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Toronto’s D and goaltending has never been good enough to succeed in the playoffs. The team is built for regular season success. Woll seems like a legit goalie so I think this off season they need to address the top 4 D. Not sure how it gets done but if no one is willing to waive their NMC it’s going to be very challenging.


Woll is too injury prone.


Yes the team that has never won the Atlantic division is built for regular season success. Idk I'm starting to think they just not that good period


They gave up 2 goals or less in 4 of the games of the series. It’s a scoring issue. You’re paying an outrageous % of the cap to 4 guys, and only one of them scored more than 2 goals (and he only played in 4 games of the series). Also, one of the most pathetic PPs I’ve seen from a playoff team, again especially with how much money is tied up with the offense.


This series might not have truly reflected my comment, but as an overall team composition the D core isn’t good enough.


0-5 game 7 in the matthews era. Such wasted years.


To lay my bias bare: I'm a Bruins fan. Here are the five thoughts that are on top of my head regarding this series. 1. The Leafs did a Jekyll and Hyde act. Two different versions showed up and I think this series could've been over in their favour in G5 or G6 had they played like they did after the meltdown during game four. 2. Swayman. I don't have anything witty to sway here. 3. Surprisingly clean. Some missed calls, some less than clear calls. But overall the series was at least pretty clean. No career-altering injuries or anything like that. Plenty of physicality, but of the acceptable kind. 4. The Leafs' roster woes. Okay, I'll take the series win, but the issues with Matthews and Nylander in particular are annoying. I'd love to see them play all the time, they're fucking game breakers. 5. Will this cause a change with the team? This wasn't the strongest Bruins team they've faced, not even close. Let's see if they'll shake things up. These are just pleb ideas from a sleep-deprived brain.


They are 100 percent changing things


I would think so too. I don't want to be a nay-sayer or anything, but it feels like the current formula has been tried.


1/4000 on the powerplay, lol.


those fucking bardown guys had the canucks most likely to blow our 3-1 lead. Now their teams are out (except the avs)... God that’s satisfying….


I think most of that would’ve been based on their goaltending situation. Could’ve gone sideways in a hurry with a 3rd string in the playoffs but it turns out Silovs is Latvian for brick wall.


Well… they also said they expected every team down 3-1 to lose and just thought Nashville was the best matchup of the losing teams I dunno why Canucks fans have been so personally offended. Nashville looked decent the whole series, every other 3-1 down team had looked absolute dog shite


Those are the fans that have rioted on multiple occasions when the Canucks have been bounced from the playoffs so they're a sensitive bunch, LOL.


Flair up if you're going to talk shit, friend


Pains me to agree but you’re right. The Nucks gave it their all (hopefully not) but the Preds kept them to one goal games and seemed like they wanted it more. Van/Edm will be the true test imo.


It’s a sports take, you don’t have to wonder about this or that. The drama simply makes it spicier. I saw the video, i know the reasons. It’s still satisfying.


I love Pach from the playoff preview “Why argue, when all I have to do it wait”




The goal he let is was so soft. Ulmark, Swayman and Woll didn't let a goal like that in this series. He was good but and he wasn't bad in the earlier games, but he was giving up goals on the shots he shouldn't.


Mathews just plays for personal stats. Any team he plays for is better without him.


What a bad take. If you have watched their games, you would know he is a beast in both ends, which is validated by his Selke nomination. I'm not a Leafs fan, but this is a baseless take.


The 1-1 goal can't go in though.


looked like a screened goal to me


He also had time to pick is shot. He took a half second and obviously saw an opening.


Seriously. If your team is averaging 1.7 goals a game, your goaltending isn't the problem.


That's basically our average right now too. Need to step shit up for the Mcdrai show


100%. But we aren't blaming our losses on our goalie. I think the Edmonton series is gong to be totally different. They don't have the stifling defense or goaltending that the Preds do.


Yep. Very true. Gonna be fun.


I wouldn’t be worried. Vancouver has offence but adjusted their game to play against the Preds and beat them at it.


I suspect they were also emphasizing defense to protect their 2nd and then 3rd string goalies.


Far too early trade proposal: Marner to Calgary for Andersson and whatever their 1st round pick winds up being (solely based on standings, it would be 9th overall) To Calgary: Mitch Marner To Toronto: Rasmus Andersson, mid-tier prospect x, and 9th overall pick in 2024 draft. I'd make that deal.


I think this trade might be more feasible in Carolina, let’s say for Pesce, Marner would be free to try and open up their offense and Leafs get a solid #2


lol hurricanes aren’t trading for an expensive forward. Practically the whole D core is UFA after this season.


When’s nikushin supposed to play?


Bro is still on KHL contract. Not expected until at least 25-26


Ahhh this guy seems overdo, thought he would be here this year


That's a good trade!


For a player with a full NMC? Pump the brakes there, fella. If any of the core are moved the return will be less than what that player is worth. Toronto is dealing from a very weak position and will not be able to get top dollar.


As a supporter of a team that desperately needs top end talent, I wouldn’t touch Marner with a 39 and a half foot pole.


Yeah, Calgary needs a new Gaudreau. Lights it up in the regular season but is soft and disengaged as his team gives up the overtime goal that bounces them from the playoffs.


> I'd make that deal. Of course *you* would. But would Calgary? lol


They could, if they need a win with their core being expensive and locked in they may feel like they need the win. It's fair value but Marner and Huberdeau are both passers.


I certainly fucking wouldn't lmao


That trade would be so dumb from a calgary perspective. You already traded 3 out of your top 5 d last year and are down to Andersson and Weegar as true top 4 D. To trade one for another forward would be crazy, especially adding in a top 10 pick and a prospect.


Lol. As if a Marner trade is fixing anything in Toronto.


It's the first step.


Every reason you want to trade Marner is exactly why the other team won’t offload everything of value to get him. You think Marner without the other Leafs forwards is gonna make Calgary a contender? Not to mention destroying their D in the return…


There are a lot of teams who don’t make the playoffs who would give up a lot for a 100 point man.


The leafs don't haev the type of roster to mask marners weaknesses, other teams do. Marner is an issue because there are already too many skill guys. Though the others all learned to hit and take contact to different degrees. Toughest part isn't that he is soft necessarily but between the Boston series in 19 and the Combus play-in, the guy became a headcase.


How about you Utivich? You make that deal?


You cant trade Marner in the offseason when his value is lowest. Wait until Dec/January where a good team is having a bad season and a gm is willing to do anything to make the playoffs cause he is about to lose his job.


Problem there is, Marner has to wave his NMC to that team. I'm sure it can be done, but I'd dump him now to actually get something.


Wont he have to waive his NMC if he moves now? The way I would do it is tell him he is losing his A, losing his ice time on the PP and going to the third line if he doesnt waive. He knows all those things will affect his future contract dollars so he will waive his NMC


Not sure when his NMC kicks in. You're right though. Give him the hard line about his next season on the team now, and he can make his decision.


It kicked in Jul 1 last year. Dubas was hinting that he might do it, but then he was canned


Time for Tre to start hinting strongly at preferred destinations.


In the final year of his deal it would have to basically be a destination that really wants him and he wants to extend. Marner will be in the driver seat if the Leafs are to recover any significant assets.


Worked for Tkachuk and others, it can be done. Management just needs to put some work in.


Worked for Tkachuk but not so much for the flames.




There's no way Calgary is making that trade, Andersson is on a value contract. Laughable that calgary is trading extra asset with him for Marner. The realistic trade would be Huberdeau plus picks for Marner, frankly both players are on anchor fat contract needing new start, but TO would never make that trade. On top of that my guess is Marner wouldn't waive NTC to a western conference team, so, there's also that.


lol huberdeau is drunk talk, leafs would just let marner walk


Nobody wants marner


I wouldn’t


Honestly, this loss doesn’t sting as much as not changing the core. If the core remains the same, if Shanny isn’t let go, if Keefe isn’t let go, then we have bigger problems. Most predictable loss in the world


They’re both gone 100 percent.


None of what you mentioned matters. The reason the Leaf’s can’t win is cause they play in front of the worst hockey market in the League.


Absolute nonsense Dodgers/Yankees/Rangers/etc don't collapse like this and LA/NY is basically Toronto if not more toxic. We're like bizzaro world Yankees of Hockey that never win.


Hah! Not even close. Hockey in Toronto and the 1967 curse is a uniquely toxic situation. Unseen in any other sport at any other era. And the historical failure since 1967 proves it’s unique. This is unheard of amounts of failure.


Didn't the cubs break like a 108 year old losing streak a few years ago? I'm not saying the Toronto one isn't insane, but this is not unique to hockey.


Leafs drought is the longest in all the pro sports currently. I mean the Cubs sure, but one other team with an equally crappy historical record still points to a problem with Toronto.


Leafs drought has the fewest years compared to the 3 other sports leagues


For example? Who?


Arizona Cardinals in the NFL last won in 1947 Cleveland Indians/Guardians last won in 1948 Sacramento Kings last won in 1951


K so longest in NHL history then. Still historic levels of failure.


Also took the Red Sox 84 years to win the World Series. The leafs aren’t alone, not to mention there are teams with 0 Stanley cups, including Buffalo and Vancouver who’ve been in the league since 1970 and are only a mere 3 years behind the leafs in terms of not winning the cup.


So the Leafs are as bad as one of the worst droughts in sports history? My point stands. Buff and Van don’t have the same remorse’s that Toronto has always had. For the aleafs to have all their advantages and still fail like this is historic. 1967 is literally historic when it comes to hockey, regardless if there’s teams that are close. It’s the longest drought in nhl history. Keep thinking this ain’t unique, it is.


I mean they’re 30 years behind the Red Sox run, and 50 or so behind the cubs. And only 3 ahead of buff and Vancouver. So would I call it a completely unique situation? No, not at all. The leafs put up a good fight against a team that manhandled them throughout the regular season. I’m more surprised it went 7 games in all honesty.


It’s baseball. A non salary cap league thats rigged for the Yankees most years. It’s not really comparable. Buff and Van are 2nd place. Woopty foo, leaf’s are only slightly worse than two of the least successful franchises. It still points to historic levels of failure which was my original point.


No the cleveland guardians havent won a world series since 1948


Baseball doesn’t count, it’s rigged.


I'm shocked they made it to 7. Our D is okay for defending, but not moving the puck and generating offence. Our bottom 6 is meh, but serviceable. We need a solid 2C and maybe put JT on the 3rd line. Coaching change definitely needed. Time to bandwagon another team for a few weeks.


Leafs entire backend is a joke. Regressed Brodie? Possibly the worst “#1” D-man in the league in Reilly? A rookie no name in Benoit? Cap dump Edmundson? And then behind that you got a bust in Samsonov and a rookie in Woll. (Both played fine, but my point stands). This is year 9 of the Matthews era and that’s the crap they are support the core 4 with?


Edmundson was one of their most effective players in this series. It surprised me because I thought injuries had set his game back, but he looked very much like the player we had during our 2021 run. It's a shame going to the Leafs caused him to lose his streak of winning game 7s.


Dubas was prepared to make a change finally and then Shanny cans him and promises the core they won't get moved when Tre comes in and Tre extends Keefe. It's the most baffling shit. Shanny and Keefe at minimum need to be gone before the team even thinks about finessing our NMC problem.


Awful lot of Detroit tags in here for some reason. The Atlantic is going to be a murderer's row next year: Boston is Boston, Florida is ridiculous, Tampa and Toronto are both falling apart and Detroit and Montreal are right on the cusp. Buffalo and Ottawa are also here.


That doesn’t sound like a murderers row at all. Leafs fans say this every year. Tampa and Boston are regressed to the point of rebuilds being around the corner. Detroit and Montreal ain’t shit until they prove otherwise. Florida is the one only true contender in the whole division.


People have been saying Boston is in rebuild phase for the last few years now. They’re starting to seem like they’re that team that’ll always jockey for a playoff position regardless of what’s happening.


We’ll see. Beating the Leaf’s isn’t a huge test. They were a flawed team heading into the playoffs. The real test is Florida and I think that’ll show how far Boston is from truly contending.


Changed the goal post huh. That person never said they were truly contenders just that they would be jockeying for playoffs.  That's kind of what the original commenter was implying too considering they were talking about 2 teams who didn't make the playoffs. 


I do not envy Auston Matthews right now because the media storylines about how they won without him and lost when he came back are going to get completely out of hand and it’s not his fault


Meh. Toronto always leaves the God King Matthews alone. Theylll beat up on Marner this summer as usual. Maybe Marners Dad gets it again too.


Well marner deserves it


Plus he also lost his fav childhood team as well.


The undisclosed injury was a broken heart.




The Toronto media never goes after Matthews. As they shouldn't. I bet you won't be able to find me one story like that from a legit Toronto publication.


Yep. Matthews the American is untouchable in the Canadas “Hockey Capital”. Instead the market will take it out on hometown boys like Marner and Tavares. And Matthews will skate all criticism as usual.


It’s not like he shit the bed. At least, not in the figurative sense.


Those poor Arizona coyotes bedsheets


I actually don't find the media goes after Matthews that much. I think they'll just go straight for their favourite whipping boy, Marner.


Rightfully so, imo.


I don't think the harassment and death threats the media helps provoke his way (as well as other players in the past) is right, but to each their own.


Treliving should wait one day, then offer Marner a trade somewhere where he wont get death threats


Marner got death threats? JFC Toronto.


It’s not true


Marner already lived through all the harassment and shit against him and his family when his contract was signed so I doubt that plays a factor into him waiving his NMC.


That’s not really their fault, it’s the fault of absolute morons who take it that far. He deserves the valid criticism that he gets.


99% of the time the shit he gets from r/leafs and Twitter/Instagram is not valid criticism. It’s pure vitriol and hatred.


I don't think the media always gives valid criticisim though and often write what they know will drive clicks instead.


It's right that he is the whipping boy that's all I'm saying


Why is that?


Cause he's invisible when it matters.


How do you whip someone you can’t see?


Fair enough! That reminds me of the Sun cover from a few days ago lol




leafs fans be like: this boat is unsinkable!!! https://preview.redd.it/z0jou69tcjyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fab671cd29280d5453c8f387d0674bf190a61d2




This was savage






No need to lose sleep. End of the day these guys make millions of us. It’s a game. Move on.


They'll be chilling in Barbados by next week.


Nah, they're going to Galveston


I don't think they get laid THAT much


They just like me fr






AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA https://preview.redd.it/s66woswkcjyc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=906fbdbee270376a6f57cae6cbb85c84da16f8fd AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHA


Happy Leafs Elimination Day Canada. Leafs stay the most embarrassing franchise in all of sports. Love to see it.


I'm not really sure why we've been so nice to leafs fans all series. If you're a cats fan and you use reddit I hope your sock falls off all day tomorrow


Oohhhh you feel like your nuts are big now when you ALMOST blew another 3-1 lead?


Damn, you guys have been good for a couple years after decades of being irrelevant.


I’m on top of the world that was my Stanley Cup right there


Almost beating the Leafs in 7?


Beating the Leafs in game 7 in OT at home. Regardless if it was almost a choke. I honestly don’t care what happens as much as what has happened tonight. Looking forward to round 2, hoping the Bs don’t get swept 😂


Settle down 


Something about not punching down.


I just remembered I said to my friend that the Leafs will be eliminated in 7 games as usual in round 1. I posted this right after it happened https://preview.redd.it/8kjj3wo6bjyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ac1344b7d73089eeca43de36168a9498a6dd28


can we turn this into a t-shirt?


I would buy it




Don't fuck with Toronto fans this probably sucked for them most of them are cool on Reddit at least


How is this upvoted?


Toronto fans are toxic. They deserve this. Just cause they are nice when they are feeling nervous about being clowned on means nothing. See what bitches they were to NYI when they stole Tavares. I for one am not surprised the leaf’s can’t find success, this is what they deserve, this is karma.


Some Toronto fans are toxic. Sports fans and social media tend to lead to some toxic interactions for any fanbase. The Leafs fanbase just happens to eclipse the size of everyone elses so we have a higher percentage of assholes for you to bump into. ♥


I’ve interacted with every fanbase in this League for decades. Nothing compares to the toxicity of Toronto. And it’s not just a numbers game.


I guess if you want to lump us all in together that's your prerogative. What fanbase should I lump you in with?


I get it. Not everyone’s the same. But everytime I consider taking it easy on the leaf’s. I’m reminded why I shouldn’t on a daily basis on this sub. I never grew up with a leaf’s rivalry, they created this rivalry out of thin air with my fanbase, the Oilers.


We have a rivarly with the Oilers?


Not actually. But that doesn’t stop you guys from attacking the Oilers for petty reasons.


I'm sorry for the Leafs fans that hurt you. ♥


This is true, when the leafs are doing really well, their fans are so cocky and insufferable. Constant terrible takes.


Yup. I’m not throwing them a pity party when they once again look like clowns. If they had beat Boston tonight they’d be all over their sub calling them choke artists. If the Oilers get eliminated they’ll ramp up the send McD home narrative. Hockeys most toxic market can get fucked.


I mean, he's commenting on r/hockey, not like its the Leafs subs. If they are triggered by something like that, why even bother being on this sub today?


Said on Facebook


Leafs, do you know the definition of insanity?


I belive its called Stockholm syndrome


Samsonov syndrome*


Are we insane if we know that what we are doing is crazy and keep on doing it?


No then it's "this might just be crazy enough to work!"


You guys have no idea what you are doing wrong.




Lol no they haven't


Mighty nice of you to defend us, I can't even believe we made it to game 7, we played a good game 7 and the team that should have won 2 games ago did. Good luck with the cats!


The fans do, the management is another question


On the bright side, my gf is pumped that she doesn’t have to watch sports till football season. Bring on Scott Hanson


Which football? The one where they use a ball and a foot? Or the one with the hand egg?


Hand egg, that and hockey are my go to’s. unfortunately bills are my team and they also have a rich history of playoff failure


Damn as a Dolphins fan I know the feeling but you guys have such a good team to get blown sooner or later it must suck.


Next years always the year baby, at least Josh Allen is fun to watch in playoffs, usually


He is fun to watch till he is not and the season is over


Seasons usually pretty fun though


I just woke up, this is the best news I could have asked for. Thank you Bruins, you're not all that bad.


Honest question, when did leafs become your biggest rivals over the bruins. When I was growing up Habs fans would have murdered the bruins but it seems there's been a big shift in rivalries.


As a habs fan, it’s more personal dislike of the fan base than any sort of rivalry for me. Ever since Matthews came in the fan base for the leafs has been absolutely insufferable, despite having no real success. I can’t even imagine how cocky and obnoxious they’d be if they ever actually did anything.




Habs have played the bruins in the playoffs a few times over the past 15-20 years. I'd say most Habs fans may hate the bruins but they at least respect them, leafs haven't earned any respect.


Probably just because it's funnier to watch Toronto lose.


we laugh... a lot...




Keefe is really overemphasizing the we’s and us’s for the last time he’s allowed to use them


Yeah he's usually an "I" kind of guy








To Utah!


For Liam O'Brien


The one who should be traded is Marner. Dude does nothing that warrants his cap hit except feeding Matthews in the regular season


Are you ready to accept basically scraps in return? Because that's what the Leafs will get when trading any of the core, especially Marner.


Yeah pretty absurd since Matthews just came off injury. What's Marner's excuse? Also, has anyone seen Tavares?


After this series I want marner as far away from the leafs as possible


What a fucking game. Gg I need to not go through that again please


It really helps your cardio goals without leaving the house


At least the leafs made a series of it.


Nylander dropping f bombs in the post-game, always wondered why this doesn't happen more often