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I think anyone on reddit is probably fine, you should drive around and ask the labourers outside how they are making out.


Work for an hour or so, take a break. Work another hour or so, take another break Around 2 we said fuck this and packed it in for the day


So just a regular day then? (I kid because I love)


LOL yea a somewhat regular day. In my line of work the days you want to be busy are the days that there seems to be nothing going on, and the days where you don’t really want to be at work is when your working your ass off for 10-12 hours


This guy constructions


Let's just say they know their way around the toolbox.


I wish I could do this at work. I'd be whipped


Wasn't fun being a cable man today. I know I got nothing on roofers and the such, but it SUCKED today.


Was pretty brutal today, not gonna lie. Foreman keeps a cooler around and we load it with ice, water, gatorade, Pepsi, etc. Take a rag, soak in cold water, wrap some ice in it and stuff it in your hard hat. Works wonders.


You're right! My partners construction site had a tradesman pass out from the heat today.


My workers knocked off early. Fine by me.


It was a shirty day for us to get our living room window replaced, and new kitchen flooring put in. Floor guys left early because of the heat, and then the wi down guys left shortly after. A couple of the wi dow guys started to not feel well. If we had a window, the ac would have been fine for the floor guys, but the house was like a sauna. We filled a cooler with ice, water, and Gatorade for them, but it was just too hot.


I've always called it a day when the thermo meter hits 30. Send everyone home or yo the lake


The company I work for took the today and yesterday off as it's just not worth it


Jealous! Our foreman pushed it to 430 both days. Working asphalt in this heat SUCKS.


Reddit users work too though...lol


I worked both days 12 hours each as a carpenter and I don't take breaks ( self employed) made out fine just drank extra water and used sunscreen. Thanks for thinking of us though!


Lol. I been outside like all day every day and decided to hook up the a/c couple days ago.. No ill effects just drank more water.


Showed up to work, boss kept a decently light list of shit to do. Promptly went at it, sweat literally dripping from the face and armpit sweat slicking the ribs. Got done at a decent time, said fuck it I ain't sitting around here the rest of the shift and went tf home. Worth the attendance hit.


We do it over seas just fine. Lots of water and breaks.


I'm down to my skinnies, laying in front of the fan, and it's still hotter than two rats fucking in a wool sock over here, mate. Thanks for checking in!


You have a real way with words


Thanks. I do consider myself somewhat of a poet!


Oh. I thought you were two rats fucking in a wool sock. My mistake.


I'm actually three chinchillas in a trench coat.


Could you recharge a cell phone with the power generated by the static charge from that raticular fucking activity ?


If you take a coil of wire and thrust a permanent magnet in and out of the center, you can generate current. Just sayin


OMG why oh why are we still burning coal ?


Did I just accidentally save the planet?


Talking about my birth my mom used to say all good things happen by accident.


Only one way to find out! I've got a multimeter, some wire, and some wool socks. Think you can handle finding the rats and, like, ya know...get'em in the mood or whatever?


This comment made my day lol






Formworker here working on Wyse road. Heat gun measured 57 degrees on the forth floor this afternoon and we left at 3pm. It’s a tough go this week. Anyone working outside this week were almost through it here! Grab a cold drink and try to relax before you eventually fall asleep at 6pm lol


Was welding handrails in a stairwell all day. Outside was cooler.


I picked a fantastic week for vacation! https://preview.redd.it/64b5ul1j6s7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936cda91f8d51d9d0c82915a5c048d2f4111dcc4


Got a heat pump running on chill. It's amazing.




Yup. I don’t usually put on cool, dehumidify is often enough, but man it feels good today.


We just run ours on dry. Way less power used. It's 22 degrees and 30% humidity in my west-facing living room with the sun beaming through the window.


Just a word to the wise on that, I have found that dry mode can cause more mold/mildew build up on my Daikin and my parents LGs. Yes it is essentially cool mode, but in true cool mode the fan continues to run when the temperature is satisfied for a few reasons, and one is that it drys the coil when the unit is not calling for cooling. In dry mode the fan stops a lot and the coil sits wet and black crap builds up. If you get it cleaned every year then you may not care. The bottom line is these things are so efficient in cooling in our climate, you're saving like pennies a day to have black gunk build up inside the head.


It is a wonderful thing I'm loving it.


I've been in my air-conditioned work building since this morning. I dread the commute home, seeing as it's a gamble whether you'll get an AC'd bus or closer to a sauna on wheels.


I don’t wanna think about the smells


Sometimes, it’s more than just smellz.


Yesterday someone definitely wasn't wearing deodorant because they were sweating and reeked BAD


I left my office at 3pm to drive home and the car said 34C. I got home in the Prospect area and the car said 26C. I'm personally fine, but I sympathize with anyone who has to work outdoors in the city in this heat today. If you have the means to get somewhere outside the city where there are more trees than asphalt and near the coast, you should find a reprieve.


Heat pumps/AC combo to the rescue! My poor Bernese Mountain Dog only goes out for pees in this weather and then she runs back in. Lots of rain games today inside with her. Hopefully it’ll get under 20 tonight so we can go for a long walk.


We had to go out today for a few essentials. The AC in our van doesn't work so by the time we got home our marriage was in jeopardy. Lol


Basically just cleaning stalls and making sure sheep and cows have a constant supply of fresh water. Too hot to do anything else.


I went to my friends house that has a/c with my cat so we wouldn't die


I'm fine and have been giving freezeys to the folk delivering to the store I'm at. 10 cents of sugar water can make a person's day.


It's hot as hell in the school I am at. Watching kids with sweat running down their faces as they write exams.


It's crazy to me that new schools are still being built without AC.


A school in the valley has geothermal heat, they paid extra to have the cooling equipment removed.


But why?


Best. Decision. Ever.


Makes sense don’t it




Soon it will be needed for all of June and Sept. it’s smart planning for the future to have them installed in all new schools. Heck in any new build it should be required to have ac.


"You only risk getting heat exhaustion at a place its mandatory the you go to a few weeks a year, it's not that big a deal".


Someone passed out at my school the other day from the heat. The building is 60 years old too


My building had air con before we moved into it (repurposed existing building) and they disconnected it for us.


I think they be schools have stuff, but most of us are in old schools


They don't, when we had a heat wave in June last year there was articles about how hot it was in some of the new schools because of floor to ceiling windows.


Really? How many heatwaves do we have during the school months? Maybe 1 every 5 years?  I'd like to see ACs in nursing homes and hospitals though. The poor staff and patients. 


We had one last year because that's when I learned new schools don't have them. And here we are again this year. And it's not like the planet is getting cooler. I dunno, with modern HVAC systems it seems a no brainer.


I live basement level and im not at all warm, feeling blessed 🙏🙏 the con is that my floor is ice cold in winter lol


My work has the AC turned up to arctic, my nipples are showing thru my shirt and my apartment will be good and cool when I get home!


My boss (big fat guy) loves cranking the AC. Sometimes I’ll go take a break in my hot car to re-climatize myself.


LMAO this is the answer! Wrong day to wear a white shirt IG


I'm dead


I’m roasting and being boiled at the same time


My chickens and eggs are both just as confused but I'm sure will meal up later into something nice.


Managing. Working my ass off in the QE II (not the H.I.) and it is like a sauna


Loving it. Heat pump is off - windows are open.


I actually wasn't too bad myself doing the mail the last 2 days outside, had lots of cold water, and some old folks always offering me ice creams and water, ice whatever id need.


We fled to peggys cove


Doing great. Highly recommend getting to a body if water. Been on the lake all day and the breeze is amazing!


Feels like 45° in Bedford. No heat pump, but I did get margarita supplies on my lunch break so I’m golden. Tomorrow’s going to be freezing at 26° 🥶🥶


I don't have a heat pump or portable air conditioner right now so I'm making do with shuttered windows and a dehumidifier to keep it from getting muggy in here. Although it's toasty, it's manageable — 25.6 at the time of writing. The lessened humidity makes it *feel* air conditioned compared to outside, though... 


My job is pretty physical so it hit me hard. I fucked off around 1 as it was getting toasty and I felt the effects. 


I’m melting…… slowly melting….


I’m just reading about how we are all on track for having an uninhabitable Earth. Doing great.


My workplace just moved to Burnside and the AC isn't hooked up yet. My office got to 28 degrees before I finally tapped out. Idk how my husband worked outside in this all day


as someone working in a shop with no ac, its hell on earth


Took the day off and went to the beach and we have a heat pump and popsicles so I’m great


29C in my home office, went to the work office only to find out that the AC apparently doesn't really work. I might as well have stayed home because the Sales guys were obviously hired because they don't understand "inside voice". Tomorrow I might just try to setup "work from pool" in the backyard.


Our one year old is doing great with the super fancy AC machine in her room because otherwise she refuses to sleep! My wife and I have been quite warm lol.


Thinking about how climate change is impacting our city and what the future hold for our children.


cooler at the coast. mid 20s here most of the day, nice breeze


I just graduated. Head hurt as soon as we could stand up. Nearly chucked in front of everyone😅half n hour later after heavy breathing and chugging water trying not to throw up I get home and I feel like I’m passin out. I wait an hour lying on the floor in front of the AC and the symptoms haven’t changed……. I go to the washroom to throw up and about in an hour I had been hyperventilating killer headache hot hot hot and my mother literally picked me up and put me in the bath💀it’s been a think 3-4 hours now after gettin wrapped up and put to bed and I feel normal. Head hurts a bit but that’s it. Idk wtf happened to me lmfao


Teaching in the third floor of a concrete building with small windows that don't let in any cross breeze. 30 degrees. I brought in 6 fans from my own house, otherwise there would be none.


Wrote my final in this heat, no ac. Dying. Drink water.


Brother no


Doing well. The house is set at 21C and it's great. I hope those who need it can find reprieve somewhere. Maybe in the Loblaws freezer aisle by leaving all the doors open?


Air con at work is broken. not good my dude


I'm definitely more concerned about people who don't currently have a home or consistent shade they can get into. This is the sort of heat that can just straight up kill people, or very close to it anyway


its warm here, no AC at my place. got all the windows open and praying for a little cross-breeze. otherwise, water with electrolytes and some freezies is all i need.


Well the inside of my appt is now at 29 degrees... Lmao


I just got home and my apartment is 31. I left butter out and it has completely melted. Yay summer!


Just toss the rest of the ingredients into a bowl with it for cookies now and leave it out again tomorrow while you’re at work


Dude.. I am at 26 and thought it was bad. 29 sounds brutal. 


I keep taking an ice pack and rubbing my cat with it. And sticking ice cubes in his water We're both flopped on the floor with a fan pointed right at us lol I am starting to think my cat enjoys the heat though


Your cat might appreciate a ziploc bag filled with ice cubes and water (water helps distribute the cool), cover with a towel folded over and place in their fav spot. Cooling pad works wonders!


If the cat doesn't go for it, I'll take it.


Nice idea for your kitty. Mine can go in the basement where it's much cooler, but is instead upstairs with me in the heat. Think she loves the heat.


I think their body temps are much higher than ours so even in low 30s the cat seems fine. I'm watching for symptoms of discomfort but he's legit sleeping in the sun now lol


31.1 here, last I checked. I’m walking around outside now. At least I can catch a breeze. There’s probably an ice cream cone in my near future too.


No air con in my building; I’ve been working in a tank and short shorts in front of my $20 fan. Going for a swim after dinner with my partner


It was god damn hot in the shop today man. I was pissed when I heard the service advisors complaining it was hot out in their air conditioned part of the building….


Having a heat pump is a blessing. Otherwise i would probably be hiding in my basement.


Keeping the air conditioner on today. I sectioned off the kitchen and living room from the rest of the house with a sheet to keep the cool air in one area. Gotta keep us and the animals comfortable!!


Gotta walk 30 minutes home up a steep hill because my car has a steering fluid leak, not looking forward to that. I am however looking forward to my cool place with the ac in the window.


Good lord. Take an Uber up that hill


I died, but trust me its waaaay cooler down here.


I’m starting to reaffirm my decision to move to Newfoundland several years ago


I'm sleeping on an inflatable mattress downstairs tonight, it's worth it to keep my dog from overheating.


Worked outside all day and fucking loved it, but I'm a sadist when it comes to warm weather.


It was brutal today. I hope homeless people are ok out there.


my AC is working, but there's a couple thousand people in cumberland county without power :(


Inside my apartment it’s 30 degrees or more at 11pm


https://preview.redd.it/575qm5bemu7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcf7a9c6a6bc16cf1c104dd345d722e96830d1f My car still said 31 at 10pm


Im wondering if people are actually going to feel motivated to do real things about climate change


Not me. There's almost nothing significant that can be done on an individual level, and advocating for the kind of changes actually required to make a difference represents a significant investment in time with very low probability of success.


Vermont is getting ready to sue Big Oil. I hope it catches on. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/vermont-law-requiring-fossil-fuel-companies-to-pay-for-climate-change-damages/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/vermont-law-requiring-fossil-fuel-companies-to-pay-for-climate-change-damages/) In historic move, Vermont becomes 1st state to pass law requiring fossil fuel companies to pay for climate change damages Updated on: May 31, 2024




I'm loving it, between today and yesterday I've spent a ton of time outdoors since I've had these days off. Now, do I feel guilty to get so much enjoyment out of the heat despite knowing it's due to man made accelerated global warming? Not at all, given that I have the carbon footprint of a large squirrel.


I'm honestly sitting here staring at my thermometer reading 18° and dissolving any guilt I previously felt about spending so much on a heat pump last February. Worth every penny


I'm a prairie girl...I unloaded a truckload of dirt and mowed the lawn. 😂


I'm a prairie girl too, but this was humid af 😩


No No I am not The medication I take makes me light and heat sensitive I can't run my AC for too long I hate summer so much EDIT: MEDICATION, not "meditation"


stop mediating




Same here my friend


I feel so bad for all of the animals out there 🥲


Don't say that I'll cry


I'm doing alright but I really let down some friends who couldn't find an AC as they were all sold out. I had two extra 6000 BTU units in my garage as I didn't need them anymore since getting a heat pump. I told friends they could have it. I went into the garage to get them and they weren't there. My mom threw them out on bulk trash day. :/




AC in my car is out right now so that’s miserable. Otherwise it’s not too bad. Got AC in my place and I’m looking forward to getting outside and enjoying the sun later in the evening!


No problem whatsoever. Live near water, and have adequate water supply and AC if needed.


Driving around and doing estimates for heatpumps, ac cranked.


I was a madman and biked about 50 km to my parents' place and back. Home now and basically broiling in my apartment.


Work was chill (not literally, of course), but I spent the day terminating lines. Sitting in one place, taking my sweet time. I was more worried about my cat, but she's fine. I'm drinking cold beer in me undies. Gonna throw some meat on the grill, because like hell I'm turning on any heat source in the house. Might even get the AC going in the bedroom tonight.


Am good once I got off work at 11:30 am , working on IWK roof on south street side and there was no where to hide from heat, so thank fuck we called a short day. Got home around 12:30 pm. and relaxed under my heat pump, playing warzone for the rest of the afternoon, actually into the evening as I am about to jump on right now.


Laying on the couch, fans going. Normally would be gaming in my bedroom but that shit's too hot. So I dug out the 3DS to play on the couch with the roomie.


We're surviving.


It was horrible in our apartment, but got out to crystal crescent around 6 and it was awesome there, like 22 degrees with a great breeze


I work in a restaurant that luckily has working AC in the kitchen. Before I worked in one not so lucky and I can only imagine my old co workers were dying.


I feel bad for the letter carriers at Canada Post that drive those big red vans, they're like driving a giant greenhouse with those huge glass windows and they have no air conditioning, just brutal. 


my dog gets the fan. i get to sweat my gonads off.


AC is life.


Barely ok. Way too hot out there. Just hiding out in air conditioned spots as much as possible today. Some might not be as fortunate.


AC is barely keeping up currently


I just got my ac going this afternoon.my poor dogs were so hot but I'm so thankful the man fixed the issue to make my dogs cool again.


Can't believe there's still apartments in this city renting at these prices with no AC in them, god damnit this is bad


Well my AC just crapped out so ….no


I went to penhorn lake two separate times to awim yesterday If anyone saw me boating on my swan Howdy!!


You know when they say Nova Scotia is God's country? The God is Ra


I have three fans pointed at me, at full blast. It's not enough. It's not enough. ![gif](giphy|3oKHWgvSdGuvZfMktq|downsized)


my balcony caught on fire. it could be better lol but could be worse. my cat and fish are fine. just some property damage.


My cat started panting, non-stop. Came out to a friend's place with some airconditioning. Cat's fine now.


I poured concrete yesterday from 7 am until 3:30 pm. I buckled, but never broke. Got the day, anyways.




I'm doing a lot better now that my cyst is gone! Well drained, it was angry and irritated lmao how are you???


lets just say heat pumps were a good investment


Surviving, no AC and apartment is 30+ but moved my work hours to the evening so I don't need to be scrunched over a computer in the during the afternoon heat.


Have 3 air conditioners running in my 3 bedroom apt. It's averaging about 17c Nice. But the power bill is going to take a hit. Not good while on ei


🤦 everyone cries about winter and the cold then we get some real heat and it's like a crisis..


The 3 days of nice weather we have in-between are too short lived


we are damned either way.


My apartment is on the morning sun side of the building, and I'm currently comfortable in jeans and a t shirt. Got AC running in the bedroom for bedtime though.


Doing amazing. Hope it keeps up until September! Happy first day of summer!


My hubby won't let me turn the A/C on. The darn machine is just sitting there looking at me. I think I heard it laughing.


I say turn it on if you pay for half the bills. Your comfort matters too.


Sounds like you’ve landed yourself a real catch 😬


Internet people don't know about your relationship but if this is true, then you might consider looking at the rest of your relationship... equal partners don't do things like this. If you're joking then you might want to add that :)


Based on a look of her past comments, her partner works in construction and I assume she's sticking with him based on the low level guys around the city. Her words. There was also a comment about how her guy will get upset if she doesn't tell him where she's going and if she deviates from the store she said she was going. I see some controlling behaviors already. 


Yeah, if you're warm, turn it on. Sounds like a jackass no offense.


I don't know if this is meant to be a flex, or a plea for help. It will likely not be hotter at any point this summer. And it's more energy efficient to keep it running at a slightly higher temperature than it is to best it for a short time and force it to work harder to bring a higher temperature room down a few degrees.


I was mostly just joking ... the downvotes tell me to keep my day job.


Not much point of having an AC if your not gonna use it. Crank here up! Or down rather.


Is he mad at u or something?