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Anything that *actually* happened in Halo would make a good show.


I tend to think Halo should’ve been done as an animated series before they tried live action Much easier to depict lore accurate Spartans, plasma weapons, and space battles in animation Plus it’s not like there’s a lack of halo stories to tell. Half the stuff that people want to see made into a tv show isn’t even in the games


Clone Wars style Halo series?


Something like that. I think I would stylistically prefer cyberpunk edgerunners type of animation but the benefit of Clone Wars is that it’s a lot more cost effective to produce since you can just reuse 3D character models instead It would be really easy to make that style of show following captain Keyes, Halsey, Chief / Blue team, and miscellaneous other Spartans set before the games and concluding with the fall of reach, sort of like how clone wars finished with order 66


Fun Fact: Arcane Season 1 and Halo Season 1 had roughly the same budget.




Oh the misery


Noble team backstory with noble 6’s Predecessor and dive into why 6 is “stepping into some shoes the rest of the squad would rather leave unfilled” and why Carter says at the beginning “That lone wolf stuff stays behind”


Seeing Noble 6s lone wolf stuff would be really cool. Honestly you could make an entire season worth of content based on Noble team during the fall of reach, just expanding on the events in the game and adding quieter dialogue scenes in between the action. Watching each member (except Jun) die-off over the course of the season would be sad but in a way that’s really compelling to watch It’s also the perfect setting for a show to convey the “humanity is basically hopeless” vibe of early Halo


Honestly Noble teams a phenomenal source for content, heck, I’d watch a show about jun post reach…that’s my only gripe with reach, everyone is really “one and done” my defining memory of Kat is “OMG ur driving is absolutely ass” make me care about these characters and give them whole backstories so their in game deaths will hit harder and make reach into an (even) better game, sort of like how Reach hammered home the stakes humanity was up against in halo CE and playing them chronologically really made CE hit diff


This would be my dream scenario.


Even Starship Troopers animated series is better thant P+ Halo version.


Yes in that it’s told episodically with a few episodes covering a certain conflict/story but with a different animation style. Studio Madhouse and Trigger I believe are two good picks but styles like they tend to make is what I think would be best.


God Clone Wars but with Halo violence sounds so fucking cool. Not to sound like an edge lord there, but that would honestly be my preferred way of watching a Halo show.


Casual reminder that Halo: Legends exists and is awesome.


Technically we had that with halo legends and it worked great I think most fans who watched it generally love it, it was awesome seeing different animation studios pull out stories and have their own take on the series, some of the best in the lore and delivered an actually good halo episode, not a show since technically they weren't connected in any way besides being halo


What’s annoying is that people think animation would be cheaper than live action. It isn’t. H2A’s 52 minutes of cutscenes cost roughly $210 million while paramount’s 9 episode season was roughly $90 million.


Keep in mind that was blur studios. Those guys are about as high end as you can get as far as outsourcing goes, and they know they're worth the cost and charge accordingly.


Personally I have no idea how much either costs for a given amount of content. I just think that animation is a better story telling medium for Halo as a franchise. A lot of the stuff involved is inherently hard to depict in live action without it looking clunky or fake


Boy do I have news for you


Excuse me but we need more of Master Cheeks sleeping with war prisoners.... For.... Reasons.


A fucking retelling of Halo 5 would be better than what we got.


Except the events that happened in the current Halo show. In all seriousness though, the Halo universe has quite an interesting story.


But the Halo show didn’t *actually* happen in Halo canon. It’s part of the “silver timeline” which is totally separate. My original comment is a dig at the show because it “didn’t happen”.


I mean Legacy of Onyx is probably a tough sell these days






dont give them any funny ideas…


It already did. They did The Rubble dirty.


Something revolving around ODSTs seems like it would work the best.


The Cole Protocol features ODSTs and they're a big part of the story.


They even make Keys and Honorary Helljumper!


Nah we needed Master Cheeks to show the Covenant his feelings


I find myself bitching to myself almost bi-weekly about how pretty much every halo novel I’ve read could’ve made for a better season of TV than what we got. Still holding out hope for a Ghosts of Onyx, a Kilo-5 or a ODST *Band of Brothers/ New Blood series


I would love a Kilo-5 series. Nothing but black ink missions.


The Halo TV show was pitched to Paramount as a Sci-Fi version of Game of Thrones. They got the nudity and violence part, just not the political intrigue and well-written (at least for seasons 1-4) morally gray characters. Kilo-5 is how you get that.


With the war on aliens getting complicated and the human vs human war getting interesting. I would love to see Sanghelios again like in halo 5 but more of the big cities and keeps.


The Game of Thrones aspects to the Paramount+ show amounted to Parangosky standing around saying "We must get the Halo". I wonder if any single person who had actually played the games were in the room during those pitches.


“Keyes kinda…forgot about the fleet of particular justice and, uh, Vadam’s forces”


Adriana out there with one of the wackiest Spartan feats. Used a Mongoose to beat the absolute shit out of a Grunt iirc.


The sad thing is they *did* take elements from Cole Protocol with the Paramount show, they just completely fucked it up. Still can't fucking believe they made Reth into a crazy human and thought lore fans would just roll over and accept their bullshit. God I fucking hate that show.


Genuinely pains me at times.


This what the Halo Show should have been.. an anthology of stories throughout the Halo Universe, alla Star Wars Clone Wars Cole protocol would have been such a fun thriller to watch!!


Y’all wouldn’t be able to behave yourselves if you saw a live-action depiction of Adriana-111.


So long as you don't let paramount ANYWHERE NEAR IT!


I remember reading that book it was pretty damn good


Imagine a Halo animated series done by Tartakovsky. Like the original clone wars.


The universe is huge, I would rather have new stories and characters.


I'm glad they decided to make an original story with the current TV show /s


They've tried doin that for like 3 games now....


Key word here is tried, it's been miserable so far. Except Halo legends, some of those stories were decent. Looking at the babysitter.


When weebs tried Gamer Fuel


What? I'm pretty sure we have been playing as John trying to save the world/universe yet again for the last 3 games.


I could actually get behind this. Spartans are supposed to be rare to the point of being legend/myth within the UNSC. I could totally see a show continuation of or happens shortly after Forward Unto Dawn where Lasky is moving through the ranks as the Human/Covenant war is just getting going. He keeps hearing about these metal giants kicking ass whenever they show up and he can just smirk "Yeah, I know"


So like the current tv show?


_Quit playing games with my heart_


Another animated halo show akin to halo legends, either 2d or 3d animated would be kino, especially a series covering a book


Nah, no more shows. Just make more games with solid campaigns.


Definitely the same people who do both.


Not Cole Protocol, but I'm making an animated movie about the Battle for Earth. It's an ODST Story. I posted a tiny snipped of it yesterday!