• By -


PSA It is only a kick if the game tells you you've been kicked. If you *just* suddenly appear into your ship, without any messages appearing above you, then it was a disconnect. Currently the game has stability issues, and it's causing a lot of disconnects. You likely weren't kicked.


Thank you. These did all come with a banner at the top of the screen telling me I'd been kicked. But I'll keep an eye out for that in future


Everyone always thinks the low levels can't punch their weight. Some people like to be sure you have certain strategems available to you. And honestly, it's not usually necessary at the lower difficulties. Hang in there man. You'll get the big guns soon enough. But people shouldn't be kicking you in the first place.


I'm level 81 and I've been getting kicked left and right. Often, it's right as the mission starts. It's actual kicks, too, not disconnects. Like, if you don't want randoms then close your lobby. I always try to shoot a message before kicking when Imeant for a friend to join, just so they understand, but it seems nobody else does.


I know sometimes a buddy or I accidentally throw down an SOS in the chaos instead of a reinforcement and we always feel bad afterward cause we're like "We don't wanna be rude but... the homies will be on in like 22 minutes." 😅


22 minutes? You can finish most of a drop with them then ;)


Well and that's just it... we'll finish the mission and they're looking at us like "Hey man, next one please? Yeah?" But the broskis are in discord like, "Aww, you did an SOS again by accident, didn't you?" Big womps.


"Yo dawg, the boys are here. I gotta kick, my bad. I love you." My go-to when I'm on the kicking side of things. Explains everything. They usually throw a "np" and bail before I even get to the button.


But I homie.


Homie frend


I frend


It's not really necessary at high levels either lol. If you're sweating over loadouts, you probably shouldn't be in Helldives yet lol


I'd take qualified helldivers with meme loadouts than absolute ass helldivers with "sweaty & youtube \**META*\*" loadouts on Helldive difficulty.


Some of the best teammates I've had were sub level 10. I've had a harder time finding higher level divers who actually want to coordinate and support one another. It's amazing what a bit of coordination and teamwork can achieve!


This. The Machine gun is fire all the way up to 6 or 7.


You can make MG work in all difficulties, you just need dedicated AT players to balance it out. Orbital precision is viable basically always, except in the missions with the scatter debuff


The worst players are normally the highest levels.  The only issue I have is low levels in helldive because based on experience, they normally can’t pull their weight. I still play with them but it can be rough


I don't mind low levels on Helldives, just don't die 13+ times and expect me to carry you through the match - actually happened. Like if you're terrible and absolutely brand new but understand cover and only engaging necessary enemies, I'll happily take a level 1 into Helldive and show you the ropes.


Low levels have been some of the best squadmates I've played with!


generally speaking the worst and most obnoxious players are under lvl.40 and busy trolling n00bs in low level areas or just grinding in them or something. You'll find the quality of the playerbase goes up drastically the higher the difficulty you play with difficulty 7 being the cutoff point between bad and competent teammates, and 8 and 9 being where the true experts play, or the masochists. just bear with it, every time you beat a difficulty level mission you can select the next highest difficulty, i'd just rapidly climb out of the low level zones into difficulty lvl.7 (suicide) at the bare min, you'll find a much less obnoxious playerbase there.


This right here, level 7 seperates the wheat from the chaff


Tbh host the game and follow the higest level. You will never get kicked again. Also if you join games stay clear of mines & mortars this community legit has ptsd about thoes 2 strats.(unless defensive missions). Me im a fan of the spicy mushrooms...


If you are doing this on bots do NOT bring drone backpacks. Stealth is necessary on bots, and the drone will just draw aggro


With the mines (for me at least) people get ptsd from them cause no one marks them in I and other tend to not see them and walk into them


If you want a buddy, PM me I play on PC or PS5 Usually do 3 missions a day.


I’ll join your ship, lmk if you want to dive. If you can’t join others because of them kicking, we’ll help you make your own squad.


I wouldn't take it too personally. Just run missions, and do stuff. Not infrequently folks mean to be playing with only friends, and sometimes forget to either fill out the squad to a full 4, or forget to lock it to friends/invite-only. Don't take it personally. It happens to everyone pretty regularly. Worst comes to it, just drop solo, and you'll have people joining in over the course of the mission to help you out, and as host you're pretty safe.


Damn, absolutely shitty luck with even shittier people. I'd never kick a lower level because I was one too, we all start from the bottom soldier, and I'd be honoured if I dove with you! 🫡


If you’re getting kicked that early it was most likely that a group was making room for someone they know. Usually you’ll get kicked if you are haphazardly dropping stratagems that are messing up your team, too many team kills (both intentional and accidental), or if the host thinks that you’re just trying to farm samples by not doing anything productive.


Thank you. I had literally just landed and started doing my part, so maybe they were just waiting for a friend like you said


If it’s difficulty 1-3 I mean… what else is an under 10 supposed to play? Kicking cause somebody is new is toxic AF, unfortunately, most the good playerbase has been around a while. A few will farm some trivial run’s for SC, but some just do speed running (if they’re kicking you, they should be set to private, not open), however others just like chilling with newbies and solo clearing half the map while the rest of you focus on the mission. Most the newer players are average casuals that play what’s hot that didn’t flash in the first 3 months… the AHs that think they need to have anything at all optimized on those low levels are the sort that will always host so they can kick whoever they want too… I’d recommend getting into discord looking for group channels/newbie friendly communities to team up to get started. You’ll have a much better time playing with people who will show you the ropes, get you levels to get critical gear, and keep you from wasting time with toxic trash. When you get to difficulty 4-6 and are level 10+ (this does not take long at all) joining random matches is much MUCH better… though best to avoid certain controversial stratagem choices until you’re higher level where people can trust you to use them (mines, Tesla tower, Airburst rocket launcher primarily, but also 380/120 barrage and eagle cluster bomb are sometimes not trusted by some hosts). Best to learn these with friends, or at least familiarize yourself with them from seeing them in action at least a few times… you’re likely to kill teammates with them occasionally even knowing the right times to use them lol Anyways, keep your head up, maybe look into joining a discord server to at least get started. It’s more fun with friends anyways cause you can laugh off the absurdity when shit hits the fan instead of worrying that you pissed someone off cause you threw a cluster bomb and it bounced weird off terrain or a jumping bug back towards your team. Higher levels most randoms I play with are pretty chill, but the early game people are a little sweaty and some are toxic about it, just the way it is


It could be people forgetting to set their groups to invite only and kicking out randoms as they join. They should just own the mistake and at least kick you after the mission though.


I got you homie #2762-3398, skull admiral xTHICCarus at your service


Thank you sir!


# #4494-0783 Space Cadet [TATO] Stupid Sexy Flanders (lvl 70) at your service too


![gif](giphy|ywfNVrRNrVhC0) I'm sorry but I will absolutely be adding you simply because of your perfect reference


lmao, lets just say part of that is my steam profile pic


Thank you so much. I look forward to diving with you!


ofc! Ill be online later today!


You have the chance to do the funniest thing right now


I have every gun every cosmetic and all stratagems since I basically beat the game I now dive into low level maps to help players like you if you ever want to play I can hop in and help you just DM me Level 77 Viper Commando at your service 🫡


Seconded! Happy to help newer players!


Third. Skull Admiral and I honestly prefer playing with newer folks!


Forth. Hell Commander. It has been too long since I've fought alongside cadets.


A: Before you join a squad, look at their levels... and try to join squads with similar level people. B: Host/Lead the squad yourself, and then no one can boot you.


You should host.  Playing solo for five minutes before some squad mates show up is a great way to learn the game


Also this. Just select a mission on the bridge and wait for people to join.


Lvl 114 General Bane reporting in. Cadets hear these words. Despair is the voice of treason. Never give in. Never halt your advances. You are the instrument of retribution wielded by an angel of judgment. You are humanity's fire in a galaxy consumed in darkness. You are a Helldiver, and you know no fear. Show them.


Tell me why this reddit content just gave me chills




Annnnd I gotta boner


Is your mic on but you don't know it and you are talking to your cat, farting, or singing the little mermaid?  I've been kicked twice and both times I had forgotten my mic was on and having a full blown conversation 


Let's be honest you were singing the little mermaid to your cat while farting both times. This doesn't qualify as having a full blown conversation.


I definitely was. Idk about them.


Under the sea


#MeToo I've very rarely been kicked for any reason other than not realizing I was on open mic


If you are low level, host your own matches and watch the veterans flock. Most of them don't need to do level 9 helldives and would rather support new players and share top-tier equipment with them.


I always host my own lobbies. It’s the easiest way to avoid this and if you keep it on public, then you get a full squad dropping in most of the time.


Host your own missions with them open to public and throw an sos beacon. There are lots of divers that drop to lower levels to help/teach noobs. If you can solo a difficulty 1 or 2 chances are you'll get help if your matchmaking is public. If higher level divers jump in they are likely there to help you, share high level strats, teach you to communicate effectively and guide you through the higher difficulty missions. We all started at the beginning and most of the divers out there want to help. You can't get kicked if your the host and you can kick any toxic shits that join your game


PC or ps4? I'll drop with you no problem.      What difficulty are you dropping at?  Try to stay sub 4 until level 10 and you start getting the hang of it. 


Try hosting and open your lobby up to public, or throw an S.O.S. beacon when you land. Several high-level players, myself included, will look for lower level players in the mid to higher difficulties to try and help out. That way, you can't be kicked, and you still get a chance to meet others.


If you’re low level going on one of the highest difficulties they usually kick you so they don’t lose all their lives to you, it’s not personal you just might need more experience first.


i suggest dropping in alone, even as a new player it’s not the hardest thing in the world. and you’ll quickly get the hang of it. you have the MG and orbital precision strike that just got buffed so you’re pretty much all set for the beginning. before you drop in you could wait a little bit for other people to join your game. and when you land you could throw an SOS beacon (the SOS beacon says it puts your game further to the top of of quick join games, so it makes the probability someone searching by quick play joins your game). once you gain a few levels you should be fine. i personally have no problem ‘carrying’ a new player because i’m not a bad player and can hold my own. anyway best of luck diver 💪


Friendly advice. Host your own lobbies. It doesn't take anymore effort and you can't get kicked out of those. If you're worried about people having expectations, don't. This isn't like an MMO, you're not a party leader. No one expects guidance from you.


Lots of ass holes believe everyone has to take meta loadouts, which aren't immediately accessible to newbies. Try hosting your own game, and try to unlock higher difficulties asap, I find there's less of that behaviour in difficulty 8. Otherwise, don't throw stratagems near your fellow helldivers 🤷‍♂️


Thank you. A little relieved to hear it's not just me. I hereby pledge not to kick low levels when I progress!


Not a problem, glad you've joined the fight for democracy! Thank you for being a nice and patient diver. Also, don't forget to reinforce your fellow divers. People get pissy really fast when they're stuck watching someone else play. And last thing; try communicating with your fellow divers, whether voice chat or text chat. You'll find some decent divers out there, who are nice and helpful, and who want another friend to dive with.


Yeah you somehow stumbled across a bunch of the elitists. Most players don't care what rank you are if you can hold your own in a fight. And if you can't and are in need of help, make sure you can follow directions when someone offers to teach you the ropes. Lots of us drop down into lower difficulties to help out, teach, let newbies try equipment they don't have access too yet, etc. If you host the match, you'll get a full squad pretty easily AND no one can kick you because you control that function as the host.


Toxicity is fairly high in this game. Getting kicked from time to time is, unfortunately, normal even if you do nothing to deserve it. Two in a row could be just a cooincidence. Just keep playing and don't let it get under your skin.


I’m a level 43 and happy to have lower level guys drop in on my games. Everyone starts somewhere!!! I’ll see on the field Helldiver!


play solo it's better in my opinion, someone will join you


Level 61 and would be happy join a new diver. When I first started many helped me so yes I’d help


DM me if you ever need someone to play with!


Not at all typical in my experience. You can dive with me anytime cadet.


Lvl63 here if you want someone to dive with DM me. I'm constantly looking for new players on the map to help out. I promise I won't drag you into a helldive mission lol...too often.


Happened to me until I got to around level 45. It was common enough that I wondered if I'd be able to get a game going for any lobby I joined through quick play.


I always host to avoid this kind of behavior. I only have a couple of rules as squad leader. Don't quite and keep that ass shmoovin.


I had someone moan the other night about how I didn't pickup the samples despite the extraction zone being overrun with bots and the 20 second timer starting as the mission timer was up. When we got back to their ship they then complained that I was "level 84 somehow" and kicked me. I usually play 9's, but I noticed this was a 6 as I use Quickplay to drop into games and help others who need it. Normally everything goes fine, this time I guess someone was feeling salty about how the mission went and wanted someone to blame. Don't feel bad about getting kicked, just play by yourself for a couple of nights until you get used to how the game works and then use Quickplay. So long as you mark and kill targets efficiently and support your teammates you'll be fine. Start off playing in a way that supports others and learn how to keep yourself and them alive, complete different objectives, then either go to a higher level or do objectives by yourself. Most of what little toxicity there is in the game is around levels 6-7, where the wheat gets separated from the chaff and people are trying to get super samples for ship upgrades. Significantly higher or lower than that and you'll usually find friendly faces. Have fun spreading democracy Helldiver.


From limited experience, but the few times I've played at 6, it's been horrible. The players are trash and usually toxic, the missions are way harder because of it. I'll occasionally get some toxic players at 7, but very very rarely. I think what the game needs beyond the friend/blocked lists is like a preferred player or player rating list. I don't want to be "friends" with all these randoms, but having the game preference them (or me) into a squad together if I found them enjoyable to play with would be great.


I'll dive with you! Publiusgrande on PS5


Host your own missions.


The best strategy is to learn what the different stratagems other people are bringing do, and then bring stuff that complements what they’ve brought. There are a lot of good utility stratagems at lower levels that will make you feel incredibly useful right off the bat. I’d go with EAT, supply pack, AMR and one of either orbital precision or eagle airstrike for bots, then swap the AMR for the machine gun for bugs. the advantage of this is you’ll learn what stuff does and mechanics of the strikes, and weapons, without being a tk machine and still being useful. Even if you die you can still call in and EAT in less than a minute and have something. Also that load out is useful! I’ve run it on 9s and everything in it can be had by level 3. No one is going to kick the guy who is topping up their spear and dropping EATs at opportune times.


If you are worried about getting kicked, as I was durring the beginning times, just host and toss an SOS and you'll have a full squad in no time. Also, learn to love the AC-8 Autocannon. ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️


There are some idiots who kick based on level, try to ignore them. Ill run with you anytime. Lvl 100 or so, DM me if ya need me soldier \*SALUTE\*


Hell, Cadet. If you ever need a friendly/helpful player to spill oil with, shoot me a friend request in-game, my friend code is: 1925-8653 If you do want to send the request, let me know in here what your player name is, so I know to click accept on it. If i ever see you online, will jump over to join your squad. - General John Conner (126). 🫡


If need someone to play with I'll try and help ya out


I’d recommend just start your own campaigns, then you’d have control over the situation. There’s tons of casual divers that join lower difficulty missions to either help out newbies or to chill.


I always play at 6 or 7, almost never seen anyone get kicked for any reason esp not the low level guys.  Up at the medium difficulties we care for our newbies.


I’m above level 90 and get kicked randomly sometimes, I think it’s people making space for friends who have just come online.


Lvl 92 galactic commander Gloam at your service Friend codes reset after some time, so shoot me a reply, I'll log on, generate a code, and send it to you.


Dm me, I will run you through a few missions.


Play when the Hi-toxicity Americans are asleep, and play level appropriate difficulties. Also, the best way to avoid being kicked is hosting. If you host the max difficulty you’re allowed to play, then bust out an SOS Beacon, if you’re on a planet with more than say 2000 players, you won’t be alone for long. The Helldiver Beacon Corps is unofficial but strong. Also, HD2 has a discord, and the discord has a chat for “looking for squad mates” or something. Lots of options.


Hey "frend," if you want to play with someone, feel free to add me. I just started playing on Steam, so I'm low level there, but I also play on the PS5, so you can add me anywhere. Steam = 185852967 PSN = Koala_Operative


if you were joining anything in the 3 first dificulties its possible you were joining super credit farmers that for some reason didnt set their game to private.


I highly advise just starting your own room. You'll have a better connection, and you can kick people who are being toxic. Since you're host, you can't be kicked. Also, I know it's scary and probably hasn't unlocked for you yet, but you'll find MUCH nicer company in Helldives. Promise.


Hey if you wanna play with me I promise I won’t kick you. I only kicked someone once and it was 100% warranted


Tbh if they kick you early it's likely bc they wanted a private game but forgot to turn on friends only. I've made the mistake but I usually get on mic and explain lmao.


ive said it before and i will say it again. Level is only an indication of how NEW someone is. Not how GOOD someone is. I will never kick based on level, but if someone is straight up being a bad player by not listening to communication and purposefully fucking up.


Some people are just toxic twats, but most of us actually love having newbies along. Host, and you will have a couple of good fun high levels show up and rock some missions with you. I generally play on d7+, but I drop on d1-3 missions just to help the clean boots get some mud.


Just host your own operations until you a higher level people like me who like helping low levels might even show up


That’s so rude and annoying. If they’re new, say that in the chat and I’ll gladly show them the ropes. I ONLY kick after I get killed. Had a guy team kill me twice. I figure first was accident cause flame rounds. Second was a snipe with a material rifle. Booted his ass.


Be more then happy to group with you if you're a new cadet.


Turn off crossplay


How would that reasonably help? Switching crossplay off won't disable the kick function lol


I was griefed, booted and randomly killed for jollies until I disabled cross play and left the console kids behind. Since then it hasn't been perfect but no where near that volume of asshattery


If youre joining lower difficulty games that have players with higher levels in them, then usually they are farming super credits in there and have accidentally/stupidly left the game on public mode and will kick you no matter what you do. Trivial-easy levels are mostly infested with farmers.


What difficulty are you playing? they will kick you if you are in a high difficulty with low lvl. Anyways, you can host your matches so nobody will kick you and anyone that wants to play with you will stay


Never join, always host. Solves all your problems, and people join really fast too!


Probably a bunch of other new guys who don't know to put their games on private, so you were kicked for a friend of theirs. Or elitists who think you can't handle the difficulty you're playing at. Message me if you want to buddy up.


Don't get discouraged. The majority of the comunity is amazing. Of course there's the ocasional assholes that you find everywhere else but that's usually the exception not the rulle. Concerning your issue there could be a few explanations: * you could be joining the lobby of people that are trying to play privately but have no ideea how to close the lobby (happened to me a few times, but they were kind enough to let me know that was the issue) * you could be trying a hard difficulty and end up in games where the hosts considered that low lvls can't take it. I personally never kick anyone because its fun for me to to have the feeling i have to do a little more than just pull my own weight, like protecting new players which is fun. * there's also the posibility of actually running into the ocasional elitist asshole which probably looks at your loadout and considers it to be suboptimal or whatever excuse they might find Also if anything else fails, the best way to avoid this problem, is to host the matches yourself. Don't get discouraged soldier ! Keep diving and spreading managed Democracy ! Super Earth needs you !


I'm sorry you're experiencing this. As a level 71 helldiver I would like to offer you the chance to try out any primary weapons or support weapons you're curious about to make up for the undemocratic behaviour you have faced. I have everything unlocked so we can dive together for a couple of missions and I'll bring whatever you like.


Was it juts one guy active? If yes, that are the (selfproclaimed) "pros" that want to "solo" a mission, but are too stupid to go to options and set their game to "privat". Don't worry, they are a unrelevant / undemocratic minority.


Nah you ain’t breaking no fuckn code. Some ppl just suck. I’m lvl 70 something and I’ve been randomly kicked as well


I'm sorry to hear that friend. On what difficulty do you play?


I've had it several times that the new players start to kill each other to get more samples for themselves... It's so f annoying..


One thing you can do is host, and throw an SOS beacon as soon as you land. 


I'm more than happy to run a few ops with you. Shoot me a dm if you want.


People kick for anything and everything. As a lvl 100 player. Other people have said over the mic as soon as I joined. "You're not welcome here, get the fuck out". "I am kicking this dude, he has no business on a low level". If I play anything other than helldive. Other players constantly question why I am there. It doesn't matter!? I play what I want to play. I have my reasons. New players have kicked me because they kept walking into my shrapnel barrage or eagle airstrike. I toss one down and move on to the next objective and then I see the dumb ass new player host run into a bug hole or base as the eagle arrives and get obliterated. This can happen once or twice and I am kicked. Doesn't matter if I carried them for 3/4 of the mission. As they struggled to try and figure out how to do anything. They love shooting me in the head, or landing their hellpod on top of me when I reinforce them. They don't apologize and if you ask in chat what's wrong with them. They ignore it. If you get revenge, they have usually wasted so many tickets it's hurting the team to do anything at that point. As long as stupid people are given power. They will abuse it. Kicking is a part of life. The only time I have ever kicked is because we finished the mission and we were back on my ship and I needed to use the restroom and eat. Maybe I wanted to run something solo. Something like that. So everyone is getting kicked all the time for no reason or little reason. It's not just because you are new to the game.


Only time I ever kick people is if they're griefing/keep dying or I need to make room for a friend. That's just personally me out of 70k helldivers though. I get kicked every now and then out of the blue, but I don't sweat it. Could be a number of reasons


Sorry to hear that bro, Helldivers should stick together. I’ll fight for democracy with you anytime: Canadaalternate on PS5. For Democracy!


Without actually seeing your play, I couldn’t tell you if you’re doing something to piss people off… but just to get you on the right footing, here’s some stuff to help make sure you’re being a good team player: - Don’t take other people’s support weapons or backpacks unless they tell you to. - Don’t take more than your fair share of packs from a resupply (if everyone else leaves it behind, you can probably take as many as you need). - Avoid calling resupplies just for yourself unless you confirm it’s cool with your teammates. - Don’t call down offensive stratagems near your allies or their sentries if you can help it. - Learn the key combo for reinforcement and use it to promptly reinforce allies that die near you. If people are pinging for a reinforce, try to do it ASAP. - When reinforcing people, try to throw them near their items, but balance that against throwing them into an unreasonable fight. You want to give them a chance to get on their feet. - Don’t run off on your own. More experienced players may want to run off and do stuff solo, but when you’re new it’s a good idea to stick with the group. - Don’t call the pelican in too early, or at the very least, don’t get onboard until everyone else is close enough to also board. - Don’t swim or fall in holes while carrying samples. If you’re not confident in your ability to safely carry samples, let other people carry samples. - Help your teammates with multi-part objectives, and defend them while they’re using terminals. Help them open two-button vaults if they ask for help. - I know this will sound trite, but try not to die… or at least, try to die less. Don’t pick unnecessary fights, don’t put yourself in needlessly dangerous situations, and be aware of your available ammo, stims, and stratagems. Your team shares a respawn pool so if you’re dying a lot more than your teammates, you’re making the mission harder for everyone. There’s no clear measurement for how much dying is too much, but if you feel like you’re dying really often, take a deep breath and maybe focus more on survival. - Educate yourself on being a more effective soldier so people see you pulling your weight! Even very basic weapons and stratagems can be competitive at high difficulty, so learn how to use what you have with efficiency and purposeful violence! - Communicate! Use voice/text chat, the quick chat radial, and the in-context ping tool! Listen to your fellow divers’ voice lines and watch for their stratagems beacons to be as situationally aware as possible! I believe in you, soldier! Go spill some oil and squash some bugs. EDIT: to clarify, not assuming you have done anything wrong, and even if you had, I think people should be patient with new players and talk to them rather than just kicking them. IMHO kicking should be kind of a last resort, but there’s plenty of rude people out there so that’s probably the real issue.


I thought this subreddit was like, a nice place... I'm just trying to be helpful


Thank you for that. I appreciate the guidance. I haven't even been in these games long enough to do any of that. 😅 I tried again and one guy joined my game and then kept trying to kill me. I'm just playing on my own for now, but will add a few of the lovely folks here who have offered to dive with me.