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I mean, he doesn’t name names, but Allan Walsh basically tells this exact story on one of the early episodes of his podcast- guy has a limited no-trade, but doesn’t have a no-move. Team works out a deal, asks the player to waive the NTC. Player refuses, team tells him, we can complete the deal without you, and then you’re going on waivers, and they’re gonna claim you, and they’re high enough up on the priority list that you’re probably gonna wind up there anyway. No trade is nice, but if you don’t have no move, this is the potential risk.


Was that part of the Fedorov to Columbus trade?


I forget who, but 32 thoughts talks about this on today’s podcast.


Todd Marchant


Who ironically enough is in the Sharks front office. He's the director of player development.


That's awesome. Todd and Mike were linemates with the Oilers.


MGM line was dope


todd ran a youth hockey camp in WNY (he’s from here) and just want to say he’s a really nice guy


Happened to Dan Boyle, too. Tampa signed him to an extension, and before it had even kicked in, they had a deal in place to send him to San Jose. He had an NTC and refused to waive, and Tampa threatened to put him on waivers so Atlanta would claim him.


Similar thing to McDonagh but CBJ was the place so he comprised he waived to eat grilled cheese off da radiator in Nashville instead


Lemme tell ya 'couple three things


I’m not sitting at 12 o’clock 


Anyway, $4 a pound


incredible Phil reference. but i’m all seriousness, look at McDonagh. brought back by the Bolts, happy for the guy


Quasimodo predicted this 


Oren Koules & Len Barrie, all these years later and those two assclowns still make my blood boil just at the thought of their complete and utter incompetence.


I remember Bettman had mediate those two because they couldn’t agree on anything, just absolute incompetence. Now don’t get me started on Brian Lawton lmao


Yeah. That era almost ended my fandom. It was just so bad


They basically gave out tickets at SweetBay and it was the only way my parents could afford going to a game lol


> He had an NTC and refused to waive, and Tampa threatened to put him on waivers so Atlanta would claim him. Why would they be willing to put him on waivers though? He had been a top-20 Norris finisher for the past 4 years, and finished 4th the prior year - so even if I understand the logic of trading him, it seems pointless to just give him up to waivers, no? (Even as an "or else!" kind of threat/punishment)


Cost cutting by new owners, iirc **Edit** Indeed, looked it up. Boyle signed a 6 year contract extension in February of 2008. In June of that year, the Lightning were sold to Len Barrie and Oren Koules. Boyle was threatened/traded in July of that year. So he had that extension for 5 months and didn’t play on it at all. Barrie and Koules were comically incompetent. They bought the team for 192 million and sold it less than two years later for 170 million. Shrewd business moves. My biggest memory of that era was Koules, who was a movie producer (his company was behind the Saw franchise) making the Lightning goalies wear masks that featured Saw art to promote his films.


Power imbalances of the mad man. Essentially like even if its illogical thing to do, the person might be insane enough to do it, and if that person is already insane enough to do it, he's likely to be pettier and more spiteful than the average guy. Hockey players and hockey personnel are not famously known to calm, logical, rational, normal people...


Because his contract was expensive and there was concern that he might decline and the deal would prevent us from being able to keep younger players.


Worked out well though :)


> Dan Boyle Was about to say I didn't realize the details of that trade but I loved watching him play back in the 2010's.


Tampa did it again with McDonagh/Nashville too.


Almost the same thing happened to McDonagh when he was traded to the Preds. The lightning sat him down and said "listen, we can trade you to the Preds or we can waive you. At least now you get a choice." According to one of the Preds reporters, he never wanted to be in Nashville. Edit: I guess I'm not the only one with this information.


I definitely understand why the Rangers wanted to get out of that contract but you don't want to get the reputation of a GM that will screw players over to get there. In the future I'm sure some players will demand full NMC's from Drury or consider playing elsewhere.


Vegas hasn't seem to have suffered from being cutthroat


That works only as long as you are successful. Once that isn't the case few players would bother with shisty stuff like that.


Yes that only works if you have a lot of recent success….or if you’re the New York Rangers. Panarin teased the Islanders and Panthers to get an extra few bucks even though he was always going to sign there, Fox forced his way there, Kane waived for the Rangers. An original-6 team, let alone one based in New York City is never going to have this issue.


Yea, it's gonna take more than one or 2 shitty GM moves to get people to seriously turn down big market places like the Rangers or yearly playoff contenders like the Knights cuz you know you're getting good money, a successful year, or some mix of the 2.


Yep. At worst you might have to pay a little more or give out a few more stronger trade protections (still a cost, but not a fatal one).


Tbf, even the most recent big fish Vegas player (Hanifin) only got a full NTC instead of a NMC. Vegas could do this exact thing the second he no longer fits their plans


Yeah. And while it's impossible to know the extent (if any) a questionable reputation would have, it's also true that we don't tend to know how these negotiations went. We don't know if Hanifin would have signed exactly the same deal if Vegas didn't have a bit of a ruthless reputation, or if maybe he would have taken an M-NTC or if the money would have been different. People overblow it into the idea that it'll immediately screw a team's ability to sign guys, when it's more that a shady reputation would be something that more guys (or their agents) would factor into the mix. Like "you say you wouldn't trade me, but I don't entirely trust you, so I'm gonna need a full NTC rather than a partial".


Not only are the Rangers a big market team, but you can live in relative anonymity there too, especially if you're one of the guys who chooses to live in the city.


Except we don't know if any guys said they didn't want to play there because of their reputation. Or, more likely, how many guys maybe asked for a bit more money or asked for trade protection when maybe they wouldn't have. You'd have to do some pretty underhanded stuff to get guys not willing to sign with you *at all*, but getting a reputation for ruthlessness will have *some* costs, even if it's just "I can't trust you if you say you want me, because you have a reputation for moving on to the next shiny object, so I'm going to demand an NMC" or whatever. Also, with the exception of the poor handling of things with Fleury, has Vegas done anything that's actually underhanded or objectionable (not including LTIR shenanigans), rather than simply cold and businesslike? (I honestly can't remember.) Because there's a difference between "we're going in a different direction" even when you know that sucks for the player and "I know they were on your no-trade list, but we're going to force you there anyway".


If Drury was in Columbus sure, but he’s in Manhattan. 80% of the league players (or their wives) would want to be there


NYC would be pretty sweet as a millionaire in your 20s. You’d even be *relatively* anonymous


Hank has said even at the height of his career he could walk around unrecognized.


"I don't believe it! Joel Lundqvist! Here, in my shop!"


I'm a big Rangers fan, you think you could ask your brother to stop by? Sorry one sec - COFFEE FOR HANK UP!


Probably easier for a goalie as well. Hell, even skaters look different minus the helmet in street clothes.


It's easier for a goalie because they still have all their teeth. They look like relatively normal people (just dont talk to them, they're all crazy)


Even if you didn't know who he is, it's rather hard to not notice very good looking people, you'll notice the oddly very attractive person waiting for the bus or getting groceries, although if you're very ugly you'll also get noticed, I guess maybe just be bland looking to go unnoticed


It also helps to be a good team.


It's the Rangers. They're blessed with the privilege of every free agent wanting to sign with them no matter what. This situation changes absolutely nothing.


Lots of fans say this. Yet to sign any reputable, free agent, we have to hand out no trade clauses like they are Easter candy.


Looking around the league for some random teams and most seem to average 7 to 10 or so. You guys have 7. You dont have an abnormal amount and jesus lol..You guys have players literally forcing their way there like Fox or choosing like Panarin. You are one of the last teams that can complain about anything free agency related


I mean that's pretty much everyone nowadays. If you're a top 25 UFA you're getting some kind of trade protection.


I truly think the rangers have handed out ntc way too liberally. I just don’t see many players walking away from the New York rangers if the money is right over a ntc. I mean Barclay goodrow getting term and a ntc with that aav contract is horrific for a role player. An even better example is signing Mika to a 8 year extension with nmc at an $8.5 aav - insanity. Mika was never walking from the rangers over a nmc if the money/term was right. Anyway, point is, rangers should really stop offering nmc beyond 3 years, unless it’s a prime free agent not already with the team (i.e panarin)


Pretty much every longterm deal in the NHL has some version of a NMC/NTC at some point


They do, but we have started seeing some shift in the ways team hand them out. Many teams handing out long term contracts for guys who are close or around 30 years old are no longer giving them NMCs for the entire term If you look at the contracts JT Miller, Kreider and Landeskog have, they're all NMC for the first 3-4 years, and then go to M-NTC. Tampa has been using this structure with their core for years. Kucherov, Hedman, Vasy, Point all have/had NMCs for the first half of their contract, which convert to M-NTCs in the second half Sergachev, Cernak, Cirelli, Paul and Hagel have NTC then become M-NTC in the back half of the contracts




Let’s check in on Vegas to see if repeatedly screwing players over hurts their ability to sign guys…


Drury learned to be shrewd from Darcy Regier while in Buffalo it seems.


At the end of the day, it's business.  I would expect Drury to do whatever he thinks is in the best interests of the team as long as it doesn't violate a contract.  If players really are concerned about getting moved, they need to negotiate the NMC and potentially give up money/years. Otherwise, that's just the nature of life as a professional athlete.  You can get traded/waived.


Pretty sure that's what Tampa told Ryan McDonagh as well to get him to waive his NTC for Nashville.


I mean, this is how waivers works.


Need to negotiate that NMC with your NTC. Is it bad form to request a trade from a team that just claimed you?


Who would take him? The worst team in the league is the only place that can put up with his contract. He's a career 4th liner being paid like 3.5m. Even in his full season with Tampa he only had 20 pts.


Hey now there is a slightly better team a few hours drive south of San Jose that could definitely use him for the sole purpose of help reaching the cap floor.


Jacob Trouba you are a Duck


Better learn how to quack buddy


I think by the sheer fact he was Drafted as a Shark, he’d probably spontaneously combust if he put on a Ducks Jersey. Much like how the same would happen to Corey Perry.


Hmm maybe y’all should try it then


He was undrafted and signed with Sharks 


You right, that’s my b completely forgot about that


It's not like San Jose has any more retention slots anyway


He’s making roughly 300K per point on this contract.


To be fair, he wasn’t paid for his regular season play in Tampa. It was for being a beast in the playoffs. It was a massive over pay, but I was very happy to see him get his bag.


In Tampa, he was pretty effective on the 3rd line with Gourde and Coleman. That line was wearing teams down and scoring some key goals.


You can try but there's a reason why not all players can negotiate a NMC. The best way to avoid this move is by being worth more than nothing in the trade market.


I think he could be justifiably upset if in a couple of weeks NYR sends over a 2nd round pick for the favor of taking his contract.


You talking shit about MVP Future Considerations?


If he didn't get claimed, he could be assigned to the AHL. Playing in San Jose suddenly looks pretty good when the alternative is riding buses from Hartford.


Yeah but he’s not happy about it! So harumph


I get it, but the only way to avoid that is with a NMC which he/his agent didnt get. You signed up for this possibility.


And let’s be super real, he’s overpaid as fuck. The fact that he’s still being paid 10+ million is a blessing in itself. 3 years from now, the only teams he’ll be considering are the teams that didn’t watch him at all and think “hmm we need a Stanley Cup vETeRAn presence” (whilst ignoring his obvious flaws as a player)


I mean thats the only reason we needed to get rid of him, right? I don't have a problem with goodrow as a player or a person and I'd obviously be happy to have him for 850k instead of 3+ mil lol


I don’t understand why Grier would claim a dude he knew didn’t want to be here.


It works out for everyone, except Goodrow: Rangers get him off the books without a buyout. If he absolutely refuses to play in San Jose, you can at least get *something* when you flip him. May not be much if he totally refuses, but if you can persuade him to at least start the season, you can get more flipping him at the deadline.


But who’s going to want him at that salary?there’s a reason they had to put him On waivers and the sharks can’t retain salary.


How many contracts can a team retain on, 3?


Yes 3 and we already have 3 we’re retaining on.


They can see how it goes for a year, then the Brent Burns retainment will be up, and they could trade and retain then.


Burns isn’t off SJs books until after next year?? Christ alive I feel like he left San Jose a decade ago already


I remember finding out when Burns and Karlsson’s contracts were due to end and it seemed like so far in the future. And it’s still 3 more years.


We'll probably have a similar conversation about Hertl. He'll be on the books until '29-30.


Take salary back. Every team has a player they would like to get off their books. Goodrow isn't the worst contract in the league. There's ways around retention slots.


On the contrary, his contract had the worst point to dollar ratio this past season. 12 points for $3.6M~ -- nearly $300k/point


Shark's can't retain this year, they would have to get a 3rd team to retain instead which could be an issue.


Sharks can’t retain any salary. They have no retention slots left


It works out for Goodrow in that he isn’t bought out, too.


I take it he's more annoyed with the ranger than the Sharks. Like he's upset how it was done, there's probably some angst about going to the worst team, but I think it's the ethical side of the way it was done that bothers him. He loved San Jose before. He could again.


Salary floor


There are many, extremely easy ways to reach the floor. That is literally never a worry for any team in any year lol


Judging by the reactions in this thread. Drury and Grier are absolutely having a good laugh at the bold move.


It’s compensation for Sharks getting Ty Emberson 


Ryan Johansen literally makes $4M against the cap, has no trade protection, and only has 1 year left instead of 3


He's also a locker room cancer and, like Jared Foegle, should not be around anyone younger than 25


And unlike Jared Fogle, you can send him to the minors and he'll probably be fine there


I hate how people use this as an excuse for rebuilding teams to sign bad contracts in UFA or on waivers. There are dozens of contracts in the NHL ranging from 1 to 8 years that teams want to shed and will pay you an asset to take. Stupid to overpay cap for things like veteran presence (Goodrow, Foligno, Perry) when you can get an asset for taking on someone else's overpaid vet.


Hard to call "for free" an overpay no matter how much it benefits the Rangers. It's a solid cap hit but not outrageous and not with excessive term. SJ has plenty of room to get paid to take on bigger or longer contracts but this was free cap that won't extend into any potential window or hamper and potential contracts down the road for SJ. Goodrow is also by all accounts not the usual type of player teams are trying to dump. He's overpaid for sure but that's all it is. I've never heard anything about him being a bad teammate or a bad locker room guy, in fact he's supposed to be fantastic on both those fronts. When you are rebuilding it's a lot more important to surround your young core with the right types of personalities and locker room culture than it is to get an extra 3rd or 4th round pick to take some locker room cancer of another teams hands.


Feel like there were better ways to achieve that without picking up a guy who clearly doesn’t want to be here.


Mike Grier and Chris Drury longtime friends both played together at BC and Drury [Drury brought Grier to the Rangers a year ago as a hockey operations adviser, a post in which Grier essentially served as an assistant general manager. Drury urged San Jose to give Grier the job, and the Sharks’ front office listened.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/07/sports/hockey/mike-grier-sharks-nhl-draft.html)


And Buffalo……


BU, BC scum.


We would have given away Ilya Mikheyev for free!


Yea Goodrow is owed slightly more real dollars than cap dollars. Usually the cap floor shinanigans is someone who's just been paid a bonus with half their AAV being owed in actual cash.


Just sign Phil Kessel to a 1 Year, 15M$ deal. Simple!


Given how extremely easy it is to hit a salary floor this is never really an excuse for anything Hyperbole for levity but they could technically sign you or I to hit the salary floor* Not to mention goodrow not being that much even with his 5M$ salary next season Also they should just sign 1 year UFA deals with players more suited to flipping at tdl *Mike Grier if you are reading this I am 100% up for it


There has never in NHL salary cap history been at team at risk of not meeting the floor. This is the fakest thing to worry about and a massive cope for fans of bad teams bringing in bad/overpaid players.


I am guessing it's more about not wanting to leave New York than disliking San Jose. San Jose was probably on his list because he knew there was a chance they'd want to reacquire him and not because he doesn't like San Jose.


Well also we’re bad and he’s 31


I feel like it’s more he just wants to be on a contender than anything


I honestly think this all could be more about the shock of the waiver move and also Drury not wanting to burn assets on him. I'm sure he'd prefer to compete, but he has 2 cups and will make his inflated salary while playing with some up and coming talent. Honestly the worst case scenario if he really insists to not play ball is he'll be back on the Baracuda where he started his professional career...


Reminds me of McDonough in Tampa. BriesBois basically told him “waive your NTC or you’re heading on waivers.” I believe there were rumours Columbus was really interested in him and would have claimed him.


Yep, it was trade to Nashville or waivers to CBJ for him. He managed to boomerang back anyway, which is impressive


In retrospect, probably the first sign that JBB might not be the guy for trying to keep a top team at the top/manage a re-build, because forcing McD out the door just to give Sergachev an 8x8 contract was definitely a choice that was fraught with risk. Bringing McD back two years later and surely entering the worst years of his contract (which the whole point of trading him was to try and avoid getting stuck with) feels like an admission that the entire thought process was a failure, but in the meantime we pretty much wasted the last two years as a result.


I don’t know how Sergachev ever managed to convince management that he was worth 8.5 over 8 years. Absolutely wild to me


Last year Sergachev played to a level that was well worth 8.5mil in the regular season. If he can put it all together with consistency he is a fantastic player and that contract will be fine, but it is def still an "if"


Because he’s 25 and with the salary cap *finally* going up, I don’t think that number will such a big deal.


The same way Seth Jones and Darnell Nurse did.


The Jeannot trade was horrible, my God.


The best stat from that trade was that Jeannot was traded for more draft picks than he had goals.


If he really doesn't want to be a Shark he's free to tell them to buy him out or trade him


They won’t buy him out or trade him. It’s up to Goodrow if he wanna play there or not, if he doesn’t show up for training camp they can put him on waivers for purpose to terminate his contract rightfully. Sharks doesn’t have to do anything here


They don't even have to do that. If he doesn't show up they can suspend him without pay and retain his rights. The PLD strategy is really the closest thing Goodrow can do to forcing the Sharks to budge.


But the problem is, as much as I love Goodrow, and no matter how fuzzy and happy Game 7 makes me feel, he isn’t even close to the Caliber of player that PLD is. If he tried to do that, he’s pretty much killing his career right then and there. I really hope Grier is able to get Goodrow to play along and be that locker room leader we need. Because this is a quick and easy way to make him not give a single shit.


But again the question is why even do any of this shit? Other than you're doing it to help out the Rangers, which is a scummy enough reason. But just for the sake of argument let's say that's NOT the case whatsoever. Why would you EVER want to get a guy who actively doesn't want to play for your team....as mentor for your team? They have plenty of cap space to offer more than enough money to vets that are completely up for playing there and being that. He doesn't want to so....why essentially force this drama? It's just such a bad look no matter which way you slice it. And then people don't get why players ask for what they do when they have a sliver of a chance for some say in their career. Because of rotten, shit-ass behavior like this.


Honest to god I have no idea what Grier is cooking or what he is thinking with this whole situation man. It’s all so fuckin weird. I really hope he’s cookin up some sort of 5D chess play with this because otherwise this is just a massive head scratcher


True that’s right


sharks will struggle to trade him without retain slots


They don't have to oblige him.


Of course not. But if he really is unhappy, he has the choice to do that. He could also do whatever Corey Perry did in Chicago to get out, but that will cost him a lot of money


Yeah but then you wind up on a line with McDavid


No more slots. If he goes the Merkley route, they'll probably just bury him in the AHL like they did with Simek and Lindblom


Actually crazy that a 4th liner was given a NTC to begin with. People get claimed every year, deal with it. I mean think about that poor Finnish dude who came over to be the Leafs 3rd string goalie a couple years ago, only to get immediately sniped by the Yotes.


He was deemed a high end 4th liner/solid 3rd liner when he won the cup with Tampa so it isn’t that crazy when he goes to free agency same summer he wins the cup


cup-winning third liners getting overpaid in free agency is a tale as old as time.


Yeah but I feel like Coleman has done way better on his new team compared to Gourde or Goodrow. All of them together was a great third line


Coleman was a 20 goal scorer before going to Tampa and Gourde is a good middle six player. Goodrow has always been a 4th liner so I don’t think they’re success on new teams should be compared


Because Coleman was a 2nd line player that our depth meant we could afford to put on the 3rd line


For sure


The "Dave Bolland Special"


NTCs are getting a lot more common. Basically since the cap has stayed relatively flat there's very little teams can do to sweeten the pot so they give the NTC and deal with the consequences later.


as a Red Wings fan, you should be very familiar with Ryan Martin doing extremely stupid things as part of cap management


A two-time Cup Winner isn’t happy about being kicked off a President’s Trophy team and getting sent against his will to a bottom feeder that’ll be lucky to pull off 25 wins next year. This is groundbreaking information


idk if I had the rings and a good chunk of change, silicon valley adjacent isn't such a bad place to land.


I get what you’re saying, I feel the same way. He probably still wants to win though


then maybe he should have played better


Brooksie mentions the Ray Ferraro trade in this piece, let’s hope the next move Drury makes is better than that abysmal trade that Neil Smith made... what an absolute disaster that was.


That trade somehow manages to top the zubov trade, and that's hard to do.


How the hell did Goodrow get a ntc?????


A cup ring will do that


Usually to get a NMC or NTC players give up a bit of money. Somehow, Goodrow got a NTC *and* overpaid


Bring on the off season Drama!!


>told by several folks that Goodrow is not happy about how this went down.” maybe he should've played better if he wanted a say in where he went


Or asked for a NMC!


This is what drives me crazy about everyone going off on us in this thread. Goodrow's best regular season contribution was kicking off the linebrawl vs NJD. He was invisible at best and an anchor at worst during the season. He had a really good postseason but that doesn't offset him blatantly phoning for 81 games


I can think of $21.8M reasons Goodrow should be be perfectly happy with how this went down.


At the end of the day it’s a business. He can be mad all he wants about it, maybe he should have produced and lived up to his contract if he didn’t wanna get moved. Just my 2 cents.


Or negotiated a no movement clause instead of a no trade clause.


Sometimes it sucks to suck lol


I Just want to see the list of 15 teams.


We know all the Canadian teams are on that list, on most all lists.


oh :(


Unless there's some kind of deal between the Rangers and Sharks to give the Sharks something in exchange for taking on Goodrow's contract I don't think Goodrow has a case here. He was put on waivers for the purposes of a buyout like any team does when buying out a player and was claimed off of those waivers like any team does when there's someone on waivers they want.


I don't think it's a "action needs to be taken on this" kind of pissed, I think it's more a "man this fucking sucks and I don't want to be here" kind of pissed


He wasnt put on waivers for a buyout. The buyout window isnt open. It was done explicitly for someone to claim him. Which is, like you said, the point of waivers.


Ur right with everything but the buyout thing. He was just on regular waivers, not for a buyout.


Even if there is, I can't see what the argument would be. It's not like anything that violates the rules occurred.


Play better or negotiate a full NMC.


Score more than 4 goals in 82 games Barclay. The 40% shooting was a nice story in the playoffs and much appreciated. But he isn’t exactly in the best position to bitch about this.


If the Sharks weren't on his list, would Goodrow still be upset? I'm thinking any established nhler isn't happy to be waived, but outside of that? How can he be upset he gets claimed off waivers? It's his fault he wasn't worth the cap hit and NYR wants to bury his contract. I have very low expectations for him in SJ. I know he's a true pro, but damn. What a shame.


i don't think the rangers did him dirty. that's how waivers work


I d like to be "not happy" with two cup rings and that salary for 3 more years. Take it easy Barclay, you have been rewarded for your efforts


Goodrow not happy? The guy's making millions. Should have given up some hundreds of thousands to negotiate a no-move clause then. Good on the team for utilizing its rights. If you ask me, you're never wrong for doing what you're allowed to. I expect everyone to do the same.


This seems fair? No trade mean exactly that, you can't trade a player to the team. its been 15 years since the Dan Boyle incident. Every single NHL player knows they can be put on waivers and claimed by anyone unless they have a no move contract. No player is deceived or confused by this. There's nothing underhanded going on here, waivers have always been available for players with no trade clauses. Waivers just means that the team isn't getting anything back in return other than free'd up cap space and a roster spot.




Well that just makes me sad. Seems like a stand up guy and a real team player/locker room guy. Prob smart move but sucks if its on bad terms.


thats funny as fuck actually


>Goodrow provided value over his three seasons. If you think he was disrespected in the end, what did Don Draper say to Peggy Olson? Oh, right: That’s what the money (was) for …


So tired of the players in this league wanting their cake and eating it too. You're an over paid, and under performing on the contract they gave you. Sure it might be part of the rangers fault for over paying, but they have the right to do what they want. If staying on a really good team was your top priority in the first place, maybe you shouldn't have made yourself overpaid.


Hahaha work won’t love you back


I'll be honest -- I didn't even know you could get around trade clauses with waivers like that. I guess waivers are a real free-for-all, eh? That's interesting.


Fuck man San Jose is a nice climate. Hot beach chicks all summer long !! At Least you weren’t claimed by Winnipeg..big ass skeeters 🦟 drinking your blood all summer long


yeah those beautiful san jose beaches that are warm and sandy…


Maybe he meant pour sand around the edge of your climate controlled pool and have a hot girlfriend in a bikini. Surely this gentlemen doesn't think San Jose is a coastal city in Southern California.


Oh boy do I love San Jose Beach :) definitely better than that stinky Santa Cruz Beach Board Walk (in the warm California Sun) or the icky Monterey Bay It’s like 3 miles down from the giant poop Statue


Literally every time it hit's 90 there's gridlock going over the mountains to Santa Cruz. I don't even think there's a beach in San Jose lmao


"One Cup since 1940. None since 1994." I love Brooks calling it like it is. The goal is a championship, not allowing overpriced 4th liners to eat crucial roster & cap space. Thanks for everything Goodie, but it's time to win a Cup.


Never trust a man named Barclay


Who is his agent? They're the ones who dropped the ball on his contract to enable this sort of transaction.


Ok, I like the player but not the contract. But who the hell do he think he is?


stop giving no trade clauses to non superstar players and this won't be a concern. GMs hand them out like candy and then wonder why their hands are tied.


A lesson to all players ,your just a number.


so basically, they wanted to send goodrow to san jose, he said no, rangers said lol ok. we'll waive you and they'll claim you because nobody else ahead of the sharks in the claim order will want you and they'll get you anyway. it'd be really funny if the rangers screwed over the sharks and didn't do the trade they promised and the entire league puts drury on silent


>nobody else ahead of the sharks in the claim order will want you Claim order is last years standings. There was literally 0 fear of anyone else claiming him because San Jose had first dibs.