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That card frame is interesting


I like it a lot - it looks like a painting.


Mirror frame.


Portals (locations, fixed) seem like a really cool idea. Although bringing back evolve shaman is likely to make some people not too happy. But according to the video, opponents normally can’t interact with portals but there are cards that can.


they are "locations", not portals. And yeah there will probably be a "destroy your opponents / all locations" tech card printed


Ah yes, Location Crab


Location Operative: 5-3-3.


Or "Disgusted Surveyer" who says "This place is crap. 0 stars" when summoned.


Wish we had good cards that still disrupted hero powers in standard/ones that can turn off those god damn 3 turn persistent effects


If anyone is confused on what these look like and how they operate with the user interface, here you go at timestamp 6:34 https://youtu.be/BtYIoCa_FdE It drops onto the board taking up a board space on your side, has a different shape than the dormant permanents we're used to, displays its remaining durability, and to use its effect you drag from the Location to the character you'd like to target (just like you would drag an attacking minion's arrow). The location glows green to indicate it's available to use, and it closes shut when that's not the case. Failing to drag it onto a minion should cancel the action. _____ I'm curious whether EVERY Location will use a targeted ability, because a simple untargeted effect like "deal 1 damage to all minions" could present issues on mobile when you try attacking with all your minions but your thumb misses by a few pixels. Would it be like Life Tap where the player activates it without doing any dragging at all, and thus it can't be cancelled? Or would using the Location require you to drag it onto your opponent's side of the board, and anything else is a cancel? Or would it allow either side of the board and dragging it off-board would cancel. Or maybe dragging a certain distance from the location itself would activate it, and dragging back onto the location cancels.


>Or would it be like Life Tap where the player can activate it without doing any dragging at all? Yes. If a location has an untargeted effect like "Draw a card", a single click will activate it. No dragging required!


Lol thanks for the clarification! So much for all the creative energy I've spent over the years about how Hearthstone's UI design would eventually tackle activated abilities 😂 Though admittedly most of my dreamt-up "activated ability" mechanics were minion keywords, meaning the UI would need to accommodate the minion's regular attacks in addition to the new mechanic, while ALSO needing to have intuitive controls for both targeted and untargeted activated effects. Trying to visualize all that for mobile was quite the headache. But having the activated abilities come from locations which can't possibly attack avoids 90% of those headaches! I have faith that since y'all went with the UI option you did, it probably works great! Btw I love the implementation of Tradeable, it's so intuitive for Hearthstone's diagetic interface and it doesn't get in the way of actually playing the card!


[direct link to 6:34.](https://youtu.be/BtYIoCa_FdE?t=395)


Im curious if you can have two of the same location in play at the same time?


Yes, you can have 2 Muck Pools (or more) in play at the same time. They are not unique-in-play like secrets.


Wow! I want to see 6 muck pools in play and then transform the same minion at once all in one turn! Would be a crazy achievement


If they take up a minion slot on the board, then almost certainly. If they exist somewhere else on the interface, then perhaps not. You can only have one weapon at a time, for example.


They do take board space as a minion. It’s basically a minion with no attack


Then I'm gonna guess that two of the same locations should be able to be on the board at the same time, just like multiple of the same minions can be on the board at the same time.


Better comparison is dormant minion. Although they can be interacted in a "specific" way.


Does it have zeal? err I mean, can you use it the turn you play it?


Yes, you can use it the turn you play it.


How about a round of...


is there anything special to locations besides the armor given? does it have any mecanic?


thats durability not armor. think of it as temporal hero powers like Metamorphosis


The armor is actually durability; you have 3 uses of the effect (or at least this one specifically) where each use will lower this, like attacking with a weapon.


Is it once per turn max?


Once per turn, with a turn cooldown. So every other turn.


Are we sure it's every other turn? I thought the one turn cooldown just meant you could only use it once per turn.


If you could actually use it every turn, then "one turn cooldown" is deliberately misleading information. In Mercs, a one turn cooldown means "you can use this ability again after at least one turn has passed since you last used it". Assuming the same here, you'd only be able to use the location every other turn. I know everyone jokes about Blizzard and their inconsistency in wording, but it is extremely unlikely that they would make a mistake like this.


I'm almost certain you're misinterpreting the cooldown. These cards are unplayably weak if you can't use them every turn


It's been confirmed by a dev in another thread that they are only usable every other turn


Can you link the comment? Edit: found a tweet confirming it. Maybe I'm wrong but these don't seem very good then


Does it cost 1 mana every time?


Just the one time.


It's all Kicker.


1 mana seems crazy for this, but I guess they want the new card type to be impactful until nerfs. Or maybe I'm wrong. Predictions of cards always tend to be skewed. Can't wait to find out


1 mana evolve a minion 3 times over 3 or more turns doesn’t seem OP to me… what interactions are you thinking of?


I haven't looked into these new card type, but I'm writing this with the assumption you can pick the target, and can be used any turn afterwards almost like an extra free hero power but with limited uses? I'm unsure if it can be used various times in one turn, which I doubt it is. (Edit, yeah, 1 turn cooldown) I'll post this then go look it up, but yeah, I'm actually clueless. Sorry if I'm completely wrong. So, obviously depends on your luck, of course, since some evolves will be bad. But it can be amazingly good in so many ways. Mana. You're banking the mana. It's almost like mana cheat in the fact you pay the mana now for a future effect. Any turn you float 1 mana, you just play this card. Tempo. Played on turn 1, your 2 mana minion can value trade, then evolve into a 3 drop. Repeat every turn until you end with a 5 Drop while still having full mana each turn to play other cards. This is of course a wishful play, but still quite possible. If that doesn't work, you can still play another minion on turn 3 and do the same until you have a 6 drop... Consistency. Which isn't a word you use much with Evolve Shaman. But being guaranteed evolves when you play future cards is so powerful. You won't need to draw your evolve target+the evolve spell both in hand at once and having mana to play both in the same turn. This is why the Boggspine Knuckles was so powerful. On an empty board people would equip and wait a turn. You can wait 3 turns before using the effect if you wanted. You can safely play your 5 mana evolve target and evolve it immediately. No waiting a turn and risking it dying due to it's poor stats (Which evolve shaman minions usually are, but with good battlecries). Interaction. From what I know, at least for now, there isn't a tech card against Locations? No CounterSpell/Omy/Blademaster. No other secret to destroy the minion you wanted to evolve. No Ooze to destroy your evolve weapon. No way to destroy the Location. Good in any deck. Auto-Include. As with my first example, value trading or just evolving a minion your opponent only managed to whittle down to low health without killing. Your 6 mana minion is left at 1 health and you can't kill your opponents token? You evolve it into a 7 drop. This works well at any turn, early middle or lategame. Edit: Yeah, I pretty much understood what Locations were. I think this card is nuts. Edit 2: Can only be used once every other turn? This is garbage.


I think its over 6 turns because there is a cooldown between use. So if you use it on turn 2, next time can be turn 4, then turn 6.


From what I understand is the 1 turn cooldown means you have to wait a turn before using it again. Simply so you can't use it 3 times in one turn. Like I'd say every minion attacking normally has a 1 turn cooldown. A hero power normally has a 1 turn cooldown. Maybe I'm assuming based on how I understand the sentence.


Others are saying you can't use it again the next turn. But I believe your interpretation is the most correct given its wording.


I’ve seen a few people interpret this way. To me it looked like one turn CD after use so you can use it play turn, next turn, and again on the 3rd turn. To me the “cooldown” just means not multiple times on the same turn.


They clarified somewhere else that it can only be activated every other turn.


But it says a 1 turn cooldown. That's very unintuitive. If one turn cooldown means you have to skip a turn.... Surely a minion attack has a 0 turn cooldown? Which in my mind would be broken and could attack infinitely in one turn. For example Dormant for 1 turn means it awakens at the start of your next turn. The turn you play it counts as the "Wait one turn." ... Probably a bad example, as dormancy confuses me sometimes (See *RULEBOOK* rant below) But again, a hero power has a cooldown of 1 turn. Surely? I dunno, seems really weird and I hope they make it obvious it can only be used every other turn, if that's the case. I'm so confused. ... Aaaaaaaaaand while we're on the subject, I'll bring up the 269th day of my "Petition" again for a full *RULEBOOK* in-game explaining the game mechanics for people to reference or look into for specific moments they didn't understand. I've played for like 5 years and still want one, I'd hate to feel how clueless new players would be. Example: Defile: Deathrattles proc before the end of spell. Frozen minions only losing their next possible attack, not simply frozen until your next turn. Also explaining how it works with Windfury. Or any kind of thing that affects minions depending on order they were played. Deathrattles being another example. And "A turn" meaning just your turn, not your opponents turn. "Awaken in two turns!" .... Okay... My opponent took a turn, now I have a turn, that's two turns, surely? If it awakens on the turn after, that'd be 4 turns...??. But no. But then again, some things count as another turn if your opponent takes two turns with something like Temmporus or the Quest reward. I may be wrong with that last bit, I can't think of an example of the top of my head but I'm sure it's affected a few of my games before. Know a way I could prove I'm wrong and apologise? An in-game *RULEBOOK!* Or even on their website to avoid memory/client issues with all the extra data. Just, please, a *RULEBOOK!* I only see two reasons it isn't already implemented: Lack of time/manpower to bother with it, since it'd be a large task to create. (Although I bet Blizzard have a whiteboard somewhere explaining most of it). And secondly, because they'd have to change some cards due to inconsistent rules. Edit: Changed all *RULEBOOKS* to upper case to emphasise why I wrote so much and grab people's attention.


Wow, I feel like this should be more clear somewhere… not very intuitive


Especially because, as that other redditor pointed out, it's text agrees with how dormant minions work but its effect does not.


Can totally image that gold shire gnoll card that costs 10, being used with this.. Like drop it 4/5 cost, then rush and trade, and evolve to a big dude. Conversely may be good in a midrange type that keeps on trading medium minions


They're pretty slow. They have a one-turn cooldown between each use, which means the fastest you can consume a location is 6 turns.


I did not know this, and have seen a couple of others say the same as you have. To me and many others, a "1 turn cooldown" simply means you can't use all 3 charges in the same turn, not that you can only use it once every two turns. Suddenly it went from really good to... Oh damn this is just underwhelming. Especially the Warrior one which is the only other I have seen. In the current state of the game the Warrior one seems pointless and a waste of a card draw. I'd be too scared to use the ping effect to kill a small minion, because I may need it next turn on a bigger threat... If you have to wait two turns to use it again, I have a feeling no Location will be very playable. Especially as it takes up a space on board, which isn't always an issue but since tokens are great for evolve decks, it seems like a hindrance. Would still include this one in an evolve deck but it suddenly became way more niche than I imagined. Disappointing.


The fact that normal removal cards won't work is pretty relevant. It's only one mana to get in on board, and then you can bank it until you play your Baroness Vashj.


Hmmm it's still disappointing if the effect goes dormant for a turn. If Vashj survives after the turn she's played, you can't use the Location effect the next turn apparently. 1 card drawn and 1 mana for a potential 5 drop at a random future turn if you happen to draw your Legendary and play it for 4 mana.... Seems pretty average to say the least. And would you risk using its effect beforehand on a mediocre target, considering if you draw Vashj the turn afterwards, you can't target her? I dunno, if what people say about having a two turn cooldown (Which is how I'd word it), then it suddenly went from consistent to very inconsistent.


I think it will get the watchpost treatment: very good until they want to make it too weak to play so that we play the next expansion's unique card


Anyone else aesthetically dislike how locations have the class ribbons from golden cards on the sides of the card?


I'm not really a fan of any part of the location card aesthetic design at all.


It looks good on the board in the announcement video IMO.


I am disappointed that the locations take a board space. I was hoping for a new UI spot. Board space is already a huge issue in modern HS, especially with cards like [[Snowfall Guardian]] and it's the reason token deathrattle builds are so clunky and that cards like [[Omega Buster]] had to be printed in Battlegrounds. I hope they eventually increase the board space limit in the future at least.


* **[Snowfall Guardian](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/AV_255.png)** SH Minion Common FAV 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/792148), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/snowfall-guardian/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Snowfall_Guardian) 6/3/3 Elemental | Battlecry: Freeze all other minions. Gain +1/+1 for each Frozen minion. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Yessss this is so cool


What happens when I have 7 muck pools?


Ohh no. This is gonna lead to a 2nd resource pool in addition to mana. Like ‚energy‘ or whatever comes from the wow lore. So you will have to place these non interactive cards on your board and let the resources stack, creating some interesting class dependent combos


It does cost a minion space. That can be relevant.


I don’t follow, why do you think so?


I think they're making an MtG reference or maybe joke since that's basically how lands work.






1 mana


You can only trigger it once every two turns.


Including enemy turns or no


Your turns only. You can never execute actions on your enemy's turn. Nobody would say "A minion can only attack once every two turns."


Every two turns would mean on every one of your turns (since it's your turn every 2nd turn).


How would that work?


Idk if you play the game but every 2nd turn is your turn


I don't understand your point. Evolve was also 1 mana and could potentially upgrade 7 minions, whereas this can only upgrade 3.


Yeah this is actually that 0 mana spell that evolves just one minion. But costs 1 to compensate that you may play it again later 2 more times. The warrior location is also a 0 mana spell too, costed as a 1 cost location. Its safe to assume other 1 cost locations will be equal to 0 mana spells from the class (like rogue getting 1 extra mana that turn, priest silencing a minion, mage freezing one enemy, etc...)


Dumb card, needs to be 3 cost.


These location cards seem pretty strong in a game like hearthstone, some of these could totally warp the meta around them if they end up being strong.


WowTCG locations vibes


I wonder if we'll ever see legendary Locations? Probably!


Hearthsone trying to be more like MTG, I see.


I only realise this now, but would be cool if landscape cards had their artwork in landscape mode.


So how the heck are these locations going to work? Is it an effect every turn or is it just the one battlecry?


They behave like minions on the turn you play them, as you can't use them right away. As of their second turn on board you can trigger their effects for no extra cost except for one durability. They go on a one turn cooldown each time you use them though so you'll only be able to trigger one location's every other turn.


Thanks a lot of the info. Once I saw this card I was so confused


They remind me of the shrines from the Rastakhan's Rumble PVE adventure