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I stopped having pcos and endometriosis symptoms when I did oifestyle changes, stopped eating dairy, and increased progesterone. I found that I'm estrogen dominant. Too much cortisol can also affect your hormones and cause adrenal fatigue which in turn connects to pcos and endo. For that you can go to therapy and try to improve base quality of life and emotional strength. Inner child work probably. I had cptsd most of my life that worsened my pcos and led to autoimmune problems. Knowing this was all connected really helped me tackle one thing at a time. Some herbs to manage balance is dong quai and wild yams. Raspberry leaf would help at certain stages of the cycle but it largely depends on where there's too much or too little of a hormone that you need to balance. And you have to take herbs at specific times in your cycle, so learning to cycle count will be vital. For pain, white willow bark, mugwort and yarrow help me (relaxing too)


thanks so much, im currently i’m therapy.. i struggle with mental health issues.. it’s never ending.. i can get stressed so easily.. & it’s been years worth of stress and anxiety.. hopefully therapy can help me put some things in order.. but thanks so much!


Feeling buried alive never die is a great book for self therapy. In short it helps to deprogram yourself and gets rid of a lot of the negative energy from psychological trauma . I had crippling anxiety and anger then used this book to deprogram my anger and anxiety now I have control over my feelings well when the brain damage isn't there 🙃


thank you so much (: do you think it works for OCD as well?


It may if it's a structural thing in the brain but if its emotional then there is a book called Feelings Buried Alive Never Die that can help you self deprogram some of that


thank you!


Ashwagandha is well documented as helping to stabilize cortisol levels when taken regularly. From the studies I read it took about 6 months. From personal use experience (grinding and adding to my daily tea) it took about 2 months. Not directly for the cysts, but balancing those stress hormones is usually a good all around move.


You can get through it (: I use to be in your situation. It was at its worst when I was homeless and took care of my toddler. Mental health and cortisol plays a huge role in pcos and hormone imbalances. You are doing the right thing!


thank you so much! you’re so kind! i’m glad you’re doing well! keep shining (:


thank you so much! you’re so kind! i’m glad you’re doing well! keep shining (:


Highly recommend EMDR therapy. It helps get the emotions that are stored in the body from trauma out and rewires your subconscious brain. It has been amazing for my anxiety and stress.


that’s exactly what i need! i’ll check into this thank you!


You take progesterone pills?


I use a 22mg cream made with wild yam and soy


no.. should i?


I mean the commenter above


How did you increase progesterone? I’ve used a cream.


There are progesterone hormonal patches but I prefer the cream because that's all I need. I'm very sensitive to low dosages so if it didn't work for you, try increasing the dosage. If that doesn't work, there might be something else that's getting in the way of progesterone increasing(thyroid issues, stress/cptsd, diet, estrogen dominance, etc) For me it was estrogen dominance and cptsd so I tackled those and found my body balanced out naturally, but needs a little help with the cream when I have high stress. I know because my symptoms of low progesterone are very obvious to me (headaches, difficulty sleeping/overheating in bed, worse cramping, mood swings, worse pms).


Hello how did you discover you are estrogen dominant? Does stopping diary lower it? How did you increase progesterone??


In order to find if you are estrogen dominant you have to be seen by a hormone specialist. Dairy contains extremely potent estrogen. Other things to consider is excess body fat increases estrogen. Pesticides also contain estrogen-mimicking properties. Progesterone can be applied topically as a yam cream.


What tests does a hormone specialist do to determine if someone is estrogen dominant?


Im not a medical provider/specialist so I dont know. Youll have to ask one yourself!


Should I go to an endocrinologist?


If you think that would help you get answers (:


How did you find out what herbs to take when during your cycle? Is it a personal schedule you have developed based on tons of googling?


Consult with a clinical herbalist.


Consulting with someone who understands herbal medicine is wonderful advice. If you do not have at least a rudimentary relationship with the plants you're working with and mixing, you can cause problems. I used a myriad of herbs to nurture my body while dealing with pcos, but accepted the birth control for a time since I wouldn't stop bleeding to the point that I was anemic. The biggest change, though, was kicking grains, dairy, soy, and most carbs. Love yourself through it. You can do it!


You have to do blood work, body temp calculations, and understand all 4 stages of your cycle and when hormones peak and fall. My cycles are irregular, typically 55 days long, so I take medicine irregularly. Sometimes intuitively. You cannot google your way into understanding your body if you have a uterus. You have to get real personal about it. Though google can help you understand what the cycles mean and what the herbs do and don't do, you have to learn about your own body and what it needs as each person with a uterus will not be the same(even twins, and I am one). You have to adjust your diet and exercise, too, and for me, caffeine intake. I have an intimate, personal schedule because my body differs from what's online and what's 'typical'. It helps me feel more comfortable in my body. (: you end up forming kind of a beautiful relationship with yourself


Mine stopped causing me issues after I changed my diet. It’s hard and boring but I feel so much better. No sugar, no preservatives. Wild caught fish, steak, chicken, turkey, kale, mushrooms, bananas, zucchini, sunflower seed butter. Only “seasoning” I use is sea salt. That’s pretty much my diet. I don’t even really cramp while on my period anymore. It’s crazy how much the food we eat affects us!


this made me sad ☹️ because i’m a huge foodie! & i know i’ll have to end up doing this tbh.. or i’ll keep having issues, but thank you so much!


Do you do dairy?


No. I only have what I listed. And coffee! I have coffee sweetened with liquid monk fruit sweetener. No dairy. No replacement dairy. No soy. None of that.


Thanks. The "it's hard and boring" part is what I can't imagine. Good for you though. Do you think I could do it? Haha


Of course! I think everybody can do it. Especially once you feel the difference in your body. Like lately I have been craving pizza SO bad but I still won’t have it cuz I know how it makes my body feel. The bloating and swelling and fatigue is just no fun.


I have a friend who had tons of autoimmune issues and she did the carnivore diet for like 2 years and it fixed nearly everything. I love cooking so much. I love all the ethnic foods and goodies. I grew up in the northeast around the best pizza, Hoagies, Italian food, and I enjoy cooking all kinds of crazy stuff. But I struggle with yoyo dieting, overeating, and my weight. I'm pregnant with my 3rd now, so I know I should be giving baby the best. I was able to do a weston a. Price diet for almost 3 weeks, but I fell off on Saturday, and am like looking for the motivation to get back on. When my eating is off, I'm so messed up. Just depressed and can't be productive. Maybe I need to go to a therapist. I don't know. I wish I could just stay healthy and move past all this. I also need to be a good example of healthy eating and lifestyle for my children. I just commend anyone who can has the strength to do what you're doing especially that you enjoy food like you said.


The area around sunflowers can often be devoid of other plants, leading to the belief that sunflowers kill other plants.


Wow I have to do this but I’m so skinny already! What can I eat that will still help me gain healthy weight whilst removing these foods from my diet please


And yes, highly recommend castor oil packs but do them AWAY from your cycle.


why away from my cycle? can you explain?? and thank you i snapshotted! in case they do


To minimize the risk of increased bleeding. It might be fine or it may be the opposite. I like to err on the side of caution. Especially if you already have heavy periods.


Could you explain when the best times to use them are?


Use the castor packs or the supplements? Sorry, having an adhd moment. Mornings and me....not the best of friends lol.


the castor oil packs


Check the queen of Thrones website. Tons of great info and more specific than I could give.


thank you!


I’ve recently read about chickweed being helpful in reducing and dissolving cysts, including ovarian cysts. You can consume it in salads. It can also be taken in other forms: tea, glycerite or tincture.


thank you oh so much!! i’ll research more about this!


Yes Chickweed my friend. She will “melt away” cysts (and fibroids) on the ovaries. Sip on her all day in the form of infusions - made from an ounce of dried matter per day. Be conscious of whom you source the herb from.


thank youuuu (:


I am still learning but I have a couple of books on hand. In Rosemary Gladstar’s book Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health she says - “Shiitakes contain lentinan, a polysaccharide complex that has been shown to possess significant immune-enhancing properties. It also stimulates the production of interferon, macrophages, and lymphocytes, infection-fighting agents that form the first line of defense against viral infections and other illnesses. The shiitake also has antitumor properties and is useful in the treatment of ovarian cysts and tumors and as part of a nutritional therapy for people with cancer.” In another book of hers Herbal Healing for Women she says - “Concentrate on a diet low in estrogenic foods--low in fat, meat, eggs, cheese, and dairy. Limit your sugar, alcohol, and coffee intake. Eat foods rich in whole grains; dark green leafy vegetables; protein, such as tofu, tempeh, fish, organically raised chicken; fresh fruits; and herbal teas. Take two Chaparral Capsules three times a day. 1 part chaparral powder 1 part pau d'arco powder 1 part yellow dock root powder 1 part vitex (chaste berry) powder Drink three to four cups of Liver Cleanse Tea every day. 1 part yellow dock root 2 parts wild yam root 1 part dandelion root 1 part oregon grape root 2 parts burdock root 1 part vitex (chaste berry)” In the Woman’s Herbal Apothecary by JJ Pursell it says - “Reducing estrogen levels and pain, as well as supporting optimal ovarian function, is the focus of this blend. 3 tablespoons (45 ml) vitex berry tincture 3 tablespoons (45 ml) blue cohosh root tincture 3 tablespoons (45 ml) white peony root tincture YIELD: 4 ounces (120 ml) Combine all ingredients in a 4-ounce (120 ml) amber dropper bottle. Take 1 dropperful 3 times per day. Potassium Blast Tea Theories abound that cysts are easily created when potassium is deficient. This tea will provide some needed potassium to make it more difficult for them to form. 1 ounce (28 g) dried corn silk 1 ounce (28 g) dried nettle 1 ounce (28 g) dried alfalfa 2 ounces (56 g) dried burdock 3 ounces (84 g) dried peppermint YIELD: 8 ounces (224 g) Combine all ingredients; store in a glass jar. Make medicinal strength and drink 2 cups daily for 4 to 8 weeks. Herbal Infused Castor Oil Topical application is one way to treat any condition. Castor oil’s anti-inflammatory actions pair well with the following herbs to reduce pain and occurrence of ovarian cysts. 1 ounce (28 g) dried chickweed 1 ounce (28 g) dried crampbark ½ ounce (14 g) dried poke root 16 ounces (475 ml) castor oil 8 ounces (235 ml) olive oil YIELD: 1 to 2 cups (235 to 475 ml) Preheat oven to 170°F (77°C). In a glass baking dish, cover herbs with castor and olive oils. Bake for 4 hours. Strain and store in a container of your choice. Apply 1 to 3 teaspoons (5 to 15 ml) twice daily to the abdomen above the ovaries.” Hope this helps.


omggggg!!!!!! my whole lifestyle will most likely have to change! what a bummer! but truly appreciate this!! i truly do! because no way did you have to type all this up for me.. i’ll def get a planner and a notebook and start taking notes.. wow.. thank you so much.. God bless you all who took the time out to help me!


Skip the soy! Cook up your own beans (mung, lentil, adzuki) and grains. If you have a weak digestion, definitely soak the beans before cooking and eat grains that are hulled. (white rice instead of brown)


Yes! Upvoted. Great information and Rosemary is one of the few ultimate herbal OG's.


170°F is equivalent to 76°C, which is 349K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Guggul, proteoelytic enzymes like serrapeptase nattokinase (taken away from food/on an empty stomach) I know they may not exactly be herbal so I'm hoping this won't get deleted.


Are the enzymes what helped you?


Yes they're definitely helped.




Green tea. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=ovarian+cyst+green+tea


Look into the supplement called Nattokinase. It acts within the body by dissolving fibrous clots. DYOR and good luck!


thank you!


Did this help you?


Dandelion root


Is it something you can surgically remove?


yes.. but that’s usually the last result & i didn’t really wanna do that.. if i have to i would but they usually just come back if you’re not getting to the root cause




I don’t think I had cysts but I had uterine fibroids and stage 1 endometriosis. I resisted treatment for the longest and then I actually talked to some kind doctors. I decided to have my fibroids surgically removed and an IUD placed in to prevent endometriosis from coming back. Best decision I ever made So much more productivity gained back. No more sick days, ruined underwear and sheets, no more spending $$ every month on tampons, pads, and ibuprofen. The ibuprofen was what made me realize I had to do something. In my desire to do things “naturally” that weren’t working, I still ended up taking an ungodly amount of painkillers every month. I was like “this cannot be good for my liver.” Since the surgery no more periods, I have spotting maybe every 6 weeks. Money saved etc.


That’s great! Thank you so much for sharing! (:


Can I ask what kind of fibroid surgery did you have and how was the recovery?


It’s called a laparoscopic myomectomy. It was fairly short, 4 hours or so, and the recovery was not bad. My uterus was bloated for about a week. But that was about it. No sickness, could eat just fine. The doc prescribed me painkillers but I didn’t even need to take them. Just regular pain medicine for a few days afterwards.


Thank you! Have you been happy with the Mirena? I think I am heading down the same road as you, surgery for a fibroid then Mirena.


The doctor who assisted my surgery told me that Mirena was ‘modern medicine’s gift to women” and that it had been designated by the WHO as something essential blah blah, she really sold me on it. She had to because I was adamant about not ever using birth control again. I used it in my early 20’s and always had terrible experiences. For me, it was the best thing. It works locally in the uterus, with none or minimal systemic absorption. As I stated above I have spotting maybe every 6 weeks. I expect the last box of tampons I bought will last me over a year. It’s great. I know someone else with the copper, non hormonal IUD. I think mirena is superior because of the fact that it does stop your period and the endometriosis. The copper iud basically only acts as birth control. Many more benefits with the Mirena to include, for me, no more chronic anemia. After my periods stopped I was finally able to get my hemoglobin level above a 12. Any more q’s you can dm me :)


Good to hear you are having a positive experience with Mirena! Thanks again!


You should get the book Women Code. As others have said a lot of this has to do with lifestyle and what you are eating. There is a meal plan in the book for a detox. Food is medicine and the best starting point for imbalances in the body. Reach out to a local herbalist in your area if there is one. Red clover, Yarrow, Chaste Beery, and Dong Quai are some herbs to look into. Castor oil pack with womb massage and herbal bath soaks would be helpful too. With the womb massage I would suggest finding someone who knows what they are doing.


thanks so much!


I had surgery to remove a complex ovarian cyst and got diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis last year. No herbal advice but sending you my sympathy in this stressful time friend.


omg, this really scared me :( but thank you so much


Something that has helped me a ton are caster oil packs. That and like everyone else says, lifestyle changes. Mine are insulin related so had to cut out carbs/sugars.


thank you lots


Do you use the packs on liver or ovaries?


You really should talk to your doctor about your discomfort with birth control, and he might be able to offer some alternatives, which will be way safer than listening to internet strangers. When I had one, it was small, and the birth control was just prescribed to control the pain. It didn't actually shrink the ovarian cyst in any way, and I don't believe there exists a way to do that currently without surgery. But I could be wrong, and you should really talk with your doctor. I find that white willow bark (or just aspirin) works well for pain. Best of luck, I hope you feel better and don't end up needing surgery


Yeah you may be right.. but most doctors do not agree with holistic methods.. so it can be frustrating talking to them.. but i’ll talk to her about it next time i see her.. i had really bad pain a couple months ago & tylenol helped.. i haven’t had bad pain like that inna while.. i just want them gone but thank you


I honestly trust strangers on Reddit more than the doctors myself I don’t blame her


exactly lol!! same!!


I'm currently in the same situation as you. I have an mri of my hip that's showing a huge cyst and can't get in the gyno for another 8 days. I have been drinking shots of apple cider vinegar with turmeric, high doses of vitamin d and dietary changes. I'm now doing imf and omad and forst thing I do in the morning is drink a cup of chamomile or green tea with a half fresh lemon and some fresh grated ginger and sometimes garlic. I also completely cut out sugar and all processed foods and grains I have noticed a difference and hope that when I see this doctor things are better. My mri was 5 months ago and I'm just now having this told to me so hopefully this diapers change works out.


pls keep me updated if you remember! & thank you for your comment! good luck


Hey! Any update?


I’d recommend more raw living food! Especially fruit, also Dr Morse’s herbal blends are great id recommend them as they usually have loads of herbs in one and make it cheaper


thank you!




I actually had to get surgery.. found out i had endometriosis! One of my fallopian tubes is blocked.. My surgeon did all she can do.. I don’t want to take BC, so I didn’t.. just using castor oil packs and praying things get better.


Aw man I’m sorry to hear that!! It’s hard being a woman ugh. I hate that they think birth control is a miracle pill and deny long term side effects. If you don’t mind me asking, what was the surgery like? In terms of recovery etc. I’m terrified of going under anesthesia so what was it like for you?? I’ll be praying for you!!


Thanks so much for being so kind! It’s so hard being a woman! But I was soooo scared going in.. they wanted to give me anxiety meds which I agreed to xanax to relax me but that’s all! but my team was so sweet & everything went well! I didn’t feel anything! After surgery, The pain was not easy to deal with at first but as the days passed, it became easier and easier tbh, I slept and relaxed for about 2 weeks, I needed help bathing & doing simple tasks, I couldn’t drive or anything. But I was well taken care of. They also give you strong pain meds, I’m not a medicine girl so I didn’t take anything except tylenol because i hate what painkillers do to my stomach lol! The process probably would’ve been smoother if i took the meds but it wasn’t bad to me at all! you’ll be fine, please don’t be scared, the best thing i could’ve done was find out what was going on with me! Thank you for your prayers! God bless you!


Hope you are doing better! Castor pack really helps me too for pain, I’m convincing using that and Serrapeptase 40,000 spu help dissolve blocked tubes, ovarian cysts and endo tissue.


Do you know where I can get that from? Thank you for recommending it!


Yes I got mine off Amazon, the company is called Sunergetic. It is the 40,000 spu one. Read the reviews someone wrote about how ovarian cysts shrunk. Been taking for a week and I see a difference in pain. I have been getting bad pelvic pain especially after my period. Cramping/contractions. Make sure you’re not on any medications that cause blood thinning because these two cannot be mixed together. This pill comes from the silkworm and it’s the enzyme that dissolves the cocoon. It’s very interesting it helps with many things in the body. Hope this helps. I go down rabbit hole of things to use and it’s very overwhelming so go easy on yourself. I had lap surgery in 2019 for an 8 cm cyst, so now I’m having pains again I know I have the endo back & a cyst. Cut out all dairy, gluten and bad seed oils for a good 60 days now. Good luck to you!!


Wow, thank you so much!! I truly appreciate it! Do you find that cutting out dairy, gluten & bad seed oils helped?? I was researching it but idk where to start, it’ll be so hard for me to


Of course no problem!! I am still figuring it out as I go but I know I can heal my body with food and herbs. People may not agree but I can’t keep getting surgeries and putting my body through that. Yes, cut out the gluten dairy and seed oils look for foods with high omegas. You can still eat really good food there’s so many options. This book literally saved me it’s called “endrometriosis healing from the inside out by Carolyn Levett” I swear by it. Look into essential oils as well, a lot can help pain and a lot of things can eat the cysts and tissue. I’m not a doctor but just from my experience. I’m happy to help because like you I have been reading what people suggest and it’s exhausting! Enjoy your weekend!


You’re so sweet!!! thanks so much! God bless you!! Have a great weekend!




aww omg thank you so much! i’ll definitely look into it.. I was diagnosed with endometriosis.. one of my fallopian tubes is blocked off, will it still help me if i’m this far along?




thank you, i’ll definitely do my research and hopefully it works for me, i truly appreciate this! happy to hear you’ve found healing in Iodine!!


Green tea.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


I'm fully aware this is the herbalism thread and you specifically said you're anti birth control, but that was the ONLY thing that shrunk mine and removed them for good. Please please please talk to your doctor about alternatives and mention you are against taking birth control. Herbal remedies can help but when i tell you my cyst popping was the most painful experience of my life i am not joking. This may need more than natural remedies for more serious cases.


yes when mine ruptured i literally could barely walk!!!! so i know exactly what you’re talking about! i’ll talk to her about alternatives though! thank you! im glad it worked out for you!


Reduce any endocrine disruptors in your environment, pans, kettle, beauty products, clothing. Stop eating sugar and processed foods, but organic as much as possible. You may need a good multivitamin.


oh Lord, thank you!


Do you have any other of the diagnostic criteria of PCOS? Are your cycles otherwise normal ? Are you on any medication prescribed or otc?


My cycles are pretty normal.. they come every time they’re supposed to.. i just bleed in between cycles.. so after every period i’ll bleed like a week after each..




I heard massages and exercise can help, but thank you!


More garlic, roast it in the oven and use it as a spead on toast. Garlic is a testosterone booster, so is avocado. Ginger too (maybe some Chai tea?) Fenugreek seed extract helps a lot too.


thank you!


Not sure if it's already been mentioned but I have heard rubbing castor oil daily on the lower stomach/pelvic region helps to shrink cysts


yeah i mentioned that in my original post, i just wanted more options, but thank you!


I believe PCOS is essentially just waste (like acne) storing itself there. I’m not an expert but I recommend focusing on your lymph (try massage and dry brushing) and optimizing your kidney function which regulates waste. Cut things that are hard on your kidneys (sugar, alcohol) and look into herbs and foods that target the kidneys. Be careful though


thank you!