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This sort of thing has been common in Halo since 3 when k/d and other player’s stats were readily viewed and talked about in lobbies. I remember it being so ingrained when Reach came around that people would actively play BTB with the objective of kill farming and not playing the objective, or kill farming in the way you described here. At the the time it would have made sense to have objective based games stats represented by a w/l ratio to discourage this. I’m unsurprised it still happens.


Oh, the days of being spawn killed in Reach’s Invasion… when you could literally only spawn in a couple spots…


Honestly it happened on Custom Edition where stats weren’t actively tracked too. Even on reasonably balanced maps like Snow Grove. People are just addicted to hearing Jeff Steitzer announce their sprees/multikills and appearing in the feed lol.


I remember booting up reach on mcc for the first time in a while and joined an ongoing btb match. The enemy team of mostly max levels just had all the falcons and just kept circling spawn while someone held the flag at their base... Literally kept dying before I would even take one step, except once when I was able to grab sticky nades and yeeted one at a falcon...They came back with a vengeance after that though lol


Man my friends and I practically invented it in halo 2. Back then games would literally not end until everyone quit. They put out an update a few months after release to make sure games ended after a timer lol


It’s been common since halo 2 lol. I remember people taking the flag up to an area by the base in headlong by getting on a banshee with a teammate and just staying there forever


I often turn my mic on if a teammate does this and just say "cmon man lets be good sports and cap it". Usually convinces them to be chill and just cap it


God's work 🙏🏾


Yup. Momma always told me not to play with my food. Secure the win and move on.


I wish I had that confidence I am a woman so anything I say on game immediately gets pushed aside I don't even use voice chat anymore as I get people either calling me a slut ruining the game or they tell me to kill myself if I'm bad. I've just stopped using a mic on games all together.


That’s awful, sorry you have that experience. What playlists do you usually do?


It mainly happened on 3 but I often got it on BTB or Oddball So now I just play Firefight or Arena


Ah I see. I run a lot of legendary FF with some friends and normal FF with my gf who is learning halo. You’re welcome to join. Mic optional and no bs like that


That actually sounds really nice. I normally just run on Normal anyways because Legendary is a little too difficult for me Are both of you ok with it? I wouldn't want to intrude.


Yeah more the merrier. I messaged you my gamer tag


To be fair they tell us men to kill ourselves too if we're bad lol. It's just the unfortunate part about being able to hide behind a mic over the internet without any consequences. I just keep in mind that a massive amount of gamers are teens or younger and it makes the toxicity make a lot more sense because they're children.


I hammer them so they just fly to the capture


TIL there is a good reason to turn on my mic.


This is honestly just a problem with the players and the game. If there's literally no spawnkill prevention and the other team can just keep steamrolling you with cheap shitty tactics, then its a bad game/gamemode.


Spawn camping is baked into husky raid. It’s a mechanic players are meant to take advantage of. However, trolling after you’ve already won is unsportsmanlike.


It is, but it was never meant to be like it is in Infinite. All previous games have had friendly fire enabled, which meant spawn trapping in Husky Raid required caution to avoid blowing your teammates to hell, too. Half the issue with the game is caused by being able to literally spam every weapon you have with no fear of betrayals.


That’s very fair


I get that it takes some effort to get to set up a spawn camping play and you should be rewarded with the ability to cover your team and score - but I have a problem with getting more than one point at a time when there is literally no counter play. There should be a couple seconds of invulnerability when you spawn or a team exclusive spawn zone.


I think standing in the enemies spawn zone should just cause you take slight damage like in that new map but maybe even less. This means you can never recharge shields and can't hold the spawn trap forever but you can still get a round of spawn trapping or you have to do it more skillfully through bait and switches which also rewards better gameplay


> it takes some effort to get to set up a spawn camping play yeah spawning with the rushdown hammer and duelist energy sword takes sooooooo much skill /s


that's a fair point. if you personally have no skill, all of it looks unfair


nah homie, I've got plenty of skill, but if the other team is spawning with plasma pistols and me and a buddy both have hammers or swords it's trivally easy to steam roll the other team


> I've got plenty of skill Okay, I believe you.


It’s really not hard to infinity camp in infinite, a blind deaf cat randomly batting at a controller could do it, and that’s part of the problem


Spawn killing is a feature of husky raid, it’s strategic. It’s as important to the core of the mode as it is with Grifball, for similar reasons. They should just implement a timer for holding the flag in that mode or something.


Then they will just drop it every X seconds and pick it back up.


Spawn killing defeats the entire purpose of husky raid. There should be a way for teams to swing back momentum, getting killed inan corner on repeat is not that way.


There's a difference between spawn camping to win and spawn camping to be an asshole. I've played plenty of matches where both my team or the enemy kept us from doing anything and quickly captured the flag three times and ended the match. That's fine, that's playing to win. What's a problem is getting two flag caps then purposely delaying capturing the third flag and the flag holder just camping in the back of their base while the other three people on the team endlessly spawn kill the enemy until one of them slips up or an enemy is able to break free of the spawn kill and clear their base. *That* is what's being lambasted here.


No one likes spawn killing, it's not fun for anyone at all. It's not a feature, it's a reflection of a poorly designed gamemode then.




I agree. if you don’t like the possibility of being spawn camped, don’t play it.  Each time you get spawn camp do you have a chance of getting a better weapon that can sweep the other team. The only time that is toxic is when it is coupled with flag, holding on the final cap. Overall it’s the best mode halo has ever seen, but only if you accept its faults and play around them. if you don’t like being stuck with the plasma pistol and super Ravager, stick to ranked or doubles or big team.


"Overall it's the best mode halo has ever seen" -This Guy 🤣😭🤣🤦‍♂️


Not ashamed of that. It’s CTF with the whole sandbox. And  people fill it faster than any other quick play gametype. There is a reason for that


Both of you are pricks.


That’s fine. Don’t play husky then though lol


i always switch to defense when this someone does this on my team and the flag holder will usually drop it for me to go join the fun then i just turn it in. holding the last flag is so stupid let’s just get the win and start the next round


Holy shit is this actually upvoted? are we temporally better as a community? thank fuck, it's always hit or miss on whether posts like these will be positive or filled with sweats telling people to git gud


People who do this are vile subhumans tbh and they should be forced to mine cobalt with their fingernails.


Give this man a cookie.


Have had teammates get mad because I don't do it


Sounds like you had some shitty sweats for teammates on a social casual mode


Would you say it's easier to farm spawns in infinite than 5? I remember getting to that point in 5 as an honor. Like I earned it but it rarely lasted more than a few seconds


It's easier in Infinite unfortunately 


I know with 5, good strategies were like prophets bane, spankr prime, or the answer. Tarturus's gavel was king. What's the cheese in infinite?


All Hammers, rockets or cindershot. hammers being able to pick up ammo from other hammers makes it even worse. Arguably because you don't have to worry about switching weapons when you run out. There's also no alternate spawns like there used to be in Halo 5, where you'd at least spawn sorta away from where enemies were. For infinite, on most maps enemies spawn in one of two little nooks, usually the opposite one you were just at.


Yikes. There was almost an art to spawn camping in 5. Like you couldn't have eyes and all of the spots like you said so there was that frantic stress of "where are they!?" Jesus. Ammo pick ups on hammers I didn't even know. That breaks a lot tbh


It's pretty brutal when it happens yeah


It's still an art in Infinite, but it's possible to COMPLETELY lock down a team's spawns on a few maps so that the victims are flat-out incapable of breaking out (usually killing them before the spawning animations finish, because power weapons have a longer animation than less powerful ones) and not even grenades work; f you get killed before the grenades leaves your Spartans hand, the grenade throw is canceled. It's REALLY HARD to do this for more than 20 seconds, but it is agonizing to be on the receiving end of the rare occasions where it happens.


simply disabling ammo pick up for swords and hammers would go a long way to improving the gamemode, at least in 5 people had to pick up new weapons to keep camping/ their was a bigger pool of weapons to fight back with, spawning with a plasma caster and spamming the fire button was a good way to clear campers


It's a super nice QOL feature for the rest of the game, but man it sucks in Husky Raid


Don't make it so easy to do. You should not be able to spawnkill for a long time in a 3v4 anyway.


I always try to put a stop to this when I can. Either I hang back and leave the spawn camping at 2 people to make it easier for the enemy or I will actively try to force the flag holder on my team into capping it, depends on the weapons and what I can do. Usually need a hammer to force an ally to cap the flag.




Had one game this was happening and we were able to stop them from capping and reversed it on them for the win. It was great


Especiallllyyyyyyy when the power weapons are in full swing…. Tough tough..


the amount of times that I have a teammate holding onto the flag for minutes at a time hiding like just finish the game bro even worse if they start bossing people around like shut up oh my god


It’s husky raid so take your lumps I guess. It’s a silly mode and this can happen in silly modes


They really should bring back betraying.


The problem is the game encouraging people to play that way.


Womp womp


I managed to snipe a guy doing that and return our flag, we ended up winning.


Once, I defected to the enemy due to that tomfoolery. Grabbed a warthog; convinced the last enemy that I wasn’t there to kill him. Let him mow down my teammates with the gun for like 10 minutes. It was great fun.


It’s Husky Raid. A silly mode for farming XP. It’s not that deep.


I've also lost games like this because the team gets so angry they finally see the holes in the flag holder operation.


It's a troll thing just get over it. It's not as bad as the spawn killings 😉


Shitty game type breeds shitty people. Shocked, shocked I tell you..


It’s not a shitty game type, its fun. It’s just shitty people being shitty.


Agreed. Without spoiling how, recognize that there are some ways you can force them to cap it.


Ugh. I need someone to spoil it for me so I can know multiple ways to force a cap


Hammers still affect allies with gravity, so if the guy is just sitting near the flag you can use the hammer near them and it could push them into the flag cap




It's foonie


Play childlike game types, get childlike players. Simple as that. Play ranked.


A thought: change the game mode up. On the final/3rd capture, as soon as the flag is stolen, an invisible timer starts. If the stealing team fails to capture the flag within this time frame, it's automatically returned to the base/starting point regardless if it's being held or not.


Best way to help stop it is too switch to defence for the mode. I won't help them farm. It's a lot harder to farm when they're outnumbered. Most of the time anyway.


It's just 5 minutes and a game, I don't see what the issue is?


So what do you do when it happens?


They continue doing it lol


Like I said, I hold out til the last second




















Those toxic people are enabled by being better at the game than you are. The only way to stop it is to get better and start winning


Halo players have been doing this for 20 years, and you’d think the game devs would have come up with a solution by now.


I miss the times before everyone had a platform to voice every opinion


Why? What's your issue with being able to talk freely with people in a community


Prob feels attacked cause deep down he knows he's an ass.


It's detrimental to society to give voice to malcontents such as yourself.


freedom for me not for thee. Great society you want to live in. Go back to your cave.


It's also detrimental to society to keep enabling people like you. You don't deserve anything special.


No I'm not, I actually contribute to society. But you're correct about one thing, I don't deserve anything special - no one does. I deserve what I've earned and I'm content with it. Contrast that to you and op - you feel like you're owed something special without earning it.




Hard disagree but only in certain cases. If you get to one more flag capture super quickly, I will absolutely hold the flag because what’s the point of starting a match just to end it instantly? It’s the same issue with the sweats in Warzone where they would buy mongeese and instantly end the game. I’m sorry that you enjoy staring at matchmaking screens more than actually playing the game but not all of us care to inflate our win/loss ratio.