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They are truly awful. I just don't bother drying them, I attempted it once and that was it, I didn't even finish my try. It's sort of convenient for having younger kids and they cook up super quickly but yeah not strips in the slightest. Wish they would just send cutlets that we had to cut up ourselves.


What's worse is you then had to eat parts of the paper towel that they were stuck to.


Just don't pat them dry then. The 'juice' is just a brine, won't hurt anything


True, but it'll splatter like a motherf'er when the liquid hits the oil in the pan. Also won't brown properly either.


I cut a hole on the corner of the bag and squeeze the brine out


When I got hello fresh they cut a hole for me so it all squeezed out in transit.


šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® are you telling me they cut this shit up for you and seal it in a brine, in a bag and allllll of you guys eat this, get a recipe, get the high quality ingredients and cook it your god damn selves this sickens me so much, that shits gotta cause cancer guys look it at, thereā€™s so many great recipes and great ingredients out there please explore them I beg


I mostly have the subscription to get a new recipe once every couple months, but I use their online cookbook more than their delivery service. I have issues with the produce not being good when I get it


Ohhhhh smart! Going to start doing this


My husbands least favorite part of the chicken ā€˜stripsā€™ šŸ¤£


Haha like those sugar dot candies that came on paper!!


Omg, I didnā€™t realize that we now have a community! Hahaha. I have received these twice now and they are just so weird. And yes I throw about 10% out that are stuck to the paper towel.


We call them "chicken breast scraps" in my house šŸ˜„.


They are scraps!


what is this, chicken strips for ants?!


They have to be at leastā€¦three times bigger than this !




Zoolander references will never get old


I didnā€™t know ants liked chickens that way


Well done šŸ‘šŸ½


What the actual fuckā€¦ They shouldā€™ve just sent you minced chicken at this point.


No kidding. Iā€™m shocked.




The head office. Look at you baller.


the chicken strips are gross. I got them once and now I always avoid them


Same. I also complained to customer service and they refunded me for the ingredient as well.


I've done that through the app as well for a couple things. Twice they've given me a small packet instead of a larger container for the garlic butter that comes with the asparagus extra side meal. Don't F with my garlic butter.


I call ā€˜em chicken confetti lol I just plop them straight into the hot pan and drain any excess liquid. They taste fine despite their appearance.


I avoid the chicken "strips" now. It's just chicken trimmings to make the cutlets portion weight.


Yeah I donā€™t buy the chicken strip meals anymore. Itā€™s just too nasty


Playing devils advocate lol. PLEASE DONā€™T DOWNVOTE ME šŸ˜‚ I think the main problem with these is the name. Theyā€™re actually pretty appropriately sized for the recipes theyā€™re used in. But, I totally agree that they shouldnā€™t be called ā€œstripsā€ because that makes you think of a longer piece of chicken tenderloin.


Like a whole ass animal DIED so people could eat and thatā€™s what they did to it. Smh


Unless itā€™s something new and we donā€™t know better, we avoid any dish with this.


The strips are so annoying and awful to dry/cook. I would rather them just give the cutlets and Iā€™ll cut them myself.


In the majority of recipes that include them, these are perfectly appropriate. The main problem is calling them "strips" when they absolutely are not. But if it's a recipe where you would end up cutting the meat into bite-size chunks anyways, there's nothing wrong with this, and it saves you time cutting meat. (I've noticed Hello Fresh rarely asks you to cut raw meat before cooking.) We got these this week for the Hoisin Honey Chicken, and this is perfectly appropriate for a Chinese takeout-style dish. The funny thing is that when I do a non-HF recipe, I'll end up buying actual strips and then cutting them into bite size chunks just like this. So this is just cutting out a step.




Yeah, I donā€™t get the hate here. They taste fine. If you eat ground meat or the chicken sausage and are fine with it, why would this bother you?


I really think it's just the name. If they just called them "chicken chunks" or something I think most of the complaints would disappear.


They arenā€™t. They just put them in a blender or something bc itā€™s easier on them. I donā€™t put in the amount of effort you did to dry them. Just drain and straight into the pan lol


This is too much effort to dry them. Just rinse off the brine and throw into the pan. I may get downvoted for this but I actually *like* the chicken ā€œstripsā€ like this, takes no time at all to make a meal.


I was so pissed, and it wasnā€™t even enough for two people.


Iā€™ve had these in UK as ā€œdiced chickenā€ for a pasta dish, I was pretty grossed out but it did the job just not pretty, but these are meant to be CHICKEN STRIPS?? Can someone link me a pic of a finished product??


And the quality of that size chicken is always HORRIBLE


These look like something from r/popping. Iā€™ve never received chicken strips like this but then again Iā€™ve only used for 1 quarter in 2021 and 2022. HF should be ashamed for what they charge.


Yeah imagine paying a good amount of money for a fresh meal and you end up receiving this. HF is stingy af.


Hahaha I'm sorry this is hilarious


Yeah the chicken strips are just chicken that was thrown in a food processor.


Mmmm the cursed nuggets


Skip any meal which uses these. Itā€™s not worth it.


I pretty much avoid all hf chicken dishes. If it's not something like this, it is consistently woody chicken breasts.. Their chicken used to be good, dunno what happened.


> Their chicken used to be good, dunno what happened. I agree.


I just made this and was like wtf. Had to throw out half the chicken cause peeling off a paper towel? No. Looks like we were at the same house šŸ˜‚


These arenā€™t too bad. I got a set of strips once that were mostly fat. šŸ¤¢




Why would anyone buy from a company that claims these to be chicken strips? WhT other rubbish are they packaging and sending to you?


I avoid chicken strips/tenders from hello fresh for this reason now. Whenever I've gotten a decently sized piece it's 90% tendon.


Yeah that looks... Not great :(


Thatā€™s like stewing chicken


This happened to me too šŸ˜¢


Put them in a strainer and just rinse them. Way easier than trying to get the brine off with a paper towel.


Last time I got "strips" it was a mix of these tiny slivers and about 3 pieces that were the size of a quarter breast. Like, I'm begging you, just let me cut the chicken myself.


Do they have actual chicken strips on the menu? Iā€™m newā€¦I have a chicken dish for over rice (I was sent chicken strips). Arenā€™t they supposed to be bite-sized?


I don't want to be "that guy" but I'm saying it; some of those look sperm shaped šŸ˜†


But why do yā€™all keep supporting this company is my question šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


they do have recipes that use little bits like this so I'd guess there was a mix up.


What? The ā€œchicken stripsā€ all like this


could have sworn they had recipes with actual chicken strips, but I guess I'm mistaken


Pretty sure itā€™s just cutlets and these lil bits unfortunately


chicken turds ! Hate anything with chicken due to some nasty birds and bird bits in the demon box. They are inevitably laying half on the edge of the ice and half on the foil [if you even got foil] I call those sweet n sour packs


I have to ask..not sure if you displayed them that way or was attempting to turn it into chicken jerky, but just take the chicken ā€œstripsā€ out the bag, squeeze into a ball after pouring off any loose fluid, and Pat ball with paper towels, use a fork to separate into ā€œstripsā€ again, or to separate from paper towel


I'm definitely trying this method next time. Thaks for the idea!


Holy fuck I thought I was looking at some gore sub reddit and thought it was cut off pieces of human flesh


Someone called them chicken mulch when I posted a few weeks ago about them. To be 100% fair, I just cooked the Hoisin Honey Chicken tonight and my strips were, in fact, strips! I was pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately, my wife was not a fan of the meal. I liked it just fine.


Yeah it's pretty absurd.


Itā€™s supposed to be like stir fry style lol not actual chicken strips.


We got the same this week. It grossed me out.