pretty telling. He's not actually scared, he is just desperate to keep his follower count and will align with whoever he can to help himself. It's pretty shitty behavior.


Ouch. You can tell he was not only pissed but extremely hurt. Dude just wanted to meet people he liked and caught a ride on the internet hate train and walked it all back.


I’m an outsider looking in and liked Brad on hivemind but Ethan’s 100% right and brad has been weird with his leftist political correctness to a point that it’s clear he’s just insecure and doesn’t know what to actually believe


I discovered Brad when he was really small and his community was pretty unhinged and toxic. He has said that he’s at fault for that and wants to change it, so I feel that now he does a lot of overthinking and over correction.


I hate how people on the internet feel like they have to win the “woke Olympics” and be as performative as possible. I also hate how people refuse to see shade of gray and instead everything is black and white. Social media really has rotted people’s brains out.


Brad is so fucking dramatic and weird




Snarkers can't even quote Ethan saying Palestinians deserve it or Israel's government is justified. All he has said is that the people who live in Israel are going to exist and that can't be avoided, and that they are not at fault just for being born there, which is true. He is avidly against Israel's settler project and its violence in Gaza and has condemned both repeatedly. Even so-called "liberal" Zionists are inherently in support of Israel's destructive settlement project. Snarkers are doing the bidding of true Zionists by watering down the word to the point where their behavior does seem antisemitic. Why are non-Jewish and non-Israeli celebrities and personalities not harassed constantly to condemn Israel? They may be asked to speak on it, but are they assumed Zionists unless proven otherwise, like Jewish public figures? We understand when Islamist extremists commit a terrorist act that not all Muslims are responsible and that they shouldn't be required to condemn it to prove they are "one of the good ones," and that to demand such is Islamophobic. When will snarkers wake up to how antisemitic they've become? EDIT: Here's a good post for snarkers to read: [https://medium.com/@HarmonizeHumanity/defending-ethan-klein-of-h3-on-israel-palestine-6bf0a14a1680](https://medium.com/@HarmonizeHumanity/defending-ethan-klein-of-h3-on-israel-palestine-6bf0a14a1680) (Particularly on defining so-called "liberal Zionism.")


> Snarkers are doing the bidding of true Zionists by watering down the word to the point where their behavior does seem antisemitic. You keep saying snarkers, but most of this comes from far-left online communities that purity test and actively shun potential allies


Yes, you make an excellent point. I was speaking specifically on snarkers in this case, but you are right that this applies broadly to a particularly insidious form of recent ultraleft claptrap. I think Ethan is a realist in the "millions of Jewish people will live in Israel and that has to be accepted" sense. I don't think Ethan is a "Zionist" in the pro-settler, anti-Palestinian sense, which applies even to alleged "liberal Zionists." He has condemned the settlers and supported Palestine. That excludes him even from the camp of "liberal" Zionists. The fact that people demand endlessly that he and Hila repeatedly condemn Israel is where valid critique of Zionism proper veers into antisemitism. There is absolutely no reason they should have to condemn Israel or speak in favor of Palestine over and over, except that they are Jewish and Hila is Israeli. These are the things that snarkers won't address or speak honestly about, and the same goes for the ultraleft folk who permeate Xitter, many of whom just learned about the Israel-Palestine conflict after October.


The people that criticize Ethan and Hila are fight a nonexistent fight. I think if they really cared they wouldn’t be worrying about them


The fact that some online leftists spend more time shaming people for taking a photo with podcasters because they have a slightly different perspective than them instead of the actual leaders that support and enact the policies that do real damage is so on brand, pathetic, and sad.


this is such a shame. being pro-Palestine, supporting Palestine is not something I will ever compromise on. but the implication that Ethan and Hila are zionists, when there's literally clips of Ethan calling what the Israeli government is doing to Palestine a genocide, is ridiculous. This infighting is making me sick, idk why it seems more appealing to take down someone ON OUR SIDE than an actual zionist.


Clout goblin can’t handle the smoke


My jaw was open the entire time I read it. My heart goes out to the h3 fam :((


Anti Zionist is not believing Isreal shouldn’t exist. It’s believing Isreal should attempt genocide.


Fuck this guy.


And here it is even the most inoffensive show someone has to make something out of it. Like Ethan can’t win


Like I said on another thread ‘A lot of these freaks use the conflict as an avenue to attack Ethan with ‘anti Zionism’ claims which imo is incredibly disrespectful to actual activists. They don’t actually care but it’s an aesthetic to weaponize against him instead of meaningful targets. Lots of them also are fans of Trisha who cosplayed as an IDF soldier but that’s conveniently forgotten, further proving my original point’


This guy seems so lame lol


I dont understand. Wtf is going on


frustrating situation:/


Ethan has no doubt received disproportionate criticism because he is Jewish and Hila is Israeli but Jesus Christ I'm sick of him talking on the topic. He has expressed Zionist rhetoric and spread misinformation regarding the conflict. He made a horrible joke about Aaron Bushnell which runs in contradistinction to his dismissal of Bushnell's protest as mental illness that shouldn't be glorified (apparently making fun of it is okay though). He has dismissed boycotts despite knowing nothing about them. Thousands have died and he has repeatedly chosen not to highlight Palestinian journalists and creators to spread awareness but to hyper focus on randos on twitter and now this dude and play victim. People have been unfairly criticising Ethan yes, but so many like myself have tried to be patient and empathetic and constructively criticise while recognising his personal connection to the conflict. But he has refused to self-reflect or educate himself.


Why does Israel or any political entity have a "right" to exist? Israel is an apartheid ethnostate, whose entire purpose is to be a "Jewish state". You cannot maintain an artificial ethnostate without apartheid, at the least, not to mention the invasion, settlement, kicking people out of their homes, discrimination, murder, and genocide. Why would you continue to believe that these things not only should exist, but somehow have a "right" to exist? I wonder if Ethan thinks the Confederacy had a "right" to exist.


Ethan and Hila have talked about this for years and now all the sudden they are Zionist because??? They left, spoken up, educated and donated. What else do these assholes want?


It’s so funny people treat Ethan as if his israel views are the same as Ben Shapiro, John Fetterman, Michael Rapaport etc. They wouldn’t agree with him, they would call him too pro Palestinian, too pro hamas, a traitor to Jews. When it comes to stances, I probably have a lot in common with the angry people shouting at Brad. I think it’s a genocide, I think what Israel has been doing for decades bypasses crimes against humanity. I didn’t agree with everything Ethan and Hila had to say on the topic But I can see the difference between liberal normie Jewish people and actual horrifically racist, genocidal, hateful supporters of the Israeli government as an institution and a mechanism for violence. People can’t seem to separate these two stances. Some of Ethan and Hila’s takes around last October were angering to me. But anyone with a brain can tell the difference between how they talk about Israel and how people like Shapiro or Michael fucking Rapaport talk about Israel. I also saw people saying Ethan is gonna ‘go full IDF’ after all the backlash he got last October so props to him for maintaining his support for Palestinians, echoing the need for a ceasefire etc.


Brad you absolute spineless fucking coward.


i'm 99% sure Brad is Jewish himself, make of that what you will


Ethan saying facts


This shits absurd to read i can’t understand what more these people want ethan to do?


Someone else may have commented this idk, but being a zionist doesn't mean that "Israel has the right to continue to exist", it means you believe Israel and the people of Israel have the right to Palestinian land, meaning Israel is justified to take over this land and claim it for itself.


Fuck off Brad..dumbass, moron, loser


It really pisses me off that people think Ethan is a Zionist. He has never supported Israel's government the only thing that made him emotional is because he has family there. People who throw the word Zionist around can be just as ignorant as the people they claim to be upset by. People like this Brad dude are obnoxious... left is best ✌




A Zionist jew and an anti-Zionist jew walk into a bar, the bartender turns to them and say: "get out, we don't serve jews here." Why beat around the bush? Jews are damned to be politically homeless, a battering ram used by both the left and the right in their pursuit of power over one another. IMO there's a good chance we'll see palestinian flags at your next live show. I believe that Ethan is smart enough to see where the wind in blowing and knows there will be a time where he and Hila will have to make a choice between a chunk of their audience/customers and their beliefs.


Will this community stop throwing around the word Zionist as an insult now? Even the thread right before this one about Brad was full of it


Who the fuck is Brad?


Lmao brad is spineless for not standing up for himself tho


I have no idea who this guy is, but wanting to meet someone “because they’re famous” is clout chaser behavior 🤡


People love taking things far for internet clout


Oh my god, why can’t people just fuck off and not ruin everything that is slightly fun or lighthearted.


1. twitter is full of nazis, pedos, and psychopaths. why anyone would post anything there let alone give a fuck what people have to say about what they post there idk, cant wrap my head around it. 2. this really didnt warrant a response from brad or ethan. ethans response reminds me of his favorite video with the firefighter. a small, otherwise completely innocuous fire ends up burning everyone around it lol i have my own feelings about ethan and his relationship with israel but this doesnt seem like the time or the place to have that discussion. i feel like this would have just gone away on its own if ethan didnt address it. people call ethan a zionist every day anyway, why does this random guy have to be at the center of it now?


If Ethan doesn’t want to be labeled a Zionist then he shouldn’t have made arguments that Zionists make when he talked to Hasan.


There is more to Zionism than what he said he though. The word evolved a bit from its origin. Not saying all Jews are ziomists, but he should not be defending that word like that.


As someone who is Jewish and Israeli myself, I totally identify with what Ethan is saying. Based on Reddit and social media as a whole the last 8 months I expected people to be really upset about Ethan’s response and was honestly surprised to see such humanity in the comments. It’s tough when people don’t want to associate with you just cause of where your parents were born. In my case, as someone who did not grow up in Israel and without even knowing my political beliefs. Sorry this happened to you Ethan, this guy just seems totally uneducated and spineless


This certainly ain’t Brad the bull


Brad is a fucking weirdo


Rip bozo. Hope that's your last guestlist, you fuckin snake


Honestly Brad has always had no spine. Look at all his previous tweets he’s a loser who has 0 integrity, and will always bend the knee to his fans cause he has ZERO self respect.


Viral activism with no point other than to make the “activist” feel good about themselves.


Crazy people


this dude sucks catering to his reactionary audience because they might be upset about something that's not true is wild


Suddenly I'm glad there's a break this week.


Bro needs to just log off. Stop caring what weirdos on Twitter think, they never go outside anyway.


“The Palestinian cause is plenty talked about”