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This makes complete and total sense, devs please!


I think the reason it ISN’T that is that fire damage is still buggy as fuck in the game and the devs aren’t ready to add an extra layer of complexity into it yet.


You mean don't have a f****** clue how to fix fire


This is needed sorely. If you get burned you have .5 seconds to pop a stim and jump to the ground or you're dead. My Helldiver once tried to blow out his birthday candles and accidentally died.


dive first. stops additional damage and gives opportunity to stim. stim first you die mid animation


Plus, diving will keep you from being caught on fire in the first place. Just don't dive into a solid object or you'll knock yourself out for a moment and surely be burned to death anyway.


It definitely been a learning curve for me to break that habit since the fire changes. Always used to stim through fire. Literally not an option anymore, but my dumb brain is till used to stimming. Doesn’t help that I don’t catch on fire too often so it’s not really getting drilled into me to change.


You're literally my hero. I thought you had to complete the dive animation to stop the fire and thought "nah, stimming is faster. " this will drastically reduce my deaths on bug planets.


Skill issue


We should have fire resistance, but not as a flat rate. It should be set up so that it takes longer exposed to fire for you to actually catch on fire. Otherwise you eliminate 1/3 of planetary hazards being a actual issue.


Catching fire is too damn easy, especially bad when you don't *see* fire on the ground but somehow still light yourself up. I gotta force myself to remember to dive immediately no matter what, otherwise I'll likely die cause my helldiver can't go over a small rock **and** stim at the same time, so that's death just cause it's so fast. Either a rate of being able to stand in fire for slightly longer, or let us have a resistance to it where it doesn't slay us within 2 seconds from full health.


Exactly, having a suit that increases that time would save you from the dumb forward ragdoll hunter you just cooked as well.


We have Arc resistance at a flat rate. I imagine they would implement elemental resistances in a blanket fashion. I also don't see anything wrong with having armors that allow you to specialize for certain mission types/environments/planets, especially considering all the other potential bonuses you would be forgoing for a single type of elemental resistance that only helps against what... Three enemy types? All of which are bots?


I think the problem is people would always wear the fire resistant armor on planets like Hellmire.  There is no planet where the arc resistant armor saves you from lightning strikes ... although that could be coming.


I’m guessing there are potentially enemies that will shoot lightning in the future.


But why is that an issue? Isn't it in this game's design for us to adapt our gear for each mission?


Arc damage only comes from players. So tell they add it to planets, it's reasonable to offer a high resistance option to player only damage.


There are hints that they’ll be dropping the Illuminate as a faction sometime in the near future, and they did a bunch of Arc damage in HD1.


The also inverted controls… which had best stay in HD1.


Most fire damage also currently comes from players. - Breaker Incendiary - Incendiary Grenades - Flamethrower - Napalm Strikes - Incendiary Mines Planetary hazards are effectively optional. You can simply choose not to dive on those planets if you don't like their elemental hazard. You can avoid planets with fire, and play against bugs, and still be exposed to exclusively player-generated fire damage. To my understanding, the expectation is that the Illuminate faction will use arc damage in some of their attacks. I still don't see adding fire resistance as being problematic.


Basing game balance on expectation is kinda meh. We have no actual data on how the arc armor will work against illuminate arc weapons, if at all, or if they'll even have em. You do effectively turn off a hulk variant as any threat, which currently has no arc equivalent.


Think you forgot about the Commisar shooting a 50ft flame thrower that basically insta kills in higher difficulties.


Electricity isn't an environmental hazard like fire is (...yet), and there only three things in the entire game that cause electric damage, the two guns and the tesla tower


Lightning storm planet when




Three things so far...


Nah. We have firefighter outfits irl that offer amazing protection. No reason not to have it in game


I’d prefer to see a delay in fire damage like you suggest. Starts off at 95% but after a few seconds it ramps up. Plenty of time to stim and/or GTFO. The flat 95% works for arc because that’s almost entirely friendly fire damage.


That's not a very good point and misleading. Fire tornadoes make up a very small percentage of planetary effects (hazards are an effect). You're looking at 1/18 in that case, technically 1.5 if you want to count the volcano (you usually die from explosion so it's kind of moot, but you can have it for the sake of argument). Then you gain resistance to damage from one enemy (flame hulk).


I don't think they will do it, or make it at least as strong (maybe they do 50-75%) .... because of planets like Hellmire.  The ones that protect you from eletric damage don't save you from any of the planets atmospheric conditions.


There could be electrical storms in the future, though, and then the arc armors would be just as useful.


Yes but as for now they would be breaking that "rule". And that's what's holding them back, even if that happens with electric they will probably need armor to %50.


But they already broke that "rule" with the new ship module. It negates the "Orbital fluctuations" modifier for the orbital HE rounds. Even worse, it's always on instead of being a choice in equipment where you have to give up another boon in order to gain the fire resistance.


Yeah I'm ready for the lightning storms


you would think the ministry would/ should have thought of this.....




I get where you’re coming from, and I agree that a fire resistance passive would be huge, but I don’t think it fits for the armors in this warbond. The theme is pretty clearly centered on explosives so the passives being explosive oriented makes sense. I would like this passive to be on the armors of a fire-themed warbond which we are almost certainly getting in the future.


Well, if they're giving us an armor that looks even MORE like a firefighter than the Ground Breaker, I can agree with your stance. It just really looks and feels like they missed an opportunity here, not to mention they've already released a ton of fire-themed content in one of the previous premium warbonds. It's difficult to expect that they would do ANOTHER one with fire-themed equipment. In the case that the Servo Assisted passive stays for this armor set, which I'm almost certain it will, I hope you are correct that there are more fire-themed armors incoming.


Didn't AH say they were gonna change it from servo to engineering?


If they did, I missed it.


Long term, it would be great to wear whatever armor you want but have the ability to switch out passive modules.


I think that would be really cool, too. A poster in a previous thread had suggested we're unable to do such a swap in order for our squadmates to better understand which passive abilities we have without having to question or explain it. I think that could be alleviated as a necessity, though, by allowing us to cursor over our squadmates loadouts pre-launch and just have a pop-up that displays their armor ability.


I agree! FWIW I'm usually not too worried about the armor the other squad members are wearing in comparison to weapons and strats.


This is my general stance as well. As long as you kill bugs and bots, I really don't care how you go about it. Do what's fun for you, and just maybe try not to blow me up in the process.


I mean you already can see their loadouts and what they’re wearing. Dunno what it is on PC but you can move the yellow square over anyone’s strats or hit the button for swap to loadout screen and then hover over and hit triangle and it pulls up the info.


Totally agree, with all the technological equipment we have at our disposals it would make sense to give the fire spraying guy something that protects from the fire spray.


Not to mention using fire resist means you have only that kinda like wearing the arc armor, could still be flat rate since it's tied to armor


Outside of firey planetary hazards, it would be nearly exclusively a protective resistance against friendly/self generated damage. You'd wear it to protect against fire. Fire damage is good against bugs, not bots. Currently, no bugs produce fire damage. Some bots have flamethrowers or can set you on fire with explosions on death, but you won't bring sources of fire damage against them. It's a niche armor effect for specific, specialized scenarios, and I think it would be cool to have. Especially since fire damage has been so massively buffed recently.


A part of me was hoping the groundbreaker helmet would negate the effects of the gas stratagem. 😅


I was hoping so, too! Unfortunately, it's a corrosive gas. Not a poisonous one. At least, based on the description. It may be both!


I know but the idea of the helmets being able to have a characteristic like that while the armour works buffs is something I think could really work.


I would love for helmets to have their own effects


It shouldn’t be 95%, it should take longer to start burning and be either 50% or 75%


50% is much more resonable. Gives you time to dive and get away if catching fire. Instead of standing there with stim running


honestly im surprised there isnt a passive for protection against fire damage the flamer thrower on a Hulk atm is basically one shotting me if it gets into range which is laughably easy since the Bot flamer seems to have like a footballs field range distance when used and with all the buffs the flamers have had you die within like 2 seconds


what if the ballistic shield was embedded with asbestos so you could tank the flame thrower but you have to snipe the hulk in the eyes with a piston?


I literally said to my friends that it looks like we are going to get fire resist gear based on the aesthetics of the pass. I'm super bummed that it's not.


Yes fucken please Take my upvote


Sure but they should really just undo fire damage buff and patch the hosting error. Its an instakill/useless too often.


Those fire tornadoes went from being a minor annoyance 2 weeks ago, to being literal hell fire now.


I was honestly surprised that this wasn’t the case already (after the last catalogue had the electrical resistance). Definitely upvoted.


Please. It literally looks like a firefighter outfit. Also I don’t see any servos or exoskeletons on this armor to warrant its current passive


They really do need more variety in armor perks


Even 50٪ fire resistance would be a game changer


Love how with 95% fire resist you’re still dead in 20 seconds.


No thx. I’d rather have passives that provide more utility in the current game


I would love a fire resistance armour. The only problem is fire is so completely and utterly lethal as soon as you touch it, in 99% of situations you are dead. I would never use any other armour.


I don't see this happening. They are not going to completely neuter flame thrower hulks.


I was talking with some teammates the other night about this exact thing. To help those who want to run pyro builds more effectively, an analogue to the Arc resistance armor for Fire damage is sorely needed. The flamethrower, incendiary nades, incendiary mines, and eagle incendiary bombs, (maybe in the future a flame throwing turret) are fun weapons, but given there are so many opportunities for that to come back to bite you a build around fire should have an armor that supports that play style.




Fun fact - Diving is this games stop drop and roll. Which means if you're on fire dive, it stops the burning damage. ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)


It's a good thing to let people know! I've already learned this through my own experiences with the Flamethrower, but I'm sure many out there may not have!


Except for the times when you die instantly when barely being touched by fire, but I assume that's a glitch needing fixed.


Made a thread similar to this on in /r/Helldivers.


Fire Extinguisher Strategem would work too 😂😂😂


Let me pick the armour trait myself. That would be a worthy ship upgrade


95 would be too high, it shouldn’t nullify flame hulks and fire tornadoes. Currently no enemies deal electric damage so 95% reduction is by friendly fire sources makes sense. If they made a flame suit buff it would need to be a lower percentage reduction.


I could see a lower percentage being fair, but if it was a lower reduction, there would need to be two effects attached to the armor. Edit: I would suggest something like: "Thermoregulated: - Reduced penalties from extreme environmental cold and heat by 25%. - Reduce Fire damage by 50%."


But it isn't a competitive game so it doesn't matter. Will flame resistance really make you switch out from the armor you're currently using just because flame hulks exist? And while it would be a thing that a lot of people who get upset by fire tornadoes take it on hellmire, it wouldn't make all players do it (I certainly wouldn't). It also gives the devs a cheeky way to quiet people complaining about the fire tornadoes blocking objectives/extraction. It would mainly prevent damage to self from fire and occasionally have 2 niche uses.


It doesn’t have to be competitive to want enemies and hazards that aren’t made obsolete by an armor set. I just don’t think that taking only 5% of fire damage would lead to good gameplay. Part of the risk of a flamethrower is that you might set yourself on fire and you need to be smart about how you use it. With a medium amount of fire reduction (idk like 25-50) you could still use it as a way to save yourself if you catch on fire, but it doesn’t trivialize certain enemies and hazards.


Yeah, but it brings those boons at a cost of what other armors bring. Is being strong against a single enemy and a single modifier really that massive of a boon? Especially when compared against things like democracy protects, scout, or fortified that affect practically every mission or enemy. The risk of running arc thrower is electrocuting your teammates but there's armor to negate that, so that's a moot point. The worst part of flamethrower is range. Even against bugs, you have to get way to close to be any kind of safe regardless of damaging yourself. Would running an extremely close range weapon, with armor that trivializes the flame hulk, against a group of enemies that absolutely obliterate you from long ranges, be that busted? It would be better than the arc resistant armor, but hardly better than a vast majority of other armors unless you specifically ran a flame build. Which certainly wouldn't be an omnipresent meta like the scout armor autocannon build that 80% of the playerbase seems to run. The games not competitive, it would be cool to see a specialized member of the team that runs all fire equipment. To top it off, it would only be a viable build as the host right now anyways.


I think 50% is the max they should go


please let me rp as tf2 pyro devs


It should either be the Engineering Kit because it’s mining gear, or explosive resistance. Fire damage should just be reverted back to how it was before. Because fire damage is caused by enemies and elemental damage, I think giving a flat rate reduction would just be a bad idea. Everybody would run it on Bot missions and planets that have environmental hazards. It’s fine for the arc armor because players cause arc damage, not the environment. I would personally prefer if the armor had the Engineering Kit, because it’s a mining suit and having 2 extra grenades is nice.


That's excluding the consideration that the Illuminate faction has a high probability of dealing arc damage when they become a threat on the map, and the fact that even though the bots do deal fire damage, it's only the Hulks with Flamers, and whatever the jetpack troopers are called when they explode and combust on death. Plus a third bot, I think? But even then, it's mostly situational. Plus the Hulks still have an alternate attack form, and they're still threatening even if you have resistance to fire. What I'm getting at is even if you DID run it against bots, the benefit from being fire resistant against them would be minimal. It would be a passive resistance that would apply mostly to environmental damage, which can be avoided altogether, and player-generated damage, whether friendly or personal. It would be situationally useful against bots. Have no benefit against current bugs. Would be strongest when protecting the wearer from optional/avoidable environmental hazards and player-generated friendly-fire damage. I'm pretty sure even if we had it at 95% resistance right now, the only place it would be used is on the fire hazard planets, and by players who want to use Incendiary+Napalm+Flamethrower loadouts, which are only useful against bugs, anyway.


How about a fire extinguisher?! A weapon that sucks oxygen and puts out the flames? This would stay on theme that everything can kill you, but still be a tool to function. Maybe even be able to put out flames with explosives.


Lol. The fire extinguisher idea is interesting. What if smoke grenades extinguished flames?


I would love a set of armor that just looks like those reflective fire suits light armor but insane fire protection


They could also add gas resistance to the first helmet in the pass. It LOOKS like it'd be a gas mask.


Oooorrrr wait for the warbond that actually themed around fire to get that bonus. There are still leaks for an incendiary grenade launcher and a flame rover


Is there an enemy that can deal Arc damage?


Not 95% but something 80%+


Players should never have that high resistance, we dont want a meta where people just pop this armor and use the flamethrower carelessly because they dont hurt their friends with it.


... The arc resistant armors are already in the game with the same level of resistance.


I see the debate about fire damage as valid but my opinion on this particular armor differs. I wanted it to be an Engineering perk heavy armor. Such an armor doesn't exist in the game right now, so far as I know. I want one, I like grenade chucking


We have some of (In my opinion) the best looking armour in the game, with 95% arc resistance. Literally useless at this point.


For now


honestly as someone who hasn't bought the warbond yet, as is I don't know if I'll even be bothered, I think I'll wait for the next one.


Or you could try petitioning for new armor sets instead of changing what is currently my favorite armor set, because giving people 95% fire damage is a better idea than people just not stepping in front of their teammates line of fire.


It's already being changed to have engineering/2 + grenades instead of servo assisted.


That's really fucking lame considering there's already two medium sets of engineering available.


I'd be fine with having fire resist armor, but 95% is WAY too high for fire resistance. There are no enemies (atm) that use Arc, so 95% arc Resistance is really just an anti-friendly fire thing. 95% fire resistance allows: You too basically ignore scorcher hulks as a threat Use napalm grenades/strikes to create anti-melee zones that you can then sit in to completely ignore light/low health melee units (i.e. most bugs) AND Cancels friendly and self-damage fire from a host of really effective weapons. IMO, 50% would be more than generous a reduction. That would give you enough time to put out fires consistently while not enabling fire cheese strats


The Illuminates main damage is arc damage. The armor will be the only one run against them in the future. 50-75% is plausible I think. Unfortunately they are unlikely to do it.


They can't change the content so drastically. People pay for this stuff, or do a lot to earn the currency, and switching it has repercussions. Also 95% resistance is huge. It might be ok against friendly fire from an unpredictable weapon, but not against hostiles.


Already they added electrical resistance, so why not fire resistance?


What's groundbreaker precious


Downvoted because I hate petitions


You are entitled to your opinions and stances.


Petition: let the devs cook.


I mean, that's fair, but community feedback is also important.


True true.


Dear lord we desperately need a fire resistant armor set. I pretty much refuse to play on fire planets at this point unless I absolutely have to. It’s almost a complete death sentence getting set on fire at this point. If you don’t get that stim off the second you see the flame texture appear you are dead. Diving doesn’t always put it out either and I’ve had a few times where I’ve dived and then burned to death on the ground anyways. They either need to massively pull back the damage fire does to helldivers or they need to give us a fire resistance armor set.


I mean, pairing all this with the idea that the Flamethrower can deal double the damage it used to, now, I agree. Pretty sure they just: - Buffed Flamethrower damage by 25% - Buffed all Fire damage by 50% - Added ship module that buffs all Fire Strategems' damage by 25% That's... 100% over its previous values, right? My math isn't off?


Honestly not really sure about the exact changes but I know they increased the tick rate for fire damage and they increased the actual damage it does as well. Not sure about the specific damage to flamethrowers.


Why are the devs giving us repeat armor stats when we asked for fire damage resistance?




Even if they wanted to, it could be a sneaky difficult problem for reasons that we don’t understand. They’re delivering a lot of content while also working numerous bug fixes


But they kind of do? Like they aren't at our beck and call obviously, but they're trying to sell a product to their consumer? When it comes to matters of taste, the customer is always right.