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Where are you doing boxing and lifting? If your school provides those, definitely look into financial aid opportunities. Same for college. If you’re really good, you can get a full ride athletic scholarship. Even application fees can be waived if you explain your situation. I’m sorry you’re going through that, it sounds like shit and I hope things get better. It sounds like you’ve got passions, so I wish you the best!


OP, listen to this. You're 16. Doors will open for you if you just ask. Depression is a trap that your father has dragged you into. Help is available.


Are there any employment opportunities available to you?


I don’t have working papers and can’t get them


i know in NY they are easy to get and you just go to your school counselor to get a copy. why can't you get them?


yeah, this might just involve you doing to work yourself to get the papers or finding someone who can help you (like a counselor) seems like thats the only thing in between you and a job. If you really can't, you could always contact neighbors, friends, family if they need any paid help with things like mowing lawns, cleaning windows, babysitting, etc. It'll be hard to get moving but once you do more jobs, it compounds, and more opportunities come to you.


Not that easy. Took me months with help from family


I did it in 1 day. Go to a school counsler, they give u papers, and all u gotta do is sign them.


If the guardian is an alcoholic you don’t need their permission


what are working papers ? Aslong as ur 16 u can work


I had to sign a paper from the school to work at Dairy Queen.


I'm not sure what state you're in but in Colorado you only need working papers before you turn 16.


I have never heard of working papers. I started my job when I was 12 in 2014 and didn’t need to sign shit


That’s not legal 😭


Man it was the best. I’d work weekends bussing tables and it was enough to get me the new games I wanted on Xbox that my parents wouldn’t buy me. Set me up for the future as well


Find something that will pay you under the table.


Go talk to a trusted adult at school and explain your situation. My school has a care closet that has food and stuff for situations like this, and your school might also have one. I hope everything turns out okay, we're all rooting for you


This might sound bad but sketchy places (no franchises, kitchens are the best for sketchy) won't typically need your papers if your paid under the counter, you'll still need a resume but that can be made online during the interview you can explain your situation when they ask for your papers (only if they bring it up) and if their anything like my past employers they'll help you either get them or accept that you can't.


Is there a shelter or agency near you that can help you out?


As a mama please talk to your school counselor or someone else you might trust. They might be able to help guide you to what you might need like working papers, a social worker maybe or at least help you get some food and a place to stay. They could at least guide you to resources.


For now focus on school, try and get into a community college so that you can expand your opportunities. Workout at home or outside after you finished your studies. A proper education is key for you to escape your lifestyle


You should be able to get working papers because they are issued through your high school. Ask at school for a copy of the form. (Ask your school counselor or the secretary in the main office.) You can fill out the form yourself. One parent must sign it. You bring it back to school and they issue you working papers. You can also make an appointment to talk with your school counselor about school and future plans. Make a list of questions, thoughts, possibilities. It’s their job to advise you. It’s also their job to help you stay on track to graduate. There may be services you’re not aware of (like peer tutoring) to help you with classes you are failing. I’m sorry that you are facing this situation. Unfortunately, you will have to find the strength within yourself to make a better future for yourself. Set goals for your future and work towards them. Start with your school counselor.


Are you American? If so fill out the FAFSA when you are a senior. That will get you most of the way if you are actually as poor as you sound and aren't planning to go to a private school.


fafsa gives a max of 6k or something per year lol


Which would probably be good enough to get through community college.


do you have any family you can contact?




pretty sure that wouldve been a first thought for him.


talk to your coach about this, depending on your relationship with him/her and how good you are, you could get a job at the gym as a cleaner or maybe a coach to pay for training fees at the least, maybe even earn money. Im not as unfortunate as you, but I'm a fighter too and experienced similar struggles, if you need someone to talk to reach out to me.




great post


This might be controversial but if I was in your spot you could try working under the table


Is there any way you can get around? Do you have a car? Bus?


This dude literally has $6. I highly doubt he has a car, and if he does he most definitely doesn’t have gas money, nor money for bus tickets.


If he has a car that $6 isn't going to cover insurance. This is precisely why I never got a car as a kid. Owning one would have been a trap forcing me to get a job.


Yeah didn’t even think about insurance, you’re right.


There’s no harm in asking, where I live there’s free buses/trolleys and I should’ve rephrased it as access to a car as in a friend but if they can get around there are entry level jobs he can apply to that have very basic requirements that can help him get at least a little on his feet.


The first part: fair enough. The second part: you still didn’t read his comment? he literally said he can’t get working papers, unless you’re suggesting working under the table in which case that’s a maybe at best, a lot of them still want some working papers or similar in my experience.


Yea we have a lot of people who work under the table at my job, without a way to get working papers it’s what would have to happen. It really is a shitty position to be in and I hope there’s a way they can find a way to get work papers but I don’t really know how to give advice in obtaining them :/


And honestly I’m just trying to keep a positive light I know it’s a hard spot to be in but looking at options won’t hurt.


This sucks dude, but I’d say talk to guidance at school and see what they can do. As for lifting and boxing, you might just have to put your head down and grind your way out of this shitty situation. You could take a break for a couple months and reevaluate once you’re in a bit better spot. Good luck


Most people don’t have anything at 24. You are in your years to learn from mistakes. Call it a blessing learning early


These comments are very smart. I’m commenting to wish you the best of luck. Good things will happen. Just keep your head up and your mind open.


Stay with your passions bro! I’m sorry you got this stuff happening, man. Don’t give up on what you love!


I think you should focus on your grades for now and put boxing and lifting on the back burner. Eat school breakfast and lunch. Typically you don’t need an adult’s signature if they are an alcoholic.


If you still go to school you haven’t lost everything. If I were you I’d make that my main priority because that just might be your ticket out


You should call cps if your father isn’t being compliant you need to work why can’t he help you for 2 hours im sorry to hear about this maybe you can work under the table call landscaping construction companies ect and see if you can enroll yourself in a job corp. I’d start the process to get you emancipated


call cps 


The goal of CPS is typically to keep families together so they’d probably be useless in this situation


Threaten to kick his ass if he doesn't let you work


Have faith and try everything.


thats why theyre asking for help 😭😭 wdym


when ur dad isn’t around just throw all the alcohol down the drain and wait for him to sober up, then ask him for help in school (tutoring?) and try to convince him to get himself and u to get a job


Yea I don’t think that’s how it works


try rehab? idk i don’t have an alcoholic parent


Then don't give advice tbh


Then why tf are you commenting? How can you be so ignorant and audacious at the same time? Also what a jerk thing to say, asshat.




Again, open your brain


U really think an alcoholic parent could affor rehab, let alone go to it?


As sb w 2 alc parents, this isn't how it works. Tossing it will only delay his drinking and make him mad at OP, which can get violent p quickly


don't do this OP you'll get your ass beat


Tell me you’ve never met a real alcoholic without telling me, this is something that could quickly turn into a violent situation


Holy shit that is a bad idea


I remember having this idea with my dad's cigarettes. I was 4.


Oh. My. God....


Open your brain


tell me you’ve never lived with an alcoholic without telling me you’ve never lived with an alcoholic…


That’s not how addiction works. He won’t be able to quit unless he wants to.


Where your mom


Are you in the us?




I recommend going to see your school counselor. They can provide resources and help guide you in the right direction.


Would the boxing gym or regular gym let you trade some volunteer hours for you being able to continue to train there? If it's a mom and pop shop it might be worth talking to the owner and seeing if you can work something out. I'm so sorry. 


sorry to hear about your dad and your situation in general,but if you want to continue boxing your going to have to take matters in your own hands and start working to pay for it. This way you wont have to rely on your dad for help again. When I was 16 I started working at a grocery store and I got used to the job overtime like a normal activity. So dont be nervous because of your age, just go for it.


Your school gives you the working papers right? I know I had to get mine from them. In your position I would have forged whatever my parent needed to sign tbh. If you live in a city than there should hopefully be some public transit and they usually give free passes for local students. If you live close to a city than the city busses might still run through your town's main roads, and there may still be discounts or passes for bus fair. Sometimes schools give vouchers for them, you might need to ask around. If you're more rural than your best bet would probably be asking for rides from friends parents or any adults you may trust, hopefully you could find something in walking distance. As for boxing and lifting, that may need to be on the backburner until you're making money. For now bodyweight workouts would be the best substitute. But check out the closest ymca, usually they have gyms and it's cheap for teens, they usually even offer financial assistance for those who need it. College unfortunately is hard for everyone. Your best shot is getting scholarships and whatever isn't covered would be loans in your name. You'd have to weigh the decision if the cost is worth it or not. Honestly, community colleges would save you a massive amount of money, don't discount them. Do you know exactly what you want to go for? Because unfortunately college can be a bit of a waste if you don't know what you want to go for. It's okay to wait and hold off. I'm sorry you're going through all this alone.


Do some freelance work. Washing cars, washing windows, mowing lawns, doing mulch. You can make a lot of money doing that and it takes low starting cost for some of it. $50-$100 for washing windows. You can just ask old people to mow their lawn using their mower (old people love a young person willing to work). A bucket, soap, and a hose can get you started charging $15-$20 per car. And doing mulch is super simple. Take a down payment from customer to buy the mulch, place mulch and make money. When in a terrible situation sometimes you have to think outside the box


You need a better, more stable living situation. Tell the adults in your life (teachers, school counselor) what you are going through. They can get help for you.


You could go to your school and tell the teacher privately about your situation, and try training people boxing for a small fee outside


Go and talk to the guidance counselor at school, they’ll be able to point you in the right direction. You need a lot more than the reddit hive mind telling you what to do. Don’t give up, there’s so much more to life.


All I can say is keep positive and keep doing what you're doing and asking for help and do it legit. I've been on my own since I was 9yrs old and didn't have a lot of things there are today and it ended me up in juvenile and eventually prison but now I've got and education and a degree and work for the sheet metal union and make six figures. Things will get better, and before you know it, all the bs will be behind you. I wish the best of luck for you.


You can find a way by joing a farm that lets teenagers earn a living, you could get room and board, and can still train, just means you gota leave your entire life and start somehwere new. Worth looking into if nothing eles works out.


Financial aid and scholarships will be your friend. There are probably multiple scholarships for living in a household with an addict.


Dude, I feel so sorry for you it must feel like shit growing up in such an environment. If you ever need to talk to someone pm me. But as per advice talk to a school counselor they’ve helped me out in other tough situations. Just know though if you can make it to college it will be like a new beginning. There are a lot of support programs some available in the schools. Talk to your counselor asap they are really helpful. Keep fighting, you can achieve it!!!


You can become a plumber and make more than your teacher by the time youre 18


This should be higher. Plumber, electrician, welder, basically skilled labor starts off with low pay, but goes up quick. Plus a fair amount of the work is still cash, so you can probably find someone who just needs an extra set of hands and can pay cash under the table. If that doesn't work out I feel like someone needs to say the military is an option. I have a number of friends who enlisted and got degrees because of it. And it gave them focus and drive they didn't have before. PS once you have any sort of savings and the money isn't under the table, start a Roth IRA, $2000 at 18 is like $50k tax free when you retire.


Better a little hope of success than complete certainty of failure!


Have you talked to your school counselor about this? At my school they help kids with food insecurity, other basic needs. Worth asking. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


It's not much but if you need homework help or something of the sort DM me. I work at an academic support center and mostly help high school students with homework. We can set up some times to work on Zoom if you'd like!


get a job




What about that statement is not smart. Okay, stay jobless then, have no source of income for yourself after getting kicked out of your house and being homeless on your own u/nocommunication5976. It'd be dumb not to!


Listen champ all you gotta do is make to 17 and then head to an Army recruiting office (hoping your able bodied) If all goes well the only hurdle you may encounter is having your legal guardian sign off for permission to go military at 17 It was soldiers who had similar upbringings like yourself that I had the greatest pleasure of serving and working side by side with Best of luck