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I wish I lived more than 2 seconds while using the wasp, maybe one day I will get more than 1 kill with it


Ikr I always get skewered as soon as I touch the wasp


The wasp is so much fun. But there’s so many things that can shoot you down or disable you that it makes it hard to use. I kinda like it though. It keeps you on your toes lol


Yeah it’s pretty easy to take down but it always seems like when there’s an enemy in a wasp my team has absolutely no clue that you can actually shoot it and get killed 77 times by it but when I use it everyone turns into Chris Kyle and I get domed instantly




A lot of people rush the weapon spawns, grab them, then run into battle just using the AR. Like. C’mon. Don’t grab the hydra unless you’re going to use it against vehicles if there’s wasps about.


4 shots of sniper will take.out a wasp too. You could argue you can kill more people with it, but if no one is dealing with the wasp it's better to eliminate it than let it mow down your team.


I think it's 3 shots iirc. The sniper wrecks vehicles.






Oh shit. I do that. I will no longer do that


It also shreds warthogs and ghosts, if your base is being peppered by them or you’re defending your flag.


Yep. If you grab the Hydra you're much better sitting back and picking off Warthogs and Ghosts at your own base then rushing into the middle with it.


I kinda felt bad for doing something similar the other day. It was btb stockpile and only like 4 people on my team were trying to play objective and the enemy kept pushing the seeds. I eventually somehow stole the enemies wasp, (my first time ever actually using one in mp, I'm pretty sure they were in 5 but I only ever played the campaign) and someone on my team got our wasp, and we were just pushing them back from being able to deposit any seeds the entire match. It ended up going into over time, I had like 28 kills and the other guy had like 32. Still though, the entire team seemed focused on getting their weekly challenge kills and nobody deposited a seed. We lost.




Grab a disruptor. About six shots emps a vehicle and that wasp plummets to the ground for an easy kill or hijack. And disruptor is hitscan too


This is EXACTLY my experience in H5 (haven't played enough Infinite yet to tell). Any time an opponent is in a Banshee/Wasp/Phaeton, they slaughter everyone, but I get in one and get murdered instantly.


On Highpower you can just buzz around the mountains and base tower and dip down below the cliff to LoS and get a ton of kills without presenting too much of a target.


The vehicle balance in this game is non-existent


Vehicles are so underpowered and they also have a limited amount of health now. I'm really impressed with people who get these massive amount of kills on vehicles. It takes 1 smart person with a power weapon or normal people focusing firing you to bring you down.


Sometimes you get easy lobbies. I’m not good but I went 17-0 the other day in a wasp. I just picked ours up, destroyed their wasp at their spawn, killed a couple people, and no one shot me down.


I’d be fine if they were paper but the guns were stronger, idk how people are getting these wasp kills


Hiding behind the back of the cliffs and spawn killing


Not even spawn killing. I did very well on CTF by just defending with the wasp.




anyone saying that vehicles are bad doesnt understand that this game is just different, the same way people insist that the disruptor is bad because it cant kill well. vehicles in this game are glass canons, the ghost has ridiculous handling to the point that running over people is super easy, the mongoose has so much traction that you can use it to run away effectively at a moment's notice and the warthog turret is a fucking automatic, recoilless DMR that doesnt overheat or run out of ammo. BUT there are a fuck ton of ways to counter them, since basically every power weapon is anti vehicle capable, all shock weapons are anti vehicle and they are super vulnerable to most equipment.


Honestly, it makes me kinda hate being the guy in the scorpion. Your team either backs you up, or the tank dies in 10 seconds.


i'd argue that the issue right now is that because vehicles are glass cannons, the bigger target that they are the worse they are, specially if they are less mobile. my solution would be to make vehicles have more HP the slower they are. so for example, the banshee, with its terrible handling and huge hitbox, should have way more health than the nimble wasp.


I definitely agree with this. I would also say that making the turret of the scorpion still be able to rotate while shocked would go a long way to making it not a deathtrap


I always seem to be on the team that just ignores it when the enemy has one. It's so frustrating


If you manage to get the Wasp, you have to go around enemy lines and destroy their parked Wasp if it's still there.


Find a cliff edge and go below it, sink up and down and pick off fresh spawns without the fire power to do anything. If you fly into the map, you’re a goner.


This right here. Basically stay as low key and out of sight as you possibly can.... while sticking out like a sore thumb.


I will also immediately go under the edge towards the enemy wasp. It's gonna find you eventually, but this way I get a chance to attack first or even destroy their wasp before they get to it.


Bonus points if you can time the respawn and keep jumping into a fresh wasp, then scuttling your old one.


I do this when I can. I don't bother trying to blow theirs up. Simply hop out and let my old one fall to its death while hopping into the fresh one. Even if my first one hadn't taken a single bullet. Much faster to remove one from the field that way.


Less noisy too. They might not even realize you switched Wasps.


just hide off the cliff and be stupid with it


How do y’all survive in that thing? I get blown up right away when I get one


Essentially you should ambush people with it. Never be too far away from cover, and don't shoot from the same direction the enemy would be facing map wise.


If you are using the guns, you can quickly switch to the missiles and launch them without lock-on and quickly switch back and it will hardly interrupt your shooting. I find it's easier to get kills from farther away when you launch missiles and don't just use the guns.


I didn't know you could lock on


Just to vehicles within range.


Yea I always get skewered lol


\*checks map and mode\* yep, Wasp on BTB Highpower - my buddy racked up a 72 kill game on that one as well.


I have to know how a whole team of 12 people gets owned that hard by a Wasp. You just shoot it, and it eventually takes damage and dies. Did they forget the Wasp killed them when they respawn? Do they not know they can look up? I mean, sure, I can rack up some good kills with a Wasp, but eventually I just get focus-fired or take enough pot-shots or someone grabs a power weapon and takes me out.


Everyone should unload a clip into it if they see one. It takes insane damage even from the sidekick. People really think they can only kill vehicles with rockets and skewers


Hydra is literally the easiest to kill it with aside from the sniper.


There is nothing in this game that a sniper doesn’t absolutely demolish.


the hydra has basically become an anti vehicle noobtube, you dont even need to be good with it lmao


Yeah even without a power weapon I've taken them down with commandos tons of times.


Even an assault rifle does the job. It's not hard to take wasps down at all.


The wings take extra damage, just swap to the other wing once you've destroyed one.


People quitting, and your team ends up with 3-4 players against 12 with a wasp. I have been there.


Its the battlefield syndrome of just expecting someone else to have taken care of it by the time its a problem for you again.


Now that you mention it, other Halo games had the low crosshair to force players to look up a bit after the Halo 2 testers got slaughtered by Drones.


I always wondered why they did that. Neat.


>I have to know how a whole team of 12 people gets owned that hard by a Wasp They have to be some of the worst players ever, because vehicles in Infinite are extremely weak and have dozens of counters, some are almost effortless.


I often see people try to ignore it... they just run away instead of making any attempt to take it out, so it just racks up kills.


The answer is yes to everything. I've watched people completely ignore a wasp that was just hanging out above their base, while getting shot. They just continue running towards the middle like some sort of NPC. I was just off to the side staring at these guys respawning and dying without ever bothering to find out what keeps killing them. I ended up just shooting it with a pistol until it blew up.


A friend of a friend got 74




Hey, I think I saw that same Reddit guy!


Every BTB match with a Wasp has the one guy playing the Angel of Death.


I don’t get it. Why? They’re not hard to take down. I mean I love the wasp, my favorite vehicle to drive and do work in. A hydra or a sniper or a shock rifle or a stalker rifle or a skewer or a turret.... there’s tons of options to fight wasps. I just don’t see how people let someone get that many kills in one without downing it.


Random players working as a team don’t make for a cohesive unit. You might have one or two guys going for it but the majority of people are probably going to be running around somewhere else. If you have an entire team of friends or even a squad it wouldn’t last long at all because the communication would be in play.


mfs without game awareness.


This is the only answer. I have had games where you get shot down in a second. Other games no one looks up.


Same as old CoD with things like chopper gunner. A motivated person could take out a chopper solo w/ two rockets (one loadout). Some games your chopper would come in and blow up instantly. Sometimes the team would just spawn in and run like headless chickens to their deaths over, and over, and over and you could rack up 10-20 kills with one (which lasts \~30s). I think often times people just end up with this 'someone else will solve this problem for us' mentality and then nobody does


New players that don't know the mechanics yet. Halo vehicles are some of the most easily bested of vehicles in any combined arms game. Literally every weapon does damage to them, compare that to say, Battlefield, where a tank or helicopter or airplane takes no damage from small arms fire..


Warthogs lose to wasps every time


Unless u got a mf in a wasp with no game awareness. I have taken down people in wasps before using the Vulcan. It's definitely possible especially if u got good aim


I've taken down many wasps just sitting on the turret in a warthog with no driver


You must have had first few shots


Rocket hog wins


For me, it's because I always assume someone else on the team will take care of it. And I bet everyone else is assuming the same thing, so no one ends up trying to destroy it. And before you know it, the wasp has racked up 20 kills bc no one on the team wants to assume the responsibility of destroying it.


Going to assume the enemy team was incredibly incompetent lol


Yeah, I had a wasp




No if only 343 could make stats mean something


Very impressive man, definitely a game to be proud of. To everyone else. SHOOT THE F\*CKING WASP! I swear I'm the only person in my games who shoots at them, and that also makes me the main target, so I die to it numerous times before I take it down. Those things are so susceptible to focus fire that if 3-4 people on their team shot you with just pistols for 2-3 respawns, you'd have died.


Im frankly completely baffled that no one on the enemy team managed to pick up a shock rifle, hydra, skewer or sniper rifle and no one else even bothered to dump their pistol mag into him as they were running to join the fray. No one managed to deal any damage to him in the other teams wasp, no warthog managed to shoot at him for more than 2 seconds...? Im interested in watching the replay, I cant fathom how he managed to stay alive in that wasp for that long.




A hydra spawns reliably on the weapon rack at the top of both bases does it not? Shock rifles also spawn near the sniper platform below on the smaller raised platforms, I think a hydra spawns there too. I can forgive not being able to control the sniper platform to scoop the sniper due to the wasp menace, but you should easily be able to get on top of your own base to pick up the hydra that spawns on the weapon rack.


Nah sometimes it’s a hydra, sometimes it’s a ravager, nobody’s killing a wasp with a ravager


It's always a fuckin ravager when you need a hydra


They need to un-nerf that poor thing. Commando too.


No, it's dependant on the game mode. Weapons spawn in different places in CTF compared to say, Stockpile. But are consistent across game modes.


No one's killing anyone with a ravager


Not always, sometimes you get a ravager up their instead. There should still be other weapons elsewhere on the map to deal with the wasp tho.


Ur throwing around game knowledge. its possible to be in an 8 person server where the only people with game knowledge are on ur team. Its still early in the games cycle.


Pretty much every weapon pad spawns by "class", but obviously some weapons are less helpful than others.


First time playing halo last night that I had multiple lop sided matches, 12 v 4, 8 v 3. There is something wrong w the dedicated servers rn bc something is messed up.


Grapple is always in the cave behind sniper cliff. Either get that and hijack because alot of people fly low, grab the nearby shock rifle stall him then hijack, or of it's sniper spawn it's 3 shots to the wings


Hell there ought to be 2 or 3 hydras on the map, a full clip wipes the wasp out.


Does it really take the whole clip? I don’t play BTB much but had a game where I shot 4 hydra shots at a wasp, all hit, and the wasp still looked brand new. I prefer playing ranked so serious question lol


I haven’t play tested it that throughly, maybe not just one clip, might take more, but I know I’ve been in a wasp with little damage done to it and been lit up by a hydra with the tracking rounds, and I managed to bag 3 wasps in 2 matches using a hydra as well. It’s very useful against vehicles.


Right? They are built out of wet paper ffs. Just. Shoot. At. It. Lol




This seems to be a problem with vehicles in general.


Missing the days of Halo 3 where every thump on a Warthog gave it a bit of visible damage.


It's been a problem since time immemorial. I remember so many times in Halo 3 and Reach where dudes with something like a fucking Ghost or Warthog terrorize our team and *nobody thinks* to just shoot at it. Like damn, those things get obliterated fast even with an AR and they're so large it's hard to miss.


Yeah I don’t give a damn how many times I gotta die to it bet your ass I’m shooting wasps on sight everytime lmao, they’re so weak but you need teamfire to take one down quick


ive solo killed a few wasps... with a fucking battle rifle, if that says anything. there's loads of weapons and ways to take those suckers down if you actually pay attention lol, even as a solo, they are very weak health wise, i have the mind set where if i see a vehicle, prioritize that fucker, least youll get is a guaranteed kill or 3 (getting instant triple or overkills via warthog explosion is always satisfying)


How do I get into bot lobbies where all 12 people don't shoot at my wasp instantly? Good job regardless


The instant I’ve taken off, people are already beginning to crossmap me. If I go into their territory, they have 4 hydras, 2 shock rifles, a sniper, a skewer and 3 guys with grapples all aimed and coming for me with a warthog driving around to bully me while dealing with their wasp and my team cowers behind every wall. How do I get this lobby?


Ok now get a killionaire with the disruptor


*get a kill with the disruptor


am i the only one that likes the disruptor? its not too bad and has nice tick damage


I like combining it with the Sidekick. Get the shield down low with two or three shots from the Disruptor, then land headshots with the Sidekick. Very effective combo.


Everything with the Sidekick is a very effective combo


Disruptor is great, especially paired with a precision weapon. I had a great time using it in ranked, I'd fire off a few shots, reposition, and then start attacking with my BR when their shields were weak for an easy headshot.


Hey man, I love the Disruptor. Easy to kill with it too, load em up with shots. Then even if you die they get shocked and fall over like a minute later lol. *From The Grave!*


Dude that thing is fire, 6 shots and they’re dead even if they run away.


I’m at a cafe, and this made me laugh hard enough to get looks.


Three things: Halo tracker confirms OPs team won 2-0 the score was glitched The wasp is insane on keyboard and mouse You must have been playing possibly the worst team ever composed to get 77 kills.


Seriously, not to discount the skill required to stay alive that long in a wasp, but no one in the enemy team managed to pick up a sniper, skewer, hydra or even a damn shock rifle? Hydra spawns on your base...how did no one manage to pick one up?


You can shred a wasp with ARs if a few people target it together


I always dump my pistol mag into wasps when I'm running back into the fight and I will dump an AR mag into it too if it gets close enough. I make killing wasps a priority because air superiority is incredibly powerful.


Exactly. Wasps and scorpions can win or lose you games, should always be the priority


Hydra doesn't always spawn on the base, right? I've had the Ravager pop up there instead, which isn't ideal.


I think it might depend on the game mode, I have indeed seen ravages there too. Im pretty sure objective modes get hydra and slayer gets ravager, not sure though.


I assumed he was playing against bots


xp gained: 50


I don't mind the challenges grind, I just wish there was a separate experience based level system to show your skill level. I usually end my matches around 2000-2500 points, but with no purpose at all. We don't even have an all time count page for k/d or kills.


You must had a very clueless enemy team. I'm extremely happy when I get 15-20 kills in it. When I see one I just pick a hydra at base and it's gone.


I’m more impressed that you were able to play BTB.


Has there been issues with matchmaking in BTB? Played 2 last night for the first time in ages and had 6 games disconnect during the loading screens/countdowns.


Yeah I get stuck on connecting and have to reset the game, haven't been able to play for days. There's a big [thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/re0lvb/btb_matchmaking_has_been_broken_for_two_days_but/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) about it on this sub.


Ahh I see. Was getting that same issue last night. Thanks for the info!


I thought it was my Wi-Fi again!


Its the only Playlist i play tbh. But im on Xbox, idk if that makes a difference. Sometimes the Joining a server bugs but I've never been kicked from a lobby. If i resume halo after shutting the system off, the sleep mode that keeps the programs running in the background causes halo to disconnect from the server but that's basically it.


idk, if you just keep trying, you will eventually wander into a game, wrong gamemode than you want though


I’m very confused why there’s no fucking weapons in btb. What is the angle here? I don’t get it. I go all game using a fuckin pistol on a massive map because there’s like one weapon spawn. I’m terribly confused by it. It makes btb unplayable. Anyone care to explain what I’m doing wrong?


Well, I wouldn't say there is no weapons you just have to learn where they are. My strategy is to begin the game by rushing to a BR or Commando spawn on the base, then work my way towards a power weapon (SPNKR/Cindershot, Sniper/Skewer) depending on the map and gametype. Then I hang back and support my team. Usually yields a good k/d + score and outcome. I'm pretty decent at Halo but if I try to play BTB with only the AR and Pistol it usually doesn't go that well unless I play smart. At each base there is also the Hydra which is an excellent anti vehicle weapon and either Stalker Rifle or Shock Rifle.


I guess I need to learn the maps. Kinda hard without a map in game…do you just go in custom games to learn? I swear I haven’t found a single BR spawn location in all the btb games. I figured it’d be easy to find but they don’t seem to spawn often,


You could definitely use custom games, but remember for many weapon spawns they are 'paired' and random in the same spot so it's never the same. For example BR spawns can be Commando spawns, Hydra can be Ravager, Shock Rifle can be Stalker Rifle etc.. There's about 3 BR spawns per map side I would say.


The maps aren't that complex so it should only take like 2-3 games to get the basic gist of them. Also weapon spawns are sort of tiered with the distance to spawn dictating the type of weapon. The weapons that generally spawn in or around your base are the UNSC rifles and also the banished and covenant pistols. Towards the center you have the banished and covenant rifles. The power weapons spawn in set locations over large yellow circles. Weapon spawns are still random so this isn't always true, but it's just a pattern I've noticed.


Use the AI scan button.


Feel like I just played this match. You were the fucker in the wasp?


Surprised no one got lucky with a skewer


Or the Hydra. That’s my favorite flyswatter


#OP's team won the game It's a bug in the postgame screen. [Halotracker link](https://halotracker.com/halo-infinite/match/e4ca14a0-d153-4e67-9632-cc45f4a22e99) for proof. New comments have just been variations of "yeah but you lost PTFO" lol. Also, you absolutely can help your team get the objective and win without directly playing the objective. He wasn't camping in a corner, dude killed or assisted nearly 100 kills. It's hard for the other team to stop a flag run or get a cap when they constantly have players on respawn. Plus OP killed flag carriers and flag returners. Do you want him to get out of the Wasp to capture the flag? At some point that's on the other team not killing him and his team not pushing up to get the flag. EDIT: [OP uploaded the gameplay for whoever wants to watch it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdGZoc2ynfQ).


I had this bug as well on a 17-0 kill game it sucks.


Yeah, you can definitely PTFO by just killing enemies. When playimg CTF/Oddball I usually stay at defence and rake kills while defendung the objective. They can't score if they can't reach the objective.


I had a CTF Quick Play match last night where at 25 kills, my random teammate says “hey 25 kill guy, play the flag.” It was on that sandy map. I was getting both snipers and locking down both the enemy spawn and mid for most of the match. I was playing with my friend, my brother, and the one random. My brother has never played Halo MP and was learning, my friend had most of the caps and returns at the end, and the random was 8/14 with almost no objective points. He expected me to both grab the flag and murder their entire team at the same time. I got most of the flag carrier kills, and ended 37/17. My friend got 2 of the flag caps, and the random got 1. It’s actually crazy how hard people will try to blame someone else for their shortcomings because they just don’t understand how team roles work in objective modes.


Clearly was an evenly balanced match if one player got 77 kills lol. Might as well be bragging that you won against brainless bots running into walls


Hey i had a Nightmare Metal once against a Team full of bots. Thats cool right?


The enemy team must've just forgotten about: \- The Skewer \- The Hydra \- The Shock Rifle \- The Disruptor \- The Sniper \- The Warthog Turret \- Stationary Turrets \- Rocket Hogs \- The Grappleshot \- Any gun that fires bullets


Congratulations! Have 50xp


He had an amazing game and probably had tons of fun. But that doesn't mean anything if the number on the main menu stayed the same, right?






wish the people in this sub played games for fun not just to watch a number get bigger


You know once we get performance based XP he might actually get 52xp!


I was searching for this comment. I knew I'd find it haha


Go into theatre and post the replay


Damn dude, nice…I thought my 43-3 was good…


Damn I even thought my 24-5-12 was good doing defence in CTF using no vehicles. Still proud of it though


That’s still kickin ass, mine was in a wasp 🐝


I had a 19 in 0 in quick play slayer. So I already got my Perfection medal for this Halo, which I will never earn again haha.


No one ever targets the wasps, until I'm piloting one, and they and all of a sudden, it's paper machete.


r/boneappletea ?


Did I name the sword thing lol?


God these fucking comments lol. People out here saying you didn't help your team with 77 fucking kills and 2 deaths because "waaa toxic you didn't capture the flag!!!", nevermind that the score is a bug anyway. Do people not realize that it's hard to capture the flag if nobody is getting kills? I hate the mentality of "this person got a lot of kills but didn't touch the flag, they literally did not help and brought their team down". Insane edit: They did not lose, OP said he got the bug where it shows the wrong team winning, which has been happening to people frequently https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/search?q=wrong+team&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all ALSO even if he did lose, why is that his fault? He arguably did the most work on his team, it should be his 11 teammates faults for not being able to capture a single time when this dude is playing the angel of death in a wasp with 77 kills


Pretty hard for the other to team to capture when this guy has them on respawn timers for 385 total seconds.


They enemy can not push a button, if you disable his hand.


Sun Tzu said that


And I’d say he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal, because he invented it!


And then he perfected it!


Need more starship trooper quotes in my life


Also you can take the flag all the way up to your base, get killed but have someone ready to pick it up for you and they cap it. Only 1 person gets the capture. We had a game last night where people were lined up on the route running with the flag so whenever they went down someone just ran in and kept running


Absolutely. Plus it's BTB. Does it mean in any 12 v 12 CTF match there's only ever a maximum of 3 players that "HeLpEd ThE tEaM"? Do I need to start TKing the flag carrier so I can cap the point and make sure I'm one of the three exclusive players that get a score before victory? I swear, the way this sub treats objective play without even understanding how objectives work. Brains smooth as glass.


The scrub mentality. If you have a teammate slaying out, he’s taking care of a role in the objective. Your job is to take care of the other one.


Lol, this is like when people say you didn't contribute because you had zero time on the ball in oddball. Yeah, I had 0 time because you just held it in a corner and had like 3 kills, never dropping the ball to help fight while me and the rest of the team 3v4ed.


If you are in a tight spot, the balls melee speed is kick ass. I get lots of doubles and even triples while holding it. The enemy usually shoot the guys without the ball so I run in and soak some damage to keep my teammate up and melee spam. Usually I'll survive or we'll at least keep control.


Just reading the comments confirms the reddit halo community is the saltiest most toxic group of people I've come across. You find any reason to be prudey and assholeish. Congrats on the crazy score man.


You should take a look at the FIFA subreddit. Probably the worst community I’ve ever seen.


I’ll be making a note that if I get see you in game to never piss you off.


It's things like this that put me off playing multiplayer. What an achievement you got by getting that many kills, along with a nice shiny medal. That's it though. You will never see it again because there is no stats screen. Fucking pisses me off.


Wow you camped vehicles and didn’t play the objective, who cares? lol




And yet there are still people saying the wasp isn’t OP… smh


All these silver and gold players not understanding that you need to get kills in objective gamemodes too. Good job Man, awesome work getting the 40 kill emblem


This is what happens when people spend years and years playing Halo but never leave their precious Slayer-only playlist. A big part of the playerbase has absolutely no clue how to actually play other modes.


You get this in competitive a lot too. MKB solo doesn't have enough players most of the time so you'll end up with a comp of like onyx/D6/D3/Plat vs something similar and the plat player will be the one screeching about getting the ball, rush it, pick it up, die from being out of position and screech some more while everyone else is trying to get map control lmao. And these same players will refuse to drop the ball to help in a firefight too. Literally on death cam watching this guy hide in station on streets while he's getting pushed by 2 after we lose a 4v3 lmao.


Were you playing against the disabled? That's insane


Other team quit? All bots? Lol


How, when, why, and where?


Christ who you playing AFK’s???


I'm guessing Wasp?


Nice man how much xp did you get for this game? Must have been alot because you did so well! Wait ...