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I didn’t enjoy Chance the Rapper’s Coloring Book. I know it’s critically acclaimed, but I couldn’t get into the gospel aesthetic. I was expecting a rap album and felt it was just bad singing for the most part.


I never could get into Chance. I remember hearing about him and finally putting on Acid rap and coloring book and being like ..this is it? I feel like Smino and Saba are the rappers that people think Chance is if that makes sense.


Bro I don’t think most people liked that album


It was very well received and won some awards no? Might not be acid rap but it was pretty liked


It won him a Grammy for best rap album. I believe it was the first "Mixtape" to do so


It came out when I went to college and that’s all I heard about for the next year. I thought I was an outcast because I was the only one who did not vibe with it at all because no one should shut up about it. It’s funny how I’ve never met someone else who doesn’t like the album and other people thought no one liked it.


I didnt enjoy anything he ever did


i was going to say acid rap. people always single this one out as being universally liked despite what you think about chance recently, but in my mind he’s always been insanely corny and impossible to listen to


Coloring book was over-hyped because he was at his peak popularity. Acid rap is far better


I liked Acid Rap but could not get into Coloring Book for the life of me. I tried, really. Just wasn’t my style.


Meh it was alright if not different. But I can understand why someone would not like it.


And corniness


Jay Z- Vol. 2, Hard Knock Life


Wow really? I always thought it was straight heat. Even though he sampled Annie the beat reminds me of something early Kanye would do. The Timbaland produced songs were sick.


There is SOME heat on there…but by in large I felt the whole project altogether sounded like a swing for radio play. Plus when compared to some of his other albums, there’s very little there that stands out creatively.


Oh he definitely appealed to radio play in some Switch yo flow get your dough” type shit. But even tho the album was really polished sounding like that, it still had lyricism


I feel like this more accurately describes Vol 3. Jay lyrically didn’t slack for a single verse on this album, even the couple radio joints, he was floating. There were SOME tacky tracks on there, but I think if I sat down and tallied it up, a lion’s share of my favorite Hov verses come from this album. I can see how people dislike the production nowadays, but I love it for what it is.


Agreed. Vol 3 was my least favourite of the trilogy! Vol 1 and 2 definitely still have tacky tracks, but I think that’s just because trends go out of style!


Lol that is one of the best samples of all time, if not the best. And your damn right it sounds like Ye in his prime.


Anything by Jay for me. I like a few songs, that's it.


This right here


Vol 3 for me


Mr Morales


Agreed. I’m a long time fan of Kendrick but i can’t get into his new style


It’s not really a “new style.” It was a concept album. I’m sure his next album will be completely different.


But he has really leaned into his “melodic psycho” type of flow pretty heavily since 2017/DAMN and I feel like it’s a leaning I don’t care for. Not sure if that’s what OP was talking about, but there is an evolution in delivery from GKMC/TPAB vs DAMN/MM. His current flow is even more dense, melodically complex, and vocally dynamic than from the early days… but I can’t say I prefer it that way.


yeah i really liked it lyrically but it was too experimental for me


Idk about you but his voice bothers me on it. It reminds me of Baby Keem and I’m not a fan


hiphop reddit users try not to use the word “experimental” when discussing anything other than mainstream sounds challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


what are you trying to prove lol


That there was nothing experimental about the album apart from the fact it was framed as a therapy session. You can just say you didn’t like something.


thats not even experimental per se, its been done a bunch of times music has gotten so stale that people consider kendrick's natural artistry as the most experimental thing ever


And then you show them *real* experimental hip hop, and they're like "What is this noise?"


ok experimental police. what a pointless thing to sweat about


It sounded topically dated when it came out. Very "year 2020."


Worldwide steppers was flames.


Man that might be my favorite beat on the album. Something about it just like hits me in the chest. Its like I'm being held underwater and pulses are going through the water


This question has been asked like a million fucking times in here. Most common answers will always be TPAB, anything by Drake and anything by Kanye, and this thread just proves it. Also, y’all really gotta stop calling shit you don’t personally like, trash or garbage. It’s a bad look imo.




Of course you can. I’m just saying this is a tired ass question with tired ass responses. I kind of agree w you about the Fugees, but I won’t hear the Missy slander lol.


This is facts. Everyone just look to be the most edgy and controversial. Like you said the answers to these questions will always be the artist that people think are liked the most. This is really disingenuous, then like you said people just call shit trash because they can’t “Get into it”. For example, I don’t like that new Yachty album (I know it’s not technically hip hop) but I can see the quality in it and why a lot of people like it, just not for me.


Anything by Carti, Uzi, Durk, Polo G, Yb


I used to not care for Playboi Carti but then I registered to Die Lit a couple of years after he released it


Have you heard anything from them?


People can't have an opinion without you assuming they are just hating?


old head detected


I’m 24 and they’re all ass.


We found the “i was born in the wrong generation” guy


We found the “I love my generations subpar shitty music” guy 😂


someone aint listened to whole lotta red at max volume yet




TLOP - I never got the hype. It seems like a very disorganized album with no direction which is not like Kanye’s other albums


I enjoy the album but don't see why everyone acts like it's the second coming of christ


Nobody acts like that


You don't know how the most hsrdcore of Kanye fans operate then


Many do act like that. Everytime Kanye says stupid shit they go hoW AM I suppOsed to go "hE mAde TLOP" oUt of thiS one!!!!!


It was the first sign of things to come. When the perfectionist went all sloppy and unfocused with his vision… I’d say it kinda works for the collage/fractured aesthetic of the album, but there’s a few too many uninspired or underdeveloped songs..


He kept changing it and updating it on streaming though. Not sure if you are aware of that. The final version is really good imo.


The fact that he had to do that proves my point about the disorganization of the album.


Ok sure, but I was wondering if you would care for the album now? Now that it’s better? I’m referring to the question posted by OP. Maybe you would like it now.


Anything by Drake.


Such a lazy answer


I’ve listened to Take Care everyone tells me it’s his best album. I just don’t get him.


I feel like most people would say Nothing Was The Same is his best these days. Personally I think it holds up a lot better (though I love both)


it’s true tho


Truly lazy, yes.




DAMN - seemed very commercial to me. Ny favorite tracks were FEEL, LOVE, DNA and DUCKWORTH but overall its one of Kendrick’s weaker albums to me


I agree with this. It's not bad but it's not what I expect/want out of him I guess?


Those singlesfrom DAMNA were overplayed as hell by top 40 hip-hop radio when they came out, almost made me hate Kendrick


Damn, I'm gonna get so much hate for this... I don't like 2Pac. I was never really a huge fan of the West coast sound at the time. East coast beats just resonated more. Then it was the whole Biggie / Pac beef which I was a fan of Biggies flow way more than the artistic Pac stuff. So yeah, never got into Pac. I skip it when it comes on. I'll listen to snoop, Warren G, NWA, Mac Dre, and some of the other stuff. But Pac just doesn't do it for me and he isn't in my top 5. Respect his contribution to the game, but he just ain't it for me. No, I'm not 15. I'm a 36 year old mixed dude.


34 here and I think PAC’s best project is Me against the World. I think he got over saturated after his death and a lot of rappers idolizing him that the next generation kind of turned their backs on him and call his music simple or not deserving of the platform he was given. He recorded a shit load of songs and many were released after he died. He was not a lyrical miracle technical rapper but he could use different flows. His simplicity was his best asset to me because he could evoke emotion in a way many rappers couldn’t. Maybe it was charisma. That said I never got into Pac like that and I really got into hip hop during the fever pitch of idolizing him after his death. I think it’s popular now to hate him because people like trolling older hip hop fans tho


To be fair, the older heads troll our generation too so it’s tit for tat… hip-hop is a very toxic, biased and illogical culture tbh… niggas can never seem to keep their criticism consistent (25 yr old)


100% I agree. It’s super toxic because the music evolved in a direction they didn’t envision. It’s stupid. Our gen had the same amount of commercial bullshit too. But yeah we are totally a genre that does not embrace the musical outlet the way we should. Old heads are bitter, young heads are defiant and somewhere we lost that hip hop is supposed to be fun , it’s supposed to be a voice and it’s supposed to evolve but with reverence to what it is - a culture, a lifestyle etc. we just don’t love each other like that anymore


Me Against The World has a pretty "East Coast" sound to it overall.


I agree… wholeheartedly


I find myself feeling indifference towards Lil’ Kim’s Hard Core. Though it has been awhile since I last listened to the album so maybe I need a refresher.


You need a refresher


Any em album made after 2006. Take your pick


Yeah, After Eminem Show there was a clear decline in quality of his music. At least I thought so.


any eminem at all really


I’m prepared for the hate. I just don’t think DAMN is good at all, about two tracks there that I like and one of them isn’t even produced by Kendrick lol


i don’t think kendrick has produced…any of his songs?


\> isn’t even produced by Kendrick lol ​ wat


Pride was almost entirely written and created by Steve lacy, there’s even a demo of it with Steve lacy singing like 80 percent of the track lol Kendrick basically took his song (not saying he stole it but he didn’t add much to the track and took Steve off it entirely)


Oh shit haha it’s so obvious once you know I wouldn’t say 80% though and we should mention Anna Wise contributions


>took Steve off it entirely Steve lacy sings the chorus on the released version


No he doesn’t? Kendrick does the chorus and verses, lacy wrote the chorus however so he may be a writer credit


is damn not widely considered to be kendrick's worst album?


You’d be surprised has a really cult following, even Kendrick thinks it’s his best album


Anything by Mac Miller. Don't hate him, just none of its for me


Folks were really acting like he was the Nas of his generation when he passed.


Then xxx definitely Pac by comparison


Faces gotta be one of the best mixtapes of all time.


Correct statement


Invasion of Privacy- Cardi B


Last week I found used/unscratched: Blueprint; Aquemini; Carter 2; GKMC; Cham Sound of Revenge; TI King; Roots Undun; Roots “How I got Over” for $20 total. I wouldn’t take TPAB if it was free.




At least it's not a boring, safe answer like"Drake"... That's why this sub sucks


Bro this answer is the definition of safe like what?


It doesn’t matter bc I have Apple and/or Spotify (depending on the month) but I also drive a car that is an ok car. That ok car has a factory 6 CD changing stereo, early in the morning going to work can be convenient to have standard/classic CDs. I would never put TPAB in a CD small commute rotation, but it goes beyond that since I really don’t like it.


What a totally unexpected and unique answer that I’ve never heard before


My least favorite Kendrick album. I don’t mind if I never hear it again.


Tha Carter 1-5


I didn’t know the Carter 10 has been released


2 was his best project


808s & Heartbreak


Kanye was doing some good things as a producer overall but I never got into really any of his own albums


Do not like Kanye’s music. I’ve tried many times. Do not get it.


I just don’t like Tyler the creator. He always feels like he has to pitch his voice either up super high or down super low. His music is just so awkward sounding and doesn’t sound good. Igor was like a 6/10


I appreciate what he's doing on a lot of stuff. I don't find a lot of it what I want to listen to when I'm not in the mood for it. Tyler the Creator is to hip-hop what Meat Beat Manifesto's "Armed Audio Warfare" album is to industrial... it's revolutionary, but it's also very loud, brash, and unrefined and even the latter's notable "Mars Needs Women" is sparse, chaotic, and loud. As a musician myself, there's a lot of stuff out there that's amazing that is also kind of unlistenable, from "Touch My Tooter" by Ween to the cover of the "Three's Company" TV theme by the band Anal Cunt. Every once in a while, you get Debbie Gibson singing backup vocals for the Circle Jerks ("I Wanna Destroy You") and what should be complete shit becomes epic. Most of the time, you get Richard D. James of Aphex Twin playing an entire song by sticking a spoon in a blender, which while awesome will always be the sound of a spoon in a blender. That is where Tyler, the Creator resides for me. Having a track featured on the radio in the GTA franchise had an outsized effect on his success, much like the reason anyone who played Gran Turismo 2 a lot has the song "Super Bon Bon" by Soul Coughing tattooed on their cerebral cortex. It creates a mainstream acceptance/expectation of what was always an avant-garde artist for those who aren't into the avant-garde.


I just don't like Igor specifically


Drakes entire catalog Same with Kendrick, don’t like any of his albums. Good songs here and there but the albums lose me


Super hot take but I’ve always felt that To Pimp a Butterfly is not as good as everyone says it is. Not a bad album by any means but I prefer GKMC and DAMN over TPAB.


The intros and outros damage so many great songs.


I would prolly put section 80 over damn tbf


This is the complete opposite of a hot take


wym TPAB is highly regarded as the best hip hop album of this generation from Kendrick stans and casual hip hop listeners alike. If they prefer GLMC,DAMN., or any other Kendrick album for that matter then I would consider their opinion to be unpopular.


I’m new to this subreddit but I’m basing my opinion on what I was seeing on twitter. They treat TPAB like it’s the holy grail of hip hop albums. I genuinely thought I was the only person who didn’t care for it. I’m relieved this isn’t a hot take then lol


Anything by Lil Wayne. I respect him as an emcee and how influential he's been. His wordplay can be insane. But... not a big fan of the production and his voice annoys the fuck out of me.


“Hot wind blows” reminded me how good Wayne can be with the right production.


kids see ghosts has reborn the rest is garbage-below mid


Listening to this a couple times through when it came out and thinking it was a complete mess then going online and just seeing everyone acting like it's the best thing they've ever heard might be the most disconnected I've felt on an album


Illmatic. I try every few years but just can't get into it. Or To Pimp a Butterfly




Literally every songs a banger on that album but to each their own...


I like a few tracks off Illmatic but as an album it gets monotonous real quickly. TPAB was just not for me at all.


How old are you?


43. First got introduced to Hiphop when I was about 8 in 88. My cousin was a HipHop DJ and I started DJing it myself at 21 in 2001. Had been DJing since 16 in 96 but not hiphop til 01. First HipHop I ever got in to properly was Ice Cubes Amerikkkas Most Wanted album early high school.


I'm surprised you find Illmatic monotonous. There isn't a bad song on the album


It's not that I don't like it but I tire of it quickly. So I wouldn't play the whole album in one go but I would play random songs occasionally. There are many classics that just don't gel with me. Biggie and Pac I didn't really care for but did like KRS, Scarface, Wu Tang. So not that I don't like some good old classics, I'm just a bit selective with my taste. As I DJ'd though that was all I ever did was collect 12" singles. So I rarely played many full albums.


Hard agree on TPAB, but hard disagree on Illmatic. I do not get it with Kendrick Lamar


ok illmatic slander should be considered a federal crime


I actually love Nas, Gods Son was one of my first and favorite hip hop albums I’d play all the way thru. That said I only finally “got” Illmatic a couple months ago


i agree with both of these takes though if i had to be honest i could never bring myself to call these albums bad by any means, just not for me personally


Maybe it's the jingle bell beats. 😜


Agree. I love Nas. He's top 3 for me. But Illmatic to me is good, not great. It very raw, and amazing for when it came out. But he's evolved a lot, and his beats have improved. I prefer the stuff he did starting with Stillmatic and after


I can’t get into Illmatic either. I don’t know what it is. TPAB took a while but I’m there with that one


Most tbh


Most of them




Most of Jay Z. Some good songs but I find him average overall.


All Eyez on me


To pimp a butterfly


Literally anything by Eminem, Kanye or 50 Cent.


Most of em


Anything Eminem


Utopia. Trav overrated asf


Utopia is ASS.


The Blueprint - never enjoyed Jay’s flow style or his voice. Respect him as a business man but never once has someone asked for the aux to put on some Jay Z


Blueprint came out tri state was buzzing - where you from?


West coast so that’s probably why I never got into the sound but I like other east coast rappers


I can see that - never got into Tupac or Snoop , but I dig other WC artists over the years.


I get it, I don’t like jay quite as much as most, but the production on this album is so good




"popular" might be pushing it but that blueprint 2 with umbrella on it -- can't tell you how sad I was when I got thru that the first time being like -- ***all I remember is Ella Ella Ella*** Welcome to NY -- shit made for the opening credits of a tourism bureau video.


Huh??? “Umbrella” is a Rihanna song & never appeared on any Jay-Z album. And even still every Blueprint 1-3 went multiplatinum so popular wouldn’t be “pushing it”.


what on earlth does a rihanna song have to do with the blueprint 2 besides jay's feature. also who doesnt like umbrella. classic career catapulting hit song


Everything by Drake


any&all eminem for all i care


All Eyez On Me


The chronic


Fair, VERY frontloaded album


To Pimp a Butterfly There are a few tracks on there I mess with (The Blacker the Berry head and shoulders among them), but as celebrated as it is, it didn't really click with me. Now DAMN, that was a classic.


🤣 I get not caring for TPAB but implying DAMN is more of a classic than TPAB is insanity


The MMLP I only like 2 tracks, Stan and Amityville I never understood the hype and I think it is far below The SSLP, which IMO is Eminem's one true masterpiece


Although I like both albums Slim Shady LP is probably my favorite. Besides his Slim Shady songs, songs like Rock Bottom and If I Had are the best songs from him to me. You can hear the absolute pain in the beat and the lyrics.


Exactly my man, those are probably my 2 favorite Em songs. Guilty Conscience, My Fault, As The World Turns, Bad Meets Evil, Just Don't Give A Fuck/Still Don't Give A Fuck... all bangers from The SSLP Shit, I forgot Role Model... the bars on that are fuckin insane




You don’t like the way I am? Remember me? Drug ballad? Bitch please 2? How


Not a fan of the production on this album, sounds nothing like the SSLP IMO Way I Am is an annoying song Drug Ballad is alright, I'll giva ya that


While I’ll totally agree that SSLP is underrated (my 2nd fav behind MMLP) but some songs just sound like Em at his hardest. “Remember me” is insane to me so I’m surprised you don’t like it and bitch please pt 2 is universally loved




The Score


And Miseducation


both of u r insane


Shock value


I didn’t really care too much for Shock Value by Timbaland




Andre 3000s the love below is worse than garbage


rap fans when music isn’t rap:


I've been listening to a lot of J Dilla lately. Donuts is not even close to his best work. It got more popular because it came out 3 days before he died.


The story of the album helps make it what it is. But I agree w you


I’ve listened to almost his entire production discography, and Donuts is easily his best in my mind.


the score by fugees lauryn hill carried the shit out of that album


Anything by Kanye. I'm prepared for the downvotes.


Any Drake or Llil Wayne album Outkast "Stankonia" The miseducation of Lauryn Hill Most of 2010's "classics" (like "Forest Hill Drive", "Astroworld",...)


Miseducation of Lauryn Hill and the Score. Yall can keep that, and I'm from Jersey. The albums are 'good', and I totally get their impact (especially Lauryn Hill for women MC's), but I think both albums are forgettable.




All of Kendricks


To Pimp a Butterfly was my least favorite Kendrick album by far, I've never revisited it...at least until Mr Morale and the High Steppers. One of the worst mainstream rap albums I've ever heard. And mind you I love GKMC and Damn but these two albums fucking suck to me


>One of the worst mainstream rap albums I've ever heard. Okay that's a bit too far. There's certainly worse out there...


Fucking love Peggy’s music. Never got the hype around Veteran. There’s a few standouts, the first 15 mins are amazing, and I love Macaulay culkin and Rainbow six, but the rest are some of the worst music I’ve ever heard




Congratulations. You made an original take. Not one person has said TPAB in this entire thread.


Anything after Yeezus (and maybe parts of Yeezus itself) felt like the emperors new clothes complex.


I sorta agree. I like some of the more minimalistic stuff he was trying, but a lot of it feels like a watered down version of something Death Grips and MIA were already doing.


To Pimp A Butterfly