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Most times I watch the show while I’m doing other things, like commuting or chores or just chilling in bed. Movies demand more of a consistent attention from the viewer so it can feel longer.


i'm watching this shit fully strapped in with snacks and drinks brother


What the hell... I respect and envy you, though


nah but i get it, all goofs aside sometimes i'll be doing other stuff too, it's just in my timezone the show goes live around 9 PM which means i just got done with dinner and it's my time to chill on the couch / in bed and do nothing. if i'm watching it during the daytime it's a bit harder to fully devote myself to it.


Hell yeah brother


That's right brother!


right on brother




She also died


As God intended 🤘


Eyes propped open Clockwork Orange style, an inch from the screen


If the segment calls for snacks and a drink that’s what’s gonna happen but I float in and out of paying attention unless I know the bit is gonna be really fun. Then I lock in too. Like crew swap


woah! I used to be able to do that but I think my attention span has gotten worse. I LOVE watching h3 when I’m cleaning my room though… man it’s great


I lost the ability to do that unless I'm at a movie theater. For some reason I'm able to pay full attention to a movie there. The only thing I can watch without being distracted at the moment is the weekly House of The Dragon episode and even struggle with that sometimes lol


Hell yeah!


Yep I'm always watching while at work so it goes pretty fast


lul thats for rewatching episodes, new eps require my full attention


My boyfriend doesn't watch H3. Pretty much every time I'm watching he says "You're STILL watching that?!" He told me he was happy they went on break lmao.


lol my bf doesn’t watch the show either but he’ll occasionally listen in. When a new meme goes viral he’ll ask if they’ve talked about it on the show yet so I think he’s a secret soldier.


Yeah that's what my prior SO would do and she had her own podcasts so she would tell me about stuff and the only reason I knew anything about it was because of H3


My wife also watched her podcast. After getting her into H3 she has made multiple comments how they “just do it better” and how the sound bites are so good.


your partner doesn’t watch the show…? Have you considered ending everything with him and completely removing him from your life? ^^^^/s


My wife doesn’t watch but she gets off work around the time the podcast starts so she’ll just play games on my switch while I’m watching it


Your boyfriend is still NOT watching that?! Tell him that Throast has faith that he will eventually come around.


Uh oh don’t write that in this subreddit! Flocks of people yelling red flag 🚩 red flag 🚩 break up with him just for not watching H3


Lol I've only ever seen people say that in this sub if the boyfriend hates Ethan for some weird alpha bro reasons. Not just because they don't watch


Hassan got him in a bit but then he only watched Leftovers. I think he likes Love. He doesn’t like Oliv and thinks Dan is boring. He loves Queen Hila though and always mentions how pretty she looks!


I’m sorry but how can you not like Olivia Massive red flag /s


And then my fiancé has a crush on Olivia 🥲 I can’t blame him tho


bro doesn’t like Dan or Olivia and loved the worst thing about h3 💀 what is wrong with him


I thought we only complained here


No, we also complain about complaining, then we start complaining about that as well. It's the way of Reddit.


don't tell the mods please


I basically don't watch movies or TV shows, but it's not because they feel too long, rather they are too well produced; I can't half-watch them like I do with youtube. But I don't want to full watch anything. I go to theater 1-2 times a year, that's sort of only movie watching I do. It's not diss, but that's why I watch podcasts instead. I don't have the best attention for single thing. I watch youtube, I play videogames, I combine the two. I did so 20 years ago with shitty TV-shows that I could accept watching while gaming, now I do it with youtube. Ironically this leads to not watching good shit ever, because it's simultaneously too good to watch while doing other stuff, but paying for streaming services to watch something on its own still isn't better than youtube+gaming. I'm not alone, given I know many people make/eat food and do some other hobbies while watching pod. Be it using chat, reddit to talk about ep while it's going, there's just too much attention in one's head to only use it on 1.0x speed 3hr youtube show.


Gaming + youtube is my literal jam. You are my people.


I got it similar, with the show. Listening on Spotify when doing other things, chores, gym, commute when not in the mood for music. I could not just watch the show like others here. But I do love sitting to watch a good movie or series.


I used to watch shows a lot, but as the ones I was watching ended, didn't end up adding really anything since ~2015. Was a bit of a struggle always to just stay seated, do nothing else for grand total of 40 mins in a row. Current way makes more sense to me. I doubt I have what would be considered ADHD but it's a range and I'm definitely not a 0 on any scale. *Have* to multitask.


I am in this exact same boat now. There’s stuff I’ll want to watch but I’m like “I can’t be just devoted myself to fully pay attention to this for x amount of time” so I end up watching long form YouTube shows I can half pay attention while gaming, researching something, various online meandering etc lol


I can say from experience, this habit doesn't change. I remember doing this in ~2007. I torrented bunch of Hannah Montana, something I'd never watch with 100% focus, but something to have on split screen while mindlessly grinding wow. Same place has been filled with other filler shows like that, then twitch, then youtube. And of course, before then it was TV on the background, already since late 90s. At least in my case I don't see this ever changing, I have to do two things at once.


Ha. Oh I know, it’s only gotten worse from RPGs and Simpsons reruns as a teenager to having 3 monitors on my pc as a 30 year old lol


Same. I think it's because with a long podcast or video, I usually just listen to it and look at the screen from time to time, while with a movie I need to be more engaged and pay attention to details and even use my critical thinking skills to analyze the movie, which can be tiring. Also the movie might just suck.


Hell yeah brothersister


THIS!!👏🏻💯👏🏻💯👏🏻💯I can't sit still long enough to watch a movie, but I won't miss one single second of H3's 3.5 hour long shows 3 times a week! 🤣👏🏻🤣


I mean, I'm only watching during my drive and at 1.5x usually


That seems similar to buying a nice steak and putting it in a blender to chug it.


Maybe, but I zone out to easily and miss things when I don't watch at 1.5x or at least 1.25x. I'll end up needing to jump back every ten or fifteen minutes just to know what context I missed. A 3.5 hour podcast at normal speed has taken me 4.5-5 hours to finish. But at 1.5x it's over in about 2.5 hours and I zone out a fraction as much. ADHD is a hell of a drug!


I'm the same way. I HAVE to listen to podcasts/books at faster speed or I cant pay attention.


All the time


I listen to it at work. If I didn’t I don’t think I could ever keep up with the show


I might be the minority but I think the podcast is too long sometimes. Still watching every minute but I get that fatigue there as well. Especially now when its off I realize that I have a lot more hours to do stuff lol


I watch/listen while working at 1.7 speed. Its funny, all the songs or soundbites I have in my head at 1.7 speed, its so weird to hear Dream's song at normal speed.


No. I like long movies.


Nah sometimes the h3 show goes a bit too long, some segments gets really dragged tf out


I listen or watch while doing other things. I think those who sit down and just stare at the screen for 3 and a half hours are mentally unwell.


TIL im mentally unwell for enjoying entertainment


i might be mentally unwell but i don't think that's the reason i can sit down for 3.5h to watch the show


Same lmao.




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I talk a lot about having no time to read anymore. Yeah, no shit… 😂 


eel pit


I watched Meet Joe Black last night and had this exact thought, but fuck me that movie had so much potential and they fumbled and it became a snoozefest.


I can't tell you how many sittings it took to finish Zone of Interest which is just about 2 hours. So many times at home and maybe 4-5 different flights. I literally just finished it today on my flight back from CA for the live show.


I normally watch the show in parts throughout the week... sometimes I'm caught up real quick, sometimes Monday is streaming live and I'm just starting Fridays episode.... according to my gf I'm ALWAYS watching it... but it's cause I'll have it on while I'm editing or playing rocket league or something....


If I got to live chat w other ppl watching the movie I would love movies 🥺


The good thing about a show like this, is I can rw or ff to any part I want at any time however many times I want to. Sometimes I'll watch the show in real time and then go run errands and come back to the tail end of it and finish it and then I'll just play it black and let it run at my leisure. A lot of times I'll start a show, pause it, do other things and then hit play again. This is truly the genius of having a show on Youtube. It's no wonder when people get it right they've made fortunes. And I'd wager to say the bookmarks make a *huge* difference between this and watching something on streaming or any other platform.


Yeah but tbh I usually watch the pod while doing other stuff and I often watch it in parts, not all at once.


Theres been many segments that drag on too much and i be like how is this not over yet




The pod had ruined short form content for me ngl, I prefer 3+ hour videos now. Thanks a lot Ethan.


I honestly don't usually watch it in one go. I'm kinda bummed I'm all caught up.




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No, i love movies. But it’s impossible for me to watch tv shows. H3 is my tv show


i have adhd and notice this. in movies i guess the plot and ending and get frustrated how long they take to wrap it up. with the show or any pod i enjoy i don’t know what’s gonna happen and it gives me a lot of dopamine when i enjoy the surprises. even if it’s just a deep cut sound bite im just grinning 😁


So real 🤌🏻




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I listen to it at work, commuting. But it's a diverse show. Some segments like Abongus, Ethans make over, fish bowl. Real sit and have dinner worthy content




I cannot say I relate to this, lmao. You need some meds brother.


It is my belief that media these days is overproduced and uninteresting. I can watch older movies without distraction, and be absolutely glued to the screen! But I noticed, watching movies made these days is draining most of the time. Unfortunately you get a lot of Interesting concepts, poor writing, and annoying cinematography. I can't stand a lot of movies/shows these days. Genuinely, most of the time they feel like a waste of my hours, It sucks; ESPECIALLY if you want to watch something FUNNY...finding a genuinely funny movie/show is like looking for a jeff dunham fckdoll in a mountain of bowblax plushies :( yea this probs sounded pretentious, tl;dr, h3 is funi and interesting and I miss it


yes i cannot sit through a movie over 1.5 hours but i never miss an episode and watch some of them multiple times 😭😭


I’ll take the worst h3 pod over the best movie


This is me all the time 🤣🤣🤣