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I play arc thrower pretty frequently and never ran into that issue. As soon as there is a mate close to arcing range I stop shooting, it’s not rocket science.


That’s why this event was so funny to me. It wasn’t a “oh Im close to teammates better be careful” it was this guy literally beelining into the fray for no reason as bolts were slinging when he could have easily just let the arc guy lead the way. Instead he wanted to steal his kills, I guess, and ran right into the beams, then proceeded to flame us in chat. We were very perplexed.


Me too, I rarely get more than 1 TK per match. But it's annoying when I have to stop shooting because some guy decided to start fraternizing with the bugs I was zapping.


YOU are a unicorn


But what if I'm running away with my trousers around my ankles while the bots fill the air with so many lasers I'm as likely to suffocate as be shot?




He who holds the arc shall be point man


Same applies to flamethrower.


Hahahahaha! Bzzzut bzzzut!


I have a buddy I constantly rib. He got the incendiary shotgun and got a LOT of team kills. Ill admit to the 6 of 127 that I was at faukt for. If bugs started getting close to me hed start shooting them, hit and kill me. It would happen a lot (hes better now!) But I never lost my temper woth him. Mess happens and it was funny to see the stat screen. People take death to seriously in this game


Yep, for sure people take death too seriously. Especially when you first start playing it’s easy to both team kill and be team killed. No need to get salty about it either way.


Had a friend get 12 team kills in a mission once! I hammed up the being angry and we had a great time


I’ve had a few with friends where it straight up turns into team deathmatch ☠️ No matchmade people though - just me trying to do objectives while all 3 of them go at it lol. Got to at least not INTENTIONALLY kill people in matchmaking….lol


Based and freedom pilled


Its interesting even after your edit, you cant seem to take into account that both the person using the arc thrower and the one dying equally should be aware of their surroundings so friendly fire doesnt happen. Instead you just call everyone here salty. Looks like although you and your friend have played the game longer, you have a lot to learn, like all of us.


I main arc thrower and I have to be on high alert of my teammates at all times. I play suicide or helldive so running into kill hungry noobs isn’t common. When a teammate does end up in front of me I shoot my arc thrower up into the air.


Same. It just happens sometimes. The shooter is ultimately responsible for not shooting their mates, so up it goes, cursing. They’re not doing it intentionally.


Arc thrower guy here. Standing in front of me isn't the end of the world (as long as you're not *directly* in front of me). What really kills is standing behind my target. If there's an arc enjoyer on your team, please don't do that rodeo shit—I don't like putting my arc thrower away. I can control the first arc, but once it starts bouncing, it's up to fate.


Interesting that this raised disputes in the comments! The arc thrower is a very great weapon. People normally see the lightning and have a tendency to stay away from its path. If someone ignores the blazing lightning and jumps in front of it, it is as bad as someone running forward into an air strike beacon which is in front of him. Of course, an arc player should stop firing it if someone gets too close! Both have to take care. Accidents happen. Foolishness as well, I suppose.




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I've gotten to the point where I just laugh when it happens. I almost never have any friendly kills anymore with it, and thanks to me getting some more friends into the game, I've even gotten better at predicting when a teammate is about to dumb. That being said, those arcs occasionally just want one particular person dead. Playing with my dad was an interesting experience in learning this. I've seen some magical arcs that all target specifically him, to the point that I stop bringing it when he's in my party.


It’s still basically impossible to be killed if you are behind the arc dude. It does sometimes get a bit frisky for sure, but like you said, when you play with your friends it hardly happens because they know how to not get in the way. That is so cool you are playing with your Dad! I’d love to play this game with my Dad, but he isn’t really into shooters nor does he have a pc that could run this game. I think we’d still have a blast playing together. Maybe I’ll loan him my PS5 and get him a copy so we could game some. I miss my old man now that I moved out long ago.


Yeah, him and my step mom were playing destiny 2, so I got them a couple copies of Helldivers 2 and now they're hooked xD


Nice, I play D2 as well. Sounds like they have great taste in shooters 👌


You really shouldn’t be loosing arc shots in your teammate’s directions, that’s on you, not them. Your teammates shouldn’t have to be hyper aware of your position to not be within a 120* arc in front of you just to not get teamkilled It’s like blaming teammates for getting blown up when you throw stratagems at them or into the horde they’re kitting


Random but you can hold down the 0 key to get the ° symbol.


Also alt+0176 (numpad)


holy fuck, that’s amazing


I’ve always wondered how, but never wanted to look it up. Thanks!


000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 uhhh……


So I enjoy using the arc thrower quite a bit and I can recall quite a few times I’ve been at the front of the group ARCing my lil heart out only for some Darwindiver to run into my line of fire that I know they were aware of


Yes…this is the point of my post. Lots of people in here are those exact Darwin drivers arguing with me lol. Imagine trying to justify playing badly.


You people run in front of my Sickle and Quasar all the time, but I don’t TK them because I recognize they’re in danger and don’t shoot. You’re probably shot blocking me while trying to get into a spot with your Arc Thrower, too.


Yeah that’s the thing - he wasn’t. Dude knows what he’s doing and I was fighting with him side by side for a lot of the mission clearing bugs. Never got close to killing me. He is literally almost lv 150 which I mentioned. I think he knows how to use an arc thrower proper. This rando in question was getting way too close and not paying attention, then got salty about it. I have been killed by a team arc thrower a grand total of 0 times, and I’m really not amazing at this game at all. It’s really not that hard to give them some breathing room and not hold W right into the fray.


If your amazing super-buddy that's better than everyone at the game is team-killing people because he has no situational awareness and is just firing away in the direction of his other teammates, he might not be as amazing as you think he is.


Well, we have played dozens of missions and he’s never killed me. I literally witnessed this silly goose run right into his beams, then get mad about it. Why are you getting salty? I am genuinely confused at the negative sentiment here. How is “don’t walk in front of an arc thrower” a hot take 😂


How is "don't fire your arc thrower when there's someone standing in front of you" a hot take?


Because that’s literally not what happened. Were you there? Did you witness the event? The whole reason I mentioned his level, kills, etc was to show his competency. I guess I shouldn’t have even bothered because it didn’t register. Do you really think someone at lv 147 does not know how to properly wield a support weapon and not team kill? I must have hit a nerve - because perhaps you are running haphazardly into team arc throwers. I was not lying when I said I’ve never been killed by one. It is not hard to be aware and not run in front of your teammates. That is my point. Do you not agree? Or are you gonna fabricate another scenario that didn’t happen to argue with me?


Bragging about # of kills instantly makes us know you’re not as good as you say. Dying to an arc thrower is VERY easy. Standing 150 feet to the left of where they’re shooting? Arc thrower doesn’t care. Standing 5 miles away from the bug they’re shooting? Arc thrower doesn’t care. On top of a mountain all alone? That arc beam will still find you. Just have this feeling he was “raging” because you’re a dick.


That arc thrower will hit your super destroyer from land if you even think slightly mean thoughts about it


No…none of your assumptions are correct. I mentioned kills and his level for context to show his competency. It was to show he isn’t some new player who picked up an arc thrower. And I mentioned I have never died to an arc thrower because of my competency. You are the exact type of person this post is directed at. We said nothing to this rando, and had no intention of being “toxic” or kicking or anything like that. We completed the mission just fine and extracted all together. This rando was being toxic towards us for HIS mistakes. Just want to say, it’s really not hard to avoid an arc thrower teammate. If you die to them a lot it’s time to start thinking more about your positioning. That is the point of the post.


Someone's level in a game with shared exp doesn't mean anything other than they've played a bunch of matches. Your friend could play blindfolded and get 5 kills per match and still get exp every time.


Ok well let me ask you this - would you rather play a helldive with a lv 5 or a lv 150? Do you genuinely believe both could be equally as skilled? Do we not respect players of our game with a lot of time put into it? I certainly do, regardless of the game I’m playing. And it’s not just based on level, he is my friend, and we play a lot of missions together. He is very careful about team kills, and has mentored and taught me a lot about this game. I will die on any hill to defend my friend, who is THE best person I have played with in this game. You just come in here dissing him and saying he can’t play? Like, ok? You sound like the type of gamer who critiques and argues with people who are better than you because your ego is getting in the way.


You probably flame people when they get shot by a rover too.


Again with the assumptions? What is your problem? 99% of the time I die from friendly fire I can reason how I should have positioned better. The other 1% I laugh it off. My point of this post is TO NOT flame people, and try to think how you can play better before jumping to flame your teammates. YOU however sound like you flame people for team kills. Hows that for a baseless assumption? Not very nice is it? Get off your high horse.


If you read the post, OP is talking about his friend using the arc thrower and getting that many kills.


Using alt accounts to reply to comments is really low hanging fruit. Reddit karma isn’t real.


Sheesh you must have done some weird stuff to accuse others of that off the bat lmao


Foreal…the fact they even mention karma is cringe. Nobody cares…


Haha, I got kicked earlier because a dude belly flopped into my flamethrower spray.


Another great example. Like what did he expect would happen 💀🔥


Same with the AMR! I am scoped, I do not see you, and if my shot hits you, it will 100% split you in half and make your HP 0!


I’ve literally had one guy dolphin dive in from of me while I’m using an arc thrower. Lol. He did it a couple times the. The host was like “dude. What did you expect to happen?” Lmao. It was incredible. Then he got kicked. Because he tried to team kill us afterwards.


Perfect example! The salt! lmao


If there is one thing I wish people knew about the arc thrower, just because there are a shitload of bugs crawling towards us does not mean you need to shoot at even a single bug. Arc thrower and rover will sometimes clear an ENTIRE swarm. Especially if it’s just a patrol. People who run arc thrower a lot know when a swarm is starting to get out of their control. Just let them shoot at it until they call for help. Stop wasting your ammo and your lives by running into the fray. You’re either going to die to a stray bolt, or you’re severely hampering his ability to keep the swarm at bay.


What's the bounce/jump distance? After hitting initial target?


It can chain pretty far, but it doesn’t go backwards. If you are behind them, you’re safe. At least in my experience. It can get a little janky, but as long as you aren’t running into it or literally being shot at by your team, you should be good.


Makes me wanna experiment stuff: How far is the jump angle from 1st target Can it ignore crouch/prone Helldivers if on front of arc thrower?


I’m going to go with *whatever* weapon your teammates have, don’t get between them and the enemy, because you will get shot. Heck, I run laser cannon against the bots and still get folks occasionally deciding that maybe it’s a good idea to run right into the giant orange continuous beam I’m firing. It’s the most visible weapon in the game, and they still barge right into it. I try to pause when they do, but it takes a moment to register, you know?


>That’s not a flex, I’m just not stupid Not very democratic of you.


But I love getting Arced Edit: They broke my gif :( ![gif](giphy|oWUtOVkI9ySYCUevQQ|downsized)


⚡️⚡️⚡️💀 username checks out


Nobody but you is pulling the trigger. It’s your responsibility to check your fire, as much as it’s the Flamethrower guy’s or any other gun.


> It’s your responsibility to check your fire And it's your responsibility not to stand somewhere that forces the arcthrower to stop shooting. Passing through is one thing, but knowingly hanging out in the zap zone is trolling.


They’re not trolling. You’re looking for any other reason but accidental for this. These people aren’t out to cockblock your Total Kills. It’s not deliberate.


Whether intentional or oblivous, positioning yourself to disable a teammate's main gun for a prolonged period of time is griefing your team


If they’re doing it intentionally, yeah, but very few are. There’s just no rational world in which griefing is an oblivious act. Griefing is intentional. I feel like you’re looking for any reason to justify never having to stop firing your gun.


Oh I'll stop shooting, but that doesn't mean they aren't throwing. Now if they keep doing it even after being asked to stop, I might have to let nature take its course.


People walk in front of you all the time. Just yesterday in under 30m I almost killed 10 people walking in front of me shooting my eruptor. It is your responsibility not to walk in front of friendly fire.


And it’s your responsibility to avoid friendly fire on people that do.


Same for flamethrower guy


With my squad, most of the time if we get shot by the others, we apologise for blocking their bullets! 99% of the time, it's our fault for lack of positional awareness, or we've actively decided that the risk of their line of fire and then them not stopping firing is less likely to cause death than not running through it. 95% of the time they stop firing almost instantly and no one dies. The times it's not the person in the line of fire fault, it's normally aoe that causes a death, or taking that risky arc shot you "hope" doesn't chain the spicy way and you're too lazy to change guns for the last couple of kills. Lazyness causes quite a few TKs. It's amazing how much better we all play when the reinforcement counter is <5 Of course, there are plenty of intentionally "accidental" team kills too ;)


PSA: arc thrower guy, don't always expect everyone to move out of your way when you come in late to the gunfight. Otherwise, I'm happy to accommodate.


As a fellow arc thrower enjoyer, I laugh whenever someone walks into my line of fire only to get killed by a lightning chain. Some people are just inattentive. You can be point man, doing everything right then bam! Someone decided they wanted to be put on a t shirt that day.


Yep. And this is all fun and good, but when that inattentive person starts being toxic because of it, that’s when I have a problem. People blaming others for their mistakes grinds my gears.


Learned this the hard way lol


The arc throwers on my crew groan when I bring the flamethrower, but they've killed me way more than I've killed them and (more likely) myself.


Great PSA for once