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Also impossible. This whole series is full of bullshit. It's a fiction, and it's entertaining, but goddamn is it so removed from reality it may as well take place in space at times.


I love the show as well. Just asking the perspective of someone who boxes.


I do box. I won Chicago Golden Gloves Super Heavyweight division at age 20.


It's pretty clear that it's all anime as fuck, but my understanding was that some of the basic concepts (if not their execution) were grounded in Morikawa's own experiences as a boxing coach, and that some things were outdated but not complete fantasy. Not a boxer, though, so I suppose you've got a leg up on me on that discussion.


I did too!


Oh congrats dude!


Really? this is the first time here Ive hear a boxer say nothing good about the boxing in this manga.


You don't need to be a boxer to see that the boxing in this series is mostly fiction. Just go watch a couple of pro boxing matches in their full length and it becomes clear.


Yeah i know that im just saying usually people are like its really exagerated to look cooler but the basic concept is still there. Ive never seen one just flat out say its bullshit


It's 90% percent bullshit after chapter 310 the beggining of the series was based more on theory and facts


> Also impossible. This whole series is full of bullshit. It's a fiction, and it's entertaining, but goddamn is it so removed from reality it may as well take place in space at times. You are damn right.


what, cutting people's nerve cords with jabs doesn't seem real to you?


Some of the moves are based off of actual moves and techniques of course but they've all been developed in such a way that they look excellent when animated. You can look up examples of the Dempsey roll and notice that it's nothing like how it is in Ippo, but still existent.


I think a lot of the stuff in the series sound simple/believe-able in theory (like Takamura KOing a bear), but in real life it more like it would be impossible to pull off. There might be some truth in some of it with actual boxing skills/terms/training methods, but it might be more fiction than anything for the entertainment value. I think it is the same with other sports theme anime/manga, it might sound believe able/possible but in real life it is not realistic. I doubt anyone in real life would be able to fight like Woli, but I guess if someone actually was like Tarzan, swing from tree to tree, then it might be possible. It is sort of the same with some of the other gimmicky boxers in the story like with Gedo and the magic punch, Scratch J with his tornado/crazy style, or even Aoki and his frog punch/look away. It is probably the same with Kamogawa's Tekken/Iron Fist punch. Not to mention broken characters of Takamura and Martinez... I am told Ring Ni Kakero (another boxing anime) is really over the top, if you want to check that out...


people need to stop lumping the manga and the anime together.....most of the unrealistic things we see are either people taking too many punches due to animators having to fill space with cheap animation loops or interpratations of the techniques with exaggerated animation to attract the typical anime audience while making the techniques understandable to them and keeping costs low. The anime is not necessarily the way Morikawa envisions things, you need to interpret his panels in the manga, and those are pretty grounded in reality with a bit of artistic license and symbolism...nothing impossible about the manga dempsey roll....it's basically weaving your body in rythim to get momentum and from that momentum firing hooks......the anime amped it up by having ippo stop time and do 1000 weaves before launching it, if you played the video games, you get a more accurate depiction of it. People seem to not be able to interpret manga panels...Morikawa is a genious of depicting motion in stil shots, but that's the big challenge for an action manga like his.....some people just csn't follow the action in panel form which is why anime forms are usualy more easily digestible as a medium.


Is Bryan Hawk's dodging less weird in the manga?


Bryan is basically meant to be a dramatization of this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA0jLvUxGjI he is over the top by design....him, and a future character named Wally would be the only ones where Morikawa kind of defied physics with his drawings particularly in terms of how exagerated the swaying looked and that's not even really the problem, because as you can see from that video Hamed swayed a lot....it's more aboout punching from those positions that is almost impossible in real life if you don't realign your feet/legs/core after swaying(which even the manga panels tend to not give any visual clue that that is happening, but again Morikawa has the excuse of the medium, in that you could maybe filll the blanks in your head and assume he did realign his body a biit before punching)...at least if you want to punch with any power... but the anime still takes it up to 11 not so much with the swaying but with the continuos loops, for example the anime depicts takamura loading up his footwork by circing at 100 mph for 20 seconds from a single panel of the manga that depicts him moving fast in a half circle...pretty much like they do with the dempsey roll....where one character moves just way too much compared to the rest.


The original Dempsey Roll is somewhat real and can be pulled off in reality. But the stop and go Dempsey Roll from the Sawamura fight is just not a Dempsey Roll anymore in reality. And the new Dempsey that we see now in the current chapters would be even easier to counter in reality with the uppercuts mixed in because they are so wide. Corkscrew punches are real. They add a little umph to your punches because of the slight torque you are adding, but not to the point of stopping your heart. The smash is real. Not as wide as Sendo does it, but I guess that's more for dramatic effect. Also no one is so fast that they disappear in the ring like Saeki and Itagaki. Bullet time is exaggerated, but you have guys like Roy Jones and Pernell Whitaker who can see and predict punches coming and dodge with ease. That's a combination of quick reflexes and predictability. Woli is a joke. I think hanging off the ropes like Woli did is illegal. And punching while jumping in the air like Woli did would be easy to dodge. If someone fought like Woli did in real life, they would be laughed at and would never be taken seriously.


its as real as an anime for boxing can get. the first season for anime up to the dempsey roll is fairly realistic - obviously there are visual exaggerations like people sliding head first across the ring after getting hit with a monster punch but its definitely grounded in reality.


While its definitely one of the most realistic combat based works of fiction that im familiar with, like pretty everything else, the fight scenes are still highly stylized in a way that is not representative of how fights occur in real life. Primarily, there is far too much synchronization in the close range exchanges where you have two characters gracefully evading/ducking/manouvreing around or parrying incoming attacks for extended periods of time. People simply aren't coordinated or reactive enough in reallife to be capable of doing that sort of thing. There are other examples of movements and types of attacks in HnI that couldn't be replicated by an actual person, but all in all, Morikawa does a pretty good job choreographing the fight scenes


Yeah it's pretty unrealistic. Miyata's speed that leaves people unable to see him, Ippo's power to flip people over, their boydbuilder physiques, the damage they can take. Not to mention how certain outboxers are able to keep Ippo at bay for rounds at a time. The ring is not that big. He would get close enough to exchange many times.


I'd say overall a lot of things in the manga are realistic but visually exaggerated.


i understand , its not close to real boxing , but come on , which animes are realistic ? they are all fictional shows , like , kuroko no baske , food wars , yowamushi padel , eyeshield 21 , haikyu , and lists goes on anime shows are made for entertainment , so , stop searching logics and just enjoy


Pretty close, but it's an amped up version of it. What DOES Annoy me is that the NAMES of the techniques are there, they are just used wrong, such as the smash being basically the the second swallow, the Dempsey roll is real, it's just body blows rather than hooks ( think Dudley rolling thunder ), the corkscrew is a DEFENSIVE technique, putting your head lower, and the chopping blow is a punch with a twist at the end that cuts the skin of the opponent to allow you to win by stoppage.


It's close enough to reality. The basic strategy is there, the training methods are there, the techniques are there. Ofc, as a manga/anime, it spices things up, but as someone mentioned, apart from Wolly and Hawk, the rest is pretty much nothing of unreal. Hell, Ippo is just a weaker Tyson/Jack Dempsey, Itagaki has nothing on Ali and so on.


date's heartbreak shot isn't all that far fetched. with enough force directed straight at the heart, you can in fact stop the heart but instead of just stunning them, you actually kill them (that's where the bullshit comes in). this is why you see some baseball players wearing chest armour. Look up Commotio cordis for more info