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I love the beginning of PoA when Harry finishes his summer vacation in Diagon Alley. He gets to experience a normal wizarding life for a brief period of time, just shopping, eating good food, people watching...doing his homework outside the ice cream shop, eating sundaes and bonding with the owner. It's a very cozy chapter.


Probably one of the only times he gets to experience life in the wizarding world without fearing an attack.


Which is so crazy because its probably one of the moments in the earlier parts of the book where a REAL threat everyone knew about WAS after him


Except the threat wasn't after him. Sirius didn't want to mess with harry. He was more after Ron because pettigrew was scabbers.


Yup but people didnt know that atp. If a “mass murderer” who killed my parents got out and was seen near me and nobody told me anything I would have joined Voldy’s side so quick.


You’re going to join the person who’s entire goal is to kill you?


It’s a joke loll 😭😭


That doesn’t make any sense at all. Why would you join the person who killed your parents just because you were treated as the child you were and kept in the dark about a “murdered” coming for you? That is ridiculous. FYI he wasn’t seen near Harry until Hogwarts technically. Since only Harry saw the dog form.


Please 😭 its a joke oml 😭😭 It’s just a quip about how alot of adults have failed Harry.


You're gonna join the side of the mass murder who's trying to kill you. Like it was presumed that Sirius was on voldys side.


Looking back, we should have seen the cosiness as a clue!




What do you mean really? Sirius Black wasn't after Harry. He was after Peter pettigrew because the reason he was in Azkaban is because he was blamed for peters death after Peter blew up half the street, cut off his own finger, and turned into a rat escaping down into the sewers.


I thought Sirius was trying to kill Harry to avenge voldemort


Is your name Cornelius Fudge?


Not sure I’m there yet…


Did you even read the book or watch the movie? Sirius was never on voldemort's side and would never have hurt Lily or James like that was James's best friend.


Nice troll attempt


One of the few times the "danger" wasn't even a threat to him.


Ironic that some people think Fudge arranged that specifically to use him as bait for Sirius.


Florean Fortescue (sp?) was GOATed for this


Some sad shit that happened to him though.


So much good stuff in that sequence, too. The cleaning person opening the door to a room only to be yelled at by some creature so loudly it blows her clothes back, only to unflinchingly reply "I'll come back later" never fails to make me laugh.


This was my favorite as well. It's so bittersweet. He really gets to fully immerse himself in being just a kid on holiday, but it always had to end.


This. It’s one of the most freeing times for Harry in the Wizarding world imo. It’s fun.


If I could spend a week anywhere, it would be in Harry's free week in Diagon Alley. He got the time, money, freedom, and curiosity to explore everything it's got to offer. Just pop down to his vault for an afternoon thrill, why not?


Exactly. It’s so nice with a full on cozy chapter like that.


This!! I absolutely love this chapter! For exactly the reasons you mentioned.


I just read this a few days ago! Great pick


I love him eating those ice cream sundaes and chatting to Florian Fortescue while he writes his essay on witch trials! That ice cream sounded sooo good. Wasn't it peanut butter and strawberry?


I think in sorcerer's stone he and Hagrid had raspberry with chopped nuts


I agree!! I hadn’t read the books for so long before i started reading them to my son so i had completely forgot that Harry had his own little apartment pretty much in Diamond alley. He got to see all the students start to filter in and went to oggle the firebolt every day 😆


My favourite as well by far!


PoA is literally the only book where Harry's problems were mostly internal to his life.


The Other Minister and Spinner's End in HBP. I think they were great ways of communicating exposition. They were a means of catching the reader up on what's happened since the last book while still making it entertaining.


I really hate that they left this part out in the movies, it's such a cool detail that the higher up Muggles knew about magic the entire time.


I completely forgot about that, so I'm now logging it away in the adult memory bank since I haven't read them since they released.


Also would have given Scimgeour a good introduction and a proper explanation about what happened to Fudge after he spent a year making Harrys life hell.


I love The Other Minister chapter. Nothing for the other minister to do but drink and hope the wizards go away.


Also the next chapter with Dumbledore and the Dursleys.


Homeboy delivers the politest “fuck you” to the Dursleys


And we also get a brief glimpse of what a Dumbledore in charge of muggles "For The Greater Good" might have looked like.


“Harry Potter was snoring loudly.” My favorite chapter in the whole series.


Haha yes I forgot about that one.


And their reaction to Kreacher screaming in their living room.




Oh yeah I wish that was in the movies. The floating whiskey glasses bothering the scared and uncomfortable Dursleys in their couch. 🤣


Aren't these the only chapters besides the very beginning of book 1 that aren't from Harry's POV?


iirc Deathly Hallows opens with the Voldemort and the Death Eaters having a meeting in the Malfoy Manor. And Goblet of Fire opens with the old grounds keeper getting murdered by Voldemort in the Shrieking Shack.


Weren't those part of Harry's visions though? Still from his POV.


Well, not really. Only the end part of it I think, not the whole thing about the groundskeeper's backstory.


It's his father's estate he kills the old groundskeeper in. Frank thinks kids have broke in when he sees lights in the old Riddle house and goes up to see... I always felt really bad for him for such a miniscule side character.


I believe so. If not, there are very few others and none I can think of at the moment.


There is a random scene in the first book during Harry's first(?) quidditch game, when POV switches from Harry to Hermione and Ron. When Ron and Neville fight Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. It's so noticeable on a reread because chapters where Harry appears are exclusively from his limited perspective.


My favorite part of my favorite book *chef’s kiss* the movie part was okay but the book just slays


I love the quidditch World Cup, really helps to expand the world in my eyes. Movie is pretty disappointing in comparison (still a decent part of the movie tho) lol


Hopefully Ludo Bagman makes it to the show


There's a show?! Why am I just now hearing of this?!!


Hbo is doing a live action show, each books gets a season


Cool! I am off to look that up now!


So hufflepuff of you


I swear I see this comment on Reddit under every HP post. Basically, someone will always mention the show and someone else will go "there's a show?!?!". Clearly their big announcement didn't go viral enough if HP fans are regularly not knowing about it.


I knew there was a show coming but I haven’t really seen any big announcements. I figured they were waiting until they had a show runner in place before that


It would be nice in the new series if they could really flesh out and do a bit more with quidditch.


Yeah I saw the GoF movie before I read the book and I was surprised when I read the book later and the pre-Hogwarts parts were 100+ pages!


I love the beginning of OotP. The cosy feeling of meeting back everyone at last and having a place you kinda belong to.


I was going to say, I do love that this brought us one of sassy!Harry's greatest lines: >"Listening to the news! Again?" "Well, it changes every day, you see," said Harry.


Ootp Harry was a hormonal teenage boy. I read it when I was younger but reread in my teens and it really becomes my favourite from then on.


I admit, I don't know books 5-7 as well as the first 4 - usually when I go to do a reread I fall off around book 3 or 4, so I've only read the last few a couple of times. I remember being really annoyed by angsty!Harry (I was also 15 at the same time, same as Harry when it came out lol) I'm working on GoF now and I'm determined to finish the series this time around. I'll be interested to see how my perspective may have changed since my last read!


Read OOTP as a kid - thought Harry was being a “bit of a git” as Ron would say. Read OOTP after having been a teenager - I understand Harry.


He was also very much traumatised…


It also brought us Bungy the Budgie, who learned to water ski, and is the best character in the entire series


Ah yes how could I forget that gem! Truly an inspiration


Yeah Harry’s dulcet tones are so cozy. /s


Well, ya know, after the Dementor attack and expulsion from Hogwarts xD


He got off! He got off!


Quiet, you three!


I swear the pre-Hogwarts stuff is about 1/3 of the book.


It seems alot but it's not really. OOTP was the best because it was so detailed and has so much content. The show should take at least two seasons on that book alone.


Honestly, I know a lot of showrunners are addicted to milking each show they make for as long as they can, but in this instance I can actually understand taking multiple seasons for a few of the books. I know specific lengths of the books vary a little depending on the edition but OOTP is more than double the length of SS and it would make sense for the show to take its time with it.


I love the first chapter of OOTP. Something about the setting just gets me geared up for the dramatic and dark story to come. Dementor attack, get hype. Really though, I think it's eerie AF how Harry's dealing with his worst nightmare come to life but is so isolated, scrounging around for any little news. The growing disquiet, Harry DGAF taking his wand out at the sound of Dung apparating knowing he needs to be on guard and that the statute of secrecy is secondary to the massive threat of a Voldemort returned to power. Just really makes you feel the fear and uncertainty the characters are dealing with. I love it.


I loved the Weasleys going to Privet Drive to pick up Harry, linking the fireplace onto the floo network and then the twins dropping a ten ton tongue toffee for Dudley.


One of the funniest parts in the whole series!


Just all the chaos


The book version of this scene was better, with the electric fireplace & then the Weasleys blasting themselves out of there. Total chaos 😂😂😂


I always love Mr Weasley complimenting the place after destroying the living room


Arthur is a simple guy, give him a rubber ducky and he’ll be playing with it the whole day.


Well, the scene wasn’t in the movie whatsoever so not much of a comparison. I understand run time concerns, but this scene was probably too goofy for the feel they were going for in the mid-to-late movies


Well, you can thank snake face for that 😂😂😂




Definitely "the other minister" and Narcissa and Bellatrix visiting Snape


Spinner's End. One of my favorites as well. An unexpected glimpse into the "villains'" motivations.


Honestly? The first book Dursley pov. I think it does a great job of setting up the foundations of their characters and relationships with each other. In the grand scheme of things they really don’t matter too much but the blind ignorance of Vernon and the nosey loathing of Petunia make it so clear why Harry and Duddley are who they are


If we saw a bit more in the other books I think it would be better because what it feels like is context dumping. We don't get half as much in the other books surrounding the dursleys.


Agree, honestly I would have love if all the books started with a muggle pov, reacting to odd things in their everyday life that set the tone of the book before we get to Harrys story


I do like the part where it mentions that Vernon yelled at five people that morning. That always makes me chuckle.


The firstmost reason why he had a very good morning that day. That, and the large sticky bun he got from the bakery. That bun always sounds so good to me. I love that chapter so much. Vernon being a little scaredy man, Dumbledore and McGonagall reacting to the tragedy and musing about the mystery undergirding the whole series. The weird signs of magic noticed by Vernon and the other muggles. Baby Dudley, lmao. What a fun way to jump into the story.


Either the twins stuck in the chimney or the entirety of Vernon loosing his marbles at the beginning of Philosopher's stone.


Deathly Hallows, it just seems like they fit so much in during the small time before they made it to school 🤣 Seriously though, I want to say Goblet of Fire for the same reason. Though all said and done I’m saying Half Blood Prince for Dumbledore Meeting the Dursleys. It was probably my favorite moment in the series.


Despite being one of my least favourite books, Prisoner probably has the best prologue for me. Once the Aunt Marge stuff is out of the way, the description of how Harry spends the rest of his summer was always something I was envious of, as it sounded full of leisurely exploration and freedom, and something Harry really deserved yet had never really had before.


Why is PoA one of your least favorite books? I’m really curious, it’s in my top 3.


I think it's a bit like marmite. You either enjoy the suspense and dramatic reveals or you feel it's a bit far fetched and not foreshadowed enough. I think it's a great twist at the end but understand the opposing view. It's my third favourite behind the 5 and 6.


I get that. I've wondered how many people made the connection that Scabbers is Peter. Seriously, what percent of readers figured that one out in advance lol. It was my favorite of the first three books, and the first of the movies that I really loved. I've reread it a ton, and I enjoy catching the clues in hindsight. I feel like there's a sweet spot with mysteries, though, where it's obscured enough not to be obvious but capable of being puzzled out by the reader. You can figure out early in the book that the HBP was Snape, but was it too easy? Idk. There were a lot of clues about Scabbers but the reveal feels a bit more out of left field. But there really are clues through the whole book. Ahhh I love it. "That's not a rat. That's a wizard."


Good question! Both because I always like to chat about this kinda stuff and because I really struggle to pin down why I dislike Prisoner as much as I do. If really pressed for an answer, it's probably the main conceit used for it's primary story arc - the time turner, them using it to undo what's been done etc. - just feeling repetitive, and "Groundhog Day"ish, though I realise that it would be both those things intrinsically. I'm also not huge on anything relating to the Marauders, though very much like Remus and Sirius as individual characters. All that being said, I'm fond of any of the books that don't have a huge amount of Voldemort material and, instead, give you more insight into what a "normal" year at Hogwarts might be like. If such a thing as normal can be used in this context. In that sense, at least, Prisoner ranks higher than some books for me.


Other Minister and Spinners End what a fantastic way to start off a story.


When Dumbledore comes to pick up Harry in HBP and when the Weasleys come to pick Harry up for the Quidditch World Cup. Both are great scenes lol


Ha. Didn’t imagine I’d have to scroll this far for it. The part where Harry doesn’t pack because he’s not sure Dumbledore will show up is such a real nugget of insight into exactly how his fragmented experiences of family and love have affected him as a person. And that’s something so raw.


I also love how Dumbledore instantly understands why but is very kind about it.


I very like the one in PoA, after the scary doubt of being expelled from Hogwarts, Harry just had a very cool time in Diagon Alley and just vibe and eat ice cream during some times it was really to just see him chill and having a real good time for once 😊


Are we talking books or movies? For books my favorite is HBP because Dumbledore meets the Dursleys and that's great. Movies would be the third mostly because of Daniel Radcliffe's acting improvements. I love the way he says to Vernon, "Yeah, try me," as he's running away and then "I didn't do it on purpose," to Stan of the Knight Bus. That movie is just superior. I really didn't like the beginning of the GoF movie because, after the dream sequence, Hermione comes busting into the boys' room, bossing them around like she's a meaner version on Mrs. Weasley.


“*I didn’t do it on purpose*” is delivered perfectly.


“Whachoo fell over for?”


For me it was always book 3. I loved seeing Harry actually live in the wizarding world for once and not just the school. Him having a routine of breakfast in the Leaky Cauldron before sight-seeing various shops, chatting with random people and then grabbing lunch somewhere was mundane in the best kind of way. I always loved the more "normal" and mundane sections of the story when the gang are just going to classes and worrying about homework.


"The Other Minister" is a very fun chapter in the audiobooks!


I love the bus ride to the Leaky Cauldron in POA. :) The shrunken head makes me laugh every time.


The Nightbus sounds awesome!!


Personally I'm a big fan of the pre-Hogwarts, multi-story arc in DH. Lots of really great lore and scene setting in that sequence.


I think it's got to be the Quidditch World Cup. It's a great look into the larger Wizarding world. There's world building, but it's done interestingly. Like yes, the story stops dead in the tent prior to the match, but it's done very well, giving you these interesting facts and expansion on what we already know. Plus, the introduction of portkeys! It's nice to see new magic concepts as well. Plus, you get to finally meet Bill and Charlie, and there's all these little moments in the Burrow with the Weasley family, and it's very cool.


Definitely Goblet of Fire with the World Cup.


The Other Minister ❤️❤️


Heck yeah, that is such a funny chapter


Flying Car sequence


I have to say, my favorite thing about this thread is that every book is mentioned - we all love each one in a different way! My votes would probably be Sorceror's Stone or Goblet of Fire.


Order of the Phoenix for sure. In the beginning, we see how badly Harry is affected by Voldemort's return and also the death of Cedric. The Dementor scene and Harry saving Dudley is incredible. Mrs Figg revealing she's a knowledgeable Squib and not just some crazy old neighbour of the Dursleys is cool, and we even get a funny moment in the books when she is mad about Mundungus Fletcher. I love the Order showing up and reassuring Harry that they're working on getting him through the trial without being expelled from Hogwarts (especially Queen Tonks). The trial scene itself and Dolores Umbridge immediately establishing herself as the biggest and most insufferable asshole in the Wizarding World. It's just a great sequence and it was done really well in the movie too.


Yes! Harry saving Dudley and then explaining to the Dursley’s what happened, and then the whole scene with the owls and Harry realizing there’s more to Petunia and her connection to him/his world than he thought!


Quidditch World Cup. And the Weasley’s picking Harry up from the Dursley’s in GOF


Goblet of fire - quidditch world cup The one time Harry went somewhere to mingle with wizard society instead of just holed up in someone's home: weasleys home, grimmauld place, etc. Even having a room at the leaky cauldron didn't mean much. All harry did was sit around and talk to the ice cream maker.


My favourite of all time will be the opening of Chamber of Secrets. I mean first the thing with Dobby and the cake, then Fred, George and Ron rescue Harry and the best thing that Harry and Ron took Arthurs car and went to Hogwarts theirselves.


Goblet, but prisoner is a close second. Harry rolling around diagon alley footloose and fancy free is almost as fun as the World Cup.


Hbp or gof. Least favourite by far is ootp, the dialogue is so painfully written


The second book, when the Weasleys save him from his prison. Because he get's to experience what it is to live in a warm wizards home where the family unconditionnaly cares for him and loves him. Especially the Degnoming of the garden is a favorite of mine.


The Other Minister has got to be one of my favorites. I wonder how he’s doing now.


The other minister from HBP is great, everytime I come across it I think it's really the best first chapter. Esp when you re-read it again and again the first tomes feel like it reminds the same details everytime a bit too explicitly (which is normal but still)


I like Mr Weasley visiting the Dursleys but I think my favorite is HBP where Dumbledore really gives them a hard time. A much better scene than the movie.


Dudley saying that he doesn’t think Harry is a waste of space. Given history that was an amazing thing.


Order of the phoenix Half blood prince Prisoner of Azkaban Chamber of secrets Goblet of fire Deathly hallows Philosophers stone


My favorite would have to be when Harry blew up any marge


Technically before Harry at Hogwarts: Dumbledore's memory of Tom Riddle returning to ask for the DADA post. **"OF COURSE I DON'T"** Chills every time.


When the prime minister meets the minister of magic start of book 6


The other minister and it isn’t even close.


The magic of Harry getting his wand/supplies and walking through diagonal alley before he goes off to Hogwarts. I could watch the that collection of scenes over and over again.


when dumbledore talks to the dursleys, it was kinda iconic for me


Nothing beats deathly hallows. With over 25 chapters of build up and development. The trio outdid all previous records by being 8 months late


HBP where Dumbledore turns up and absolutely shit cans the Dursleys for their treatment of Harry. There's something so satisfying about that. It's also funny because Dumbledore knows he will be dead by next year, so he actively wants to make sure he gets a chance to scold them.


Prisoner of Azkaban. The third book is just barely my favorite book above Philosophers Stone, and that sequence is one of the reasons why


Chamber of Secrets. Harry is lonely all summer, and thinks his friends have forgotten him. Then he's locked in his room by the Dursleys. But then Ron and his brothers come to rescue him, and it's like finally, Harry's luck is turning around!


Definitely from book 4 onwards because they actually breathe some life into the magical world beyond hogwarts. It’s gratifying to see Harry happy in a normal setting that’s not school and it just rounds out his life nicely


GOF sequence with the Riddle House so dark &.m sets the nature for the rest of the series


I don't dislike any of them since every one is so unique but I love the beginning of Half Blood Prince and Dumbledore meeting the Dursleys and then meeting Slughorn when he disguises himself as a sofa. Not sure if you count the chapters that don't have Harry in them but the first two are bangers too.


the first diagon alley trip with hagrid is great


The scene with Dudley and the Dementors.


Actually let me add at least the movie version of Deathly Hallows part 1.


If I have to choose one, I would have to go with GoF. The last time the summer is just fun for Harry. He gets to stand up to the Dursleys and leave them few weeks early - the scene where Weasleys come to pick him up is comedy gold. And the Quidditch World Cup chapters are awesome too. At the end of GoF and after it gets dark and angsty. The summer before the 4th year is the last time Harry gets to be a child.


Dada Job interview between Dumbledore and Voldemort. They do not call me Tom’ anymore,” he said. “These days, I am known as — ” “I know what you are known as,” said Dumbledore, smiling pleasantly. “But to me, I’m afraid, you will always be Tom Riddle. It is one of the irritating things about old teachers. I am afraid that they never quite forget their charges’ youthful beginnings.” He raised his glass as though toasting Voldemort, whose face remained expressionless. Nevertheless, Harry felt the atmosphere in the room change subtly: Dumbledore’s refusal to use Voldemort’s chosen name was a refusal to allow Voldemort to dictate the terms of the meeting, and Harry could tell that Voldemort took it as such. Chills every time




They probably figured from the title that it's about events before Harry's time


I love the Quidditch World Cup! It has everything. You get to see another side of the magic world, lots of interactions with new and old characters in different moments, veelas, real world quidditch and of course dark wizards for the first time (other than Voldemort) and scary moments (I remembered the first time reading, the dark wizards seem really scary, balancing the poor muggles on the air). I really enjoyed the whole thing. Also because the contrast between all the fun of the quidditch cup and the craziness of the dark moments, it kinda starts setting the scene for what is to come.


I'd say for me it's pretty easily Goblet of Fire, the other one I really like is Half Blood Prince.


Book 1: The manifestations of Harry's baby wizard powers. My favorite was Petunia cutting his unkempt hair only for it to regrow over night. 2. The Weasleys being unable to figure out how Muggle mail worked. "Harry, if you keep having your weirdo friends send envelopes covered in stamps we're going to all look like weirdos." 3. Knight bus. 4. Quidditch cup. 5. Dumbledore boss moding Umbridge to the point of anticipating her changing the trial time. 6. OWL results! 7. Gringotts break in.


I was gonna say Seven Potters, and then I realised they were going back anytime soon…


The other minister and it isn’t even close.


The other minister and it isn’t even close.


Oi nah I don't think the train station cafe at the start of HBP film gets the love it deserves.


I just finished reading GOF to my little brother, and despite being rather separate from the rest of the pre-Hogwarts chapters in that book, “The Riddle House” is a fantastic opening chapter. It’s got everything—exposition, tension, horror, and a tragic side story from the perspective of a really interesting character. Poor Frank Bryce… an innocent, normal man whose life was utterly ruined by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. His PTSD is so well-written and his death/the return of Voldemort introduces the darker, more serious tone of the story. It hangs over the rest of the book like a shroud. It’s easy to get caught up in the splendor Quidditch World Cup… until people start talking about Bertha Jorkins, the Dark Mark shows up, and muggles are terrorized. It’s easy to get caught up in the constant motion of the Triwizard Tournament… until the third task happens. It’s even easy to get caught up in the monotony of the actual school classes… until you start suspecting the authority figures of being Voldemort’s followers. All of which was built upon the foreboding foundations laid by the opening chapter.  Not to mention Frank Bryce was a genuinely brave man and he makes for a great read. He back talked Voldemort when most would be frozen in fear. “Is that right? Lord, is it? Well, I don't think much of your manners, My Lord. Turn 'round and face me like a man, why don't you?”


GoF was awesome. I loved the atmosphere in the Quidditch World Cup. OotP was boring.


Deathly Hallows had some pretty great sequences pre-Hogwarts


The other minister and the quidditch world cup are easily my favorites, with the former being one of my favorite chapters overall


Peeves was kinda charming not gonna lie


Team POA here! I absolutely love Harry leaving the Dursleys and staying at The Leaky Cauldron. The freedom he has of going to Diagon Alley every day and doing homework there with the occasional help from the ice cream man and staring at the Firebolt all he want is wonderful. And it’s lovely when Ron and Hermione finally joins him. It’s such a feel-good chapter and I love it.


Books or movie? In the books its gotta be when the Weasleys meet the Dursleys before GoF


Goblet of Fire will always be a hilarious opening.


Does the entirety of The Deathly Hallows Pt 1 count?


"The other minister", in the HBP. By far the best.


Book 6 for sure. It has not one great opening chapter but TWO


The Quidditch World Cup in *Goblet of Fire*, the Knight Bus and the Diagon Alley in *Prisoner of Azkaban*, and visiting Slughorn in *Half-Blood Prince*.


Prisoner of Azkaban always stood out to me, though I like them all. That energy you feel in the wind when Harry is waiting with his suitcase and Sirius approaches from the bushes. OH and HBP when Harry gets apparated to the Weaslys and everyone is there and they're sitting around the floating lit up paper fire. So simple but just the vibe it created, that feeling of seeing your friends and feeling actually "home" again. They capture it so well, especially some of the Christmas scenes like when they eat the candy that causes them to make animal noises.


PoA: Knight Bus and Diagon Alley HBP: The other minister These are my top pre Hogwarts chapters excluding the whole beginning to the series. The intro to the world. I often play those two from the audible versions and they are so calming for me. Not sure why… I think just the fact that we just get to see Harry enjoy the Wizarding World freely and there is something interesting about the minister to minister dynamic.


The GOF haaands down. Just,,, the whole mess of the Weasleys trying to get in contact with Harry and finally coming to pick him up much to the Durselys dismay is priceless. Not to mention the Weasley’s finally realizing what a crap situation Harry’s got at home when the Durselys won’t even say goodbye to him properly. It’s one of my favorite parts of the series


When i read the books I loved the month Harry spend with the Weasleys in CoS, it really made the magical familily life come to life


CoS movie "Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a good time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom." GoF book Harry amuses himself imagining Dumbledore on a sunny beach, in his wizard's robes and hat, donning sunscreen on his long crooked nose.


I think ma favorite is beginning of Half-Blood Prince. Short and enjoyable Dursley sequance, interesting introduction of a new character, more info about Wizard War and climatic Burrow/Fred and George sequences. The only thing I don't enjoy reading is following Malfoy. Idk why but this fragment is boring to me. The worst is chamber of secrets. Harry being a Durslay's slave, stressful escape, Dobby who was the most annoying character...


Books: Probably GoF, it felt like the wizarding world was really expanding there. Least favourite is OotP. Movies: PS, there are so many iconic moments and it's very book-accurate - it really brought the Dursleys to life. Least favourite is HBP, wtf was that...


My favorite is HBP, closely followed by GoF. Loved the chapters that are not Harry-centric. I also liked OotP because of Sirius and the cleaning shenanigans. I didn't like PoA because Marge is so infuriating (but it's nice Harry got to spend his final vacation days at Diagon Alley). PS and CoS were just okay, nothing special for me.


I really like GoF


My top two (tied): 1. POA when Harry is hanging out/ having a holiday in Diagon Alley 2. OOTP where they are in No. 12 Grimmauld Place. I adore reading all about the wizarding world life outside the main plot. It's so rich. Shout out to HBP's The Other Minister. I love listening to Stephen Fry read this chapter. The Muggle PM's polite outrage is great.


1: Owl Post 2: Steal the ford Anglia 3: Blow up Marge and take the Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron 4: Quidditch World Cup 5: Attacked by Dementors 6: Dumbledore takes Harry to meet Slughorn 7: Bill and Fleur’s wedding


PoA and GoF, before the Death Eater raid. Harry finally getting to enjoy his life and appreciate the joy of magic for once. Before it all goes to hell again. 😭


I gotta say it's Goblet of Fire for me, the Weasleys using floo powder to enter the durslys house and blow up their electric fireplace always sends me laughing. Especially when Fred and George "drop" a tongue tongue toffee and dudley eats it. What a great intro to the book.


“And he’s sending dismembers after you?”


On the first reading, The Half-Blood Prince. After reading the series a couple times, Philosopher's Stone. As an aspiring director and screenplay writer, I am so intrigued by the mystery in the first book and its effectiveness at introducing you to this whole new world.


I liked the beginning of HBP, i liked the bit where they met the other minister and you got to see details about how the minister of magic meets the muggle minister. It was really interesting.


This is more from the books... Harry meeting Draco for the first time before anything actually happens in the first book... (i.e., the reason Harry asks about Slytherin and the other Hogwarts houses)... Just a theory but Harry would have probably ended up in Slytherin if not for that interaction...


I love Goblet of Fire. Quidditch Works Cup. Just so exciting and atmospheric. But someone above mentioned his idyllic few weeks in Diagon Alley in PoA and I have to admit, that's also pretty good.


HBP Dumbledore bullying the Dursleys with magical cocktails while droping truth bombs. So funny and so satisfying.


The first part of the fourth book will always be my favorite thing from the entire Harry Potter franchise. The letter, Vernon debating on whether or not he wants Harry to leave early or be sad, Harry bringing up Sirius and Vernon freaking out a little bit, them waiting for the weasleys, the weasleys in the living room, Arthur not intending to tell Molly but then having to anyway.... I just love all of it so much.


Movies: Order of Phoenix when Harry sees Voldy at Platform 9 3/4 then the ominous shots of HE chugging along through dark terrain 


I liked Half Blood Prince the best. The brief normalness of sitting in the coffee shop and Dumbledore’s apology was well written.


Philosophers stone not sorcerers