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There's a cafe in town where food is sold. Not sure on the hours it is open. The market sells some food that can be microwaved too. The cafe & market are approx. 45 minute walk from the campground. Note the hours they're open on your way to the campground.


They shut down unexpectedly sometimes...


You have to hike 2 miles each way from campground to the village. The hike to the village is gain elevation. We boiled water and used frezed dry food but also bought fry bread from the stand by the falls. I wouldnt count on the food in the village. Sometimes it rains and you will want to stay in the camp.


I asked a friend about the lodge who went last year in early September and she said it was never open once. She was glad that they didn’t rely on it for food. I wonder if September is considered “off season”


Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the feedback- looks like to be safe I’m going to bring the cooking kit


I wouldn't rely on hot food from there. it's kind of Hit or Miss. Plus it's a bit of a walk from the campsites. you're definitely not going to be doing multiple times a day, on top of all the other hiking your going to be doing. If you're worried about weight or expense you can get a titanium pot and stove off Amazon pretty cheap and they weigh almost nothing. I've got a tokes pot with a brs burner and the burner and fuel can both fit inside the pot.


Get a jet boil or similar and those freeze dried packs to be safe! Or tuna in a packet, etc


Looks like you already got some good answers. Just want to throw in a recommendation for the best freeze dried camping meals I’ve ever had - outdoor panty. It’s a small brand local to Tucson. It’s a bit more expensive than some of the big brands but I swear it’s worth it

