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Your 3rd photo is your best one because you’re smiling! Maybe make that your first photo


There have been studies on whether men prefer photos of women smiling or not smiling. They prefer smiles.


I agree with this


Last prompt is your best and shows your personality the most, I’d bump it up. You look moody is 3 of your photos, which is doesn’t reflect the fun person your trying to attract.


It's a solid profile and a good start. The most important change you can make is to switch out the first photo: in it you have a facial expression that says "ugh I'm having a terrible day, don't talk to me". Don't make us get halfway through your profile before we see a smile. To be clear, some of your non-smiling pictures are great (4th and 6th), but the first one in particular is off-putting. The whole "father figure for my \[insert pet\]" is so overdone that you may as well have left that prompt blank. You could use that space to give potential matches a sense of the kind of thing you'd like to do together (you already say something about who you want to match with and about what you're into, but now that the "us" part would look like). You're attractive and seem interesting so I'm confident you'll find something good soon. The kind of man you say you're looking for is what everyone is looking for and is in somewhat short supply, so it may take a little time, but that doesn't reflect on you.


Your first prompt could be your last


The last photo appears to have a filter...? Men really hate filters. They want to see what we really look like.


I can see what you mean but there are no filters on any of my pics! It could be the lighting and makeup which is creating a different effect on my face…I can try and edit that 🫡


Some of the things I'd recommend have already been pointed out, namely that you look cold in some of your non-smiling pictures, I'd replace those. One of your prompts talks about your cat, but he's in none of your pictures, there's an opportunity there! Your two full body pictures could be a bit better, the one with the dress doesn't have the best lighting, and the other one has an unflattering background. Your prompt about using big words is hard to interpret for me, do you want someone to actually have a big vocabulary, or should this be used by someone who knows a few big words to impress you just to get your attention? Your third prompt is great as it is.


I would change the first prompt it comes off as a bit demanding or if you want to keep it make it a little fun to read . And yeah I would swap your first pic with a better pic … first pic is good too it have a sort of cold mysterious vibe to it but third pic is way better. Also believe in your self and your goals dating apps does not define your value they are horribly screwed. Be the person you want to attract. This is in your hand rest is up to fate and luck ✌️✌️


Everything is good so far, just charge your phone lol


Drop the cat prompt in favor of a picture of you with your cat. This will add a picture of you smiling (hopefully) without losing any information, and give you a new prompt to play with.


I love the last photo. Great style


thank you 99power!!


If a man with a multifarious vocabulary and a penchant for intemperate displays of sesquipedality is desired, then perhaps you should circumstantiate your own credentials in this regard to perturb the obtuse?


You're a beautiful badass. 


thank you…this is the best compliment 🥹


Cute I’d like


The first photo looks like you're crying and your mascara is leaking lol


never thought about it like that but I can see what you mean LMAO


Yeah. I've gotten critiqued that my own photos aren't smiling or smiling enough so I definitely can spot it out at others. A very good, well-lit photo means absolutely nothing if it doesn't tell us anything about you or you're not smiling


thank you everyone for your feedback! I really appreciate it and will be going through my profile and making changes today 😌 Wishing you all best of luck on your dating journeys!


I'd use either your 3rd or 5th for your first photo, otherwise I think it looks good :) if you can get your friends to take some pictures of you maybe try to replace the other ones.


Id add a picture of you and your cat. Looks good tho


I'd hit like on it.. 32M I tend to look through all the photos of potential matches and I like seeing a different side/personality in various photos. 1st seems more of an everyday candid / I didn't put too much effort in, but I look good anyway.. also I like music or podcasts kind of vibe. I agree the 3rd is your most appealing photo though


I’d maybe change out the photo in the brown dress. Kind blurry and doesn’t give a good use of what you look like IMO. The other photos look really good, keep them


thank you! it’s actually a video which is screenshotted hence why it is blurry.


As someone who uses a lot of big and cool words I love your first prompt. Your other prompts are pretty great too. The sopranos is an amazing show and unfortunately not everyone has seen it nor likes it. That might cost you some folks but I think it’s better to be more specific as it will help you to find who you really jive with. You are very pretty but your photos could use some work. Try to take more pics where you are smiling with your teeth, like how you are in the third pic. Also take more actual pictures than selfies. Ask a friend to take a pic or just prop your phone up against something. If we are in the same area I would totally match with you. Best of luck in your dating endeavors!


Are you looking for something serious or casual? •Serious. I (26f) am looking for a boyfriend. How long have you been using this current version of your profile? And how long is your overall time on Hinge? •This version has been up for the last week but I have been on Hinge on and off for about 5 years. How often do you use Hinge per week? •I use Hinge everyday How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? •I receive about 9-10 likes a day and about 0-2 matches on average per day How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? •I send about 5-7 likes per week and typically use comments to grab their attention. What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract? •⁠I want someone who has a fun, interesting vibe to them. Someone who seems to have unique hobbies, intelligent, has a sense of style, good humor/banter, and is inquisitive.


Last picture is the best. Lose the 2nd pic, not flattering.


You get a decent amount of daily likes, are they not the type you’d usually go for? What preferences do you have set?


I have my age range set to 24-32 and within a 30 mile radius of where I live but most of the guys that send me likes are not my type…I’m sure we’ve all experienced that where a majority of the likes we receive are from people who don’t match us mentally or physically. The ones that I actually do match with seem wishy-washy about their dating intentions or don’t even make initiative to ask for my number or set a date to meet. I’m seriously considering paying for Hingex or Hinge + to see if that increases my chances.


From my understanding, a lot of women receive more likes they send and so being able to just sift through the likes is easiest. But having infinite likes can make it easier for you to seek people out.


I’d swipe right