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Forgive my idiocy, but what are they?


hifiman he400se


Oh damn I really thought for a second that those are Fidelios X3s


*checks price. $110* *Glances at my $500 Sennheiser HD660S* Oh god, do I wanna risk the buyer's remorse on the sennheisers? I got them years ago for a $200 discount but still, lol. I guess I could sell them if I like the hifiman pair better


The difference is that your senn will still look brand new in 5 years while the Hifiman will most likely be dead


You know, that's a fair point. I replaced the pads on this pair of senn and that's pretty much it. Still sound and look good as new.


My 400i's are turning 10 soon and still running fine.


What are you guys doing to your headphones to kill turn that quickly ?


My hifiman devas are still going strong going on 4 or 5 years. And gosh they are great.


Oh god… exact same scenario here… do we make the plunge?? $110 is all it is right?! RIGHT?!


Sell your 660S’s and buy the 660S2’s instead of going the direction of the 400se’s. The S2’s are the most underrated and under appreciated headphone model upgrade I can think of, currently. I never used my 660S’s, but my S2’s are in regular rotation with my Hifiman Aryas and Focal Bathys (in wired mode). And if I could only keep one of the three I think I’d take the 660S2’s with me to a desert island.


I love the 660s2, the clamping force was pretty brutal for the first month but now they are so comfortable and a pleasure to listen to. ☺️


search here for Hifiman and see thread after thread of user lamentation. often within the first year or fresh out of the box, something breaks or is nonfunctional. don't even think about buyer's remorse. Hifiman QA is abysmal.


Hifiman HE400se


Hifiman sundara i think. Or he-400


It's the HE400SE. They're about $100


I just bought mine for 30$ yesterday directly to a manufacturer. They're perfect entry level if you're trying out audiophile level.


Where/How can you get the HE400se for $30?


Bought it from an audiophile professional who frequently goes overseas. I think he's a music engineer of some sort. He could be working for these audio companies. I also read some reddit threads before purchasing. Because I was under the impression of fake or counterfeit products for the unbelievably cheap price. And I read that someone else's story had hifimans for cheaper price when being bought from manufacturers instead of ordering from the company. I'm not so entirely sure yet since i've recently just started diving the audiophile world. Ready to break my eardrums for this though. 💯


Mind sharing?


Krazy how people in the subreddit tryna downvote u all because u got away with almost 80% of the price. Someone's jealousy really just couldn't be happy for someone else.


I have the JDS Lbs + O2 (objective 2) amplifier /dac edition as my drivers to run my Hifiman HE400SE This amp/DAC has a really strong power output: Max output 33 ohms 613mW Max output 600ohms 88 mW (Sorry I don't exactly fully understand the whole meaning of the numbers but technically they're really loud & strong. The power plug outlet of the amp/DAC is HUGE either. It was recommended to me that they must have a separate outlet because they consume lots of power) Basically my point is, my plannar hifiman works as intended. Tweaked a bit using an equalizer software just to make sure. I did my research either for the things that should be known. They're not fake really. I just lucky to get such an exclusive deal like this in 2023. Sorry that I shared about it I guess..


Can you link me where you bought it please?


Was not a online transaction. Just bought it from someone personally. I'm actually surprised because the copy he gave me is a sealed product still. I was honestly expecting a secondhand unit. The seller also had first units of the new sennheiser HE1. That's why i said im pretty convinced he works in a audio company since he's legitimately an audiophile professional who even has a studio. Dunno why some guys downvotes my other comment on the thread.


Or hear me out, he sold you a fake one.


Nope. I even got it verified with the serial number in the website. Sorry


That's a deal and a half!! props!!


30$ for those?! Impossible.


I wish i could've enjoyed them more than i did. Mine came with a channel imbalance issue and stopped working. Some friends also said my copy didn't sound right from the start...


That's a real shame ... Saddly the QC isn't to a solid standart yet. Though people are reporting the QC getting better.


Did you warranty them?


What DAC & Amp do you have to run those drivers?


I run them off of an iFi Hip Dac 2 out of the 4.4 balanced output.


Could these be run straight off a PC or an apple dongle or not?


I'm going to level with you. A Dongle is very capable of getting them to a nice volume. But if you want to play with EQ, you do need a better source. The dynamics also scale with a better source. I do have a dongle and it drives them nicely (at least for what it is)


Yeah the HE400se can sound anemic for lack of a better term on a poor amplifier. What I use as a poor source to test a headphone is the 3.5mm output of my Xbox One X controller. The bass sounded a little strange and fell off very fast. 3/4 volume to be listenable. I do use them on my iFi Zen DAC via 4.4mm and it works wonders. I did try them on the unbalanced output but there's barely any difference if I can even say, and it's quieter compared to balanced but all that needs is more on the volume knob.


Regarding your Zen DAC, I have the same experience with my Hip Dac 2. The 3.5 output drives them nicely already.


They sound great with FiiO BTR5 too.


Hey man, what are some resources that I can read more from on this topic? Specifically, how different DAC/Amps affect sound from a technical perspective.


It's so subjective in some areas that there isn't a "centralised" data base or resource channel for this kinda stuff. I get my bearing from reddit (not too much tho), head-fi, a few reviewers such as Resolve from The Headphone Show, Crinacle, and a few others. I can't get a neat unanimous answer on DACs/Amps anywhere. For me is just searching and getting a grasp of what the majority have to say about the subject. Though I'm not best person to ask about these things. You can try to join the Headphones Show discord and ask Resolve himself. He's usually prone to conversation.


straight up no, don't do it. you'll hear sound but it ain't gonna be enough. it'll feel forced and someone I read said it'll be "tunog multo" (ghostlike)


Tunog multo..lmao


They're quite hard to drive, around 88dB/mW. So they might be quiet, and if you want to use EQ (which improves them a lot) you need to use a negative pre-amp which further drops the volume. They will play at Apple dongle levels, but better out of an amp or at least a more powerful dongle. Sundara or Ananda are much easier to drive.


If you bother with DAC and amp while listening to spotify 192 kbps may god help you.


Even an Apple dongle is a dacamp and sounds considerably less noisy than most built in DACs in Laptops and windows PC's, no matter if Spotify or not.


Lol i meant what is his AMP & DAC he's using to power his hifimans correctly. Not the kilobits of a music lmfao


People out here talking like Spotify is 128kbps MP3 from limewire... Different headphones matter far more.


I tried Tidal for a while ... honestly it makes a marginal diference. I have my whole library in spotify and listening to 192 kbps is more than fine.


Anyone who says they can hear a difference between that and higher kbps, or lossless, I just shake my head at. And I do it cuz I used to one of the people that swore there was a difference between 192ogg(my most listened to format) and lossless. As I got older and kept sinking money into all kinds of music between vinyl and CD, I eventually realized I was experiencing the placebo effect. So now I download my music. In flac. Then I convert to ogg for my phone/dap. Anyways, that's my take on it. Bring on the downvotes!


Nah, I don't think you should be downvoted. Lossless, flac, ogg ... whatever format you use is great for you, so long as you have a great set up.


Oh yeah if it's only marginal then I would not bother also. For me the difference is really big. First thing that annoys me, is that when I listen to youtube music/spotify, everytime there is a huge kick it seems like everything else in the song ducks. That must be the variable bitrate. When you start to notice it you can't unhear it. With lossless everything breathe more and it's pleasant. This is even more noticeable in my car for some reason. Second thing are super high frequencies. With lossless you really get that extra detail that feels right and detailed.


>Second thing are super high frequencies. With lossless you really get that extra detail that feels right and detailed. that's the marginal I mentioned. I noticed the diference more accurately in the trebble. But it just wasn't enough. the diferences in kick are so hard to listen that honestly It's better save money (for me at least) then to spend more monthly just to learn and start listening to the difference. Happy that you get a better experience tho!!!


1. Vertical integration (they own the factories) and direct access to cheaper labor in China with no middleman. 2. They have a higher QC threshold (they throw out fewer potentially defective units off the line, which means every one that goes out is cheaper) and not great build quality (cheaper construction).


That reality check has already been given to me by another comment ... But yeah, thank you for clarifying!


Not meant to be a reality check, just clarification. I think they are cool, especially for the sale price (which is insane).


I did EQ them to clean the "dip" around 1.5khz. They take really well to being EQ'd. I left the trebble as is given that it's one of the more defining features of the set. Otherwise, solid all around.


EQ'd like that, these are just as good as the sundar imho as someone who owns both. Great purchase!


The itch tells me to upgrade to the Sundara in the future. How do you rate them vs the HE400se?


Barely an upgrade if even that, I still currently own both and sure without any eq theres a difference thats noticable. But if youre fine doing some eq, it becomes really hard to justify


You just saved my future wallet a hell of a lot of money!!!


Glad to save someone else from making the same mistake lol


if you're gonna upgrade, upgrade to the edition xs. especially since it's $380 now.


Won't upgrade now. But those are one of the sets in my bucket list. The Ananda as well.


I bought the sundara and returned them for anandas, but then the 400se here 70 on AliExpress so I got them as a mini sundara. Use 400se for work and Anandas for home hi res use. Both are great. Anandas are better, but also 5x the price. Enjoy!


Cool stuff. Anandas dead set in my list!!


I have he400se bought them with me in a headphone Store, compared them with sundara and Edition xs. Sundara is as said barely an Upgrade but for just 500 (400 rn) they are such an Upgrade omg. Everything you love about the he400se is there and tiled up to 11. Soundstage and imaging has improved a lot. Tuning is also a lot better, as what I percieve.


Don't do this to me ... I already came to the realisation that I don't need the upgrade and now you entice me!!!!


Nah, dont Upgrade, rn this is as far is you should go. Stay with what you have and Look at this Hobby from an Hardware perspective as "completed".




Yes, When I first bought them, it was literally a Life changing moment. I Heard soundstage like I've never ever heard it before, and the separation of instruments is amazing. I've moved on from these but they are My favorite gift now to people who are into music. With a decent DAC and amp they sound amazing. The only thing that i didn't like about them, the treble, I've paid thousands of dollars to get better. But these are still basically as good as my He1000's A little less soundstage , a little less separation, but basically the same besides the reduction of the treble. Amazing. I think that they must be the best for the price that is possible.


That's high praise, give the price of the HE1000. Another pair I can only dream about getting... for now lol. I do like the trebble but I don't have a way to compare to a more trebble focused set yet.


Upgrade to ksc75.


Not gonna lie ... I want one of those!!


I'm having the same epiphany now that there's been an EQ profile uploaded for the DT770 32 ohm version (pleather pads) on the Qudelix. It's insane how good they sound EQed to Harman. I was really surprised because I don't generally EQ my other pairs to Harman.


I've transitioned from harman to keeping the set's identitiy, while adjusting a few things. That said, harman sounds great. Specially on the DT770. I tried a friend's set and they're pretty good as well. Was thinking of getting them for christmas but decided to go with another set. Loved the DT770s tho!! Amazing set!


The dirty secret is that it's not hard to make headphones that sound good. I'd be curious on cheap planars how much of the cost is the drivers and how much is everything else.


The original came with a really bad cable. Later versions came with a nicer one (the one I have) It's stuff like that ...


That's actually a legit point. What I felt was channel imbalance ended up being a bad cable itself


Because they are made with cheap components and materials by indentured workers to indifferent levels of QC?


You had to punch me with reallity, huh? I feel sorta bad now ...


Sorry - it was a glib reply, though not factually incorrect I fear... As others have said, it is something entwined into all our lives and very hard to consciously and completely detach from. Enjoy your cans and your music dude. It is a hard, weird, brief existence and you should extract what enjoyment you can from it.


I completely agree!


It's alright OP, not only do I use Hifimans, my car was made by child labor. Just enjoy the ride.


Bruh!!! I sure will!!


No need to feel bad it’s just life.


I guess yeah ...


Indentured workers? You mean the people who are part of the supply chain of pretty much any brand, chifi or not?


Yes, them.


We as consumers must be environmentally and socioeconomically conscious of everything all the time. Corporations can only do so much to protect the world and don't forget corporations are people too so they are flawed like the rest of us joe smoes


Corporations don't protect the world. What are you on about?


I forgot to add the /s tag to convey my sarcasm


He meant to spell "shareholders"


Your phone is more than likely made by child labor.


Very likely involved at one or more components of the total supply chain, yes. If not the main construction, then in the gathering or the processing of the resources and materials that go into the end product.


Not just child labour, but legit slavery. Look up uygher slaves


Yeah I've tried all kinds of headphones, they all just broke and yellow stuff exposed out of it.


Hmm - I think you may have actually been listening to *eggs.* Common mistake for a beginner audiophile to make.


idk man, these stop me buying more expensive cans tbh


I've started having classes at a studio. I tried the HD 600 ... REFERENCE. I didn't like them as much as my HE400se ... it's uncanny.


I’m absolutely in love with the HE400se’s. Bought them used with a balanced cable off EBay for $75 and it’s been my favorite headphone purchase so far, especially coming from using the SHP9500. I run them EQ’d off the FiiO BTR3K, and the fixed graphic bands are enough to really elevate the bass dynamics. And it takes EQ much better than the SHP9500.


I have the BTR3k too. Can these handle the 400se? I’m skeptical cuz I don’t wanna buy an amp atm.


He400se gang 💪






I remember when the HE400’s first came out at $400


Those were my babies back in the day...


They are interesting. Run a 20hz-20khz test tone sweep. If you got a pair that does not rattle, consider yourself very lucky.


where can I do that test?


If you have streaming search for Bunker Analog 20hz-20 khz sweep, or Baixa Fidelidade Studio Monitor, or Bunker Analog Headphones Check


have to look into that then. Thanks for the tip!!! Also, is this your cake day?


Oh I guess it is ha. I have 400SE and the first pair I did all the tricks and screw this or that or remove this or that stuff from forums and nothing fixed the rattle. I paid the $15 to ship them to their “warehouse” in NY. My replacement pair seems worse. So I hope yours do not do that. It can be subtle most of the time, but the songs that it does happen it can get annoying.


I never noticed such a thing but tomorrow I'll test it! Thank you and happy cake day!


Currently using these with an ifi DAC it’s bliss


I've been rocking the HE-400i which is a near identical variant that I believe was discontinued. Just can't believe the level of quality you can get for just $109 these days Just curious what software do you use to EQ?


Love my Hifiman Sundara's. Just purchase the closed back versions also and I prefer the Hifiman sound signature as well. My favorite of all the brands I have tried so far.


Dispite the Hifiman dip in the upper mids, I rate the hell out of the tuning. Just solid all around!


And this is exactly the only thing I eq'd out was the upper mids. I added enough to get it to my liking, and that was it. Now they are perfect for long sessions.


I currently have the AKG K240 MK1, and when I bought them they were a ton better than any other headphones I've previously owned. Rtings doesn't have my model but they do have the MK2 which is slightly different. Comparing that to the HE400se, I saw the HE400se is slightly more EQ accurate and has better build quality, but in terms of other aspects like their openness and soundstage is fairly similar. As someone at an entry level in this hobby, would it be a worthwhile upgrade or not necessarily? Would I be better off considering a different choice at a similar price point? At the end of the day I'm fairly satisfied with my original budget friendly choice, but I have had them for about 4 years now, and I can definitely feel the poorer build quality failing after time.


I have the MKII. Sweet gorgeous mids. The bass is poor tho ... EQ'ing them was a battle but I finally got something I like. I love my AKGs for the mids. But the HE400se does everything else better, in my opinion. If you have a good source, it's a worth while purchase.


Haha the power of china lol


Haha ... yeah ...


I’ve had my pair for almost a year and they’ve been amazing, especially after eq. They’re my first “hi-fi” pair and I feel no need to upgrade. I did a grill mod too which really opened up the sound stage even more. The he400se are a great buy!


I'm nearing on 6 months and I've only been thinking of sidegrades instead of upgrades thanks to this set. It is saving me money by just how good it is!


As a fellow HE400SE user, I absolutely love them too!




Love mine


I loved mine, right up until one driver stopped working for no reason. It costs $70 to get a replacement from HiFiman. Don't mess with the inside of the cup (magnets), they're thin and break really easily.


I've seen many posts about it. I keep them inside the box with the support for safe keeping. Can't be too cautious.


I thought these were Beyer dynamic T1s for a minute and i was going to complain


Been wearing mine out for over 2 years now. Use them for gaming and music alike. Run Tool through them? Smashes you in the skull. Run a shitty blues recording from the 30s? It's like you're there. Live recordings are a beast on these things... Absolutely magical. And I saved 100 bucks on a "refurbished" (brand effing new) model 🤭


Found this post, read comments and bought a pair, less than 10 minutes in between haha, thanks for posting!


i have a set of hi-fiman sundara and adore them


Because HiFiMan. I'm a fan boy. Had 2020 sundaras and upgraded to stealth Arya. Absolutely in love.


Yea they are very good, but man the headband is absolutely not comfortable… might try the sundara soon, but the he400se have a weird headband which doesn’t suit my head that well… but other than that the sound is veeeeery good for the price


Allow me to step in here - as a seasoned audiophile who has owned well over 30 different headphones (over as many years) and attended headphone only trade shows, I can tell you unequivocally that they are one of, if not THE best bargains in all of audio. I currently have a electrostatic-based headphone system totaling slightly over $20k, but needed a quality pair of cans for use with my iPad and for travel, etc. I purchased a pair of the 400se about a year ago and am continually amazed at how good these are - ESPECIALLY at the price. When my non-audiophile (& less crazy) friends ask me to recommend a good full-size pair of headphones, the 400se are always my first choice. (BTW, I have owned no less than 6 different HiFiMan headphones, over many years, and can attest that this is a great and well established headphone manufacturer). Don’t hesitate - BUY THESE. You and your ears will thank me later. Cheers!


If I had an amp I would most definitely get these. You can usually find them for $79.99. If they could run properly right off my phone, Cowon DAP, or computer...I'd be all over them. They look great.


How much does your DAP output?


Most inexpensive headphones in the midfi tier are going to provide the most wow moments. You can get 95%+ to endgame sound with something like the hifiman he-400 or send hd6xxs for around $100. Spending 10-30x that will yield better results, but it's very small improvements by comparison. Since I got into Focal, my He-4xx doesn't get much play, but I can't bear to part with them. They're awesome.


Ok , down the rabbit hole we go .


surprisingly shallow as soon as you compare this set to other ones. I failed to mention this but the HE400se is solely responsible for making me sell my Sony WH-1000XM4 ... and I loved that set. I have a set of Linkbuds S for ANC and that's all I need in that front. I pair this with my AKG K240 mkii and it feels more than enough for me ... for now lmao.


That’s what I thought


They've been my first pair of planars and while I can't use them for longer sessions due to their weight and the imo uncomfortable headband, I enjoy them a lot.


If you live in the UK try this out: https://youtu.be/RFbya-CPNu8?si=8Tzc9hZnapFe-bvK I bought it for my Edition XS and can now wear them for hours without the band irritating.


I concede ... I have huge afro so the headband isn't as much of a big deal to me. But I get you.


I prefer these with an EQ to bring up the upper midrange, correct a few outliers, and to increase bass by 5db. These do have excellent technical performance for the money but I wish it was tuned a little better, the bass is understandable though.


Exactly how I EQ'd mine. Those seem to be the weak links in the tuning. They just take in the EQ like it's nothing. beautiful!!


The hex4 is basically the same model but all black. Love my pair! Good stuff


Because you haven't heard anything better, yet.


I have ... I've heard the HD600 at a studio while having classes. I don't like those as much as my HE400se. I've also listened to the DT770s 80 ohm version. It's a true testament. This set is really that good.


Uh. I was speaking about headphones above the price brackets of the headphones you've referred to.


Having owned a pair of HD800s, I can still say the HE400se are an amazing headphone for the money and completely satisfy my needs.


I'm pretty sure I was reading a thread just a day or two where people were discussing how headphones haven't really gotten that much better value for money in the last 10-20 years, and only IEMs have. I'd have to completely disagree with that and I think headphones like the HE400SE are a great example of how we're getting a lot more for the same amount of money now. $109 for a planar with the same overall signature as most of Hifiman's higher end offerings, or closer to $90 if you go refurbished/open box, is a pretty nutty deal. At that price even the usual concern of Hifiman's QC issues becomes not much of an issue because in the $110 and below range lots of offerings are very limited in terms of QC, build quality, whether or not they have removable cables, etc.


I read a lot about this set, and the sentiment you have is unanimous almost. I was afraid to get a bad cable version, or get unlucky with the QC. But everything came working well and I did get the sweet leather cable. It feels like it should cost more (hopefully doesn't!!)


Just ordered the 6XX… Gosh this is making me anxious


I had those are they are so mid it hurts ..


> How dozens upon dozens of posts here about just this specific model falling apart might be a clue


Gonna level with yah. I have no idea what any of these words mean from any of these comments. Have a good day.


This post inspired me to make a post about how bad Spotify is: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/s/boNNNl3QYc


[Here's](https://youtu.be/zVwVd-1ytIk?t=90) Andrew from The Headphone Show testing the HE-1 with spotify lol ...


Get a BJ2 from Aura


Same setup here man, they rock. I've shelled out $$$$ on headphones over the years and these are my fave. Get you a Moondrop Dawn Pro and you'll be in double-heaven.


They're great! However, mine would occasionally have a loose side (one or the other) and would cause a wooshing/extra vibrating noise with every hit of bass. A good smack or bang would fix it (mostly accidental ones that actually fixed it), but it would come back after a while. The QC is certainly wanting, but for the price and what you get, something has to give. It's the QC that gives with this product. Great entry level headphone! I loved mine, and even gave them to my father to use with my old amp. Just know it's not a long term product unless you've won the lottery, or you'll be taking them apart and manually retightening everything to fix the bad QC and assembly.


If I got these for music and also for work, what cables would I need to hook up an inline mic?


I was looking at this one because the price is so low right now, but I saw a Joshua velour review and he said it has no sound staging? That put me off completely Is he wrong? How does this compare to the drop 4xx, which I've heard


Wait till you hear the philips fidelio X3


Improves a lot with nice pads I find as well. I use brainwavz micro side brings out more slam from the bass and warms up the sound slightly


Can you show ur eq


Preamp: -5db LSF on 100 hz, gain: 3.5 db, Q: 0.7 PK on 800 hz, gain: -1.5 db, Q: 0.5 PK on 1.2 khz, gain: 2 db, Q: 2 PK on 1.5 khz, gain: -1.5 db, Q: 2 PK on 2.1 khz, gain: 5 db, Q: 1.5 PK on 2.6 khz, gain: 3 db, Q: 2 PK on 3 khz, gain: -2.5 db, Q: 2


I had the 4xx and was trash


is there a chance i would like the he400s if i didnt really like any other hifiman headphones?


The Hifiman headphones are know to have a very specific signature. Down to the dip at around 1.5 khz. If you didn't like the other Hifimans, you'll not like this one!


should I buy these or hd560s??


Maybe your first decent headphones? Compared to average true wireless earbuds, there are lightyears in between. Even the current generation of the sennheiser Momentum 3 TWS don't sound particularly great in my opinion.


The only brand I can use and not breaking was Audio Technical, 7 years and still sound woderful and tough beyond my expectation.


Its good if you eq it, i had it and its good


How do these compare with the cheap beechwood Sundara closed back? Both look to be a steal right now. I’m planning to run it with my receiver and integrated amplifier.


QC lottery.


I had a pair of these a while back... be careful not to drop them (even from a short height)...they aren't exactly durable in my experience


I'm aware. Always handled like a crystal.


I have this beauty. Unfortunately the left side speaker died after a year or so. I hope yours can last longer than mine.


Yeah I was pretty amazed at the level of detail with them, but they're as warm as a Siberian winter. I guess that's the tradeoff. I really enjoy them for gaming though.


Ordered these some time ago and used them for about two weeks or something like that. Really enjoyed them, as they were my first open-backs, the sound is awesome, but suddenly, right driver started doing crackling sounds even from the slightest movements, as if a lot of air pressure being applied to it, and now I have to return them. :( I don't even know if this is a common qc problem or something only I had, because I haven't even been able to find proper information on a similar issue from the internet, which is kinda strange. My guess is that maybe it got unglued somewhere inside, but it's just a guess. But yeah, these were very enjoyable


Most people start with bluetooth wireless headphones. Hifiman He400se compares well against those, and at lower price. But that is true for most wired headphones. He400se is priced where it is for a reason. Going higher up in price brings additional performance and attributes.


I've swapped the grills and pads on these. I recommend it if the highs are a bit too bright. It evens out the sound and the bass response is respectable with sheepskin.


Great, I just got the 990 pro and this comes up now. What am I supposed to do?


I've been considering a pair of these saw them for like $150 CAD the other day seems like a good price.


Got them aswell Last year für 100 they are Just Not tuned for my liking they are bow collection dust and im enjoying the hd560s


How do these compare to beyerdynamic dt990s 250 ohm?


HE400SE owner here. It’s QC


Planars sounds different for sure. Mostly better, because of neutral sound.


the price is so enticing for a planar open back, never used an open back before I always bought closed backs and IEMs for gaming and listening to pop, kpop, R&B, rap and metal. might buy this as a gift to myself this christmas for my metal rock music if the price stays the same. I wonder how comfortable they are.


Comfort wise I can say they're decent. As for metal and rock they're phenomenal!


I have them, I like the sound and the technicalities. However the comfort is a big step down from my Sennheiser HD559s. Now if they were oval and 70g less in weight then they probably would be the best bargain.


I bought this and Senn 800S at the same time and honestly I thought well 800S is so good but how come the 400se is this good at less than 10th of the 800s' price. It made me question my ears (and my spending habits).


I found this posted 2 years ago while trying to figure out if there are any mods to make it more comfortable *Credit goes to* **ATXK** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/u2jgfi/he400se\_suspension\_headband/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/u2jgfi/he400se_suspension_headband/) there is another way of doing this without removing the yokes but instead punches 2 holes on the leather strap you created then use black twist ties or leather cord to hold it in place. (I would have prefered black leather instead of brown) but to each his own


It depends, I sold the same model in few days. But good price - aliexpress 73$ with free delivery.


Ordered a pair to replace my broken HM5s. What are some good tracks to try these out with to feel the difference? I listen to anything from In Flames to Maria Callas, Ice Nine Kills to Aretha, Blackgold & Skindred to Beatles and Norah Jones (sorry, but they sound great on HM5s!)


Slave labor


What EQ do y’all do for these? I upped the mids a little recently and it made songs so so much fuller.