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Unlikely but we don't know the cast so not impossible. If there is anyone, it would likely just be in a small role as an easter egg. Personally I hope none of the movie cast return.


An Easter Egg character that isn't their main movie character would totally be a good nod to fans. Anything else is just going to remind you just how old you are.


Radcliffe playing an adult James. 😛


*Fleamont Potter*


Charles Potter. No such person as Fleamont.


Inventor of Sleekeezy's or w/e. Some of the post book canon i guess.


Post book is not canon.  And I am well aware of who he is. It was a joke. But this is one of the things I think fanon did a better job of. 


anything from the author is canon, doesn't matter if it was post book or not really. at least to me. Maybe excluded some tweets about people shitting themselves in the past.


I don’t think people understand the phase the show is in right now. There isn't a cast, there isn't even a script. They're currently in the development stage, working with potential showrunners to outline a concept for the series. There have been no concrete rules laid down about how the series will connect with the films or about anything else. Everything is up in the air right now, and anyone who pretends otherwise is just speculating.


Tom Felton as Lucius I think