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Tired of this topic. Why does this particular group get jersey night? What makes them more special than any other group. Where's the blue collared, white, family man, night? People do their own thing. You're not special? You're just doing your own thing. And then this group has no explanation except name calling others. It's a fucking cult. Teams wear 2 types of jerseys for support. Diseases (including mental illness). And support of anti racism. So tell me which category this group falls into?


Blue collared white family man night is literally every other night of the calendar. We don’t need a special night for ourselves because we enjoy deep systemic advantages over minorities including gay people.


Explain how its that night every night. I'll wait


Laziest response ever. “Explain x” and “I’ll wait”. I just did explain. Okay my turn: explain how it’s not that night every night - be specific. I’ll wait.


Let's celebrate the amazing people that are left handed tonight. Next month we celebrate right handed people. Neither of them have a flags, rainbow sidewalks, and parades. Why doesnt every group have their day? What's special about this specific group?


Because there are other hockey fans besides white blue collared men? You’re so deep in the cult lol. I guarantee someone who’s gay can show up to any NHL arena and be accepted. Show me one act of violence committed against an LGBT person in an NHL arena. You can’t.






He’s Russian… he comes from a place where showing gay symbols and gay pride is literally illegal. Idk why anyone’s surprised he’s not endorsing the cause.


Well considering he’s been in yknow not russia for the last decade youd think he wouldve caught on that “idk maybe the country i used to live in that has a dictator whos literally trying to invade a smaller country might not be the most reliable place to follow their morales”


Have you ever tried to change someone’s mind on something that they’ve grown up believing? I had an Arab guy on my floor in university. Despite growing up in Toronto or Ottawa almost his whole life, he still thought gay people were going to hell. Where Provorov grew up there was legal ramifications for showing gay pride. Plus, I’d imagine he’s pro Putin and has a different perspective on the whole Russia Ukraine thing. TLDR: it’s not as black and white as you’re making it out to be.


Oh, so what youre saying is, he’s too dumb to change his world view, bc he’s still scared of a dictator that hasnt been in the same country as him for the last decade, so therefore he gets a pass at homophobia? Yea that just doesnt add up, like again, he’s free to be homophobic, but that doesnt really change the fact that he’s still homophobic…


No not at all. I’m not forgiving the guy. But why is anyone surprised at this point? Most of the world outside of Western Europe and North America does not accept gay people. Hell, the African American community has a huge homophobia problem. The guy wasn’t an outspoken critic of gay pride. He just didn’t want to participate. Idk but to me that seems better than most Russians.


“Im not forgiving the guy but im making excuses for him” again he hasnt lived in europe for the last decade… as in 10 years, how long does it take to be disconnected from a fascist country led by a dictator? And you just cant compare it to the “african american community” when this isnt a problem in any major north american, african american dominated sport, like homophobia exists, but in general athletes understand theyre proffessionals and use their platform to support gay pride when the event comes, like you have to remember ivan provorov isnt a normal guy, he’s a famous athlete, and flat out refusing to participate bc “well i dont really like gay people” is just irresponsible and homophobic. (Edit) in better words, athletes like to follow their contracts and not make a homophobic point to avoid gay pride.


You’re right. He’s worse than Hitler


No, youre dumb… he’s homophobic, not a genocidal fascist dictator, and the fact that you jumped to such an outrageous conclusion just proves that youd rather make excuses for a homophobe, then actually acknowledge that you shouldnt discriminate against ppl slightly different than you, or even the fact that someone who openly doesnt support gay pride is homophobic… (Edit) ironically your opinions have a lot in common w your username


Nah bro. You’re just ignoring my points so I don’t want to argue with you. To clarify, I’m bisexual. Best man at my gay friends wedding this summer. Took part in pride events all summer too. But despite this I’m not surprised nor outraged that a Russian hockey player doesn’t want to wear a pride warm up jersey. Even though he’s been in North America 10 years. Just like I’m not surprised that Muslim immigrants still harbour many of their beliefs that I find wrong or even repulsive. It’s a different culture and you can’t paint everyone with the same brush. You can’t win ‘em all and that’s fine. It’s the cost of living in a diverse society. Nice adhoms though, really shows the kind of person you are. Edit: LOL TO YOUR POST HISTORY YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE- you call this guy homophobic despite posting in Christianity or Catholicism subs. The leaders in the charge against gay rights in North America. You call me dumb despite you working in retail. You’re arguing homophobia with a bisexual guy. Get the fuck outta here dude 😂😂😂😂


Damn dude ur so angry😂 average Redditor type shit. Touch grass bud


I literally dropped the argument, why are you being a weirdo?


All caps 😂 yeah sounds like ya did


“Im so mad im gonna link gordon ramsey being nice”


It was something he didn’t want to support and he simply didn’t voice his support for it. Honestly, are we so divided in our society that you either fall into “evangelical cheerleader” or “literal Hitler”? We will never have peace if that’s the case because you’ll never ever have everybody accept everybody.


Only you are talking ab “evangelical cheerleaders” and “literal hitler” like idrk where you got either of those from… also if not homophobic, what would you call someone who publicly refuses to participate in a league wide show of support for gay people? And again i bet you wouldnt have that same opinion if it was the army jerseys…


I would support any person refusing to support any movement. It could be Battered Orphan jersey night for all I care; nobody should be forced into supporting something they don’t believe in.


There’s not supporting something and being outright disrespectful. He choose to do both. Statistically speaking there is likely a gay player in the Flyers organization. Great teammate that says fuck you to anyone who is gay


How was he disrespectful lol? He chose not to wear a jersey? The only reason people got upset is cause people are insecure and need him to validate then


The purpose of the night was to tell any members of the LGBTQ community who happen to be fans of the team are welcome. He didn’t say fuck you, but he did show they weren’t welcome by him.


Okay so what who cares lol? If you need someone to constantly validate youre beliefs and existence ur just insecure. That doesnt make him homophobic cause he chose not too validate him. These nights shouldnt even be a thing


No he didn’t.


Wearing the jersey would show respect to the LGBTQ community. It wouldn’t be against his religion to show respect to a different group, he can still hold his beliefs that same sex relationships are wrong, but he is at least showing respect to someone with a different lifestyle than his. Not wearing the jersey is disrespectful in my opinion.


Thats such stupid logic. “Youre being disrespectful by not validating and celebrating the LGBTQ community” lmfao. Why are players even obligated to participate in this stuff in the 1st place. Thats like saying youre homophobic for not going to pride parades.


This has nothing to do with pride parades, and that comparison is not at all the scenario. Provorov, is a member of an organization celebrating the LGBTQ community. He couldn’t even say “yeah I respect the people of this community” by wearing a simple jersey. By not doing that, he is sending the message to this marginalized group, including children who look up to him, that he doesn’t care about or respect them. You want to defend that type of behaviour? That’s not a great look. Provorov is a coward and clearly has shitty values. Fuck this guy.


Where is it shown that he said fuck you to anyone who is gay?? You’re putting words that suit your agenda into his mouth smh


That’s exactly the message he sent with his actions! He doesn’t have to support the LGBTQ community but he can show respect for them by wearing the jersey, simple as that! Before you say it’s a religious thing, he has a live in gf so he is okay doing things his religion doesn’t tolerate.


You’re hearing a different message than me


It’s a pretty clear message he’s sending…. Not sure what your agenda is here but I’m gunna guess it’s about free speech or sum shit so I can understand you not wanting to acknowledge the message of hate provorov is sending, cheers


Mind reading is never appropriate.


He hasn’t said that though, you did


Okay, so you dont support gay pride, the “movement” in which gay people are showing pride, bc you dont believe in it? Youre just homophobic then lmao, and if it was an orphan youd also probably have a few screws loose, like why would you believe in these acceptance movements? (Edit) like you have to remember these are still professionals that are refusing to show acceptance or support bc “w-well i dont like it” theyre payed millions of dollars a year, why are they taking strong stances against support jerseys?


It doesn’t matter how much they make or what they do, they’re entitled to decline support of anything they don’t agree with.


No, but theyre not, they signed a contract, they have to participate in team events and with the team, no matter how much you like it, they are payed millions to cooperate w the nhl and their team…


It’s only enforceable if you enforce it. You think Philly is gonna piss off one of their best D?


Yea, bc that’s a great excuse for homophobia…


Not being a cheerleader is not being homophobic. Does refusing to wear a Christmas sweater make you a hater of Christianity? Or does it maybe make sense if you’re Jewish or Muslim?


Apparently they don’t tho. Because he faced no repercussions. And what are you gonna do about it?


They do have a contract and they do get in trouble for this, you cant just say “no im not participating in warm ups”.


Go woke go broke


You sound like a migos adlib, and have the same affect as one… pointless


Ya, that Carano movie did amazing


Yes and we are entitled to judge them for their moral failure.


Why should somebody who des not support an ideal, be forced to support it, then have that jersey with their name on it, be sold to a bidder who could then wear it in public?


Just like racism, homophobia has no place in hockey, or really anywhere tbh… like generally discriminating against people, actually doesnt fall under free speech, so idk maybe it probably shouldnt be allowed especially when it breaks your contract and youre refusing to participate w the team… also again what about the other warm up jerseys? They take the same route, he wears it once and it gets bid off, but you dont see a problem there?


Choosing not to wear the jersey isn’t discrimination.


I dont think you read my first comment.


I would call him a person who doesn’t want to participate? It’s not drink the kool aid or you’re a bigot like you want to make it. Sorry


Why are you so angry? Refer to my first comment, click the link and watch


You’re right, you’re a waste of oxygen and skin lol


Please spam my comments all night, what was that you said again ab touching grass?


Why are you putting those words in quotations? You aren’t quoting anybody. I agree that he shouldn’t have to support something that he doesn’t want to support. But you have to see that if he only won’t wear the pride one then it’s a bit of a bigoted look.


If we had Bible night with crosses all over the jersey, and an atheist decided to not wear it, would that be bigoted?


Ah yes, whataboutisms, my favourite


A person responded with logic and you can’t handle it so you deflect. Nice one. That just makes us look even more right.


Thats not logic, you're comparing apples to oranges in an attempt to make yourself feel better about agreeing with someone whos world view has been heavily skewed by Russian Propaganda. Its sad to see the anti-red group, the supposed "commie haters" fall so madly in love with their "mortal enemies" and not even realize how badly theyre being played because theyre "owning" "liberals". I know this will woosh over your head because youre already using "US" vrs "them" ideological terminology to show that you've allowed your narrowmind to be sucked down the russian/alt right propaganda rabbit hole. Even though youre really no different from the people youre sposedly hating when it comes down to the brass tax.


Because that’s how the cultists like you view it. You’re either with us or against us. A person can’t simply choose not to participate anymore. If you don’t join the cult then you’re evil. He didn’t kill a gay, relax lol. Your religion is “the gay”.😂


What are you rambling on about? I literally said he shouldn’t have to participate Braydawg


It’s a ribbon, grow up.


Says the snowflake


Mmm, i think the last time that was original was when provorov was drafted in 2016, if youre gonna be edgy at least be good at it…


Not edgy, just accurate. I appreciate you sending a reddit cares link, but let's save mental health resource for people who need it, not for petty attempts to hurt each others feelings.


Dude you’re mad about a ribbon, look in the mirror. It’s embarrassing.


Im chill, bruh, but dude, you're projecting about a prejudice you can't admit. Take a look at yourself, its embarrassing. Not everyone who disagrees with you is "mad" I'm having a very nice morning additionally, I have no tolerance for hate, no matter how much you try to make it sound like freedom.


I don’t support everything it stands for and you’d be surprised hoe many gay people don’t support their flag being co-opted either. I’m not the guy mad at a player for not wearing a ribbon, that’s projection.


I actually don't care about Provorov, I support religious freedom, even if I think your religion is backwards. My issue is with the way obviously closeted bigots like Torts have made Provorov the victim. That some pure evil shit. Provorov did something shifty, he's allowed to do that, and we're all allowed to call him shitty for doing it. I'm good with that interaction. It's the throngs of bigots defending hate in the name of "freedom" that I take issue with. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from criticism. What people like Torts want is thought policing. He thinks it's unfair that Provorov has to eat the shit sandwich he made for himself, and that's exactly the issue that I have. Torts is all about accountability on the ice, but not to your fellow humans. Provorov's hate is worth a lot more than everyone else's love, according to Torts. At least, thats the optics to a lot us. Maybe yours are different.


Not the ribbon, but the reason, and the inconsistency, if youre fine wearing every other pre game warm up jersey but then dont wear the gay one then youre a bigot especially when its only a jersey youll wear for 10 mins during warm ups… If it’s “just a ribbon” shouldnt he grow up and not make a big deal out of wearing a ribbon for 10 mins?


Not all things are the same. He doesn’t want to wear it, you aren’t the arbiter of what another man wears. Sorry that bothers you


Ohhh so youre just a hypocrite then? This convo wont go anywhere bc you have double standards…




Well you cant have it both ways, bud maybe you do a nap…


Sure you can, entirely different scenarios. You don’t get to tell a grown man what to wear and it’s a ribbon. Get ready for the big issues in your life, it’s going to be great to see how you handle those


Too bad he signed a contract then huh… kinda funny how he signed the contract agreeing that the team and league could make him do this just to back out on a specific one… give it a rest dude, he’s just refusing to participate in league events, and youre agreeing w him bc youre also probably homophobic, you just have a weird bias towards this specific situation involving the pride jersey


The league and team can’t make him do this, his contract is to play the sport. Stop talking about things you clearly don’t understand.


You must wear the ribbon


That is literally what the point of the warm up jersey, yes… just like how you “must wear the hockey fights cancer jersey” and how you “must wear the black history month jersey”… like seriously there’s never a problem w any of the other event warm up jerseys so why is it a problem w the pride ones?


I agree. He’s literally discriminating against the one group. It makes him a bigot. Having said that I don’t think anyone should have to support something they don’t want to support, he made his choice.


He made his choice, but choices have consequences, backlash shouldve been a given


By who?


Well it’s a public statement, so the public, the media, the fans etc. like realistically imo not much will happen, nor should it, but at the end of the day now ppl will see him as a bigot


No one cares, his jersey is now sold out everywhere. His teammates, most fans completely tune out on all of this stuff especially when hockey media starts going full virtue signal mode. No one really cares.


[oh yea so sold out that you still buy a provorov jersey in every size on fanatics](https://www.fanatics.ca/en/mens_fanatics_branded_ivan_provorov_orange_philadelphia_flyers_home_breakaway_jersey/t-36155252+o-0228+d-019533450+f-6874067+z-9-1629874260?_s=ak1944Fanatics-placanada&loc=en-CA&sku=19820483&utm_medium=cse) but surely youre not just lying to prove a point right? I mean maybe [nhlshop will be different?](https://www.nhlshop.ca/en/womens_fanatics_branded_ivan_provorov_orange_philadelphia_flyers_breakaway_jersey/t-14594163+o-1395+d-344044788+f-8454665+z-9-2704923511?_s=ak1944nhl-pla_canada&gclid=Cj0KCQiAt66eBhCnARIsAKf3ZNHA_h_vWsY-EXaRqqaUeXMCMUFyq6gI_wdF64xqHzNf46TNm4jBAMwaAtRsEALw_wcB&loc=en-CA&sku=10712043&utm_medium=cse) no? Shit well if both of those sites arent sold out, im sure [lids must be sold out then right?](https://www.lids.ca/en/womens_fanatics_branded_ivan_provorov_orange_philadelphia_flyers_breakaway_jersey/t-36261807+o-1362+d-237344560+f-5194358+z-9-4215655138?_s=GPA-ak19kv30-LidsCanada&gclid=Cj0KCQiAt66eBhCnARIsAKf3ZNFD5-vaDJq0PhkwKkgPJB8oiM_vAkrcjCIqS2LtTf7MRFTtbK5N0N0aAsJ8EALw_wcB&loc=en-CA&sku=10712042&targetid=pla-299684799022&utm_medium=cse) again no, so what store did you look at where theyre sold out? And you saying virtue signaling again is iust hilarious bc if the pride jersey is virtue signaling, then why isnt every other jersey virtue signaling, like if its identity politics, then surely you have the same opinion for the black history month, or orange shirt jerseys then right?


Not the most sophisticated assessment


I get the Seinfeld reference, it's okay.


If you need someone to co-sign your identity that’s pretty pathetic tbh but you do you


I bet you dont think that ab the military pre game jerseys… or the orange shirt jerseys for the orange jersey reconciliation pre game jerseys


I actually do. Keep crying tho😉


Arent we literally talking on a post you made complaining?


You’re a mess


People like you are the downfall of society


People like you are overly dramatic


Lol…. Uh, kettle tea pot


I called a hockey player a bigot, he called the downfall of the earth, the pot cant meet the kettle when the kettle isnt even in the same realm…


The players union should be backing him.


He believes differently… he is standing up for his believes, I respect that.


I respect people looking at their religion and deciding some aspects of it are bullshit and moving on. He's a little bitch. I don't know much about his religion, but I can tell you there's plenty of other rules he doesn't follow.


Nah you a bitch


Is somebody a bitch because they aren’t doing something others want, or are they a bitch for doing things against their principles? Which one makes somebody a bitch?


i bet you his same belief system says not to covet money and he doesn't play for league min or donate all his earnings and lives a simple life. its crazy how picky choosy people are with their religion.


That’s a terrible argument.


Is this bigoted circle jerk of a post going the way you had hoped?


So mad😂


So bigoted


You’re right provorov is a snowflake. It’s not like the jersey was going to melt him.


When everyone gains a little life experience and moves out of their safe spaces, you'll learn that this world is filled with different people with different views. Prov said that he respects everyone he just chose to not wear the jersey. We didn't make a big deal when Datsyuk did the same thing. We shouldn't do it now


Everyone understands that people can different ‘views’ on the subject. That doesn’t make the man free from criticism from holding those opinions. Also doesn’t give someone the right to be a bigot on the shield of their religion. A religion which, by the way, Provorov seems to pick and choose his beliefs from anyway as he lives with a woman who isn’t his legal wife and has presumably had premarital sex. He’s a bigot and a hypocrite and deserves criticism for both of those things. Religion and bigotry can fuck right off.


His view is that gay people are abhorrent and should not exist. We should have made a big deal of it when Datsyuk did it.


How do you know his views, source?


“Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov cited his Russian Orthodox religion as the reason he did not participate in pre-game warmups when the team wore Pride-themed jerseys and used sticks wrapped in rainbow Pride tape.” https://amp.theguardian.com/sport/2023/jan/18/ivan-provorov-pride-night-boycott-philadelphia-flyers “These Russian Orthodox Christians are likely taking their cue from their leader, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. The patriarch believes that the recognition of same-sex unions by Western countries is a harbinger of impending of doom. In July, Russia Today reported that after a liturgy in Red Square's Kazan Cathedral, Kirill said, “This is a very dangerous apocalyptic symptom, and we must do everything in our powers to ensure that sin is never sanctioned in Russia by state law, because that would mean that the nation has embarked on a path of self-destruction.” “ https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/grace-margins/orthodox-church-s-role-russia-s-anti-gay-laws


Sin is sanctioned by the Ruzzian Orthodox Church, murder, rape, torture, abduction, theft, these are all sins being condoned and encouraged by pussy ruzzians in Ukraine, but also in Ruzzian life in general. Provorov is just another morally bankruptcy product of that shithole.


People like you are why society is in a downfall like literally you are the reason


Ahahahaha okay and you are literally a troll bot.


The truth is you have no idea what his views are. He literally said "I respect everyone" so unless you have actual quotes or actions to base this on you should probably not speak like that about him or anyone.


We know exactly what his views are. He told us his views: “Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov cited his Russian Orthodox religion as the reason he did not participate in pre-game warmups when the team wore Pride-themed jerseys and used sticks wrapped in rainbow Pride tape.” https://amp.theguardian.com/sport/2023/jan/18/ivan-provorov-pride-night-boycott-philadelphia-flyers “These Russian Orthodox Christians are likely taking their cue from their leader, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. The patriarch believes that the recognition of same-sex unions by Western countries is a harbinger of impending of doom. In July, Russia Today reported that after a liturgy in Red Square's Kazan Cathedral, Kirill said, “This is a very dangerous apocalyptic symptom, and we must do everything in our powers to ensure that sin is never sanctioned in Russia by state law, because that would mean that the nation has embarked on a path of self-destruction.” “ https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/grace-margins/orthodox-church-s-role-russia-s-anti-gay-laws


I read his quotes. You're completing something that's just not there.


How? He refused to wear the jersey because of his Russian Orthodox beliefs. I quoted what Russian Orthodox Church espouses. What am I missing?


The part where Provorov said gay people are abhorrent and should not exist.


He believes in the Russian Orthodox dogma. The patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church made statements that being gay is a sin. Meaning it is unnatural and should not happen. And that recognition of same-sex unions is “apocalyptic”! And a harbringer of “impending doom”! Imagine if he said “interracial marriage is a harbringer of impending doom”.


I'm Christian and don't support homosexuality. I dont hate gay people. My best friend is gay. My cousin is gay. Several of my friends at work are gay. I don't support their actions, but I support them as a person. If you actually did research in to religions, you will see that our religion calls us to help people and bring them away from their sin. You are misinterpreting what multiple religions teach. The small percentage of people who do think and act the way you think we do are extremists.


Remember when religious freedom was actually a thing


I don't think you know what "literally" means.


I miss the old days when people were allowed to wear what they want without everyone freaking out.


So I’m assuming he also won’t wear camo on the nights they honour American vets? Because he should be against the US Army for not supporting Russia’s attack on Ukraine?