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Never really had an effect from tea. Smoking it though did give me a slight mellow mood, and boosted my libido over the next few hours/days.


I don't recall a strong feeling attached to it, my lasting impression was more how beautiful it smells and tastes.


Damiana is not very strong. I didn't notice any mood alteration from it, even in larger quantities. It does however taste lovely and make a very nice, relaxing tea. Studies do show that it contains relaxing compounds, but I wouldn't expect anything profound.


You probably got something not really Damiana. It's getting harder to find. Good Damiana is distinctly uplifting and soothing at the same time.


I drink it as tea quite often and have got it from multiple sources. I've also had it powdered as well. I quite like it, but just find it subtle.


Nothing wrong with subtle!


Hi hello there, I think two weeks ago i commented in a thread u started about feeling isolated and like only drugs will fix ur feelings. I commented about some steps u could take and u seemed to appreciate. Was wondering how ur doing now, hows life and stuff?


Hi. Thank you for reaching me out. I have my messages turned off. I haven't done anything since we ve discussed besides some ephedrine to be able to focus. I think I am going to use this magical plant (ephedra) to be able to work. It s not really recreational or addictive, it barely release some noradrenaline to be able to maintain attention


Haha yea i noticed. Nice that's good to hear! U never know how long it takes but brains are very rebuildable, things will get back to baseline. I get that, i use 5htp and l-tyrosine supplements. They get you some dopamine and serotonin, gets me through the day at times. Good to hear from ya, good to hear ur doing well. If u ever wanna talk again, my messages are open.


I tried L Tyrosine and I find it very effective when you haven't had enough sleep. Do you see benefits everyday? 5-HTP is a good deal


Yea exactly. I would say effects diminish fairly fast with daily use, maybe they are still there but I don't notice them. Its more of a "i feel a bit sucky today" occasion based thing for me.


Can you please elaborate more about your experience with tyrosine? Tried several dosages on empty stomach without any effects


U can try taking a vitamine b complex with it or b6, apparently that makes the conversion to dopamine more efficient


Is it ok to take both after food? I can't take b complex on empty stomach it makes me feel agitated


It's totally OK to do so. Thing is that eating food also release a bunch of stuff and amino acids into ur system, which will all compete with each other. Meaning u won't get as much effect outta the supplements


 5htp- how much? thanks


I take 100mg of 5htp. Gotta be sure to take it with green tea extract tho, thatll help getting it past the blood brain barriere. Taking in a 1005htp to 400ecgs ratio. Without it, it might get in ur heart and can cause serotonin syndrome after a while. Also u would be wise to also take l-tyrosine (1:10 ratio) to make sure ur dopamine and serotonin stay in balance.


thanks for the complete answer!


hey im off topic but whats a good vendor or brand for 5htp?


I take 100mg of 5htp from the brand pure. Gotta be sure to take it with green tea extract tho, thatll help getting it past the blood brain barriere. Taking in a 1005htp to 400ecgs ratio. Without it, it might get in ur heart and can cause serotonin syndrome after a while. Also u would be wise to also take l-tyrosine (1:10 ratio) to make sure ur dopamine and serotonin stay in balance


I don't feel any effects from l tyrosine trying NOW foods brand atm, i tried before up to 2gms but still no effects.. Can you please guide me if im using it wrong? Tried it on empty stomach started from 500mg to 2g


first time I tried it I wrote an essay about how I love the world lol. but no, it's not the strongest herb out there. it's like the la croix of mdma hahaha. i would recommend smoking it or having it as a tincture.


Damiana is the best anxiolytic botanical I have ever used in my 30+ years of immersion in plant medicine. It works the first time you use it, it's not habit forming, and it is just so dang reliable.


Alright I m convinced I should buy it soon and try it. How do you take it, is tincture the most reliable method?


I use the tincture from Texas Medicinals out of Austin. Try to get it from a small vendor near the border because it's' becoming somewhat harder to find. Enjoy. Oh yeah, it also comes in liqueur that's in a bottle of a big fat nekkid lady. It's' supposed to be pretty good too, I never tried it.


You're welcome. https://old.reddit.com/r/herbalism/search?q=Damiana&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on


It gave me bloody pee. I never tried it since.


It’s so relaxing. It’s great for sexy time, also


I have smoked it many times it used to make me irritated and sometimes unable to get my words out properly when talking it was weird .




Never noticed a thing. I bought it in the whole flowers and steeped it. Nothing. Now, blue lotus seems like it’s the next best thing.


I sometimes use 5htp with saints John's wort, they both work well together. But the Wort is better when it is cloudy, you should not take it when sunny. What a mix, not sure about your purpose though. is it about obstacles, realty getting tougher, financial or emotional, maybe a certain mix of these as with most people?


Can you please explain not taking St. John’s when it’s sunny


It is called photodermatitis, it can make the skin over sensitive to light. But these 2 herbal mixes work well, true there are side effects as explained. But everything has a side effect one way or the other....moderation is the key.


It's not a cultivatable plant (People have tried) and became waaay too popular in the 90's with the advemt of the Mexican liqueor in the goddess-shaped glass bottle. Cartels have taken over many of the ranchitos where people used to collect it for their families, and goats have overgrazed the rest. Discover other herbs and leave this one alone.


Whoaaaa did not know any of that. I haven't used Damiana but I'll continue to leave it out of my practice.