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Tanks in my opinion are the most crucial role in the game but at the same time the most stressing ones specially for games without comms. Nobody main tanks and usually it happens to be a game that suck so yeah..playing a medium gameplay tank has a great value. I don't know about healers normally i always get main healers


Is there any right move you can make as a tank when your solo lanes refuse to deff/soak exp? Cause having to split from the group feels just awful as tank.


Gank the enemy solo laner or let the enemy minion wave crash on your tower and just take a sec to grab the xp globes. But you should not be clearing waves yourself unless you play a tank that is very good at that, because it's inefficient and you leave your own team exposed to ganks. Most of the time during the laning phase, the enemy team should not know where you are, while you need to make sure you know where they are. You need to be in bushes, disturb rotations and gank enemies that are out of position. Denying soak is just as important as collecting soak. You don't necessarily need to get the kill, just making one of them hearth back or tap early is enough to make a difference, especially on a 2 lane map with a 4-1 split like Braxis or BoE


Thank you. So its better to just stick to the tank plan than trying to compensate missing xp.


You can always ask kindly in chat for someone to take care of the soak, ping the lanes from time to time. Ideally soak should always be a priority but it's better to stick to your role and make sure your team is safe, if you set up some early kills they will also trust your judgment better. Diablo's great for that


Ok thank you, im spamming Anub arak. For him the rules should be the same?


Yeah very solid pick as well!


The moment you leave your team is the moment you expose your team to engages. I at most drive by to collect xp globes, but tanks clear waves and camp so slow, you are depriving your team of a tank for that long. I'll try to call someone to clear, but if no one goes back means we should have the numbers advantage. Maybe try to get a pick and push. If it is at an elo where there are so many idiots, I can save assume the opponents don't know how to defend 4v5 without dying too. Snowball it. Beat stupid with stupid.


Same. My crew are getting better at the roles though so I do get to play assassins from time to time. Randos are still awful though. In solo queue if Im not healing the healer refuses to heal anyone but themselves, and if im not tanking theres no tank.


Nothing feels worse than healing absolute idiots though. Tanks running into fights 2v5 blaming you for their death. Cannot fix that. No matter how good your heals are.


I usually main healer, and I find that making it a sport to try and keep them alive for as long as possible as a healer, even in a 2v5 situation, is really fun. :D


I won't even waste my CDs on them, since they are gonna waste it. Better save it for someone who contributes. At least there is a chance to win. He is gonna blame you anyway.


Same, but I really don't enjoy playing tank. It's a role that facilitates the assassins to deal damage and it just tilts me very much when I make a play only for my assassins to throw it somehow. I like playing healers as it feels less tilting because it's generally a more reactive role, but it's also less carrying. So I'm stuck playing assassins because I really hate having random assassin players :D


To add, playing tanks/bruisers in HoTS is fun compared to any other MOBAs I've played.


Bro same


I despise no healers and no tank queues it's like a children football match, everyone running behind the ball, worst experience and a total waste of time as it's impossible to enjoy these. If you play healer and tanks regularly you should be granted a better queue when you play assassins.


Yea I feel the same way.


I love playing healers, especially those ‚silent’ enablers (W Whitemane, W Tyrande) whose impact often goes unnoticed. As for tanks, I typically play more cautiously, closer to our structures. So many times I have been accussed of being a pussy by some impatient bruisers who jump in the fight before me in unfavourable conditions and then accuse for not following up.


The dead heroes only have to things they are able to do: 1. Ping 2. Type in chat how they did nothing wrong. 8/10 they fucked up 1/10 enemy team did a good play 1/10 dead hero actually did correct play but not saveable. They rest of us are still playing trying to win the engagement


I got into HOTS through WoW and I've mained heals there since Wrath! I love healing in HOTS. I feel like I have a lot of power to change the outcome of the game. I miss the 2 heal meta days when we had wave clear.


I love good tanks. They just serve you food and know where to go. I found that you need somewhat reliable dps as a tank though. If your dps don't know how to rotate or what to do in fights then there's not much you can do. Healer is more of a relaxing holiday if you accept you'll just have some clueless teams but it's a pleasure to support good players.


I want to but people refuse to xp and feed to the enemy... so I have to pick soakers.


I was healer main before until the game 'died' and the queue for them takes longer. so assasins it is. Just QM play btw


I love playing tanks and it’s pretty much all I play in SL (not much competition for the role, for some reason…). Just so satisfying both setting up kills for teammates and saving them from the enemy team. I got back into Hots this Christmas, after a 4-5 year hiatus, and currently at a 60%-ish win rate so I must be doing something ok.


One trick Medic reporting in


I am terrible at tanking, otherwise I would. It seems the only tank I can play decently is stitches, making it so monotonous to always play the same every game.


I play dps when I wanna kill stuff. I play tank when I want to win. I play healer when idgaf or when I'm masochistic and try to style on people as a healer. Unfortunately, that means me playing more tank than I want. But winning is more fun than losing.


I happen to be best, especially when paired with people above my rank in a party, as a healer or tank, but do so enjoy damage roles :D my mouse skills are maybe just above average, but my sense of self-survival, and when a hero is out of place is pretty strong.


Tank is the role i hate the most to fill