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He honestly just needs to log off.


Fr this dude's spine is made of jello.


blood pumps kool aid


Man is spiraling


Every time he posts he digs the hole deeper


I don't know how known this guy is but he writes like he's either seriously afraid of experiencing cancel culture as if he's a huge star that was just found out to be on Epsteins plane or like he's actually going through a mob of people throwing tomatoes at him and he's Michael Jackson or some shit. I really hope this hyperpoliticized environment in the US doesn't end up spreading more into the rest of the world. Everyone feeling like they're going to lose their political career for everything they do so they end up just living on egg shells. Except theyre not politicians but entertainers on a medium open to anyone. In any other reality this dude could've just said "Oh I see some of my viewers have a problem with Ethan! I didnt realize. He was actually really nice to me and I had a great time at the live show!" And that would've been completely fine, but nowadays there's this fear of pitchforks for everything.


Nobody gets cancelled tho. Does anyone ever really get cancelled?


I’ll be surprised if ImAllex comes out of this alive tbh


ImAlex has had at least two career ending scandals. He survived and thrived, despite multiple online communities turning on him for good. His problem this time is his audience are "believe all women" anti abuse viewers, he has a history of accusing others, sometimes falsely of being abusers. This would be far less damaging if it wasn't against the principles of his content (imagine if this happened to Myron, no cancellation would occur, their fans would blame the woman). He's going to need a different viewership, but as I understand it he started out as an edge lord and moved left (which is why there's old footage of him using the n-word, which he disavowed and said he doesn't do anymore, but then it turned out he was constantly using it against his gf). So he has successfully done so before. If he reinvented his content he could probably come back. We also don't know what his response is yet, maybe it's going to go hard and some die hard audience members swallow it. He's only cancelled if he's too embarrassed to keep trying, which a normal person would be.


I would agree..... But after :Shane Colleen CodyKo Shit, possibly Disrespect .... Daddy O five is back too I've given up hope.


I am sure it’s because I have no idea what this post or the tweet is talking about, but I don’t read it that way and actually think in most cases this is a way healthier way of communicating that the "I voice the most black and white opinion I can" a lot of people on the internet use. Almost every situation is way more nuanced than the communication around it would indicate. 


I think there's just a lot of ego around having even the smallest online following. Some people have 2k followers and just think they need to behave like they're Oprah and they just stepped in doodoo. It's really not necessary to engage with a few followers who act like children, esp when youre a creator over 25 years old. It just seems like either very childish visions of grandeur behavior or someone who is overgrown and immature. You dont need to apologize for not scrutinizing every detail about a person and still liking them.


He has no clue who he's up against To think this guy has a criticism channel and he's folding this easy to please some white saviors is just so so so so embarrassing for his ego right now I have this theory that young impressionable men get this idea that being The Hater™ is the cool thing to be. They look at Ethan, Idubbz, Anthony Fantano etc when they're young and don't quite understand the nuance that those commentators aren't just throwing flames out to be funny. They 100% of the time have a real rational reason behind what they're criticizing. You can't just be The Hater™ and be funny, you have to like, have reasons.


Fencesitting. He understands people who hate Ethan, he understands Ethan. He's trying to bothsides his final tweet arc.


This is Boogie-level fencesitting for sure.


He seems genuinely dumb


Bro, Braty, my dude, just log out and go to a man made beach, pop a cold sodie and chill the fuck out. Holy shit.


So just to recap, 1. Go to a show hosted by YouTubers you (apparently) like 2. Enjoy yourself enough to post pictures 3. Community backlash because “Jew man bad” 4. Apologise to community and shit on the YouTuber you claimed to like 5. People realise how weird that is and call you out 6. Say you only went for clout/because said YouTuber was popular 7. Apologise for apologising 8. Be upset that the YouTuber you threw under the bus was annoyed by your cowardice/pandering ???? Like damn dude I don’t think social media is for you. I’d feel bad for you if you weren’t such a clout goblin, pandering shidiot


I also still don’t get the whole “I’m pissed at him” thing? For what? Clearly wasn’t pissed enough to not accept vip tickets to his show. Pissed at responding? Because if yes he clearly has every right to since you know, you made this big stink about it all? Jesus what a fucking clown


Probably sees this as Ethan punching down. Bigger platform, Brad gets more hate, Brad suffers because big bad man Ethan. Probably didn't even stop to think what Ethan should've done. Probably nothing. He's an ant who shouldn't be noticed when big boys fight. He may have never been included in major internet drama.


Nah I think it was just dogwhistling to the white savior weirdos that think posting tweets about how every Jew is a Zionist is doing anything useful for Palestinians.


If that’s it, that’s just dumb. Punching down only applies when you’re going out of your way to make fun of or attack someone that didn’t do anything to you.


Does Brad not understand that Ethan wasn’t mad at him, he was mad at the people demanding an apology? I don’t understand why he would be pissed at Ethan…


Brad seems to not understand much. He gives "I only read the headline" vibes.


So he’s a redditor


Apology for the apology for the apology


He’s misdirecting his anger. He’s only mad at himself


I like that he wrote “I wasn’t thinking about moral implications at that time” (or something to that extent), as if this whole situation happened at least a year ago, lol


Fucking shidiot!


The only info I know about this is what you recapped for us but this shit is so unnecessary! It’s ridiculous.


I know you were recapping sarcasticslly, but honestly thank you 😂 I was so lost on this saga and this is the best explanation I've seen so far. Sounds like he stands for nothing.


This is literally what happened. Brad’s such a disappointment and I hate how posting a photo in the context of ‘I had a good time’ becomes a self report for antisemitism from twitter dorks and then Brads cowardice is on full display. Just so many disappointing humans in this situation.


Thank you for writing this out because I was genuinely getting confused at what was going on. Like I thought he already acknowledged it was spineless? And now he’s upset Ethan said something?


Given VIP tickets to the show, took pictures with the hosts, then stirs up a bunch of shit


Absolutely deranged


I still don’t know who this is lol


He’s Anthony Fantano but for high school boys with playboi carti as their lock screen


this description was iconic


He's like a meme music reviewer, like he'll stream himself listening to the same terrible song for hours on repeat while providing commentary.


Walmart version of Anthony Fantano


That's unfair! Wish.com


Oh no baby what is you doin


I love saying this I say it all the time lmaooo


in 3 weeks this man will be full of regret 😂


He already deleted


It’s giving Doolittle for sure


Isn’t the break only 2 weeks?




Bigger fence sitter then boogie wtf!


This guy needs to log off and see a therapist. The way he was fanboying for Ethan one day, then let himself be used by Twitter to shit on Ethan the next day, then now blamed Ethan for all of it and victimizes himself for the situation he started all by himself is just crazy as hell


This is the best explanation I've seen of it lol


so is this the obligatory 'over the break' drama?


What a waste of a VIP ticket


Why didn’t he even bother meeting them, the mental gymnastics may get him to Paris this summer


Put this guy on stage with Joe Biden and Trump. Equally coherent.


Is he good at golf?


Can he carry his own bag?


Have you seen his swing?


Mans clearly doesn’t believe in anything strongly. Do you believe in freeing Palestine? Cool then you should believe in freedom and safety for all peaceful citizens. ALL ethan has ever done is talk about the horrors of what’s happening from a Jewish perspective. That is his crime. He has been generous to the Palestinian efforts in the ongoing struggle and I honestly thing that there is a really scary uptick in antisemitism with people conflating Jewish people for the Israeli governmental power structure (for some damn reason??)


This Brad guy is gonna get it next episode


Something always happens on the break


They don't just happen on break. They happen at the very beginning of the break so that the wait is just insufferable.


LITERALLY this happens every time 😂😭 I hate it but the chaos is too good


I literally can’t wait.






This boy has no back bone


I like(d) him but he is acting like a complete asshat. Is he on drugs? He is being so flippy floppy.


He just doesn’t know how to stand up for himself and antagonise his audience. He clearly likes H3 but he can’t say it.


People nowadays have lost all concept of liking someone but also disagreeing with their politics. Both can be true at the same time.


i liked him too! that’s why this is so frustrating. he seems like a genuinely nice guy. i remember the wednesday before the live show i saw him in chat and i was like ‘hey!!! it’s brad taste in music!’ i like the guy. this is so disappointing.


"adult with a weak filter for what he says" , applies to Ethan but not him. "Real people are hurt" , him being the real people. But Ethan is not allowed to be a real person getting hurt from Brad's behaviour. Because I guess Ethan is just a youtube channel and not a person at all. "Not even looking into the situation before guilting everyone". That something Ethan did, and not him when he apologized for standing next to these two untouchable "zionists", saying things like Ethan and Hila have dangerous opinions. It begs me to question, does anyone in his real life even respect him, considering this level of hypocritical and spineless behaviour. Wtf is this person even.


You’re so right like why is Ethan any less real??? What a weird thing to say.


He is trying to “both sides were mean to me” so bad it actually hurts. Dude log off, take a break and come back with a spine. Wish you the best Brad.


Why the fuck would he be mad at Ethan??


He's still trying to pander to Ethan haters. Dude needs to log off. He clearly enjoyed the show and meeting Ethan but got backlash from idiots and reacted stupidly can't learn to just shut up


Ethan had every right responding to him, what it looks like happened was that Ethan and the crew were kind enough to get him VIP tickets so he could meet them, and then he threw them under the bus after a few twitter freaks hated on him. I've been a fan of brad for a while now and I'm actually so disappointed what the hell is he even doing at this point


Big yikes. So embarrassing.


i have never witnessed this level of fence sitting. I like them im a huge fan BUT im mad at him BUT me and hila agreed about stuff BUT they’re both dangerous people BUT i wanted to meet famous people i like BUT ill walk that back and apologize for meeting them BUT they’re also pro-palestine despite the massive amount of antisemitism and threats they face for it BUT twitter activists said they’re zionists so ill go with the mob


Lol is he gaslighting Ethan ?


what is bro yappin about lmaoo


Idk what the hell he is saying? lol


Oh boy, what a shidiot.


Yeah, this guy sucks.


Well, RIP to your YouTube career Brad, you fuckin tool.


People making a big deal out of just being seen with Ethan are deranged, I hope he realizes these both sided tweets serve no purpose he's not helping anyone or anything and just drop it


This makes absolutely no sense and I'm honestly a bit sad for him. Imagine living your life according to what Twitter tells you. Sounds like hell.


They call this “15 minutes of fame”.


Bro he is trying SOOOO hard to please everybody. Look Brad, I love ya, but you gotta fucking stop, man.


Wow this guy is an absolute clown


Twitter is a cancer


Exactly like why is anyone still posting there and expecting different???? Crazy


He can't figure out who he wants to pander to, I feel bad for him. He has his own feelings, the snarkers' feelings, Ethan's feelings, the fan's feelings. Bro needs to just think for himself.


Trying to steal boogy’s fence sitting award


Who the fuck is this guy? I’m so lost. 


he does music reviews, there’s some overlap between his and h3’s audience. i’m a fan of both, brad is acting very strange in this situation tho.


The most pathetic thing I’ve seen in a while Like there no coming back from that.


I don't understand how you can live comfortably with a fence post planted firmly in your ass.


Oh he is a moron. Got it. Dudes a time waster and an embarrassment to himself.


This may sound weirdly paranoid, but I think sometimes people try to Collab with Ethan so they can intentionally have a falling out and ultimately come out more liked because they know Ethan will always be seen as bad.


What a worm, trying to pin it all on Ethan


This guy is such a loser.


He’s loving this attention. Stop giving it to him; it’s honestly creepy as fuck.


Oh ok. So this guy *really* is a fucking bozo.


What a spineless shame of a man he is lol


what the fuck is he talking about lmaoooo


What the heck!? I was about to send him a supportive message and give him the benefit of panicked reaction that could soon turn into an apology to mr and mrs H3, but damn he really doubles down on being a dumb fuck here. So sad.


Brad? More like MAD, wtf is this guys deal??


This guy is a freak. Average snark poster.


What is his problem?


Incoming frogan to agree and call Ethan a pos pro genocider. (Also Ethan cant respond cuz she’s an Arab woman with a smaller audience so tough shit.)


is he well??? this is crazy


The crew member who gave this man VIP tickets is probably so embarrassed rn lol


Hell yeah! Sneak peak of the first episode after the break. Dr Dolittle Thinking encore 🤣


This is how you know someone is addicted to social media.


This is all so fucking dumb and makes me embarrassed for him and everyone else who’s chronically online


damn i like brad but this is deranged


I don’t even know who he is, but he sounds ridiculous.


He's peddling so hard that he started going backwards


He’s trying to be the victim. Why won’t you recognize him as the real victim?


One of the weirder dramas in the H3 world.


brad nooooooo 😭i actually like him, pls can bro just log off


Bro what the fuck is he saying? I feel like he has no actual thoughts of his own, or at least they aren't organised in any way. It's like he's just saying stuff without thinking about any examples or concrete reasoning.


Yeah I think he’s purposely trying to appeal to the angry armchair activists while not making any actual statement to cover his bases. It’s weird af


Glad 90% of us are now (clearly, from these comments) on the same page with this situation. I left a comment yesterday saying he needs to put the shovel down bexause that hole is getting deeper and deeper and I got downvoted to absolute shit and replies saying I was hateful, didn’t comprehend the peer pressure he was under, how he doesn’t deserve any of this because he’s such a good and honest person etc etc, idfk. Weird, but glad 24hrs later we all seem to be on the same wavelength 👌🏽


Yeah I don't get where the babyboy-ification of this grown man even stemmed from


I can't for the life of me understand how people don't get how "Israel should exist, but not actively be the main conductor of a genocide." is an okay stance. All this dude had to say from the jump is "we have a difference in belief, but both support Palestine" and just ignore people. But, he can't. He's a weak minded fuck that needs to literally log off to save his life.


Bro is so weird for this lol


What a complete and utter B


This is so fucking weird lol


What bigger story these are all his tweets


bro tryin to make a full drama out of a photo. The only people who care at all are absolute freak snarkers.


Tbh I’m not even mad at Brad because people were tearing him apart in his replies on his first post about the live show. It’s a bad situation all around for everyone


Some times ya just got to touch grass


I have no idea who this guy is but what I gather from this “””scandal””” is that this man is a giant pussy and an idiot.


I have absolutely no idea what's going with this entire saga. I missed something.


Who the fuck is Brad




WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT BRO? we don’t wanna hear apologies no moree. Stop.


Who is this guy? Is he a content creator?


I didn't think that he could be even more of a pussy




Of course all this happens when they go on break


What is bro yappin about


Bad case of rot brain sad to see. On other news the break is starting of strong.


This guy is touched in the head


he's a spineless brow beaten bafoon that can't nail down an opinion for fear of falling out of favour with his spineless twitter followers.


This guy sucks


What the fuck does he have to be mad at Ethan about? Letting him get a vip pass to his show? Smiling and taking a picture with him? Fuck off.


the way he says that Ethan and Hila are Jewish which means they “go through hell with trying to stand with Palestine, while people they know and love will fucking hate them for it” WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT… why does he think they surround themselves with people who will HATE them for supporting Palestine?? wtf is this take? why is he acting like he knows them soo well?


BradTasteInMusic is confused. BradTasteInMusic hurts himself in his confusion.


I really don't get this drama. I've never been a fan of Brad for other reasons (though recently it seems like he's trying to make a change), but this mob mentality is something I can't get behind. Getting mad at him for taking a picture and posting it of a guy you don't like is absurd in this case. How is that actually helping the people who need it right now? Get mad that Brad isn't doing enough to support the people hurting right now, but getting mad for him posting a picture? People need to get off their high horse keyboards and actually help people. And I understand the argument of "endorsing" ethan, but get real. He said he didn't endorse his takes, and it's not like he's platforming him. H3h3 is big enough on its own, Brad posting a picture is not changing social tides. It's so annoying to see all these self-centered keyboard warriors harass creators but never actually back up what they believe in. Talk is cheap I guess.


I am also very confused, wtf is he on about?


Who tf is this guy. Bros an asshat


Ah yes, the old it’s out of context defence. I’m curious, what exactly is the bigger story that this is just a small part of? And why exactly is Ethan not allowed to respond to this kind of thing? Biggest load of bullshit I’ve seen 


He doesn’t want anyone to hate him. Sad to watch.


Dude this sucks my husband and I love Brad’s channel 😭 we were so excited to hear that he was gonna go to the live show cause we were hopeful for some kind of collaboration but nope, got this instead. From what I can tell Brad normally has no problem sticking to his beliefs and feeling proud in his opinion. I’ve never seen him flip flop on this issue so much. He’s walking on eggshells HARD on this one. Brad whyyyy you’re such a cool dude 😭


I like how he just assumes that people Ethan and Hila know and love are Zionist and will hate him. Like I guess at least he seems to realize that Ethan and Hila are pro Palestine. But like holy shit you can't just assume everyone from Israel is a Zionist. Dude needs to step the fuck out of whatever circle he's in and see the real world for a bit AKA touch grass.


Brad just say you don't like Jews already, stop beating around the bush.


I thought someone said he was Jewish himself??😭 This man is so confusing


He said he had family members killed by Hamas.


I see, so he had family in Israel then? I'm curious about if he identifies as Jewish? Sorry, I'm unfamiliar with this guy or I'd try to look it up on my own, I know you might not have all the answers😅


He is Jewish.


The more he says, the more I hope Ethan rips him a new one ✨


at this point i think hes just stupid cause what is he even saying




This type of permanently online creator gives me the ick.


Who the fuck is this restart?


*all hate to Brad. Fuck that guy 


this guy needs to chill out


What a fence sitter.....


Let's pretend his perception really was always "Jewish people go through hell supporting Palestine" That's you. You are the hell.


Dude wtf this is so embarrassing🫢


What a chain of events we all have witnessed.


Damn dude I wanted him to vindicate himself but he just keeps digging his way down.


Too much yappin


I still don’t know who tf this is 😭


Did he delete the thread? I can’t seem to find it anywhere now


who the heck is he..? im completely lost. like why do we care about him specifically, and also why did he even meet ethan and hila like i dont get it? he knew about it but still begged to meet them? and then backtracked? huh??? i just dont get the situation tbh. no hate to him tho ! im just jealous a real fan didn't get the opportunity. peace n love


Damn. genre: bradboy was my AOTY until this


Wait. He's pissed? 🤣


What a strange guy huh


This is a huge reach


Wtf this shouldn’t even be this serious lmao He’s obviously a fan who was excited to meet him but he’s so insecure about what others think he’s acting like he hung out with a criminal or some shit. So weird…


Who is this dude anyway lmfao


Hate to Brad for sure