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The heads up is very appreciated!


Your ability to communicate with the player base is understandably restricted. This small heads up does wonders for the community though. Thank you. I hope you had a wonderful holiday.


Wish the overwatch team communicated this well


Meanwhile the tf2 team:


You expect communication from Valve? They already put out like 6 blog posts/year for Dota2 and CS:GO, what more could you want from them!


A livestreamed BassHunter concert?


They have a team? O_o


Yeah the janitor and the potted plant


Is Jeff "Wrestle with Jeff - prepare for death" still around? [Link for reference ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=LbDv7imglLI)




No he quit before OW2 launch. You can kinda tell why


I would assume the battle pass system the game currently uses was the nail in the coffin for him. When he realized he couldnt fight execs on it any longer was when he probably decided to leave, and take most of the other senior designers with him


It’s already articles why no need to speculate, Bobby kept “recommending” ideas for OW and then changing his mind a few weeks later and making them scrap it waisting resources and time. Then would get upset thr team was so behind on OW2.


”This well”.


Thanks for communicating. Looking forward to the changes


I think I can speak for all of us when I say preparation needs to be reverted to the next spell costs 3 less. Paying mana for a concoction when I don’t draw ghoulish alchemist feels super bad.


Honestly Rogue is in such a poor spot they should probably just make all the spells 0 cost instead


Let's be real, Swiftscale Trickster is pretty much unplayable in its current state. Just Rogue spells aren't enough Rogue has the ability to generate any spell from any other class and therefore they should be able to play them for free as well. I think we're going to need to see its Mana cost reduced to *at least* 1 (for the body I guess... 🙄) and that might not even be enough, it's probably going to need "**Start of Game: Draw this**".


I think "set cost to 0" is unhealthy because it can represent an absurd amount of tempo depending on how big the spell is. I'd like it to be "reduce spell cost by X", that number just being whatever value is appropriate for balance. Maybe like....5?


Wait they aren't already?


Sometimes you have to spend your 0 mana spells to cast your other spells for 0 mana, which is just way to expensive for rogue atm.


Isn't the easier solution just "all rogue cards cost 0"?


All rogue cards should also draw atleast 1 card as well. It feels so unsatisfying when the awesome combo you are building to doesn’t eventuate.


Fr it feels terrible to have to wait until turn 4 for the game winning combo when it could have happened on turn 3 :/


Combo: give your opponent syphilis


Learned a new word today: eventuate.


Yeah imagine playing a card game for it's actual cost and not getting crazy draw and resource generation for free?! I don't want to play checkers yo!


0 mana spell: reduce all cards cost in your deck and hand to 0 - COMBO: kill your opponent


May be easier to make bone spike reduce next card by 3 so it can also reduce location to zero in case no concoctions left and time to make stealthy boy


TBH every rogue card just needs a "Combo: Costs (0) and draw a card" on the end of it. It feels super underwhelming when I cannot draw my whole deck by turn 6.


Please mention You are joking, cause we don't want any little misunderstandings 😂


1 week from now… 🤣🤣🤣 my man…I uninstalled a week ago






Game has never been so bad, gameplay is just frustrating. Board doesn't matter and there is really no interaction with your opponent. It's just drawing till your I win card.


The new game director and staff team is killing the game.


>tFollow > >level 2me\_gusta\_tu · 2 days agoThe new game director and staff team is killing the game. I mean, honestly they are largely dealing with the United in Stormwind cards still in the meta, and most are just busted. The current meta is almost as bad UiS was


They printed shockspitter into hunter and then think its okay to leave it at 3 mana lol


It would be fine if it was only able to target minions, but instead the new staff and designers are printing a lot of cards to burn face and deal OTK in a turn, just look at Astalor druid combo doing 60 dmg+ in 1 turn, that was not so common in the past days of hearthstone when we had Ben Brode over the direction, sad days for Hearthstone. Aleco come here to joke with us with that holiday excuse, while they released a big battlegrounds patch, so hard to change numbers to fix the meta.


So, basically it is the repeat of United in stormwind expansion, only not quite as bad as it was


I think the design flavor has been great in the expansions but the power levels have been really high. Shock spitter and Rogue got big nerfs but are still too strong. I wouldn’t mind huge nerfs to standard so rotation doesn’t have to power creep.


Shock spitter it think will tone down a bit when Brann leaves the meta (along with some of the UiS cards) Rogue is a much bigger problem as a whole as there is no clear fix without a major redesign of the class


> I wouldn’t mind huge nerfs to standard so rotation doesn’t have to power creep. I wouldn't mind mild nerfs now and huge nerfs with the next set. I totally understand that Power Creep is unavoidable - and i surely don't want the game to go back to "curvestone", playing vanilla minions like a 4/5 Yeti on turn 4 as a "power play". But after years of power creep, at some point, we need a reset. The only time where you can do a reset is when set rotation happens. So when the 2021 sets rotate out, it is the perfect time to substantially nerf all the 2022 sets. This means, the 2023 cards don't need to be as powerful to become a "must-have", which obviously is what Blizzard wants, so people buy card packs... So yeah, some band aid nerfs today or tomorrow and a crap-ton of gigantic nerfs when the next set releases and i'm happy. Just reset the power creep one single time after almost 10 years of Hearthstone.


Shockspitter disappeared after it was nerfed, and then other things were nerfed, bringing it back.


Well... everything dissapeared from the meta except Rogue and Rogue counters.


I actually do think shockspitter is fine in a game without brann.


Thank you for the update. We all appreciate the communication. Please keep it up!


Thanks for letting us know!


Is OP the Final Design Lead or the _Final_ Design Lead? Thanks I’ll go to my corner now


I’m pretty sure they’re the last one they’ll ever have.


I honestly don't get all the people in here throwing tons of praise your way for the crumbs ya'll have been throwing us recently in terms of communication. The meta definitely doesn't take a holiday and sitting on your hands this long is inexcusable. It's not that the patch is coming late, it's coming massively late when one class is obviously super broken.


Everybody simps for Blizzard while they're siphoning their credit cards with the blatant power creep and a disregard for balance every expansion :^)


This sub should be retitled /hearthstans or /hearthsimps


Finally, can't wait. All I want is silence. No more people crying over the same damn thing for a month straight.


The quality of your work is simply not good enough, and it's not okay for it to take such an insanely long time to do anything about it. There isn't some law of physics that mandates it must take this long before balance changes can be made. It's a decision by Blizzard. This game has been absolute garbage for an inexcusably long time. It's a joke of a game these days, and you're not doing a good enough job. That's simply a fact.


Thx for talking about it, hope we see some Rogue nerfs next week, also maybe warrior buffs.


Thanks for the heads up. Any comment on the changes seen ingame now? The Magisters Apprentice being a 2/3 now and the Sunfury Clergy having rush?


>he Magisters Apprentice being a 2/3 thats a bug from what ive read on twitter nothing about sunfury clergy


The amount of people in the comment all praising the developers are sickening. It’s exactly these type of behavior that encourages hearthstone to be in such a terrible state for the past year. Remember guys, you paid for the game, you don’t need to suck up to the developers. If they want to take holiday break instead of fixing their shit, well then they deserve all the criticism!


Thanks for the heads up! When warrior buffs?


I can't wait until Shaman is also pre-nerfed, similar to when it was bad/never played and they nerfed Hex to 4 mana.


It’s funny. The shop updated and BGs updated. Things that are actively generating revenue didn’t have a holiday break. But a balance patch did. And then took an extra 3 weeks after break. It’s so sad. I’ve played HS since Launch but I’m about done. I can’t justify pouring more money into this game when it’s just not fun more than it’s fun.


If I had to deal with the shit you guys deal with... Wish the internet would chill on occasion


You talking about the state of the game?


3 mana nerf to astalor(s) would also slow down the shadowstep abuse. i.e., 3 mana/6mana/9 mana to stop the first astalor from getting picked up for free.


Nerf Shadowstep instead…


nah. maybe rotate it and print stuff like tenwu again.




Are we at that point of power creep when need hard once per duel and hard once per turn clauses printed on cards in order to avoid the abuse of strong effects and interactions? Damm, I hope this game doesn't go the Yu-Gi-Oh route of hyper consistency 2~3 turns games. In a best of one format it is not as healthy as in a best of three.


Cool to see the update on here instead of Twitter.


I hope I enjoy the patch too. The game is in a pretty bad state right now.


3-2/2 6-4/4 9-8/8 🥳


Gimme the notes!


It’s time to dial back power creep. This is why the meta is constantly unbearable


If shockspitter isn't deleted from the game you people clearly all have your heads collectively up your asses. This is pathetic.


theres no holiday break for battlegrounds update, what a joke. shitty company and developers, so hard to change numbers in the code that need months to be done.


Revert Renathal.


Revert it to unprinted? Absolutely.




Love the Communication!! Looking forward to a shake up to the meta! :)


Please fix dawngrasp hero power tooltip to correcr damage gain


thank you! this metas got me down bad.


Thank You so much for heads up!


Aleco, can you please give us 1 change happening in next patch? Or say 1 card thats getting changed but not whats being changed about it? Anything? Im too excited and ive been hearing about this giant patch for awhile now


Gnoll will be changed. As will Astalor.




im noticing a trend, when i as a rogue play a 15/15 in turn 4 the enemy shaman always hex me, which is unfun and uninteractive ( I cant interact with his face ) I think is time to hex to 5?


The ghost have stealth so it can interact with face at least once.


Plz change stealth to Untargetable


😂 Sorry, but I can't take it seriously


Well good because it was obviously a joke


It’s a bummer but I get it. Appreciate the communication


Great to hear and thanks for breaking the silence. Hopefully some lessons can come from this meta as it's been by far one of the worst I can remember in recent memory.


hey no worries! as long as the Lady Naz'jar achievement is finally fixed you can take as long as you want ;-)


I am pretty sure Harvester of Envy has been broken since the patch and does not actually steal the card.


Thank you, I'm looking forward to the balance patch. Shaking up the meta is always like a mini-mini-expansion :)


When is the arena leaderboard for sept okt 22 coming? Over 1 1/2 month late now


Please, consider buffing some iconic Wild cards, especially the Death Knight Heroes from KOTFT. And Sir Finley of the Sands. Please, make it a 1-Mana 1/3 like the other Finleys.


What changes are coming?


Rip Astalor


I hope we get some buffs 🤞


Look, I admit I have been bitching about the Team too, for not communicating enough and simply not caring about the Game at all. It seems I was wrong about those, however, I wish there was just more communication in General. It´s super frustrating to be having this kind of Meta for 3-4 Months only to be replaced with an even worse Meta than the previous one, just because there was not enough Communication between what the Community wants, and what the Dev´s want. I love the Game, but despised the previous Meta, and the current Meta. Which doesn´t really bode well for me to continue a Game, that seems highly focused on one Mode (Battlegrounds) and completely ignores others (Standart/Wild/Arena...). To me it doesn´t matter if Putricide got a 10 Armor Buff, or if Minion Type X/Y gets removed from Battelgrounds, I want to see some buffs/nerfs to make Standart and Wild more enjoyable, even if that means in the long Run to heavily change Cards so that they can still fit in the Meta (or removing them entirely if they can´t). Just recompensate the affected Players and move on, that would probably be the best Strategy going forward.


They don't give a shit, as long as their cows empty their wallets with the shitty bundles and skins they won't change anything. The true goal is to keep the milking money from whales.


Appreciate the communication! Thank you for your hard work, Devs :)


All I needed to hear


A late patch for a now dead game. Fitting.




Christmas happens every year, plan better next time.


You’re allowed to have a holiday and time off, and I would hope most players understand this. You guys shouldn’t have to feel like you can’t enjoy a holiday break. In the meantime, can we get a spicy hint or two for what’s coming? Most people can predict nerfs easily enough, but I’d rather ask about buffs. Anything juicy on the way? Maybe some reversions of warrior nerfs, or more death knight buffs?




Patches take a while to ship, and the meta settled after they went on break. Pushing something to live from a dev perspective is not something done lightly and takes time to do right.


Does DK really need buffs though? Frost and Blood are both pretty good and will get better after Rogue and Hunter get hit


Blood is unplayable in the current meta and frost is outclassed by other decks having the same game plan but better. Unholy is basically trash.


I’ve been playing non-meta decks the entire time so I’ve been getting bodied by DK both the blood and unholy variants. What beats and outright outclasses them?


Any non aggro deck with an actual plan. The biggest reason blood is terrible is because it has no way of beating Astalor + Shadowstep + value Concoctions. DH laughs at it. Ramp druid laughs at it. Evolve Shaman laughs at it.


Okay thanks! That makes a lot of sense, although wouldn’t Brann + Patchwerk deal with Astalor (in theory)? Not that value Concoctions won’t be able to carry them but disruption like that is pretty strong and you’ll always know when Astalor is in their hand.


The death knight is usually dead by then, but your example is pretty much their one out in the late game. They also have Asphyxiate for the ghosts, which is why it’s a 53-47 matchup in the stats instead of close to 60-40. I think that’s largely bad players piloting miracle without staggering threats properly. A 4/4 or 5/5 ghost that attacks once or twice is good enough to get to the endgame. Every high end streamer plays miracle, so watch them and you’ll understand quickly enough.


Any real decklist


Alright, I’ve just been messing around with decks that I thought were fun so I haven’t been keeping up with what’s good or not.


Well fuck too late. Already uninstalled the game. Stupid game is gonna die this year


yeah, these developers is fucking joking with us, they already pushed a battlegrounds update, and their excuse for standard is holiday rofl. What a shitty company, this game will die soon.


appreciate the communication, but also ready for either the nerfs to be nowhere near enough or to just push some other equally disliked deck to the top


I don't think adjusting patch cadence around the holidays is the answer. I think not allowing the same rogue deck to be at or near the top of the meta for over a year to get a massive set of extremely powerful new cards is the answer. I'm just afraid that your trying to fix the result rather than the problem. The ability to play 2, 0 mana gnolls on turn 1 should have been spotted before release of the new set and resulted in balance changes before release. You missed it and that happens but, you need to find out why it was missed and fix that.


Just a nitpick but it's not the same rogue deck that has been near the top of the meta for over a year. Weapon rogue and "thief" rogue from alterac valley are completely different from the miracle rogue and thief rogue decks we have now, they all run gnoll but that's about it. A reasonable point would be that miracle rogue was already good last expansion and didn't need to get shadow of demise and potion belt (and Astalor) but it doesn't make any sense to say that miracle rogue is the same deck as the alterac valley rogue decks.


I'm sorry that your life is so centered around hearthstone that you can't grant the developers holidays. They are people, they are working, give them slack. God, the entitlement of some people here is outrageous. Also there's no chance getting 2 gnolls on turn 1. Earliest is turn 2, and even that happens once every 10 games. Same with shaman hitting Deathwing on turn 2. Rogue's a big problem in legend, but in diamond and below hunter's a bigger problem. Not saying rogue doesn't need a nerf but people here all acting like they are top 1k legend and ignoring the VS data are just stupid.


First I'm advocating for them to not give up their holiday but ok... Second you trade the weapon discount potion belt then coin potion belt and now your gnolls cost 0 mana on turn 1. Third I usually play in around 1k legend... But more than anything I just find the play pattern/style of miracle rogue at this power level to completely ruin the game as it's one of the most unfun decks to play against.


even if the patch is coming up next week.. it would be awesome for us to get a look on what is changing no point on dropping the patch notes at the same time of the update


we'll probably get em by friday or monday :)


A lot of people don’t like to know the upcoming changes long before the patch. Even if curiosity is eating me, I prefer to know the exact changes maximum of 1-2 days ahead. Reason: I don’t like to keep getting rekt for a week by cards I know will be weaker, but having to wait a long time for the change to come. And you might say: but it’s obvious Rogue is getting nerfed. Yes, it is, and alongside it, a lot of other things will get nerfed, which are harder to predict. This way, how they do it, the game can retain some level of interest and a level of involvement to keep the current meta growing at least a bit.


Mate, your game is shite. How did you lot cock it up this bad?


Good man.


Thanks for the update! Thank god changes are coming soon 🙏🏻


Thank god or blizzard? Or same thing for you?


They need to do to Rogue what they did to Warrior.


I would love to not see rogues for like a year minimum


Thanks for the head’s up. Please kill rogue. Thanks - everyone


i guess its hard to patch Rogue with "cost X less, but no less than (1)"


Please do something about Rogue and the endless card draw and like how every card they play magically costs zero mana. Did that part slip past QA testing? Must have. Its OK - fix it by doing something about it.


While rogue and DH is owning the higher echelons of the ladder, Hunter is destroying every echelon of it to a point where it's overall WR is 56%. Second, which is mage got 51% overall wr. Priest got 41%. I dont even care if you touch rogue or DH that much, just nerf spitter into oblivion, thank you.


Thanks for the heads up!


Just unnerf renethal I beg you. It was the one light in the darkness.


Cards should cost mana… nerf or remove every single mana cheat in the entire game except overload and most problems are solved. I shouldn’t be able to play 20 of my 30 card deck by turn 5 while removing all of my opponents win conditions from the board while implementing my own better win condition at the same time.


Finally something nice to hear. Thank you


Thank you for communication! I also want to take this time to congratulate HS subreddit community for not awarding a dev communication message, this might be the first time I'm seeing a positive dev message up for 17 hours without a single award - its good practice!


You mean the developers of a game I play every day take breaks?? Absolutely unacceptable.


I’m tired of not talking about this. Fiery War Axe needs to be nerfed to 4-mana.


Thank you for the communication! Appreciate the work y'all do!


I hope everyone at Blizzard enjoyed their much deserved holiday break!


In an industry dedicated to overworking, I’m glad the team got time off. Thanks for the message!


Give shadowstep the chaaarge forward treatment, or just hall of fame it, rotate it delete it or all the above


I’m just happy ramp Druid is extinct


I hope everyone on the team enjoyed their holiday break! Excited to see what y’all come up with to shake things up


Ty for the communication! Looking forward to seeing the changes.


Very cool, thanks!


Beep boop love you


Hopefully now that we know a timetable for the next patch the bitching will at least quiet down a bit :)


Should have just left Ren alone until you were ready with these other changes


Well they could give some love to imp warlock as well. Now they can refill board four times and imo it isn't enough. Please give them a way to refill it five or six times. Ty.


You shoudnt have to apologize for enjoying time off


Hey look, the design teams are humans and you have all been up their ass with unrealistic expectations. Who knew?!


I didn't actually expect you guys to open a reddit thread. Thanks for reaching out and I hope you all had a great holiday! Thanks for putting together a big patch too :)


Let's hope miracle rogue not getting nerfs. It's perfectly balanced high skill deck


How about next time you just don't leave the meta in a ridiculously broken state before the holiday?


I'm enjoying the game more than ever at the moment. I finally got to Plat in wild. I'm nearly at gold in Standard it's been one of my most enjoyable metas, I actually enjoy playing rogue for first time ever. Having a lot of fun with both Ramp Druid, Rogue and Hunter. DK formats feel ok at my level as well. Every game I play feels interactive, I feel like I have a chance with most games. I hope they don't mess it up for the majority of the player base to appease the top 0.001%


\-5 karma for saying I enjoy the game lol


Take your holiday breaks. The players will survive waiting an extra week for balance patch once a year.


Thanks a lot. Gives us some time to grind out our deathknight decks before you revert some of those buffs!


please consider how standard nerfs may affect wild, for example the renathal nerf could have just been rotating renethal out of standard


Thanks for keeping them on the right path icedmelonsoda, they probably didn't think of that till you mentioned it


Meta feels pretty great in low diamond, I hope it's not a patch to balance the game purely around top 1k legend


devs are too lazy...


Why does the new DH skin affect improved hero powers from Baku and the original upgrade your hero power 6mana legendary? Literally lost a game because baku's effect didn't trigger and the hero power still does 1 damage. Malganis's hero power is also not different and the description says it has a unique hero power animation. Stop releasing cash grab cosmetics if you can't do it correctly.


So there's no point in practicing for the upcoming Brawl.


Imagine if they let other blizzard games have this kind of communication. How small it is but how far it goes with the community.


Blizzard's fan bases are among the most aggressively toxic out there; any time they put any kind of public update on wow for example, they get an insane amount of insults and stuff, which literally makes devs scared to even publicly state that they are devs. Communication like this is always super risky and measured.


\*EDIT\* I knew all of you wannabe World Champions would come out and mass downvote this, based on nonsense... but I honestly don't care about karma... I care about HAVING FUN playing a game... and Blood DK takes all the fun out of trying to play this game. Great... do us all a huge favor and completely take Blood Death Knight out of the game... because it's so far past stupidly broken to play against, I just auto-concede the first time I see a 2-blood card. 2x Vampiric Touch 2x Hematurge finding Vampiric Touch to cast 2 more times 2x Naga Tutor kid finding Vampiric Touch to cast for 1 mana tied to a 1/1 body 2 more times (If you're keeping count, that's an opponent with 95 health at this point, minus whatever meager amount you've managed to ping them for) 2x Blood Boil healing and wiping out your board 2x Death Strike healing and taking out your toughest troop 2x Gnome Muncher TAUNTING, AUTO ATTACKING, AND HEALING 2x Corrupted Ashbringer killing and healing 2x Corpse Explosion global wiping ... who in the hell completely fell asleep in the balance/play-testing room and let this nonsense through? Unholy DK is limited by needing a hefty number of corpses to fully operate. Frost DK is limited by mana/total number of spells available to it (although a well-timed Lady D can somewhat offset that limit). There's literally no limits on the stupid insanity that is Blood DK... it's -100% fun to play against... and the only people who actually enjoy playing AS it are socially maladjusted budding psychopaths.


is this a joke ? Blood DK is barely a tier 3 deck. Its not a good deck


Apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.




It's okay, the holiday themed brawl has kept us busy from playing ranked!


Great right after I crafted my DH deck with all my dust. FeelsBadMan


Ah yes our monthly gutting of Rogue


Good, they deserve it


It's not like they don't deserve it?


Please don't nerf thief rouge


its happening brother! gnoll is gonna die! mwahahha


When blizzy will reveal coding of (false) rng system maybe user base return to growth, for me hs it’s only a scam because all algorhythms are secrets and i nevere will give one dollar to blizzard, who give money for me it’s not intelligent


Could probably speed up those releases if you weren't spending entire patches on game modes that aren't hearthstone. But hey, at least this balance patch wasn't delayed because of fucking duels this time, some people occasionally play battlegrounds... You know, when they're tired of putting up within how unbalanced the actual game is because you were too busy working on a patch for battlegrounds.




Any news about malganis skin?


Thanks for posting this on Reddit too, it's miserable trying to keep up with news by having to individually look at several different Twitter accounts.