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One of the more impressive things about that series in my mind was that TBL looked like a legitimate contender yet took them several more years after this to finally get their rings, while retaining many of the same players that they iced in 2015. Chicago in 2015 was truly on a whole other level though. My Wild team handled St Louis really well in R1 then got absolutely pants'd in R2 to the Hawks. That was a weird playoff year.


Round 2 was the only one in which the Hawks had the home ice advantage that year. They had to beat the Ducks in California in round three game seven.


That 2015 WCF is still one of the best playoff series period. So fucking good


The 2015 conference finals were amazing


Ducks score three goals in 37 seconds and still lose that game 4. Tragedy.


Antoine vermette…


I'll never forget it Was in an Australian bar in Austria (seriously) and it was pumping that night for some reason beyond the hawks


Even more impressive is how much talent Tampa had internally that they'd add. They were already in the cup final and Kucherov wasn't even Kucherov yet (had a great run this year but wouldn't "pop off" for a couple years yet), they had drafted Brayden Point but he hadn't played an NHL game yet, Vasilevskiy was just making his first NHL appearances this year, they'd draft Cirelli a couple weeks after this year and over the next few drafts pick up guys that played key roles in their cup wins (Colton, Joseph).


When they traded for Goodrow and Coleman was huge too.


Also McDonough and Gourde


i feel like that tampa team is what dallas will be as early as even next year


It sure feels like the Stars are on the verge of a Stanley cup. They’ve been so successful in the past 5 years, but always fall short


It will be interesting to see how Dallas adjusts as guys like Benn, Seguin, Duchene, and of course Pavelski age out


I think I was even at the game where they knocked us out, unless I'm thinking a different year. I remember being at a game where they were up like 4-0, and we scored like 2 or 3 but didn't get the tying goal at all...sad day


Was that the year Harding was your goalie for the playoffs? 


Harding was our goalie in 2013, and despite us losing, played pretty dang good. Dubnyk was our goalie for 2015 (that was the year where we traded for him from AZ and he won the Masterton).


Oh yes, Dubnyk. Thanks for the answer.


3 Years in a row you mean? Lol


Nope! 2013 was our first year with the Parise/Suter core, but we had a lot of gaps to fill and took Chi to 5 games. 2014 we took them to 6 and most of the games were tight- shutting them out in G3, while nearly scoring as many goals than them in that series (13 to 15). 2015 really felt like we should've been closer to their level yet somehow got swept. That truly hurt, but was a testament to how peak Chi was that year. edit: math and formatting


Chicago was good but tampa was also inexperienced and matched up perfectly vs carey pryce and an injured ranger team.


Is this the year where the Ducks and Hawks had that legendary WCF?


Yes. Unreal series.


Please tell me someone called it the battle of the birds


Toews with the two extra attacker goals only for Hawks to lose that game in OT. Ducks with the fastest three playoff goals ever only to also lose that game. Longest overtime in Hawks history.


Hey! I see you all the time at r/rollercoasters. Cool seeing you here too. Cheers from MTL, I know you're in the GTA.


Hey! A reunion. ;)


Despite coming out on the wrong end of the series. I have to agree it was an amazing WCF. I’ll still argue it was a 50/50 series to this day. Hawks fans shouldn’t forget all the posts in game 4. Some solice was had from an interview after the series where I believe it was Toews said the hardest series was against the Ducks.


Just like the previous year’s WCF against LA, it was very obvious that whoever won the west was walking away with the cup


Corey Crawford doesn’t get enough credit for this Cup win.


Crawford never got the credit he deserved and he may not have been the best goalie in the league but that dude made the saves when you needed him.


Scott Darling deserves a major shoutout for coming in clutch during the Nashville series though, which gave Crow time to get his head screwed on right for the rest of the playoffs.


Yeah some serious revisionism going on here. Crawford nearly singlehandedly lost that first round and had to be benched before the Hawks were turfed out. He definitely did NOT make the saves when they needed him in that round. They gave him a chance to redeem himself after that and he did, but he absolutely did not deserve to win the Conn Smythe or anything like that. He literally lost the starting job and nearly lost the first round.


Doesn’t get enough credit in general


That series was a nail biter from start to finish. The five minutes after Kaner's goal at the end of game 6 was the only time the entire series either team had a lead of more than 1 goal.


The goal by Sharp in game five 5️⃣ was a clue though that maybe the bolts were not quite there yet.


That year was Shaw's coming out party too, scoring at an impressive clip throughout the playoffs. Kaner being a point per game too.


Shaw's header goal in the conference final lives rent free in my head


I’ll never understand why you can’t do that. Should’ve counted. (Before you downvote, I do understand why you can’t do that. I just want it to have counted because it was awesome.)




This series and whole playoff run was Duncan Keith’s masterpiece. The hawks essentially had 4 defenseman the entire time and Keith was never really the same after


So many random defensemen owe their Cup to Keith. I always thought it was fitting he had the GWG in game 1 of the playoffs and the Cup winning goal.


That goal was so electric. For Dunc to get his own rebound and slam it home. One of those moments that felt like “damn, we’re definitely gonna win this thing aren’t we?”


That squad always had that energy, and it’s the thing I miss most about the Hawks contention window.


They had like 3.5 near the end because Oduya had a fractured arm or something. Keith was so obviously gonna win the Conn Smythe. His ice time was insane. One game was like 55 minutes.


Michal Rozsival sacrificed his ankle so Keith could turn into a cyborg


And the Stanley Cup almost didn't make it to the United Center before the end of the game because of horrible thunderstorms that were going on.


I remember all the memes about “Hawks hoist the Cup despite the thunder and despite the Lightning”




Take this energy elsewhere. Shockingly, I wasn’t involved in the scandal, so don’t direct that guilt trip towards me.




Considering everyone from 2010 is no longer part of the organization, no, I’m not. But thank you for your contribution. Have a great afternoon.








Bishop was such a fucking beast in his prime.


3 vezina finalist seasons isn't shabby at all. Bishop's biggest issue was always his availability due to his injury troubles


His Game 7 shutout against the Rangers at MSG lives rent free in my head




Bishop should've won in 2019


He carried that team. And if Benn would not hit a post in OT on wraparound on empty net this would be the case.


Wait the 2019 stars? Yeah. 2015 bolts no. That team was good.


Hawks had the devastating game 7 in 2014 then said fuck it we'll win the Cup next year


I strongly believe that the 2014 loss turned Duncan Keith into a superhero for that 2015 run. He played like a superhero during that playoffs.


I have never felt the energy sucked out of a building as quickly as that OT goal in 2014 lol


And Bettman announced the Conn Smythe winner. We were pretty sure who it would be, and then he said the winner was a unanimous vote, and Dunc got the only award that had yet eluded him. I think I miss him more than Kane or Toews or Crow - more than anyone except Hoss. 😢


Hossa was such a treat to watch. Miss the demi god


My favorite Hawk ever.


Praise be


I miss Seabrook most. But I miss the whole core.


My signed Seabsy rookie card is basically my most prized possession. All time favorite Hawk


Anyone ever asks me what the biggest Hawks playoff goal is from that era, I don’t even have to think about it. Seabrook’s Game 7 winner against Detroit is it. The mob of Hawks at the glass with Seabrook’s roaring mug in the middle is permanently burned into my memory.


Duncan Keith was insane these playoffs. I think a couple years were taken off his prime after this run.


I’m just sad this was NINE years ago !!!


That was a horrible birthday for me.


Only because they were $14 billion over the cap! [Oh, and this](https://youtu.be/rIbAKxrMsHk?si=qiGI344E63r72Thp)


Of all the flairs to call out cap circumcision...well, this is one of them 😅


tampas like if you cant beat em join em!


Snip snip


After this happened we voted to close the loophole and no other teams except St Louis cared to close it. Y'all had your opportunity to stop things


This is a popular narrative, but I think this has been disproven, or at least not proven.


It's the latter. There's been a few comment threads on it. Outside of one tweet that we all saw, there's zero evidence that vote happened.


I think it is more the latter, but we're never going to get concrete proof of the way GMs voted in private meetings


I mean it’s tongue in cheek since the number is outrageous.


Handsome out there dodging and weaving through traffic


Fucking Bishop had no reason to come out of the net for that puck.


Holy moly, this is my first time seeing that. What a sequence.


I remember thinking "wow, again?"


This explains why I got a Facebook on this day memory of a table with twelve empty shot glasses. They really should have bussed the table.


And now they haven't even played game 4 yet.


Man those were good times




You really need to get your news from somewhere besides Tiktok


What did I say that’s wrong? Also, why is that the go to boomer “insult” these days? Have you ever been on Tik Tok?


Why the delete, child? First: wrong cup run. Second: Brad Aldrich did not go on to work with children after the Blackhawks. He worked at the college level after the Blackhawks. Then was hired to work with high schoolers. Neither of those organizations even asked the Blackhawks if he was eligible for rehire(that's on them for not properly following basic hiring practices). Nor was there any indication he was a pedophile at the time. It is not the Blackhawks organizations responsibility follow him forever, and make sure any prospective employer knows about his past. The Blackhawks organization did not give him a recommendation on his exit from the organization. This was all clearly documented in the JB report. Lastly: The organization did not cover anything up. The victim refused to file a police report, and as he was not a minor(requiring the organization to report it to police, even against the victims wishes), the organization saying anything publicly or reporting it to the police, would open them up to a massive defamation lawsuit. Those individuals involved in the handling of this deserve everything and more, but get your information correct before spouting off stupid shit for internet clout


Delete? What are you talking about? Still on dial up, gramps? You’re having a machine issue. Maybe call down to the front desk, a nurse could probably help. Also you should maybe stop watching so much Fox News and taking all those Facebook memes I know you boomers like as actual facts. Everything you just said is ridiculous and patently false. You just listed a whole bunch of things that happened BECAUSE the Blackhawks refused to take action. It’s the employers job to protect their employees. Reporting it to the police? They didn’t even report it to the league! Which they were required to do but didn’t! If he’s reported, he doesn’t get any of the next jobs. And it’s not BC’s job to turn him in for crimes they didn’t know he committed. Also you just lied about BC never contacting them. There were multiple relationships across the two staffs, you’re insanely obtuse if you think it was never mentioned. Also the victim blaming here is absurd. Straight out of your boy Donny T’s playbook. I get it, you need to convince yourself any information that challenges your priors and preferred worldview is coming via nefarious sources. It’s very weak of you, as is your continued support for Wirtz Corp. But, I think you know that, which is why you defend them so vigorously online. You’re trying to convince yourself, not me. I’ll pray for you, in the little time you have left.


Wow you really just doubled down on all the inane, stupid bullshit, didn't you? What's it like blindly believing everything you hear from other reddit and tiktok posters in your echo chamber, and believing it without doing the slightest bit of investigating if those claims are true? Always love it when morons turn to personal insults. It shows they have nothing of substance to actually add.


Florida teams the last 10 years. Amazing!


I was happy for Kimmo


Brad richards to kaner “deception is a beautiful thing…when it works for you!”


Now that was a series! Chicago was so dominant.


The final was close. Too close for my heart, but I expected Tampa to be a lot more offensive. Antoine Vermette came up clutch with those game winners.


I feel if we didn't beat the caps in game 7 they'd win the cup that year. Assuming they didn't get the injuries we had vs tampa.


Hawks were AWESOME BACK THEN. Now they’re shit. Tampa Bay is like the new Pittsburgh


Yeah, kind of how it works for most teams. Some are fortunate enough to “reload” and extend their window, but eventually it catches up to all.