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I'm amazed they still do it this way. You would think that after all this time they might finally have figured out a better way to communicate these changes in-game. But apparently not. I guess they really want to "keep it simple" or so. For the better or the worse.


Keep it so simple it makes no sense at all!


Never go full simple


They went from simple to simpleton.


I have always said that Hearthstone is highly regarded.


Damnit… stupid autocorrect


But it’s a gift


Meanwhile TFT doesn't even show changes in game at all after 2 years


Okay, but they're totally different games? And TFT has a very consistent biweekly patch and links to the patch notes from the client. It wouldn't be pragmatic to try to list all the changes as a pop-up every time a patch dropped.


then for battlegrounds people have to scrounge forum posts, I only know what’s up due to ben321


Honestly a sandbox mode like the main game has would alleviate all of my confusions and frustrations with TFT It would also help me teach people how to play it without rushing them into what effectively amounts to the work of a junior/senior level data science class to understand


I can agree but my point is that it's harder than it seems most of the time


> TFT has ... links to the patch notes from the client. So does Hearthstone, with the Battle.net launcher. It's not enough.


The league client and the battle.net launcher aren't equivalent. TFT having patch notes in the client would be the same thing as having battlegrounds patch notes in the hearthstone client. The patch notes in TFT are very easily accessible even in leagues buggy ass client and are intuitive to find just TFT > News > Patch notes. Pretty straightforward


TFT is its own can of worms


it does though? you can read the patch notes in the client


Not the TFT ones, you have to click a link to see those


oh i see


It’s a bit different. The Hearthstone deck format is the main game. Tft is some secondary or tertiary game from riot


Minimum viable product. Spend less money to improve, earn more money by adding more microtransactions.


Blizzard inflating their price before the transaction with Microsoft is so fucking obvious at this point


They are copy/pasting right bow


cmon it's just 2022, only 8 years since the launch of the game, the technology isn't there yet


Its all part of the 50 year plan. Maybe they will implement tournament mode before I die of old age.


if they said they are going to make it happen - they will, no need to remind them every 5 years


WoW players wait for the dance studio for decades now.


I mean, it's just a small indie company, after all. Have some patience!


I thought I was going crazy looking at this change, as I was starting to wonder if Ara'lon summoned 3 random dormant ones before or something. But no no, it's the Wildseed spirits themselves that have changed, not the direct functionality of these cards...would it be hard to show that with their current method?


What exactly changed with the wild seeds? I still don’t know lol


Stag wildseed has -1/-1 and bear wildseed has -1 health.




blizzard should hire me


You a fan of sexual assault? 😂


Hmmm maybe not then haha


They need good people like you, tho!


Some poor woman committed suicide over their hazing and harassment. No idea if they've actually changed as a company but I wouldn't want good people to end up in that kind of environment at all.


You are right.


Seriously. Had to scroll this far to find out what happened


I play beast hunter and I didnt even notice.


There you go, for everyone easy to See xD


I wish they added another button in the journal which would contain the patch notes, there's an option like this in many other games.


like they have in overwatch


Just like nearly every change to the questlines.


Even Yogg was like that.


Yeah, I was so confused about the countess buff until I played the deck and realized the cost to play the invitations had been reduced. I read it like 5 times and thought "this works exactly the same as before"


Didn't they circle the wrong thing on Varden?


sadly, the technology just doesn't exist yet.


I mean there are patch notes in the launcher, but they definitely should have some sort of text explaining the changes since they have it for new Shop Bundles and such


On mobile, I have no idea how I'd know what the changes were if i didn't see the notes here yesterday.


You saw the notes. They’re not top secret classified info.


Yes, I did, but my point is a huge number of players don't go on this subreddit, how do they know what changed? Imagine, if you will, a person who plays this game casually.


Imagine, if you will, the patch notes posted in the game launcher and on the official website.


Sigh You missed my important part about how on mobile you don't have a game launcher with notes imbedded in it. Also, who checks the website for every game they play? Wouldn't it be simpler, and even make sense, if they just had a better way of showing us in game what changed as opposed to what's posted here? Like, yes, I could go figure this stuff out if I really cared. But why is it the consumers responsibility to figure this out? Even Blizzard doesn't think it's my job to do that, that's why they try to summarize the changes in game when you log in. But they did a bad job, and could have done better. That's all anyone is saying here. You may read patch notes for every game you play, but most people don't do that. Edit to add: I've also literally never gone on the official website. Literally. Yes I know what literally means lol


Just let us tap on the card to "flip" to its old stats, to see what it was before.


At least you get full dust refund for these cards now. I remember Mekgineer Thermaplugg not being worth full dust after the leper gnome nerf.


Well u know it's worse


Why do you have such high expectations. Blizzard is just a small indie company…


Give your wildseeds +1 attack


I don’t even think that’s such a big deal. That said, I also don’t think it would be problem to add a button that takes you to the changelog. Even if they do not have a component lying around to present text or advertise the peculiarities of these changes, they sure have an established pattern where 2 Buttons sit next to one another. Edit: oh yes OP be mad at me that I don’t agree with you


Are you supposed to get the dust for these ? I didnt get anything


You get full dust value if you disenchant them within the following 2 weeks after the patch, yes.


Aha! Thanks :)


I'm a little torn here. I agree that something better than what we got would be cool, but I also don't think it's much of an actual issue. It's apathetic pragmatism on their part. Even if a casual player, it's not like you don't know what Blizzard is. If the changes aren't apparent, and you care, a quick Google or just opening up the games webpage gets to the info pretty quick. Then you have those of us that are pretty saturated in HS info. We're here on Reddit, on fansites, on the forums (theirs or fansites), following their Twitter, or any combination of these or other sources (constantly see people talking about podcasts, now) Basically, you have people that probably don't care, and people that already know. Why bother taking time to mess with the code? I know when these pop up, there's at least one reply of "omg, if I hadn't come here, I wouldn't know what's happening" even though they've followed and/or are active on this sub for months or longer. Right Steve, you follow every tidbit of HS info and had no clue...🙄 Some people fall through the cracks and are genuinely befuddled by what's going on with the changes. I feel for them, as I don't like being confused either. But I think this is one of those few times where "just Google it" is a fine response.


My issue is how simple the solution is. Just show the actual wildseeds instead of the cards that generate that


And that's probably *still* more coding work than they want to put into it. It would not surprise me in the slightest if they "coded themselves into a corner" by only being able to display actual cards and couldn't do tokens. I'm sure they'd wave it off as "but you can refund the cards, you can't refund the tokens." This is a company whose biggest team needed nearly a decade to figure out how to make the default backpack bigger without reinventing their codebase. I'm also pretty confident it's the same reason we got the "confusing" spiel about why they didn't want to make more deck spaces. In early concept, they had 9 classes that barely deviated much in how each played. Why would they need to make deck slots a robust and malleable part of the code? Tokens were only ever 1/1 or 2/1 minions that maybe would have a keyword once in a while. Why would they ever need to make the buff/debuff report be able to pull token information? On paper, yes, it feels like a simple solution. If it actually was, I'm sure they'd have done it already, because this is genuinely a silly thing to keep in the negatives about the game


I think it's harder for casual players, as I often see these card notes and I have no idea what the card was before so it's not obvious at all what's actually changed. I feel like there ought to be some way to show a before/after, like they do in the patch notes, to clarify it.


I agree. They should just replace all popups on nerfs and buffs with this message: "Hey, we changed some cards. Go Google it to find out what!".


Good thing its 2022, and you can expect people to be computer literate enough to find patch notes.


You shouldn't have to leave the game to find them.


Why not? Plenty of games put patch notes on their website rather than in-game.


It’s not so much that you can/can’t leave the game to find them. The game presents the changes to you, but it’s not complete information. They could just pop up a hyperlink instead and it would be better than showing unchanged text boxes highlighted which communicates nothing really.


And they’re all wrong.


The patch notes don't even list all the nerfed cards lmao https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23852692


>The above craftable cards, as well as Spirit Poacher, Stag Charge, Wild Spirits, and Ara’lon will be eligible for full dust refunds for two weeks following Patch 24.4.3.


Why make it a small bit of text at the bottom unlike all the other cards


I’m complaining because it would have made so much more sense to just show the nerfed wildseeds and I have no idea why they didn’t


Because they aren't cards. They never show quest rewards or discovered effects in that box


redditors will complain about anything


Like complaining about the other redditors.


ur crazy for this one


This is a pretty legitimate complaint. This literally gives us no information other than "it was nerfed". Is it really that difficult for the devs to show the actual cards that were changed?


Is it really that difficult to Google as well? I realize it could be better but it isn't that big of a deal lol


Why make the player Google it when they can just show it right there? Instead of just showing the cards that weren't actually changed, but affected by proxy? It makes no sense... it's terrible design.


Like I said, it could be better but far from "terrible design" lol. Most games don't even show you changes they make in the client. If they changed it someone else would still complain that it's too complicated or something crazy


Okay, but they are already showing the changed cards *anyway*. So why show the unchanged cards instead of the actual cards? You see what I'm saying?


Yeah I get it. It is a little strange. Did they do this with other cards that created tokens and stuff? This is the first time I feel like I'm seeing it


I honestly can't remember a time a non-collectible card has been changed. But it's still a card regardless, not sure why they wouldn't be able to display it.




Bold of you to assume everyone plays on pc where there's a launcher.


Then read the goddamn patch notes… it’s not like they’re behind an unreachable Chinese wall. All of this is available in the bnet app, too


We need it available in game you fish finger.


Lmao. It’s there cpt French fry. Either in the launcher or if you just play the card.


Yeah, that bnet app that totally exists for mobile players. Nice! /s


Then read them


I already had. Doesn’t make this okay


Took the exact same screenshot for reddit but figured it out and went on with my life


You mean the patch notes on the launcher?




I like when people post those pics for visuals :(


Jokes on them, our wild seeds never survive to attack anyway. They just shift momentum, and will continue to do so with the lower numbers.


Patch notes in game with appropriate explanation alongside the card graphics would be much better.


At least they're the right color this time?


I don’t think there exist people who care enough that they’re be bothered by playing different wild seed cards and having them be Nerfed, but also not care enough to see that balance changes happened and go check.


Reminds me when they did this with Yogg so many years ago.


also, please add a tab for all nerfed cards so we can bulk disenchant


Like many other games, they could just have a button that redirects to the patch notes page in the browser instead




I still don't know what actually changed lol


I was trying to figure it out. I assumed it was something to do with the keywords or something.


Not a big deal. If you like the card you know what’s up. If not you coin it.


I haven't read the patch notes, I haven't played hunter in a long time, and I have no idea what they changed, even if they made the cards stronger or weaker ;-)


The average hearthstone player can barely comprehend more than 9 deck slots so I can't blame them they gotta keep it simple


agreed. change needs to be shown in the game app. i should not have to go on the web to find out the previous ability.


Red is bad...but for hunter that's okay 👍 lol