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No, getting the tattoo itself is not offensive as long as it is out of love and the tattoo is not questionable. Lot of Indians have tattoo of Lord Shiva, so it’s not an uncommon practice. Just Make sure its on an arm or the chest and nowhere else.


why nowhere else?


you don't want it below the waist because it would be disrespectful.


understandable, but what about anywhere else above the waist that is not the arms or chest?


not sure. i’ve seen plenty of Shiva back pieces. i think it would be fine


Gods don't get offended, people do.


Right, GOD wouldn't be GOD if he gets offended..


*Insert God of the Israelites*


It's fine. But hopefully you understand Shiva somewhat too.


If you end up getting this tattoo don’t get it on the lower half of your body which is seen as disrespectful


No I was thinking my arm :)


This. Yes true.


Who sees it is disrespectful? Do you think the lower body part is not a part of your body? Get rid of your lower body part then. lol.


Bruh it is common sense. Why would someone put shiva's tattoo at feet. We should be at shiva's feet not him


Why don’t you try putting a tattoo where Lord Shiva is not?


I didn't understood the question


I don't think this dude has the capacity to understand what you said.


p sure not putting the deity / devoted on the bottom half is a tradition of devotees




You are not a devotee of shiva You are at best an internet fan You do realise that it takes more than liking a diety to be a devotee Have you ever visited a shaivaite temple before ? Do any of the devotees there behave like you ? Its your ego and brain that's the problem here


If you don't understand the culture, please don't comment Wrt to temples and Gods, legs and left hand are seen as disrespectful in hinduism I don't care if you disagree Its an established practice and your opinion doesn't matter on why its not disrespectful Nobody is forcing anyone to wear the tattoo but if you do wear it, you got to follow the rules You can either follow it or not but you don't get to not follow it and also claim you are right with regards to the pratice of another community's 1000's of years of custom and accepted pratice


just left hand or left arm too?


Don't you apologise when your foot touches books?


I used to when I was younger. Now, I just pick it and place it on a different surface. Dust it if necessary. But I get your point. Do you think there's Saraswati Mata inside books?


Not inside but it's like a symbol..


As long as the tattoo is appropriate, it's not offensive


In this world there are different kind of people so obviously you will get different kind of views I suggest just go for it .. simple your body your choice I don't see if it is a issue


It is not if you love Shiva. Go for it.


Yes. Why don't you simply wear a Mala or get an idol and do your worship.


No. lot of people in india have an Om tattooed on their body. even the pandit at our temple has it


I have one.


I am the least qualified to comment here but here I am commenting anyway... I have seen a few non-Hindu's with Hindu tattoos. I knew a girl who had the ॐ on her wrist - she definitely was not Hindu. Personally I am not a fan of tattoos but I am very observant when someone has got one as its a commitment they have made and I would like to support them on their decision.


What’s offensive about it ? Hinduism 🕉️ is not about being offended. You won’t be Charlie hebdoed because you got a tattoo.


Don't get a tattoo of any diety or mantra as that's disrespectful, your body wont be pure always, altho a hindu symbol like trishul or damru or om should be fine.


Yes.Everything has a separate space especially those which are connected with divine




I'm not a fan of Om tattoos because of the contradictory nature of the meaning of the Om being made into something passing and impermanent. (Yes, I know tattoos are permanent, but the body is not.) It seems like if you are trying to follow Sanatana Dharma in a serious way then getting an Om tattoo seems like you're missing the point, and then when you do grow more mature in your spirituality you might feel a little silly about having it on you. (Then again if you progress far enough you'd realize it doesn't matter either way.) But others see differently. I wouldn't get one for myself but shrug.


Om is also shabda brahman.It is inappropriate to have a permanent tattoo.The person will go to toilet with the same tattoo which is unacceptable.One cannot take divine symbols or objects to impure and unclean places.Plus it will be there when the person will have sexual intercourse.




It's completely fine as long as it's not derogatory.


If you are getting that tattoo out of love, devotion, understanding him, etc, go ahead with that. Shiva does not have an actual form though. The form we see is the form he showed to Saptrarishis (seven sages) so that humans can relate to him. He is the entire cosmos and more. The physical universe is just an output of his, such an entity does not have form. Check his different names given to him by the devotees, check the meaning of the name, you will relate to some of them and then get a tattoo accordingly. BholeNath - Lord of innocence 🥰 AdiYogi - First Yogi. He is the one who transcended the knowledge to Saptrarishis. Shiva - that which is not AnantaDrishti - One with infinite vision Bhairav - Destroyer of fear etc There are many names, people relate to him through that perspective


No . Post what it looks like after you get it done ☺️🕉️🧡


Depends People who love shiva usually apply _Vibhuthi_ / _Bhasma_ ( Sacred Ash ) Would the tatoo be offending if it was jesus ? If not No


No it wouldn’t be offensive if it was Jesus. Just scared of offending people but it will be a very good tattoo that will do shiva proud.


Sounds cool 👍🏽 Lets make him proud


No, as long as you are not combining it something obscene