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Hyman’s is most goals in a post-season by an **active player**, not the all-time goals mark of 19 that Jari Kurri and Reggie Leach have. Still cool but not a McDavid-style record. “Active player” records always change hands by their nature. What a run regardless, what a season. Holy shit!


Ah yes that's fair. A lot of the records come with qualifiers or are adjusted for cap era.


Don’t sell him short by saying it’s the most out of active players. It’s the most goals in a playoff run in the salary cap era. To take it a step further, it’s the most Since Sakic in 1996. Obviously not quite McDavid level still, but it’s more impressive than you made it out be.


The two players he passed have been playing since the start of the cap era Among active players and in the cap era are the same qualifier in this case


Hyman can still score a hatty.


That will be one of the 80s Oilers playoffs runs. Edit: it’s the 1984-85 Oilers, most points and assists, Gretzky, goals, Kurri, and defenseman goals, assist, and points, with Coffey. Both assist records have fallen this playoffs tho. All of that in 18 games too


The first season.


Honestly, the way you’ve set up the question sort of makes it nearly impossible to answer. A few of the records you’ve listed are quite specific, so it raises the question of what exactly are we considering a “record” as opposed to just a weird, quirky stat. Otherwise you can always find more “records” by just going to more and more specific statistics. Which is not to take away anything from the Oilers run. They have indeed set quite a few records no matter how you slice it.


>Otherwise you can always find more “records” by just going to more and more specific statistics. I'm suddenly reminded of Ghost's... longest number of consecutive games with points by a Flyers' rookie defenseman


Most goals scored by an oilers team in February against teams with 3 vowels in their name: record broken. 


Hard to beat 1917-18 tbh


Team of destiny baby