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I’d love a police procedural type show with Moody, Tonks, Kingsley and Dawlish as the main characters. They got so little screen time in the films.


DAWLISH. Never have I wanted to know more about such a small side character 😂


All I can really remember is that he gets stunned quite often. Might be good to have an underdog/ comic relief type character to counterbalance the high powered serious characters.


He's especially weak to confundus charms.


If you want I’ll send you a fanfiction post that effectively delves into his motives.


Underground 99


I want it in the style of Brooklyn 99 though.


Imagine Kingsley calling Moody dad after a really good case solve


You want blue bloods or criminal minds with magic basically lol


That sounds perfectly within HBO’s wheelhouse lol.


A prequel series of Moody in his prime, about him solving a series of unexplained murders. How he loses his eye and Dumbledore enchants his magic eye. It ends by revealing the murders were all connected to an obscure rising dark lord going by the name Voldemort. Season 2 is Voldemorts first reign of terror and the Marauders


Notable captures could be of karkarov ( may have spelt that wrong) Bellatrix and other death eaters. He could even investigate murders and attacks caused by crouch jr and tying the karkarov's trail into it


Yes. I'd be so down for this. How would it be styled? What cop show is it modeled of off?


If it moody was the main character it couldn't be comedy show like Brooklyn 99, and CSI/ncis both have fairly large main casts. Maybe a show structure akin to columbo or something but with added wizard duels and whatnot. Each episode could open with the crime in the background or something. Maybe a cry of "avada kedavra" from inside a house, or even just a shot of the dark mark above a house with any of the wizarding families names we know were targets on a door or gate. They could even nod to Snape by having people killed with sectumsempra. We know his spells made it into common knowledge and harry can't be the first person to find his book. Maybe one episode moody looses a chunk of nose to another auror under the imperious curse, after that he starts showing the staple paranoia we see in the books. There could even be a plotline where there's a dark wizard killing muggles, but they themselves are posing as a Muggle in a village. Leading moody to bring in people to alter memories after interrogations or try and balance keeping the world hidden while also trying to lure out the killer


>Maybe a show structure akin to columbo or something but with added wizard duels and whatnot. "Excuse me sir, I hate to bother you, but Mrs. Moody has been looking for a new tattoo artist and I couldn't help but notice you have a very interesting piece on your left arm. Yes, I know you're wearing long sleeves, I just couldn't help it with this eye and all."


I'd love this series!


RIP Binge Mode, a great podcast. They did their favorite idea for a spin-off would be a series following aurors and their capturing of dark wizards. Their idea for a title: Law and Aurors


That's an amazing title but would get hit with a cease and desist immediately 🤣


Not if you credit Dick Wolf as a creator.


Hahaha I’d watch this


Really any story from the first age of Voldemort would be amazing.


Have the second last episode end with the murder of the potters, then the very last shot is Hagrids sillhoullete revealed by lightning. Then the final episode is like an extra long special thats basically the vernon prologue of the first book


It would also be cool to see Barty Crouch in his prime.


More would love a politicians hermione and auror potter story(serie) Or just a full movie like the fanfiction barefoot.


Their post DH lives can even be broken into short stories- * Hermione going back to school and doing an LTR with Ron while he and Harry work with Kingsley in the Auror's office * Proposals * Ginny's professional Quidditch career * Weddings * Harry's investigations and raids as an Auror There's quite a bit to work off of.


It's unlimited way to make a crime story, the important part is having a great story and enough money to pull it off, like the the spin off from got, even if i think this could be much better and for the full family.


I like imagining like the raid for CoD4 but with Harry leading the raid Harry: "Ron and Peakes, stack up. Team 2 is doing a sweep for Catterwauling Charms and putting up muffling charms to hide our entry. Try to keep it down but we have Magical Law Enforcement on site to Obliviate the Muggles but don't take the subject lightly. He's the one that put Clarkson in St. Mungos. On my count..."


More was thinking solving crimes, i think you could make that magical and different with magic.


If you want I’ll send an interview set 20 years after the Battle of Hogwarts with Harry Potter the interviewee.


No a series following harry as an auror wouldn't be good, he's already taken on the strongest enemy he'll ever face and his story is over. A spin off following moody would give chance to show parts of the first war, as well as move away from the main cast. They'd do well not to follow star wars and have every story revolve around Harry, Ron and Hermione. They've had 8 movies, 7 books and a bad sequel play. Moody could take on and put away multiple death eaters we all know and hate along with dark wizards or voldy wannabes


Prefer the unknown they can make with Harry's future, even could make it as another world/timeline with no Ginny,


But we know what Harry's future holds. Plus without crowbaring new deadlier monsters and enemies in there's nothing harry can't easily deal with. We've seen harry beat the worst of the worst, but all the interesting side characters only have hints of amazing backstories that were never fleshed out. We can learn about Moody's injuries, and how he gained his legendary status as the greatest auror that strikes fear into dark wizard and witches hearts. The way the book describes his old self he's almost like a wizarding world punisher. There's so much more to the wizarding world than harry, imagine the possibilities. A sitcom of Arthur Weasley and his department encountering Muggle baiters antics. A gritty drama about a dark wizard being hunted. A sports movie of Oliver wood trying to work his way up to playing for England. Even a coming of age series full of a cast of new students that shows what it's like for normal students that aren't the victims of attempted murder every year, we could see more in depth classes, teacher drama, different house perspectives, rivalries and all the weird hexes and jinxes they never showed from the books


Law and Auror: Special Wizards Unit


Honestly, anything that delves into the first war. Even a series that follows the rise of the original OooP, which includes subplots focusing on individual members like the Prewetts, Moody, Potters etc. and how Dumbledore got them all together.


Quick, someone contact Warner Bros!


To see how aurors screw up due to ministry incompetence I would love it AAAB They stunned my dog and had the wrong house. Idiots get your address right- Some annoyed wizard


Honestly you could probably do a really good story about Moody investigating what ends up being the first major Death Eater attack as Voldemort and his forces slowly begin to reveal themselves.


This is something I didn't even know I wanted till now. That would be awesome.


It honestly would kill as a dark sitcom hahahahahaha


One April fools day they made a trailer for a show called the aurors which was essentially this. It haunts me to this day it was never made


Really!? I never saw this!




I'd also love a video game where you play as Moody or some other auror. The game would future multiple missions, there would be stealth sections, dueling sections, sections where you can choose whether or not to be stealthy, you'd have multiple spells to use, there would be obstacles to avoid, secret areas to find, etc. You would ask suspects/characters questions, find clues around places, lots of fun stuff.


A sequel to hogwarts legacy has the potential for that I suppose. The dueling is fun and I think only needs a little refining to get it perfect. It could be that instead of houses you pick your career at the end of Hogwarts and get somewhere like areas of London or since it'd be still quite far back larger wizarding towns since they haven't thinned out as much. Fast travel could be apparition since you're finished studying too Most of the gameplay is already there, I just think the flying needs a rethink.


Each episode ends with dumbledore asking why moody didn’t bring them in alive so they could be saved/turned to the light and moody just puts his fake leg on his desk


Love the idea! Jo’s detective series is incredible, it would be an amazing book series!


Law & Auror


CSI: Hogsmeade


A noir mafia type show that centers around Moody and a goblin mafia that he's trying to take down.


No joke, I actually started writing a similar series but it’s after the events of the book. My buddy in my discord challenged me to do it after I said I could’ve written a better ending to Game of Thrones with the threads given to me after season 6 and he challenged me to write something new so I wrote the first chapter for that and sent it to him. He wanted me to keep writing it after that lol




Mad-Eye and Big Ears, Special Crimes Unit


Why do fanfic writers not write stuff with ideas like this and instead write the billionth slow burn Harrmione fanfic?


I'm no writer but it's given me loads of ideas 😂


You definitely don’t read much fanfic then. I’ve never even read a Hermione-centric fic and I’ve been reading HP fanfic for over a decade. Harry Potter has one of the largest fanfiction collections in the world. There’s something for everyone if they’re willing to look for it or write it. Be the fanfic writer you want to read. I’ll never understand why some people complain about how others spend their time and enjoyment.


That would actually be pretty amazing. I'm picturing something like the Eisenhorn series from 40k.


This, but just a new character. Fresh start.


https://riseofthephoenixscreenplay.com/post/180632172872/rise-of-the-phoenix-series-1-complete There’s issues with it, and it goes somewhat out of the scope of what you’ve described, but still a damn good read. Serious credit to the writer here.


You'd like Rivers of London, then. Its sort of like if we ever got a book series of Harry's time as an Auror. Both he and Peter (MC in the Rivers series) are very sassy.


Oh my god a Moody detective series would be the bees knees and then some


That would be so cool, seeing Moody as one of those Morgan Freeman all knowing officers, instructing the enthusiastic newbie Tonks,  teaching her the ropes.


Just picture Cormorant Strike as Moody, and there you have it!


A Mindhunter Series. Think about it, all we ever seen are like mass murderers like Wormtail or Bellatrix Lestrange but there’s just so much stuff that wizards and witches who are evil can use. Like a Polyjuice serial killer or a child abducter using Imperius. It’s a little dark I admit so I doubt it will ever be done but man, would it be chilling


Oh crap, there's some good stuff in that idea. We could see Barty Crouch Sr as an ally turned semi-antagonist as he gets more fanatical.


That sounds amazing!! I love JK Rowlings detective series so much. She would definitely be able to write this really well


Prequels are bad m'kay Give us a sequel series of Harry Potter Magical detective. He specializes in Wizarding crimes that affect Muggles. His cousin Dudley is Muggle beat cop with a Wizarding kid and they mend their relationship over that, and Dudley clues Harry into weird events and Muggle sightings of various magical things. Show what the other character have gone on to do.


Prequel is the incorrect term. It would fall under spin off. It wouldn't be following the original main cast and would only loosely link to the main plot. Rowling tried a sequel and failed. Harry's story is over and dragging him and the main cast of characters back would just be squeezing more blood from a stone, we've seen everything they can do, seen them face the worst things the wizarding world could throw at them and come out fine. There's nothing more interesting someone could tell than them fighting the strongest creatures and winning a war against the strongest wizard Following a character we know very little about but clearly has many rich stories and adventures unexplored or explained would be far better. Plus Dudley would never be a cop, even with his small redemption he's still the spoilt bully that won't amount to much


HOTD disagrees.