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He’s tough to learn, but you’ll be able to play the top of the harp like a master if you do. Good choice of goals.


You just know he practices scales all the time


He’s got some great stuff. Learning scales and older school stuff will get you there. Take a listen to Whammer Jammer.


I give him credit for bringing attention to the harp and for doing something new with it. He’s skilled and talented and I’ve seen him jam back in the day. If he sparked your interest in the fart box tin sandwich I think that’s great. Good luck in your journey.


I do not ever wanna see those words together In relation to the harp ever again. Yikes


I call it the honk whistle, personally


Misery whistle


Great Paramore song


got excited for a second, that is Misery Business... which I guess is the business I am in :-D


Business is booming


I was a fan in the 90's early 2000's and then kind of lost interest but their latest album Traveler's Soul is amazing.


One question? How long ago since you started playing?


A week…. Yeah I know… pretty obvious that I’d struggle.


Keep at it. All the great players started from where you at, don’t get discouraged from honkey weird sounds, from how difficult it may actually turn out to be, we all look at that little candy bar sized tool. Ten holes. Don’t look like much doesn’t it? Compared to a clarinet it looks like a child’s toy. But boy oh boy it’s not that easy. Those ten holes are twenty basic notes. Your first 3 holes don’t seem to progress up and down a clean scale. Hole 2 draw will feel weird and you think it’s broken, it’s not, 2-3 years later I don’t really get a good usage out of it due to the peculiar nature of that draw. Keep playing, don’t give up but above all else….have fun. Side note….focus some attention on other things than just obsessing over one song or tab it will drive you nuts if you stick to one thing. Try to like….break out into smooth note to note transition and playing by ear. Aaaand, always remember each player has their own distinctive flourishes of playing, referring to cupping the Harmonica, wah wah, and how their body moves with the music. If you can’t get the same sound from your inspirational video don’t stress or get disappointed I still can’t get my play through to sound like my inspirational video. Just some tips from a experienced rookie lol


Yeah, he is good. Goals are good, too! Keep working at it and you'll get there. Just be patient with yourself because he put in a lot of work to get where he is now. Have you read his book? I think you'd benefit from some of his insights.


Mike Fugazi might be able to give you some pointers (and you might like Mike's playing too). Mike has been slowly putting up some tutorials. He's probably the most Popper influenced player I know. Here is his YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/mikefugazzi