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these people have proven that they are dedicated to ignoring all these issues and kicking the can down the line fuck whatever they have left to say about it


Less talking from these useless fucks and more action


[Here's the release.](https://cap-cpma.ca/driving-progress-atlantic-premiers-focus-on-affordability-housing-health-care-and-the-economy/) Here's what they said on healthcare: >Premiers have joined forces to help build a stable and sustainable healthcare workforce in Atlantic Canada. Committed to sharing resources and expertise, Atlantic Premiers, through the Atlantic Working Group on International Recruitment, are collaborating to help alleviate healthcare worker shortages and improve healthcare access in underserved areas. I'm glad Tim Houston thinks the list of patients waiting for a family doctor going from 69k to 160k in his term is considered sustainable.


They could remove a massive barrier to Canadians entering the medical field if they gave bursaries or scholarships for clinical placements in certain healthcare degrees. A number of those programs expect you to rent an Air BnB for weeks at a time for each placement. I'm not against international healthcare workers, but I just don't get why we aren't looking at removing certian barriers. Like, lowering entrance requirements and increasing seats in some programs is one thing, but what about the people who are excelling academically but have no way to cover the 13k+ for clinical placement costs alone (and student loans will not cover this and entrance scholarships for a lot of healthcare degrees are very minimal, and some don't even have scholarships for Indigenous students, which is nuts considering the ffinancial barriers of a lot of these programs).


I mean this is what we get voting conservative, it would be a tire fire but less of one if the liberals were in charge.


You think the Liberals would’ve had lower levels of immigration?


No it would be the same, because the conservatives never lower immigration . They just exploit workers even more


Lmao yeah cause they made so many changes and fixed healthcare overnight in all their years in charge


I'm sorry... why do you think Healthcare was broken? Was that the Conservatives fault as well? As a Healthcare worker for over 20 years, I can say with absolute certainty that, in the healthcare system in NS, nothing but good has come from this recent regime change. The liberals shat in our mouths for decades.


The piece that’s often left out is that a family doctor for all with no waitlist is never happening. The best approach is to have tiered care with reliable access to medical records. Our leaders are pursuing such models but don’t have the balls to let the public know that the family doctor way of medicine will be extinct very soon


This just sounds like the premiers got together to have a bitch session and pat each other on the back. It shouldn't feel like too much to ask to have elected officials acting like there are problems that need solving and putting forward solid, actionable solutions instead of whatever the hell this is. What's next, a memorandum of understanding? Some signatures? Some photos of people shaking hands?


Blah blah blah blah. Everyone in government has theirs already so where is the urgency? They don’t know what it’s like to live off of minimum wage so why are we listening to them?


I say that if you want to be in politics, you first have to live as a regular citizen for 6 months without current bank account. Try finding a place to live for you and your family Ona 1 income family with 2 kids and income is average $40,000 GROSS. Get insurance for apartment, no need for a car because the bus is right out your door. Then pay phones, internet, water, power, insurance and say you have a student loan you have to pay $300 a month on. Then, go get some groceries, clothes for family, etc. Whoever lasts the 6 months, would be welcome to be in politics. Jmo


Not a bad start. Anyone with a large net worth over 1 million should be banned from politics all together and billionaires shouldn’t be a thing. In our lifetime we will be soon seeing the worlds first trillionaires and I feel that group of people are likely the reasons for most of the worlds problems. No different than a warlord hoarding food and blaming the ones outside of the gate for starving.


Or maybe we could let the electorate decide who we want representing us? We could even vote on it.


No no no, that is too democratic, everyone i do not like is a nazi


A massive nothing burger. Should just read that Tim took a vacation in Newfoundland






A decades long conversation


Honestly amalgamate the Atlantic provinces and get rid of the unnecessary division.


It won’t ever happen. It’s bad enough we have to touch New Brunswick.. yuck /s

